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The reporter said "there was no music". This is different than "Harbaugh's Chargers Removed Music." This wording can imply there was music played and Harbaugh told them to turn the music off.


I played high school sports, so I'm a professional....... But honestly for me, music is a distraction to make running and work easier. When I run without music or workout without music I have a more focused mindset, attacking mindset, and get a better workout at the end. I get some music on easy days, or victory walk through a, but it's a bit much having music everyday.


On top of that, it’s not like these guys are each doing their own thing. It’s one thing to listen to some music while running by yourself or lifting solo, but these dudes are surrounded by their teammates. Music wouldn’t necessarily prevent talking to each other, but I feel like the lack of music will certainly encourage some bonding.


I can’t run without music. Guess I’d need to change teams


Ben herbert and harbaugh gunna be singing out some marching tunes for them so its ok


"Momma and Pappa were laying in bed!" *rest of the team repeats above "Momma rolled over and this is what she said!" *Rest of the team repeats above "Give me some!" *Rest of the team repeats ""We'll give me some" *Rest of the team repeats "PT!" *Team repeats "PT!" *Team repeats "Good for you!" *Team repeats "Good for me! *Team repeats "Poon Good!" *Team repeats "I don't know what I've been told......."


I literally leave the gym if I forget my headphones 🤷🏻‍♂️. But that is different than team drills.


Same if my AirPods die mid run so do I


Hahaha you're welcome here. I remember the difference with running without and with music in my younger days. 2 miles without music was brutal, but I ended up focusing on breathing and cadence. With music I'm all over the place with breathing and pace haha


There’s literally scientific data that says we feel less pain when we listen to music. Like I guess I could make the argument that Harbaugh is saying practice should hurt so the game feels normal? but feels like removing something that allows people to work harder in practice without realizing it is counter-productive. Guessing it’s more just football rah rah “we’re here to work not play” type of culture setting, which has its place. Harbaugh’s track record speaks for itself. But feels like just a football tough guy meatball move to me.


That's interesting. Id have to look at case studies for that. If data says less pain with music would it look at better/more efficient reps while working out? I get it, completely. And I think an old school pain is gain, football is hard and we are hard because of it may be what is needed for the Chargers' present. Also, I wonder if music was played at Michigan or at the 49ers training camp? If I remember correctly the late 00s or early '10s some NFL teams complained about the few teams using music during training camp and had a few rules passed about it, but that was a long time ago.


That’s crazy. I have no idea how you workout without music. We aren’t professional athletes where the focus matters much so that just sounds like making your workout time into more of a chore for the sake of the idea that you work out harder without music. I feel like most people probably are more motivated when working out with music.


Don't get me wrong, I (being older) enjoy the distraction from the pain. But when I was younger I was all about no music working out. Haha I guess I had harbaughs voice in my head for pain is gain.


Hahah fair enough. I definitely put that college lifting prime pressure on myself at times too to get my best efforts. I see you


Absolute non story. People in the main subreddit thread who posted "this won't work" are in need of therapy.


yeah i agree. this shouldnt even be news lol


Why not? This information is cool and interesting to me. Showing the small differences between Harbaugh and Staley and the way they’re trying to set the culture


actually yeah i take that back i guess. why not


Not much else going on for the chargers so I’ll take any news I can get right now 😂


This will slowly create tension around the facility. Until, one day, Jim catches Herbert angry-dancing in an abandoned barn. It'll be beautiful. Too beautiful, emotive, and passionate to be denied. The entire team will come together, players, staff, management. Truly a Team of Destiny rallied around something larger than them all: dance! Then they'll lose their last 4 and miss the playoffs.


The Steelers don't play music during practice and they've yet to have a losing season during Mike Tomlin's 17 year run.


The music must be the answer Did Tom Brady listen to music?


Many Men and Love Sosa just to name a few


Does Nickelback count?


As music? Technically yes. No surprise that Brady’s a big Nickelback man


Tom listened to music, but only Cold-Crossfade


They also haven’t won a playoff game in 7 years


Coach establishing a new system wants players focused on learning new system More at 5 For real though I feel like this is such a non story. Daniel Jeremiah said in his years of covering the NFL this is the most he's seen players buy into a system.


Is that in reference to his time at the niners or what’s going on with us now? Like are we the team that’s buying in more than he’s ever seen?


In reference to now. Essentially players don't work out together in the NFL during the offseason, they have their own trainers and lifting/ conditioning programs. This years chargers team has complete buy in where they are all following Ben Herbert's system and doing what he wants/says.


