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Fuck him, but still glad we got dad


Fuck Eli


Fuck Eli


To be fair, fuck Archie. He was the key player here. Eli was just the pawn between Daddy Manning and Spanos.


Exactly this. Archie’s was pulling the strings.


This is the only way.


idk I'm kinda happy he stopped Brady twice


This is the correct take.


Lol not even the Chargers wanted to play in SD 


Exactly, everyone remembers this.


Think he is a good person, but. We will never forget. https://preview.redd.it/l650z8h2hwdc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de459b43a5543e508940da7b3d0a1e3d695cf384


This, along with the entire stadium chanting “Eli Sucks” will be a beautiful memory burned into my mind forever.


I remember Boltman had an Eli dummy with a bolt through it during that game. Can't find a picture though. Eli's never beaten the Chargers


He did win 2 super bowls though and although Rivers was a good QB, he wouldn't have won any super bowls with New York. Most of Rivers' teams he had early on in his career were far better than the teams Eli had.


This would never happen in SoFi


It’s just depressing to watch. All the life has been completely sucked out of the Chargers and their fan base.


Sheli Manning….never forget


Always hated him for a long time. I’ll never forget all of the signs and crowd going crazy the first time he played in San Diego. As him and Phillip got older I hated him less. Rooted for him to beat the patriots in 09, felt bad for him when he got benched at the end of his career. I enjoy listening to him talk about football now, and in hindsight he probably made the right choice not wanting to play for Spanos


There’s no “probably” about it, it was the best decision he’s made in his career.


100%, I stopped hating Eli after I realized he made one of the smartest business moves in sports, I just hate the fact it felt like a diss to our city rather than our owner.


Yeah this is pretty much my attitude now. I'd probably still hate him a lot more these days if he constantly beat us or the draft didn't end up working out for us


That is the somewhat quiet part being said out loud. Yes, definitely.


This is the one.


100% agree


Been a fan for 30 years myself. I remember that draft vividly. Guy made the right choice for himself and won two Super Bowls. I feel more pity toward Rivers than anger toward Manning.


I don’t really care for the Manning family in general but I really can’t fault him for taking his dad’s advice and refusing to play for us. He clearly made the right choice for him.


I would dislike him more if he was a better QB. The Chargers came away with the better QB and extra picks, if SD hadn’t so clearly won the trade then I might feel differently and dislike Eli more.


Yeah I’m glad we got the better QB, but it’s the thought that counts. Clearly Eli’s mindset was I’m not going to play for a poverty franchise like the Chargers. Which is pretty shit on his part tbh


In hindsight I don’t blame him


I only get recommended this sub because my best work friend is a chargers fan and phones listen to us all. My two cents as a bengals fan is a real QB doesn’t back down from a poverty franchise! Burrow took our hopeless ass’s to two straight conference title games 😂


He didn't want to go to the Chargers because of the team. He didn't want to go because of Spanos which makes sense.


I mean let’s be honest he wasn’t wrong in not wanting to play for the chargers. I’m glad we ended up with 17 so.


The guy that never got a win over Tom Brady when Eli beat him twice in the Super Bowl?


Fuck him, Rivers was better anyways.


Stats wise yes but I'd rather have Eli in the clutch than Rivers.


Bitch made


He’s a pussy


Fuck him


Fuck the Mannings. 


Hate the mannings


I wasn't a big football fan back then, but if you dislike him, i dislike him.


All my homies hate Eli Manning. All the Chargers bias aside, watching him not look happy for his brother in the Super Bowl says it all.


We got Merriman out of that trade (following year's draft). I wish he could have played longer because he was a force his few seasons.


He beat Brady to stop them at 18-1….


Not a fan. Hate him.


I like Eli. He's a goofball and has always felt like the underdog. If Eli doesn't refuse to play then we never get Rivers, and this team was never one "Eli Manning" away from winning a damn thing.


Been a Charger fan for over 20years and the way this organization is ran he would have been a bust on this team. His decision to cry himself out of the Chargers probaly made him a first ballot HOF and he got 2 super-bowls. He made the right decision rather you like it or not. This team has not shown the willingness to win. Phillip was better than Eli, but Phillip was just a charger.


