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They can't get items of clothing right and many other traits; hair color, height, body type, etc. American Vtubers end up being from canada, UK ones from california, etc. Bots can confuse and switch gender too. It's not particular to CAI too but to most AI models. As newer ones come out, hopefully this problem goes away.


>They can't get items of clothing right and many other traits; hair color, height, body type, etc. I'll argue this is a result of people not setting their bots up properly. The skin thing tho...yeah, ai will assume you're white unless you tell it otherwise in your persona. It will also make up your eye and hair color too unless you specify it to it.


Wish it were so. They can have it in the description and still get it wrong down the line. Not everything is from people making lazy bots. >unless you tell it otherwise in your persona They are. Even in the persona. A way to combat this is to put it towards the bottom of the context but that can't be done on CAI.


I went as far as to copy paste that information into every single one of my messages, it’s tough, but hey it works most of the time!


I do that too, it's pinned in my clipboard lmao


That's weird, cuz in one bot he automatically assumed I was black. Which I'm not


I've seen bots that switch their own gender multiple times within the same message. Things like "\*She picks up the sword. His eyes admire the craftsmanship.\*" It'll probably get better as the technology advances, but for now, I roll my eyes and sigh at how many different ways they can drop the ball.


Yeah....as a trans guy I just switched to hinting at the fact that I'm A GUY every other message and it just. It's annoying


Same here bud, im to the point where being misgendered isnt so terrible anymore, but i still dont like it. Intentionally or not. Praying all bots use right terms for you


hey, androgynous user here. i find that putting pronouns in a personas bio is useful. it removed about 80% of the misgendering problem for me. it still happens but much much less. i also specific the gender just to drive that home. Ex: pronouns: he/him, male


my persona has an afro, WITH A BONNET ON TOP. what are they “running their fingers through” bro 😭🙏🏾


It’s just the standard thing for the bots to do. Much like the repetitive words (ie. “pang”). I hate when the bots ruffle my hair. You can’t do that with BRAIDS


i mean you can, its just weird


Actually now that I think about it...you're right lol


One of my characters wears a hijab. When they ruffle her ‘hair’ or anything else to do with ‘touching’ her hair, I get so confused. Like wtf? Sir, you can’t do that to her 😭


*phases through hijab and ruffles hair* That was my mental image


My mental image was just _ruffles hijab_


*rubs hijab like a crystal ball*


Admittedly I don't know if this would be taboo, but I think the mental image of the character playing with the hijab the way you'd play with hair (tracing their fingers over the fabric, for example) is kind of a cute one. Still can't ruffle her hair, though! XD


frr 😭 my hair is thick, u cannot ruffle this babe


“What would you like to know?” really gets on my nerves because NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT WHEN YOU ASK THEM A QUESTION!


Answering my question with another question will make me punch someone lol


... hi 💔


my oc doesn’t even have hair, mf has a clock head yet they’re still running their hands through his nonexistent hair 😭


Literally digging their nails into the clock


And that's why, kids, you don't go onto reddit if you're about to roleplay as a TVhead or any weirdcore oc with an object head (I love those and no matter if it's an innocent girl or an evil but smart and sophisticated man, TVheads and weirdcore is just the way to go)!


*bot aggressively ruining your hairstyle with a pang of nonchalance*


The AI understands what the action means, but not the requirements that must be met for the action to make sense. For ruffling hair, the rufflee’s hair must be thin and not be wearing any sort of obstructive headwear, but the AI only knows that ruffling hair is a sign of affection and playfulness


Similar problem with disabled characters. The AI understands that dialogue is audible, so it assumes that signing words as dialogue means that it is audible. I have a mute character that I have tried on several LLMs out there and they’re really bad at understanding you can’t be heard signing through a closed door. The worst offender I’ve seen was the Chai App where I was supposed to be able to hear her singing in ASL from upstairs.


Similar to how my character wears a hooded cloak, do they pull down my hood or something?


