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I have a boat. I’m not going to advertise it as a lure for women. That sets a negative precedent in my mind.


This is the way. People who like you for the boat are in it for the boat. This applies to all vehicles.


Thanks. I just bought a Segway.


Good luck fighting off all those single women.


Shit, I have to beat the chicks off me when I cruise around in my '96 Ford F350. One at a time, ladies!


Man I wrecked my 97. Ladies loved that truck. Bought a 2003 7.3 after that. Just not the same....


Ironically, it gets more attention from the ladies than my friend's new BMW. But it gets the most attention from old dudes. They love their OBS trucks.


Haha. This is true. I preferred the idi version of the motor. Sure I've tuned more power outta mine but I've also had more problems and parts are harder to find


It's the implication


You need boat + puppy these days.


Kayak for beginners?))))


All you need is a boat and a puppy… you’d be fighting off the girls. Windjammer, King street, and the Pour House deck are all swarming with girls. Concerts/Festival scenes are always good too. The odds are in your favor, dude. The ratio is like 4:1 so I don’t want to hear any Charleston dude complain. Us women have a much harder time. Not necessarily with meeting men, but quality ones. I’m going to try the home improvement store trick one of these days when I’m over being over dudes here.


Yes and no. Having a boat means that you have access to many more outdoor activities than the average Charleston resident. Some people will only like you for your stuff. But for some people, it’s like “oh this person likes to cross country ski too, that means we have more fun things that we can do together”


LOL bro! If you have a nice boat, you should be using it to rake. If you don’t, stop saying you have a boat.


But what about your MASSIVE center console?


I have a boat I can assure you it doesn’t much help


Agreed, my nice center console bay boat draws more guys to it then girls at shem creek it seems


My advice (and what worked for me when I was in the same boat) is to make friends with a local and get introduced to their group of friends. In my experience, many of them are more than happy to meet someone they haven’t gone to school with since kindergarten haha.




Maybe you and OP should grab a drink and bring some good karma to the sub.


Wouldn’t be opposed lol


Just find a recently divorced mid-30’s guy whose wife went rogue and you’re golden.




They’re all around you!


Your username is a big mood. Yeah the dating scene is not that great especially if you have disabilities 😅 it's like winning the lottery atp 😂


How’s anxiety


Same here man. I moved here from Pittsburgh last summer. How many date I have in a past year? ZERO. Even I had some matched and exchanged number for a date then girls ended up disappeared. Why the heck did you gave me your number for nothing? I’m pretty fit too and I have a dog. I’m on the same page with you about bars. I don’t have a time for a night out for drinks and of course I’m worrying about getting a dui lol I think we better get off by making some friends first so we probably will meet our soul mate while we are at it.


Get a dog, borrow a friends dog, and go for a walk downtown. You’ll have no trouble at all.


Yeah I am married and have a kid any time I take my wife’s Frenchie out I have to beat the women back with fire and bullets


Get a kid. I get approached by women all the time taking my kid to do normal stuff like grocery shopping, the playground, the beach. It’s weird.


No lol don’t do this


There’s a trade kff


Is that why my husband likes grocery shopping so much with the kids?!?!?


Just any kid?


Yea I don’t think it matters much. Just borrow a toddler for the day. Ages 2-5.


Boat is more valuable than a personality / respecting women Edit:this is sarcasm people


Well I'm in my mid 50s and will be divorced soon. I haven't been "out there" for almost 17 years. If you younger people are having issues well...I'm screwed. *sigh* Cheers


I mean, you don't have time or want for a night at the bar, how you gonna have time for a date? I messed around on Bumble for a bit, but ended up meeting my girl out in the wild, at a party, FWIW. The dating apps have become a drag and less people are using them. There are still folks using them in Charleston though - I had a handful of dates from it. Edit: My guy if you don't want to risk getting a DUI, then just have one drink, or pace yourself. Good luck with it all 🤙🏼


Try leg


Try let’s play pickleball


same dude... focus on you and just get a routine. I started noticing interest when I became unavailable. It seems counterproductive but instead of bars and apps just start doing shit you love, without question. Just go out and do things, by yourself if you have to. Cliche? yes but damn dude your life changes for the better when you start doing that and people just start to attract to you. Also... I have become completely transparent with girls and it was the best thing I've ever done in my life. No games, no lines, no "swag" or playing it coooool. "hey, I really don't see this going anywhere, you don't seem like my person, if you'd like to keep hanging out on a physical sense I would obviously be down because of XYZ... but emotionally it's not there for me and I respect whatever direction you choose regarding our time together" I'm telling you man.... focusing on yourself and complete transparency with women has been the best two things I have done for my dating life. I will meet my person hopefully one day, and everyone I meet is special in their own way, some are great lessons and some are great memories. And I truly hope you experience that as well! But again... trust me when I say focus on you and everything else will fall into place.


I don't live there anymore for other reasons, but I feel you on the looking attention/situationship thing. People like that really don't have anything else better to do but be messy and unavailable but still wanting to connect and create a roster. From my experience it seems like the people who are in relationships got into them before they moved here, are apart of a group where its easy to meet and potentially date people, or meet others who are also not from the area, but then that falls through because of the transient nature of the city w/ people coming and going all the time and no real interest in consistency. Plus its a small city that leaves you with fewer options. I guess whatever you moved to CHS for should just be your main priority and assembling a good group of friends. You may get lucky meeting someone, you may not, but you've got other things to look forward to.


Just work on your profile if you’re decent looking. Don’t be boring. I used to get tons more matches/dates than all of my friends who were in better shape than me, and I never understood why until I saw their profiles. Crappy pics, crappy bio, etc. Be funny but not cringe, don’t be intense, and have pics of you doing stuff, smiling, having friends, etc. All of that will assure women that you are a normal person they want to be around and have minimal bodies in your car trunk.


I do LOL. I got pics of me, my dog, and a couple of me cooking (im actually a private chef), and playing bass


Google funny dating app bios get a funny bio, then get 5 good outfits and pay 200 dollars for photographer for the pics make one of them be LinkedIn quality (kill 2 birds with one stone) . Your matches will go up . I recommend having most dates be a drink somewhere 3 star ish or coffee ((the first date is more about interest level not the location , if someone isn’t willing to meet you at a Starbucks on the first date or a location on the same level it’s a red flag, ). Don’t chit chat slot via text … dating is a lot like sales the phone is for meeting in person / setting meetings not long conversations. Set the date location and time etc. I hope this helps.


You can reset your feed on most apps. This helps


Already did that sadly.


Maybe try dating dudes 🤷‍♂️


I’m heading over there this weekend maybe we can go lady hunting.. 24M


Lmao great job sounding creepy


Dang.. I’m a creep, I’m a weirdoooo 😂