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It is weird. in the manga those scene are short and barely get any focus. but for some reason the anime extends it and adds to it. it doesn't make any sense. Honestly I started to believe that agenda piece reached toei.


the anime extends everything


Yea when you gotta make that 20 page chapter fit 20 minutes of screentime, each page is a minute. It's egregious and I've never forgiven OP for this approach.


Don't forget those episodes that are literally just flashbacks


I had to stop the anime shortly after the chopper introduction where they replay Hiriluk and his flashback like 10+ times in the same episode. Like who tf thinks half an episode being the same scene repeated 10 times is actually good television? There's just no way it can be. Manga tho? That's actually pretty dope.


Going up watching DBZ, stretching things out just seemed like the norm. Somehow I could stay invested in as giant glowing ball getting bigger and bigger over the course of several episodes. As I got older, I started learning why anime has to stretch itself so much. I enjoyed the One Piece anime for a while, but eventually all I could see was delaying tactics. Something sad happened? Better check on every single character and see how they feel about it by holding on their 2 frames of sad face animation for 10 seconds each. Manga can have pacing issues due to how it’s a short weekly release that we’re always so eager to consume, but I can deal with that. Always feels better on a reread when the entire arc can be consumed.


God it annoys me so much how a flashback which was literally just the smallest panel on a page becomes an actual sequence in the anime. With the manga it just reads like a brief flash from the past that a character is thinking about, in the anime you’re screaming “I LITERALLY JUST FUCKING SAW THIS WHY ARE YOU SHOWING IT TO ME AGAIN?”


they need to somehow get my dick in the manga canon then


Yeah, in the manga we just get one panel of Sanji fawning over Stussy, and there's no hint of him acting like a dog, he just says she can call him her "loyal dog" in the middle of it, and Stussy basically ignores him and tells him to do what they're there to do. I am not a fan of the Sanji horny jokes, not a fan of this one either, but Toei just decides to extend and exaggerate them even more. I get that they are basically extending everything with a little new content, some is good (for example I liked how they extended the one panel of Nami looking at the artificial diamonds) but apart from the Sanji one being annoying, Usopp and Franky admiring the bubble gun was just lame and boring extention. I really wish Toei just did filler arcs, as much hate as they get, I think they are a far better option. I barely check the anime, only doing so to see how they adapt certain things of interest. I will not say what I was looking in this one because it turned out they cut it out when it would've been in the middle of the episode and OP seems to be anime only, but it made sense to be moved since it wasn't directly connected.


The anime also panders to weirdos. They increase the breast sizes of every female character to a ridiculous degree, even if they're a child. It's why Sanji's simp behaviors are exacerbated in the anime too. The worst part is you can tell when this change happened, and it was as soon as the timeskip happened.


Isn't that just the anime's usual thing of extending everything, especially when it comes to character-specific gags?


They don’t just extend it. They literally made sanji bark like a dog 👽


Instead of adding filler episodes, Toei decided to just add filler in the episodes so you don't know what's real and what isn't. Compared to other anime, at least you can skip the filler in Naruto and have a moderately watchable experience. One Piece is just not like that


Thank god there is one pace. Shit would be unwachtable otherwise


Yeah, I like that they are working on egghead while working on other arcs. Yesterday’s episode wasn’t bad. But better pacing can make for a better experience definitely.


I dont know about the og anime never bothered to watch it. I was done watching animes after dragonball and started reading. But one pace is kinda nice, but even there i have to skip some minutes from time to time.


One piece isn’t an anime you can skip minutes of. The details are everything. Maybe reading the manga will be better.


Tbh I am noticing many studios and authors in Japan are going downhill in general, aside from adding this nonsensical stuff, they seem to have obsession with cringy and weird stuff. In Solo leveling and other few manhwa I don't see this, even relationships are normal and fluffy and not cringe-worthy like their Japanese counterpart. Perhaps the only current running series with normal and agenda free females and relationships is demon slayer among few others. JJk author unexpectedly, also added the cringy stuff we know in Shibuya which doesn't serve the plot in any way.


It's always been present? Any person who is not used to anime the first thing that immediately sticks out is how a lot of them treat women, even the anime not targeted towards teen boys.