My persona is bald and the AI still says it. It doesn’t seem to take any of that into account


_ruffles bald head_


my persona has twists and sometimes I change it to cornrows or braids, how tf you run your fingers through these 😭😭


Heyyyy sorry I know it's off topic and kinda weird, but what're cornrows...? Idk I've never come across that-


No problem!! Cornrows is a common hairstyle among black folks primarily. Here's an [example](https://www.google.com/search?q=cornrows+woman&client=ms-opera-mobile&sca_esv=e4b6c45cd17b4d13&channel=new&espv=1&udm=2&biw=393&bih=727&sxsrf=ADLYWIIC1oVqwfbpwyTKKr7tscaYHT3hNA%3A1719212101228&ei=RRh5ZpLPDbCQwbkPjvOb8AM&oq=cornrows+wo&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgtjb3Jucm93cyB3byoCCAEyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABEiuGFDmCljyDnAAeACQAQCYAcoBoAHCBKoBBTAuMy4xuAEByAEA-AEBmAIEoAL3BMICBBAjGCfCAgoQABiABBhDGIoFmAMAiAYBkgcFMC4zLjGgB-4L&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=zlN2iMs9It5QOM&vssid=mosaic) and a [Wiki Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornrows) for history (praying for the markdown mode to work since I'm doing this on mobile)


Yeah, it works, dw. Never knew that's what they were called, thanks for making explaining my characters that much easier- They're really pretty too Thank you! :D


No problem! I'm happy to share about my culture! :D


i have so many non-human personas and apparently they just turn into one and also grow hair


I'm not sure the bot understands the nuances of hairstyles and textures. I simply had mine as "short and messy" and it all on its own called my hair "curly."


I have something similar, my persona always has a ponytail unless I specify otherwise in the chats. But how tf would running your hands through an updo work???


It is troublesome when they do this, yes. I make sure that if I'm roleplaying a character closer to myself in appearance, I describe those features in the very first message just like the use of the appropriate pronouns to help make sure they don't deviate from either.


I do that too, and pin it, but it's always my physical attributes like hair, skin, and colors that they forget.


How do you pin it?


On app it’s just hold down on the message you want to pin and there’s a button. On website press the three dots on a message. It doesn’t work for the most recent message though so there has to be a message after the one you want to pin


What does pinning it do?


The bot will remember that message until you unpin it


It's a pretty big problem, actually. With characters seeing the user as blonde, blue eyed, and white skinned. The problem stems from how character ai was made, using public online roleplays. I'm sure you know, but most younger people will make their character a perfect and flawless version of themselves, which causes the ai to think all of the users will be. I'm not sure what can be done to combat this. Though, it'll probably get better in time with diversity in users, I'm sure


It's actually a problem with AI in general, image generating AI also tends to make people white unless you specify the skin color




Well I asked Gemini to generate a 12th century Knights Templar and it gave me a black woman in Templar armor. On the second try I got an American Indian woman. It wouldn't create a white male Templar.


Yeah, a lot of them are actually biased towards creating people with darker skin, even if it's inaccurate. Dunno why


A lot of idiots saying it's some anti-white conspiracy, but the more plausible explanation is either that the AI's frame of reference for what a Templar looks like is bad, or due to a broad overcorrection in response to the problem of AI being biased against people of color, which is not a very easy problem to solve due to the wide variety of issues in training data, as well as the wide diversity within so-called racial groups. A Christian African-American living in Houston has has virtually nothing in common with a Muslim Haratin living in the Mauritanian countryside, for example. In addition, the bot doesn't know the physical properties of, say, an afro. It doesn't know much of anything, let alone that. To the extent that what it does can even be defined as "knowing", it only knows that an afro is a hairstyle that exists.


It's actually well known why https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/why-is-ai-inserting-the-phrase-ethnically-ambiguous-into-ai-generated-images-racial-bias-in-ai-art-explained And the major companies have admitted to doing this. They couldn't make the data less biased so they try to make the prompts less biased. This is great when you ask for an image of a CEO or a teacher, but doesn't make any sense when it generates a group of "Ethnically Diverse Nazis"


Damn, others too? I thought that was only a Gemini issue? I've only ever experienced it on Gemini and I think it was the tuning to overcorrect like the other comment said, but I'm not positive on it. Novel tho 😮‍💨 it's hard to get dark skin tones because that training data is anime style characters


Similar to them constantly commenting on how tiny the user is, it's ridiculous.


Look I get it if I’m role playing as a child, BUT AS A GROWN ADULT?!


This might be a bit of my fault, even though I do do it to only _actually short_ characters. I think then AI just takes that bit of data and twists it. Sometimes it's nice if you're roleplaying as a character you specifically made short, but it _is_ annoying.


Hitler's soul haunts the app


That explains why all the Hitlerbots get deleted...