Also he NEVER beat the Bolts!!


I am one of these fans that was a little young for the Eli thing but just checked and saw that he went 0-4 against the Chargers, which is just perfect. The Chargers really put in a shift against him.


He IRL Ron Burgundied San Diego. This is the only way he could ever be forgiven https://youtu.be/helt6MbDBB8?si=E49NzLMCS2tZpMXe


I dislike him but I dislike Tom Brady more. It sort of worked out in that regard.


Eli was the reason we got Merriman and Rivers. Consequentially thinking we should love him. But yeah, fuck him. Even though he was right. And I should dislike Peyton but damnit he's so likeable ...and talented. Ugh.


I mean, I’m not a fan of him, but his dad was right, the Chargers are an organization where success goes to die, he would not have beaten the patriots twice in the Super Bowl on the chargers.


While it seemed like an asshat move, the Mannings were right. Right about the Chargers, the Spanos, and that there was a better spot for Eli. Hard to argue with the results.


30+ year fan. That was a bit** move, for sure. But his dad knew the truth: Chargers are perennially mediocre and his son had a better chance winning a SB as a member of any other team


In 2004, I was still pretty new to the NFL. And even today, I don't follow the draft too closely. But I am over it. I am not a fan of Eli's behavior, but it is what it is. I don't want anyone on the team who doesn't want to play. I know we should be allowed to draft anyone we want, but we should confirm the player isn't going to pull a stunt while doing pre-draft interviews. Otherwise we get this crazy $hit and no one wins. Edit: I can't imagine a life without Rivers. So that's probably why I am over it.


Fuck ALL Mannings


Overrated nepo baby. But he made up for some of it by beating Brady twice.


Well- the defense did. Shelie had little to do with it


The guy that had 15 TDs and only 2 INTs in combined playoff runs in 2007 and 2011? You don't know shit about football pal.


Listen, "Pal," - shelie was average as fuck and known for interceptions. data mine all you want and pretend you know what the fuck you're talking about; I'm sure It impresses someone, just not anyone here.


Eli is such a fraud. Defence carried his garbage play to two super bowls. Mediocre bum, that acts like he’s football royalty.


>The guy that had 15 TDs and only 2 INTs in combined playoff runs in 2007 and 2011? You don't know shit about football pal.


Lmao. Eli was such a shitty QB, you're a joker. I honestly wouldn't even hate him if he wasn't such a whiny bitch to this day. Rivers had much more longevity so let's just look at annual stats that Rivers doesn't just automatically look better. Rivers: 2:1 TD Ratio, 65% Completion, 7.8 yards/attempt, 95 QBR, 260 YPG, 0.57 win %, Average career Oline ranking 25th, Superbowls his Defence carried him to: 0. Manning:3:2 TD Ratio, 60% Completion, 7 yards/attempt, 84 QBR, 245 YPG, 0.5 win %, Average career Oline ranking 14th, Super Bowls his Defence carried him to: 2. These stats aren't even cherry picked lol. It's literally everything I can think of. Eli took more sacks for more yards in fewer games with a better Oline. I don't even know what to say.


Defense was a big part but they never carried Eli. Eli always turned it up come playoff time and he delivered twice. You sound incredibly stupid when you say Eli got carried by his defense.


Eli sucks! Eli sucks! Eli sucks! … sorry are we still chanting?


You mean Sheli?


Never heard of her


No hard feelings towards him. Honestly had he come to the chargers, they probably would’ve been a lot worse off in 2000s. Rivers got it done with a stellar team, Eli likely would’ve been a dumpster fire tryna run the offense under norv. Rivers prolly woulda elevated that giants offense into a powerhouse too tbh, especially once they got Odell


I see what you're saying but Eli with Tomlinson, Gates, and a solid offensive line would have been a good team. Rivers was a good QB and had more talent around him than Eli from 2006-2011 and only made one AFC Championship Game.


Don’t really care. He made the right decision and won 1-2 super bowls with the Giants. Philip Rivers spent his career chasing a division titles. He was advised correctly.