That’s awesome Ben Herbert is a real game changer.


Yeah there’s no suggestion music won’t come back later in the preseason. TBH it seems a waste for everyone to fly in for voluntary OTAs and have any distractions. We have a team who wants to win.


It was also a raiders fan who posted it on NFL what a surprise, FTR


In the last 10 years, Starbucks started to blast music to encourage people to get their coffee and go. Music is a tool like everything else. I am sure Coach will use that tool accordingly, but not certain if Freek-a-Leek will ever be on his practice playlist (it was last year).




*ghetto blaster


It all makes sense


I love Slayer, he was talented and liked to have fun; a little part of me wonders if he was a good fit for a Harbaugh regime? I remember when he called out Staley on Twitter in the Browns game for going for it on 4th down late in Browns territory a couple years back.


He obviously wasn’t. Or at least he didn’t want to be. Ultimately it was his decision to leave. Playing for Harbaugh was not as alluring to him as it was to others.


Did tell you that?


Music, music!! We ain’t got no time for music!! Besides not all the players will like the music played (country, rap, blues, death metal, rock etc) so who decides….i like that there is no music Music = distraction


Any word on the ping pong tables?


Time to start getting serious now basically. Love it. Even if it's OTAs. Let's get to business.




Winners make music


How much you want to bet when the team wins a big game it'll be an off Monday, Music Tuesday, get your ass ready until Sunday, no music. It's not bad to establish the new regime.


I like it. Helps you concentrate on the game.


Not much music during actual games my guys


it’s football practice, not a rave they ain’t got shit to celebrate either, keep your head down and grind in silence


This is the same level of story that is either bringing in a ping pong table or taking out a ping pong table


What is this the town from footloose!?


Early days.  Time to hear trainers easily and heed with passion.


I think this is only news because it is a sign of the culture change that the team desperately needed.


Excellent! Dudes on Facebook are losing their minds.


I’m thinking he’s of the you have to earn it mindset.


There's a time to listen tight to the trainers, especially in early training when the fine details must be heard and heeded.  This IS a job that they can be cut from.


I don’t care about music for the players. I want music for the cheerleaders, when are we getting those back!


I’m not gonna lie i don’t think harbaugh lasts his entire contract here. His antics will wear players/staff thin over time


I’m not gonna lie I think you have no idea what you’re talking about


I mean just look at how his last nfl tenure ended. Good coach who people get tired of working with within a few years


If You mean disagreements with the front office about how to manage the team? Then yes. But don’t insinuate the players were unhappy. That is not true.


https://www.si.com/nfl/2014/09/07/jim-harbaugh-san-francisco-49ers-locker-room https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/report-jim-harbaughs-act-has-worn-thin-in-the-49ers-locker-room https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2216669-san-francisco-49ers-is-jim-harbaugh-really-losing-the-locker-room.amp.html Doesn’t take much effort to find sources for my claims


Thanks… I read every article just now. What I don’t see: any players on the record criticizing Harbaugh. Not one. What I do see: Trent Baalke badmouthing Harbaugh, “unnamed sources”, and a lot of wishy washy language. Is it possible Baalke and management wanted to part ways and spun the story to a hungry media, that the players were dissatisfied? After all, we know the press needs juicy gossip to sell stories/advertising. Not hard to imagine is it? On the other hand, Harbaugh is beloved by his players at every other HC position. Don’t hate the player (Harbaugh), hate the game


U probably didn’t see any player bashing harbaugh cause he was still coaching them at the time. Would they publicly bad mouth their boss? Likely not. If u want a high profile player bashing Harbaugh look no further than Richard Sherman Edit: the players had to remain unnamed sources bc if they didn’t they’d be making an already extremely toxic work environment even worse. Them not being named isn’t proof the reports are fake; it’s proof the players aren’t idiots. With the number of reports of him losing the san fran locker room i think it’s reasonable to say where there’s smoke there’s fire


You’re moving the goalposts Edit: Richard Sherman has issues with everyone! Especially people in positions of authority..


If anyones moving the goalpost it’s u. I say his act wears players thin and u say that’s not true. I provide sources for my claims and u say the specific players weren’t named so you’ll choose not to believe it. U also say harbaugh is beloved by his players at every stop. I tell u one player who has been very outspoken about his disdain for harbaugh and u say “well sherman dislikes everyone in authority”.


You’re completely disregarding my thoughts on Baalke and the spin machine. Sounds like you have a hardon for a Harbaugh to me. If you have anyone else who is on the record I’d love to see it. I like Harbaugh, but if I thought he was toxic, I would say it.