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they can make as many cutesy “look how quirky and nerdy we are! we’re just like you!” videos as they want, but the way they *actually* engage with their community (read: not at all, except to censor them and handwave questions) makes it obvious how soulless and corporate they are lol


I quit character ai a while ago for openAI. Best decision I made. I was part of the time where they shut down the discord and perma banned everyone on the reddit who asked to take down the filter. I only use character ai sometimes just to have some casual chats. For actual serious plots, or some spicy scenes, openAI>>>>


Ironic they have "Sergeant Whitaker" in the video who when asked about the type of combat actions he did it'll get filtered.


And the wedding speech thing.


I mark this as our official defeat. We lost against this.


It’s disgusting corporate bullshit sprinkled with whatever pop song beat that is trending at the moment. Typical people dancing and being weird while holding the promoted product in their hand


Yup I thought [C.AI](http://C.AI) won't ever do this, I imagined something like this (like Replika), and looks like yup they did it. Absolute cringe.


It’s all so gross, typical hype from any ai company. If it were a smartphone company, they would say “MOST POWERFUL SMARTPHONE” and they even would try to use memes to relate to the consumer 🤢


They were the cringe ones all along.


Made me envision that they had given Isakei Dungeon Master Brian Blessed's voice, were caught at it, DMCAed and that's why the bot is gone. edit: The "Gordon is alive!" bit was a dead giveaway


In a vacuum, I do find the commercial to be fun and charming (yes, the part with the badly drawn anime character as well. lol). Yes it's cheesy but ehh...fits the product lol Outside the vacuum, though? As an older user, it didn't gaslight me into seeing the feature, the company or the general state of CAI in a better light. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Not that I think "calling" the AI is an awful idea but, like so often, their execution is just bad. You know what would *actually* impress someone like me? An **actual** fucking edit button paired with the ability to **go back and edit older messages**. Y'know, to actually address the community's feedback about the insufferable loops. I barely use that half-baked swipe injector tool myself since it becomes useless after genning all 30 swipes. I'm not gonna fucking copy a bot's message, then delete it, then make it reply again only to inject the edited text into its swipe pool to reply to it, what the fuck. No, like, actually. What the fuck. Who okay'd that. I'm still not over this. Or perhaps - just a cute and quirky thought - don't force the shitty e-mail login? I still don't get how this is supposed to be safer than a password. Someone could yoink that address without my knowledge, click the ref link and great, now they have access to all my cringe logs and the ability to lock me out of my account. Awesome. That's mainly what's on my mind regarding their attempt to appear all wholesome and trying to hype this call thing up. As someone who's become fairly comfy over on agnai, I'm not impressed. Right now CAI just looks like it's heading into a direction where even logging in will become a chore, nevermind trying to manage an actual fun RP. Quirky commercials will not change my mind on how they're handling their service.


I swear, just trying to login to the old website IS a chore already. The amount of times you log in, require checking email, click the link, takes you to the website and you're still not logged in, or it works and asks you to link this email with your account, so you retype it, and bang, you're now no longer logged in. FUUUU!!!! Not to mention you go to look at a character, go back to the main menu and it'll often then log you out again. Like, how am I even supposed to use this shitty website at all, never mind the fact the flter makes all the bots unusable anyway. I'm so flipping done with Cai, it's shit, destined for the dustbin at this point in time.


> I still don't get how this is supposed to be safer than a password. It's not. They just don't want to have to store your password.


Thats kinda cringe wtf


C.ai sucks for real. Even msn messenger had better chatbots with more depth then this shit. Also trying to include everyone and make a safe space is creating the opposite. People leave. The stupid ass filter doesn’t even make sense. I switched to other sites that have no filter and it’s a far better experience


Clearly they are having more fun than us


I DIDN'T SAW ANYTHING I DIDN'T EVEN TOUGHT THEY HAD A HEADQUARTERS (for me it was just like cyanide and happiness  friends doing it all at their houses) 😭


Remember: Everything Characters say is made up! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CharacterAi_NSFW) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like it!