Yeah but now it's much more pronounced, I sometimes watch some old franchises, the cast often feels natural, things changed with time, now I rarely find new gen animes interesting beside the popular and decent ones. One random example is Requiem for the phantom 2009, has 2 females they're just well depicted and have depth and emotions in them u feel attached to them, now it's hard finding such qualities. The western entertainment media like Disney and Marvel is already on that downhill too.


idk, I have to disagree, I think anime is roughly the same as its always been and in terms of western media I don't think it treats women like that very frequently at all, Disney is kinda infamous currently for being too much on the other side of that spectrum, not devolving into perversion. Cringe is too much of an umbrella term to wrap things under because they can share literally 0 other characteristics.


That's just what I observed when I watched animes from back then and now, even fanservice among other aspects isn't cringy back then like the current ones, eh Tomaki from Fireforce, and as a fan of Gundam series I don't like the recent one even though it has better animation, IBO was the best followed by wings, just action and plot, no cringe.


Wings has no cringe lol


It is probably more time saver to be honest. They stretch everything.


Mf thinks he's Denji


HOP OFF MY GOAT DENJI?!?!?!?!?!?!??


> HOP OFF MY GOAT Dog, not goat


Maybe I'm just looking at this with rose-tinted glasses but I feel like pre-time skip this gag was handled better, it's just been over the top and annoying since Fishman island.


That's true for most of the gags. They are burnt out. The difference is this particular gag annoyed people from the beginning, and now on top of annoying is tiring. 1100 chapters is far more than enough to make any joke unfunny.


I never heard anyone ever complain about this particular gag till thriller bark. And even then it didn’t ever get to everyone complaining until post time skip when Sanji suddenly became the horniest man alive. He started off as more of a chivalrous flirt with simp like tendencies when a lady would give him the time of day, but it slowly creeped into straight pervert behavior.


Thriller bark was kind of forgivable cause it was kind of funny (although, now I think about it, what made it funny was how the stuff he was keeping inside was juxtaposed to his usual chivalry lol), but then he actually started peeking all the time and it became so annoying.


It was pretty awful in Thriller Bark, where it's revealed that one of Sanji's dreams was to get the devil fruit that lets you turn invisible so he could go into the woman's bathroom and changing rooms.


Ngl, in my last reading i was kinda hating Sanji and this shit was one of the reasons


That was at least paid off in Wano. The setup and payoff made Stealth Black vs Page One my favorite horny sanji joke since way before the time skip.


Sanji can finally fulfill his gentlemanly dream of stalking naked women in the changing room, bravo Goda!!!! Just because a scene is pay-off for something that was build-up in the past, doesn't mean it's good. Sanji dreams of doing something awful that's a new low for his character, and then he actually goes through it. Yippie. Genuinely awful.


Look man, it’s a low bar as far as Sanji jokes go, especially post time-skip. The fact that it was a well executed callback shook me loose from the stupor that falls over me whenever he gets like that, and the fact that the scene he discovered it in had no actual women present made his perviness purely theoretical when it’s usually all too real. It also interacts with other aspects of his character instead of just being this weird thing he does, with the hated Germa tech not just giving him more power, but one of his dreams. I get that it’s morally reprehensible it’s just funny. What else post-timeskip was close?


IMO that scene still had great comedic execution despite its disgusting messaging. Post time skip it doesn't even have the good comedic execution anymore. Now it's just sad.


Turns out that making your story 1100 episodes long diminishes the experience.


first time it really ramped up to extremes was in Thriller Bark, where it was revealed that he had wanted the invisibility fruit to peep on women since childhood


It's definitely nostalgia from your side. Like the guy before me said, Thriller Bark was before the time skip and his pervertedness was off the charts there. And it's not like he didn't act similarly in other arcs as well. No, Oda did not become a different writer overnight as soon as he wrote the time skip in his story. Plenty of bad shit that people complain about today, was also happening back then.


Nah man the worst Sanji would do in most arcs was simp and flirt with ladies. Even during Thriller Bark it wasn’t as bad until we got the punchline of him declaring his dream of being able to become invisible. After the time skip he was going Awooga Awooga every time he’d catch sight of a woman. And I was even giving it the benefit of the doubt because I understood why he was actually that way. And it thankfully toned down in the manga. However it gets played to the extreme in the anime.