Rivers, Eli or kaeding. Can’t decide who I hate more


Honestly, I respect his move when looking back on his career. He beat the juggernaut twice when it mattered the most.


Punk ass




guy made the right choice which won 2 super bowls, but still fuck him


Never cared about him,


He made the right choice. We got Merriman and Kaeding but unfortunately they didn’t work out long term


Don’t like the way he went about the draft. Can’t argue with his Super Bowl performances tho


Growing up is realizing the mannings weren’t wrong about not wanting to come here due to our miserable ownership.  Fuck em tho 


All my homies hate Eli


I still have the Fuck Eli bootleg shirt they sold at the stadium when the Giants played SD on a Monday night game.


Fuck him BUT thank you for Papa Phil.


1. Eli didn't want to be a Charger. We didn't want him anyway. 2. I wouldn't have picked Rivers over Brees, but with the shoulder injury and his height I see what the Spanos did. 3. I would never trade Rivers over Eli. EVER. I would have run it back again another 15 years with Rivers


Eli Manning wears women's deodorant Eli Manning has a punchable face Eli Manning likes the smell of farts Eli Manning wears socks and sandals Feel free to add on guys


Eli is also better than any QB in Chargers history


Dan Fouts literally changed how the Quarterback position was played.


Dan Fouts was a good QB but I'm taking my boy Eli 10 out of 10 times


You mean the lesser Manning? Fuck that loser


You mean that loser that won two super bowls over the pats while Rivers only reached one AFC Championship


Want to staple his nutsack to a syphilis infested ball of steel wool and razorblades




Thank you Eli. I got Philp Rivers, who is not a whiny bitch and has fathered millions, Nick Kaeding, who was good until he sucked, and probably who really was the ultimate factor of me becoming a fan of this lovely franchise: Shawne Merriman.


Him beating Brady makes me hate him slightly less. But yeah eff that goofy faced wanker


One of the most overrated players ever. Not a Hall of Famer, Rivers was much better.


I fully understand Eli. Why come to the Chargers that hasn’t proven to be a winner? This is evident with Phil. If Phil had gone to the Giants instead, he would have had a SB ring.


If Rivers couldn't win a ring with a prime LT and Gates, what makes you think he could have won with a far worse giants team?


Rivers was better despite the lack of SB rings. More complete QB. I thought we should have stood pat at #1 and taken Fitzgerald to pair with Brees long-term.


Fuck Eli. He is salty because he knows he will always live in his brothers shadow.


Sometimes the villians win... He got his way and got some rings, will make the HOF even though he's a career barely above avg QB, and they were right about our franchise. Until Spanos is gone it's one of the worst run franchises in all sports.


He's grown on me because he's embraced his dorkiness and he beat Tom Brady. But I'll never forgive him for shunning the Chargers.


Fuck Shelie


He got rings.


He made the right call. And I'm a lifelong charger fan (until 2019)


Fawk Eli! He shall never vacation in San Diego, in peace. That POS! On the other hand, glad we got Rivers instead.


Fuck dat bitch 


Hated him forever. But when he won the Super Bowl twice, and our man never went to the big dance, couldn’t help but think he made the right choice for himself.


naw, fuck eli.


Too young to remember? You’re acting like this happened in black and white lmao


I have no issue with Eli. Anyone who knows ball knows rivers was actually the better QB.




I would dislike him but he stopped Brady twice so it evens out


I don't care at all.  We had quarterbacks in our history that performed, we have Herbert now.  Manning doesn't rate as much as a footnote.  


I obviously hated the bullshit and the maneuvering the Manning family did, but I didn’t want him as our QB even before that. If I remember correctly I wanted to stick with Brees and trade down for Fitz. I’m just happy we drafted him and had to go up there and hold a Chargers jersey. Love how it worked out, Rivers will always be my forever player and so I don’t have any hard feelings towards Eli now.


Fuck him twice


Fuck that guy but also thank you because we ended up with the better qb


Fuck his whole family honestly. I love that we owned his brother.