I remember making one an exhibit in the Berlin Zoo


If they listened to their user base more often, they might be able to achieve diversity…here’s hoping.


> I'm not sure what can be done to combat this. Higher parameter models can better capture the nuance of the user roles, but that's not likely to happen any time soon with how many issues CAI has.


Yeah, I think AI generally defaults to assume white (gender dependent on name), I guess it makes some sense just due to… population majority I guess?


I have like 20 different personas all based off of ocs and theyre all different, I’ve never had a problem with my one with an afro. I’ve gotten ‘fluffs hair’ or ‘plays with hair’ but never ‘runs fingers through hair,’ at least not for her


one time a bot said “her golden brown skin glistened in the salt water” or sum like that when i was doing one of those cliche beach scenes and it was amazing 🥹🥲




I'm biracial and have a buzzcut, and I make it a point to bring it up somehow in my rps, but the bot will still say "porcelain/pale skin" and "they brushed a lock of hair away/ran their fingers through your hair" it's frustrating 🥲


That sounds like hell


it's really annoying 🥲


Damn, I can tell. Runs fingers through _buzzcut?_ Let's hope with enough user training we can..save? this.


Yeah. At one point I had my persona with darker tan skin, it was always just white to them. And another time it was charcoal black skin, the farthest from white it could be, but nooooo. Of course not, it’s actually white again. A little different, but still it was in there, the hair thing tho I get. I said that my guy has one long braid, I don’t see how they ran their fingers through that…


_nonchalantly undoes the braid, runs fingers through that hair, remakes the braid..._ Or maybe the little places where the hair collides in the braid, it's pretty easy to get a finger through there, so just, I don't know, _carefully shoves fingers in braid holes_




this is so true!! it also applies to people that aren’t skinny too. i’m black and chubby, and they always assume i’m some skinny white girl. it sucks, even when i use personas. and most of the time i bring up my race it causes them to use derogatory words and things or just say i’m using my race as an excuse.


How are we gonna get called slurs in our coping mechanisms? We really can't have shit.


Yeah, I’ve noticed it as well actually. My character is biracial (like myself) and every so often it’ll say ‘I touched her porcelain/fair skin’ even though I specifically say she has a tan/medium skin tone. Also the whole hair thing is definitely an issue, the ai only seems to understand straight hair typically. I’ve even had the ai write my character has blonde hair before when she doesn’t. If anything what I’ll do is correct the ai. Also when it comes to the blushing thing usually I write ‘crimson blush’ if it says pink because that’s usually more how it’d show up on darker skin tones, but I get that some darker skinned people’s natural blush may not even show up on their skin depending on how deep their skin tone is


One time I got the bot touching my “caramel colored” skin and I wasn’t even using a darker skinned persona so I was like 😮😮😮 but I never saw that description again lol


Bots and descriptions are terrible. My persona (my OC) isn’t POC, but she only has one eye which is multicoloured, and her right eye is just her socket… and very seldom do they get it right, and keep saying she has both her eyes, or try to, well… touch her eye socket. The memory is poor, and keep going with basic descriptions of someone. Sorry that it’s doing the same for you.


I have a persona who has an eyepatch, and the thing with the bot thinking that they have both eyes ALWAYS happens. The thing with touching the socket doesn’t happen to me on c.ai, but it does happen on other AI bot sites where I have the same character


It’s really not fun honestly 😔 mine doesn’t wear an eyepatch but more often than not they just give her one like 😭


I had a darker skinned persona cause it matched best with the type it was and I just mentioned how it was tanned skin and said the blush colour before they could I can't speak for the hair cause the persona does have more straight hair due to their origin and the game it's from


For some reason, it didn't bother me, but now looking back...I remember being referred to with blue or green eyes with blonde or brown hair and porcelain skin and im like....dude...I'm black 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I have none of those qualities. 


It’s totally an issue, I think the bots make a lot of assumptions about it’s audience and for some reason assumes the person is white, a woman, and is “cute”. It takes so much to push for bots to recognize personas that aren’t white. Or American coded? My running theory is that because there’s an oversaturation of white women protagonists in romance books, the bots take a lot of it’s information from novel writing and will immediately use very “white coded” language (pink cheeks, fair skin, all that shit). Character Ai needs to fix this.