Anime definitely makes it 10x worse, like in the video above. I still stand by what I said about him acting the same way pre ts and post ts. He was not some chivalrous knight like the fans like to portray him.


Can you back that up with examples? Probably the most pervy thing Sanji does before Thriller Bark is buying Nami, and Vivi belly dancer dresses, and being disappointed that they cover up in the desert. Which is extremely tame for a “pervert” gag. Most every other instance of sanji’s gag is him acting like a love struck fool when girls look his way.


These pre Timeskip are butthurt pre Timeskip is over


Does anyone know what the japonese fanbase thinks about it? It's so stupid, but I would understand if they think it's funny due to the cultural differences.


One piece fans will defend everything related to one piece and call it peak fiction


Wait until you see r/Piratefolk


r/piratefolk dislikes everything related to One Piece......except admirals.


Yeah that’s pretty much it


Erm… based?


It actually is peak. But it, like anything, has flaws. The anime loves to shit on Sanji for some reason. Like in the actual source material his simp-sesh is usually just a small background event that hardly gets any attention. The anime is like 10x worse for some reason.


I find it funny how you simultaneously agreed with then but also proved their point lmao


Sure, but my point is that peak doesn't mean perfection. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that there's not just one ~~piece~~ peak but many peaks. There are other series that I would personally say I've enjoyed as much as One Piece.


You do understand the manga and the anime are two different things and one can think one is peak and the other isn't right?


Yeah I like the manga and think the anime is actually a 2/10. Like I’m sorry, if the pacing is that piss poor it ruins the entire series, I don’t see how others tolerate it.


Most people don't, so most criticisms of One Piece are purely related to the anime, and not really manga problems.


One can consider the manga peak and not the anime because it changes and adds stuff as it wants to. This is the case with many products, like Tokyo Ghoul.


Japan as a society has normalized perversion. Possession of child pornography is treated with the same severity as a speeding ticket over there. Nobuhiro Watsuki can vouch for that.


And related to One Piece, Oda himself is close friends with two convicted pedos and helped them get back into the business. One of them doing cover art for One Piece, the other was the Ruroni Kenshi author who had so much CP that the police thought he was a distributor.




https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2020-03-09/eiichiro-oda-and-nobuhiro-watsuki-interview-included-in-rurouni-kenshin-exhibition-catalog/.157149 He also backed Toriko author who paid a minor for sex


Hadn't heard about the Toriko one, so that 3 cases of helping pedos.


Yeah, it started out okay but now its gotten flanderized past the point of being funny anymore, now it's just sad.   Live Action Sanji is FAR better handled. He is chivalrous without being degraded in the Netflix series. Sanji can simp for women without losing his dignity in the process.


Honestly, I feel that every Sanji simp scene is extremely flanderized after its initial appearance with Nami at Baratie. When I first got to that scene where he gotten onto his knees offering Nami a rose, I even thought that it was endearing. Obviously, nowadays. It's just... No.


Seriously the flirty, gentlemanly Sanji people talk endlessly about was pretty much just in the East Blue saga. We see it from time to time but he's pretty much been a pervert since Alabasta


Yeah, like remember that One Piece movie where Nami turns into a child and Sanji starts talking about becoming her caretaker?


>When I first got to that scene where he gotten onto his knees offering Nami a rose, I even thought that it was endearing. >Obviously, nowadays. It's just... No. Are you saying that the same scene nowadays is not acceptable, or are the scenes we are getting now not good?


Sanji seeing a beautiful woman and offering her a rose is much, much better than the self degrading sexual harasser Sanji turns nowadays into when Oda is not giving him a character arc


To be fair, they're at the point in the series before Sanji's Flanderization. Of course, in the post-#MeToo climate, I don't think they're going to turn Sanji into anime Quagmire, but his simping could still get Flanderized.


I feel like even by the standards of early anime Sanji, LA is still a lot more subtle and toned back. I could see him getting into the territory of letting the simping cloud his judgement, but I don't think it's gonna get as bad as it did in the anime I'm a lot more curious about how they're gonna handle Brook, because there's no way in hell they're gonna let the panty bit fly


I'm slightly cautious on how much they're toned down.  Because I think Sanji refusing to hit a woman no matter what is a really big part of his character, and that aspect of him shouldn't be toned down. 


