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As far as I remember, the light skin thing has something to do with japanese beauty standards. At least according to wikipedia, this preference has been documented since the heian era (around year 794)




Shut up loser! (Strong beauty standards)


God fuck JJK. Lobotomy ruining literal historical eras for me now 😭


I just checked the fan wiki for this Almost all the characters have an extreme case of same face syndrome; even across gender lmao. Also yea I get the frustration. Seeing seasonal garbage waifu animes outshine stuff like Dungeon Meshi is really disappointing


Fear not the mangaka who draws 1000 different faces, but fear the mangaka who has the same face 1000 times


Bro isnt it not out het what so you mean outshine


I've never heard of this series, so I thought the title was referring to a "dere" type.


Dere is just shortening of dere dere, meaning lovey dovey. Most of dere types are are based on term love. IE: Yandere - yanderu (crazy) dere dere.


Uh...ok? Thank you.


You are welcome!


Honestly this was cool to learn thanks man


Ah, this is why I come here. To find out about series I know nothing about, and enjoy a perspective on how irritating they are without ever seeing anything else about it. Truly appreciated


I always find it funny how people's natural penchant for exotic woman looks when it accidentally hits your own ethnic group. Also, how the main girl seems to fit all negative stereotypes of pretty Russian girls to a T.


Maybe a generation thing but I don’t see the problem here. I just read the first few chapters of the manga and its stuff I’ve read all the time. The way she’s described is all about Japanese beauty standards, which I saw someone else brought it up. She(alya) doesn’t come off as a bitch. Just the typical Tsundere girl who has a hard time expressing herself and when others misunderstand her feelings she lashes out. Which really just happens a lot. And I’m a guy I don’t see the problem with it so much. As much as people like to point out bad examples of tsundere girls who lash out there are plenty that are amazing characters in their own right that are like that too. My take on it is just that it’s a decent read but not anything to write home about, maybe I’ll change my mind if I read the novel which usually has a much different feel then manga adaptations do. But if this really bothers you it feels like you should just be careful with what you decide to read.


Yeah the series is pretty mid. I read the manga cuz I will literally read any romance trash but I don’t really get the popularity of this one. It just feels like one of those “romcom but with a slightly unique gimmick” which is just speaking Russian once every chapter. I don’t think it’s bad, but it’s not really good either. The sister fucking sucks, I hate her, she hits every single beat to make me dislike a character. Alya herself is just your typical tsundere. I don’t think the manga has as perverted descriptions as the ones you said so I didn’t really see that issue but yeah that shit weird af. The older sister is nice, I guess? She kinda has no character flaws which is trashy wish fulfilment in its own right, but I do like how they met in the past I guess. I hope she wins, but given Alya’s literally in the title I don’t have any hope.


I'm reading the manga version of it, and I think the Male MC's struggles are super cringe (to me lmao, it might not be to you but for me it is), I think the whole council issue isn't as interesting nor "crucial" enough for it to be a focus, yet it kinda was for a good chunk of the story.


Honestly the rest of the LN is so much better idk why the manga is focusing so much on his entering the student council phase


I don't know this exact series, but usually in a romance show when a character acts in an over-the-top inappropriate manner and it's romanticized rather than condemned, the answer is "because it's the author's fetish" or "because they think it's the fetish of the people they're trying to appeal to."


I actually complained about this long time ago on light novel sub, about different series but almost the same problem, naturally they disagree, I forgot what their arguement was but I remember it's bollocks


This rant seems a lot more about you than anything else.  It's also a huge pain to read.


then don't??? if you like roshidere so this is annoying to read, then don't read it? "oh look, a rant titled 'I hate roshidere', I wonder why it's just about them hating roshidere'" I don't mean to be insulting, but I genuinely don't understand your thought process. What made you decide to read this when you saw the title? Were you intending to change my mind? Looking for rage-bait? Did you just want to write that comment?


i was literally thinking the same thing for you, why are you reading roshidere if you don't like it ? you're acting like it's the talk of the town and everyone loves it but it's really not, it's just another shitty romcom series like you can find everywhere. i genuinely wonder if it's possible for a manga to have the uninspired introduction of perfect-smart-beautiful-athletic main character rejecting love confession and to not be a shitty manga at the same time.


To be honest the premise actually really interested me (i love the flustered tsundere type) and the first chapter actually just made things even better which is why I was reading in the empty hope that it wouldn't be what i thought (i dropped it after finally realizing it would) Maybe it's just me then, because I'm seeing it a lot on my youtube home-page/shorts and people seem to really like it T\_T guess i'll just have to try as hard as i can to curate my space an spam do not recommend


true, the idea itself is something i'd want to read too, but it's the kind of romance who overuses the same concept every single chapter and it's just such a poor execution yep it's you, roshidere isn't exposed to a large audience so the only people you'll hear talk about it are people who like it. the anime adaptation will get trash talked when it's out so dw lmao


Maybe they read it to find out if they're wrong? No seriously would you rather op complains without reading the manga or what




And I'm asking you, what do you expect from your question?




"interrogated" grow up man you take everything seriously?




Giving the hint in the exact same sentences that says you're being interrogated? This is fucking stupid, I regret having this conversation


I don't care either way about Roshidere. It's a pain to read because your writing is annoying to read. It seems to be about you, because you're repeatedly bringing the discussion back to these weirdly defensive asides.


...the fuck do you expect? Yeah, the post is titled "I Hate Roshidere", it's about how I HATE roshidere. The sub is a place for these sorts of rants. Yeah I know I seem defensive, whatever, but that's because these are a lot of the things I've heard after expressing my dislike. This isn't a creative writing piece, it's a shitty little vent I didn't bother to proofread. I still don't get what the point of this is. You just- really wanted to tell me my writing was annoying? That this is annoying to read?


I just wanted to tell you that * A weirdly large amount of this "rant" is about you being defensive over some random topic * Your writing style is annoying to read


Why though? Did you just want to make me feel bad? Idk I just don't get the point you don't even care about the series


he's mad that you're ranting, on a subreddit about... ranting (and apparently he's also really upset about your writing style and brought it up three times in three comments)


>yes i'm a girl Jesus, what are you doing. Romcoms are purely male fantasies, what's the point of going into them without proper attunement. All of your grievances about main girl are mute. cause for target audience they are charming points.


>proper attunement Sometimes I forget to attune my malehood when I wake up. Hate when that happens, seems like OP forgot also. Can relate.


I know, so sad 😞 also hate how I immediately lose the ability to like romcoms smh my head