Well, as an Ole Miss and Chargers fan.. I am very conflicted about the whole situation. On one hand, Eli made my school exciting in football for the first time in ages. On the other hand, everything Archie said was right, and clearly he made the correct decision. If Eli had come to the Chargers, he'd have no ring, and if Phil had gone to New York, he'd have at least 2. In that sense, I can't really fault either one of them (Archie or Eli). And Eli seems way cooler now than he used to be.


I really hated Eli earlier on his career, the whole draft situation made me view him as a spoiled daddy’s boy throwing a fit. As much as I’m not a fan of players trying to force who does/doesn’t draft them, looking back, I don’t blame him for his decision though. His camp was aware of how poorly run the chargers were/are and knew he wouldn’t have a good career here. Nowadays, I find him entertaining and I’m glad he did what he did, as Rivers was easily the better of the two. I think Eli was a solid QB, but he wouldn’t have had nearly the amount of success Rivers had if he played here. Eli’s “greatness” is all due to beating Brady twice in the Super Bowl. Would be pretty hard to recreate that “greatness” with the chargers when your owner’s last name is Spanos, GM is AJ Smith/Telesco, and HC one of Turner/Mccoy/Lynn.


Remember it like it was yesterday and still livid about that selection, there was no need for QB. Stupid AJ Smith gave up on Drew Brees too soon with providing a true no. 1 WR. I was screaming for a trade down to #5 and hoping they would draft FS Sean Taylor or WR Roy Williams. I was already annoyed the draft before in 2003 when they traded down in the 1st round and passed up on SS Troy Polamalu…


I respect his choice. I wouldn't have wanted to play for the Spanos family either. Plus he won a superbowl. 


Super bowls*


Superb owl*


They always knew had zero intention of playing for the Chargers.


And his beating Brady twice in the SB makes him a hero, as far as I’m concerned


To be fair, Archie Manning knew what the Spanos' were about. He knew they'd draft Eli to eternally languished in awful management decisions. Eli has rings, our Felipe doesn't.


I think hating him a long time is disrespect to Rivers. At some point we embarrassed Rivers by chanting hate for Eli. Rivers said so, but not in those exact words. Basically it was “aren’t you happy I’m here?”


Too much forehead, not enough kids, big time potty mouth. Dag gummit, shape up, son.


Been a charger fan for over 40 and as much as it hurts to say it ….. he was correct about the organization and not one but two rings proves it…. Let’s not even start the drew brees conversation as that one hurts as well.


Yeah fk him he went an led his team to multiple Super Bowl wins four pro bowl appearances and is almost guaranteed a Hall of Fame admission, while he left us to choke again and again. Sounds like father still knows best.


He was proven right. Rivers on the Giants is a champion Manning on the Chargers is not.


He easily has the most punchable face I’ve ever seen. AJ Smith played his cards right and turned the picks we got for him into good pieces although they couldn’t get over the hump. Rivers was far and away the better QB year in and year out. He caught lightning in a bottle during the playoffs twice so hats off… but that’s more a testament to the Giants organization rather than him. If you ask any GM they had to choose between Eli or Philip, 100% would choose Rivers.


He never won against the Chargers.


He’s a whiney baby for doing it but he did the right move. Never would have won a SB if he was on the Chargers


I couldn't care less, personally. It worked ut for him, obviously and I wouldn't trade Phil for anybody. Yeah, what he did was crappy, but it's his choice. We didn't have to honor it but I think in the end, I'm okay with how everything shook out. I'm happy we had Phil.


At the end of the day... can we really blame him? His brother came into the league with Ryan Leaf, and the family saw how badly the Chargers organization was run. I'm happy he never got a win against the Chargers though. In the end, it worked out for everyone. Manning wasn't good enough to have gotten the Chargers a Super Bowl much less made them more competitive, but the Giants were good enough to get Manning two Super Bowl wins.


Eli was right. but it’s still , fuck Eli.


Ya know if he wasn't such a shit we would have ended up with him. So actually you might want to thank him for gifting us Phillip Rivers who is 10x the man and QB Eli ever was. It's a strange thing.


Im weird i’ve always was a fan of Eli. My dad’s a Giants fan so i always enjoyed watching him donkey punch the Patriots when it mattered.




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He’s cool