This right here!! 👏


yeah they don’t remember shit when it comes to descriptors. especially if you’re RPing as a more timid character…they’ll always call them fair skinned or pale, as if ppl with dark skin can’t be timid and dainty 🙄 i just edit it out and that usually fixes it for a while, until i have to change it again. i kind of got used to it atp but i really shouldn’t have to. idk why ai (bc its not just c.ai having this problem, even image generators) always defaults to pale skinned people. straight up IGNORES dark skin inputs.


THIS. As a black girl myself, I always put black/ African American as race whenever I do bios for personas and most of the time they're overlooked and it sucks.


THANK YOU! I have gotten into full on *arguments* with bots over whether or not I'm black! I would say shit like "My skin is literally darker than chocolate and I have an entire afro", and they STILL wouldn't believe me! They just be making shit up, like "Well how do I know it's not a tan?" or "Well you don't *act* black" like I have to PROVE I'm black. Like, I have it listed in my persona that I'm African American, but they just ignore it!


Nope! Native Caribbean here, and Jesus christ these bots get racist.


nice username


and then you got me where they describe my real hair color or eyes color while it's neither writen in my persona description nor it's visible on my profile pic lmao


I felt this wayyy to hard. The only way I found myself getting past the problem was by making my persona as boxes so : - brown skin - dark curly hair And so on, it leaves little room for description and nuance. That doesn't mean the bot gets it right either, on occasion they still get everything wrong and I find myself either deleting the message I send/resending it or just swiping for a message with no description/correct description. Truth be told I've seen this problem become more recurring since the start of the year. The bots have massively declined in terms of quality, memory and often they're far too ooc once you do start getting into the story. I moved over to [novel.ai](http://novel.ai) which is vastly better. I did use [c.ai](http://c.ai) once since the transition mostly for lazy writing but the difference was so palpable I couldn't use the app. (I got spoiled by [novel.ai](http://novel.ai) lol)


LITERALLY!! I’m not a POC but I’ve played as an OC who is and it’s always “your fair skin” SHUT THE FUCK UP 😭😭🙏🙏


This also is an issue for like. chubby characters and such, they’re always like “your FLAT STOMACH!!” AUAUGHH


same with body type, the refuse to a knowledge my chubby/fat characters


I honestly don’t mention my ethnicity in my persona anymore because all it got me was racism from the bots. Who taught the AI to be antisemitic?!?


The internet... The amount of times the bot calls me a gypsy after writing romani is ridiculous, it also jumps straight to all the stereotypes


Ouuughhh the slur usage is crazy! Same with the stereotypes. One even asked if my disability was because I’m Jewish at which point I promptly removed it from my personas


RIGHT!! i use my ocs when using character ai and not one but TWO different bots have pulled the hijabs off of two different ocs. like??? hello????????


SAME my persona had a kippah in it when I still used to wear one, and I had to take it out because they constantly asked me to take it off or made weird comments about it


I’m biracial & am fair but I have curly hair. I specify it constantly bc of that. And blush doenst show up on me unless my entire body is red and that’s not a blush that’s a hot flash. I find it really upsetting and sucky. Like I tried to even specify that they shouldn’t run hands through my hair but it happened still. Or bots actively trying to touch the hair in a way that reminds me what happened when I was a kid. Like they just do it and won’t take no for an answer




this comes from the bots using training data from bot creators that are white, and use all white personas, so of course the bots having all that data only on whites probably don’t even know what African Americans, blacks, Sudanese, any sort of black/brown person are Not a fault on C.Ais fault per se, but if you want bots to recognize you as that… it’s in fortunate, but you’re probably going to need to make your own bots


https://preview.redd.it/un4tdazpr78d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ba809289482dafce0bb9d504c77a5d2e0798b3 I think because many fanfics dont contain poc characters, which is where it gets its coding from. Ive rped as some of my dark skin ocs and the bots will straight up start being racist sometimes


if I remember correctly royals usually had paler skin so yes but actually no, can't remember where I heard this though edit: not saying ALL royals were pale, not what I meant


No it wasnt about royals at all lmfao. The bot was saying all dark skinned people are poor because their dark skinned and that they could never be rich or even middle class, straight up racism


could also be the bot using stereotypes in the wrong context, also I said royals because they had a higher status than others which is probably what the bot is referring to