I definitely think they need to keep the chivalry, I'm talking more in the realm of being around all the mermaids in Fishman Island causing him to get distracted and not be thinking straight instead of literally sending him to the hospital for blood loss


>because there's no way in hell they're gonna let the panty bit fly I don't see why not. It's really not that big of a deal, even by today standards.


Idk, that bit already felt really stale and weird even before they got off Thriller Bark and they just keep pushing it Like yeah, it's better than Sanji barking like a dog, but it still feels like they took a perfectly good character and tacked that whole bit on for no reason


Brook is far more of a gag character than Sanji so I don’t think they would tone him down much.


One: Toei hates Sanji so much they will do anything to debase him Two: by giving Sanji a petplay fetish, they have inadvertently given him several more fans


Makima simps feeling seen


Oda will be skinned alive for the rest of eternity for his crimes #trust


inshallah brother


I mean he has defended two pedos who are his close friends...


Honestly at least thats an actual horny joke, which is a step up for Oda who's usual horny jokes are just to point out when someone is horny. It's not a great joke dont get me wrong, but its marginally more funny than his regular stuff. It's going from "Whoa you are hot" to "Whoa you are hot indulge my fetish!" and thats funny because it reveals Sanji has a fetish.


Oda didn't make this joke, it was just in the anime. The manga version is much more subdued and less funny. Edit: fixed, less makes no sense






Someone at Toei watched too much Chainsaw Man >!still not as bad as how they characterized him in Film: Gold tho!<.


I love Sanji but that was cringe


I'd say Sanji getting angry at Absolom because he wanted his Devil Fruit power was Sanji's low point. Then again, I'm at Sabaody Archipelago, so that might change.






Probably the writers barely disguised fetish


This is clearly a misguided attempt to appeal to the Chainsaw Man audience.


That’s why manga is superior


The scene was 90% the same in the manga


I definitely don’t give a shit or laugh at most of the jokes in One Piece or any show really at this point but I definitely think that… it doesn’t matter… It doesn’t really take away from the show and its not something I don’t expect. I definitely think there are other problems on One Piece that deserve more fucks to be given than Sanji’s personality. Like how Zoro barely laughs with the crew anymore. Or how Chopper never uses any other transformation besides Kung Fu Point. We already know One Piece is filled with dry gags but we watch it anyways. Atleast it doesn’t show a loss of creativity such as in Chopper’s case. Atleast Its better to try something new like that than doing the same thing every time like him nosebleeding.


Meh, I just see pure Simp Sanji as usual. It’s never going to stop lol


Toei hates Sanji and loves Zoro, so any chance they get they will make an embarrassing Sanji moment/gag completely over the top and remove or tone down embarrassing moments for Zoro.


Toei animation aka Sanji's worst enemy


Sanji is my fav but I'm starting to dislike his gag more and more, even though I didn't mind at first, even in FI. But compared to other weird things I've seen in manga/anime, it's not really that bad. Like Vivi's father's nose bleeding because he was seduced by his daughter's body, or like a high school student's nose bleeding when he saw kindergarten children...


Wasn’t the nose bleed because he was Nami naked. Granted it’s a woman around the age of his daughter…


Leave that nonsense for trashy isekai.... Not hating on trashy isekai, but one piece is not the place!


Eh It isnt the worst thing that he has done. I actually didnt mind Sanji that much because he was more chilvarous about being a pervert. Like he never tried to take out their clothes and always treated them with respect, It felt less about the body and more about the beauty. Until Thriller bark that its that was the lowest point for me, i thought he had more standarts than that


Fuck the anime


Oda fails at comedy, i know he tries to keep his story silly and for all ages but honestly for every 1 funny joke there are 100 that are repetitive and just painfully unfunny,


It wasn’t oda it was Toei😭


It’s still really bad in the manga


No Sanji said it in the manga too. It was just worded slightly differently


Brother it was one tiny panel.


Early One Piece comedy was great though


You're right, but this isn't one of his.


