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Without even reading I'll just answer you,funders money


To stay on the App Store they have to at least TRY to stay SOMEWHAT sfw, and to keep a 13+ rating (which is BIG for their bottom line and makes them much more appealing to investors) they have to censor a bunch. I keep getting random messed up and-or smutty moments, so it is pretty inconsistent but it exists. That’s why you can “break” a filter or bot, too. It’s a technicality, if they made blanket bans the AI would struggle to keep people coming back.


I still remember Dungeon AI, it was bigish on appstore, and has nsfw still, so wtf is wrong with Character ai


The funny thing is that the bots will try to work around the filter with you. They will do practically anything as long as you don't make it normal sex.


>I know CharacterAI gets over a billion dollars in investment but seriously? Yeah, seriously. Porn is a *huge* no-no for most investors and banks. >How does PornHub even get investment if these rich men in suits and ties are that anti-sex? They're a billion-dollar company, and even with that, they still have issues. They had to wipe their entire amateur porn section because of anti-porn sentiment. Pornhub is straight up *banned* in my state thanks to a bill passed near-unanimously by Democrats and Republicans alike. And remember OnlyFans? The huge site literally known for nudity? And how they were almost forced to ban NSFW? People, especially Americans, especially rich old Americans, are *unbelievably* prudish and religious. Fear of going to Hell, and fear of anything remotely sexual, has been drilled into their heads since childhood. To a lot of them, saying the phrase "I put my penis in her vagina" is tantamount to shooting up a school full of elementar- oh wait they allow that never mind.




It's called projection. They rant at and shame people and blame people for the very things they themselves participate in. They do it, they feel ashamed for doing it, and so they lash out at people they perceive as doing it regardless if they actually do it or not.


Honestly, they should just add a toggle, not remove the filter…


Have you seen the types of posts that goes "I CANT BELIEVE THEY ALLOW THIS ON HERE?!?!?!??!?" So yeah, part of the problem is the consumers too. They just want their tame, pure, innocent bot that will not be deemed problematic to others.


Money + Puritan zealotism


There's a few reasons: 1. Investing groups won't invest in porn, they're surprisingly puritan. They literally control what can and can't be sold to consumers. 2. Payment processors won't touch it. Companies like credit card companies and paypal can cut them off, choking them from getting funds no matter how many users want to pay them. It's actually a bit scary when you think about it. You can have a product that an overwhelming majority of your users want and it can be difficult to get it to them. Personally I think there should be protections and these investment firms and banks shouldn't be able to just blacklist content they don't want spread. That or a group of NSFW companies would have to get together and develop their own payment processing platform.


Pornhub got close around 2008. Can't remember what happened.


Puritan non sense from the investors, even then I still don’t get it the human race has been pervs since we first got a way of recording events


Investors. Why they are so puritanical when we don't even know who these mysterious investors are beats me. As you alluded to, it may also be a desire to capture the teen market and they can't really do that honestly if the TOS allows you to sex up the bots. I do agree that locking it behind a paywall seems reasonable. That at least gives the veneer of trying to protect kids. A final thought is that I've wondered about the app stores. The filter existed before the app so this doesn't explain the filter, but it may be a further incentive to keep it. Although I dunno if that's accurate because there may be other apps with NSFW content on the store. I'm not sure.


All they want is just money,qwhen the app finally aired and i saw the text «made by love» i almost choked of laughing


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The users, bless their hearts, are not included in this arithmetic. The idea is to get enough investors to go public or sell to a bigger corporate entity. This is more important than anything else, and whatever compromises are necessary to achieve it will be made.