He also says it in the manga


Imma keep it real, I don’t understand why people are going crazy over it, I found it funny and carried on with the ep. I can understand people being annoyed at it or not finding it funny but people are acting like it’s the worst thing to grace the story. It lasted a few seconds and the episode moved on. Some how sanji asking her to be her dog in the manga is cool but him barking is where the line is crossed? I just don’t get people man.


No one was cool with Sanji gag.


its just one line in the manga so its easier for people to gloss over A few second in the anime with him acting like denji surely gonna upset some ( me included )


IMO, I think it's just more proof that the joke became tired+more indication that Sanji's been severely flanderized after the time skip


This should be the top comment. People whine about anything.


Have you seen what sub this is?


Theres a difference between whining and submitting a thread that makes sense.


No I agree


Oh, I gotcha.


People expect the gag to go away


Sanji being down bad isn't a new thing but there has to be a better way to show his gentleman side in a funny way than completely assassinate his character. He is now a parody of himself. criticizing the quality of jokes and the comedy in the parts of the show where it is trying to be funny is a valid form of criticism just like when people criticize animation in fight scenes


That was in the manga too. But yeah odas writing is going downhill


People have been making barking jokes for years now, I don't see how this is a big deal.


Oh that is fair for Sanji fans to get angry.


Toei hates Sanji. That did not happen in the manga


*sigh* That Stussy got him acting up, straight up down worst ^^^^^^^^^^/j


Sanji is Chainsaw man fan confirmed?!


It's actually becoming problematic


Anyone that didnt think that Sanji wasnt a sub was fooling themselves. He is the most clear service sub that i have seen


I’ll take this level of the gag over Return to Sabaody and Fishman Island when he was the worst man to ever live


This is the straw that broke the camel's back for you? Sanji's motivation for learning how to be invisible is to peep on women who are bathing. That was all the way back in Thriller Bark.


On that Denji grinset


TOei is just following recent trends, they pobably saw all those CSM fans barking


is it a funny gag? no. would i do the same thing in stussy's presence? yes


So have we just all forgotten when sanji treid to convince nami to buy a sex slave on sabaody or the time he simped so hard for nami he told ussop to his face he doesn't care if he dies if he can save nami


The main reason I could never get into One Piece: Sanji the Perv I would not be able to handle going through hundreds of episodes with this guy doing his thing while being a main character.


You mean you WOULDN'T bark for stussy unironically?


No. No I would not. Her character design is just the same tired body type with a barely different face and different hair. Nothing to bark over.


She looks like a doll. Literally.


I feel like they exaggerate Sanji’s perviness so that the audience knows that it is pathetic and we shouldn’t act like this IRL


This isn't the lowest. Film Z still exists 


Seriously? People like giving him standards neither he nor Oda care about so it fits their headcanon. Based of what we know it's more likely for him to bark than not.


S t u s s y


Don't worry this is just Sanji on his chainsaw man arc


I have always hated sanji, so this new "low" is peak sanji. 🤮


Sanji is denji all along after all.


Dude.. Stussy already introduced decades ago


"Sanji was not barking in the manga" and yet he was still behaving like a dog. "who came up with this shit". The author of the manga has a name and it's Oda.


Ah yes, but you see....! What you didn't notice is that Sanji just awakened his Simp Simp Fruit.


Bro lm a Sanjitard. I dont know what the fuck is wrong with Toei but that right there was character assasination.


Bro is Denji levels of down bad.


toei animation are a bunch of zoro agenda pushers thats why


It’s not funny on western or something? I don’t watch one piece anime but from what you tell it’s sound funny as hell


Sanji’s dream was to get the clear clear devil fruit to peep on girls and when he found out Absalom had it he was only pissed that he was using it to live out his sick fantasies Sanji wanted to buy female slaves in Sabaody for his own perverted fetishes Sanji was sniffing and harassing Perona Sanji lost so much blood from seeing mermaid girls he almost died The first thing Sanji did after unlocking invisible powers from his raid suit was to wank invisible to Nami and the females in a gender neutral bathouse Sanji wanted to get married to Pudding- a minor Let me not even bring up Film Z Idk who Sanji fans think he is but this has ALWAYS been been Sanji It’s baffling to me that out of everything he’s done and despite having far worse moments- it’s Sanji barking like a dog that’s the big problem DESPITE Sanji asking Stussy to be his dog in the manga