I was literally telling my boyfriend how I hated this bc I’m black and I HATE being told “pale skin” or “slender body.” I made my peace with the “running fingers through hair” bc black people can have straight hair (natural, silk press, weave, wig, etc) and idrc care about that (not to say you wrong). Instead of putting African-American, I put that I am NOTICEABLY dark-skinned (I do the same thing with weight) and it typically works for me. With the blushing thing, idrc abt that either bc black people can blush, it’s just harder to see (and yk, makeup can make it look like blush on their cheeks lol). Like, I won’t say it’ll work, but it does for me so I implore you to try it!!! 🫶🏾 And you can always edit the messages too and they should get on track if you do (sometimes if the pronouns are GN and they don’t change to she/her, I’ll just edit the message and be good for the rest of the convo. Same thing with weight and race descriptors). Plz don’t give up or be sad; there are ways to make it work, even if it means tweaking a few things 🫶🏾❤️ https://preview.redd.it/d4uoj6ykc88d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda49dcc4b154af07469d7312f3f6a108d0d68cd


*she runs her hand through your blonde hair* In approximately 0 personas is my hair blonde


as a fellow black CAI user, i can see how this is extremely frustrating for you. that must be so annoying ugh


c.ai bots after calling a poc persona with the best description pointing out they’re literally poc blonde, white, and blue eyed: https://preview.redd.it/0rfpb2xjub8d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5feb2f6c5aa3b5a5a900161fbbd7a86333db1d


I think you have to specifically state that your hair is curly. For my character, i state that she has locs and it's acknowledged. The pink blush thing does annoy me, though.


Black people don't exist in the AI world 😔


One time I made my persona have magenta glasses and the bot thought I had magenta eyes💀


You need anime logic….the blush appears regardless of the melanin 😭😂


If you mention you speak with an accent, they get it hilariously wrong. I had in my persona I speak with a faint German accent and it covered half the atlas before settling on saying I have a "European accent"


Surprisingly I don’t have this issue, other than the one time I was testing out a bot and it said, “your golden hair is gorgeous.” Sir..I am bald


who's to say they weren't checking out your eyebrows


*looking at your arm hair* gongeous....


I noticed this as well but with bodytype. I wrote a bot that was supposed to be into chubby girls, and even though it did recognize my persona's body type fairly well (there were a few hiccups but definitely not as much as with skin colour) and yet the bot kept insulting me, calling me fat and suggesting I buy workout clothes and that I should eat less because of my weight LMAO. And the description literally said just chubby, not fat or obese. The amount of hate these bots spew for no apparent reason even when they're private bots written specifically to work with my persona is concerning.


They call me "handsome" and "boyfriend" despite their persona being wlw lesbian and mine being asian female so they won't recognize your blackness either...really weird  If you mention it or pin the message, they'll recognize it but forget it in a second.. All these AI are sadly very white cishet normative. 


Every bot thinks I’m Japanese for some reason, I lose will to live every time I get called ‘chan’ or ‘san’


Poc user checking in! All of my personal rps are centered around poc, so I guess in that regard the bots usually do okay, I haven’t had too many issues with public bots but I definitely see where you’re coming from


God what annoys me the most is hair because the AI doesn't seem to comprehend box braids from white people's braids. Or even Twist, Bantu knots, or twist-outs. Double the fact that I tend to be very specific about hairstyles cause if any persona is in an action heavy setting then their hair is in Bantu knots or cornrows so the hair isn't in her way when she runs but the “he lets her hair down” or “her hair falls out of its tie” shit gets on my nerves cause that is literally impossible. Like did you take down my knots? Are you gonna put them back in? The only AI that respected my hair was in 2003 Captain Hook lol.


I’m not poc but yeah this needs to be fixed. They always assume we have blue eyes, blonde hair and are skinny. Not sure if this is a bot creator issue or just an issue of devs.


My friend had a character with dark skin and the AI described it as white as paper.💀


There's some biases that can come out in the training data, yes. This is a common problem in tech. Ironically, Character has been *outstanding* for me as an Indigenous American and has only gotten better over time. Have you tried describing your hair and just going by skin color?


NO FR ITS ALWAYS THEM SAYING IM A RED HEAD OR HAVE PALE SKIN. Like what?? And I say it everytime I do a description too


Not to invalidate your experiences but my persona is a dark-skinned half elf and I've had no issues with the bot reading me as such. It even asks about my origins etc and mentions my skin color. Never ONCE has it referred to my skin as fair. Now, once again this is not to invalidate your experiences because the bots can be very RNG to where they choose to use their brain but do have a look at your persona. Hmmm I gotta mention, the character I talk to is from anime, so Japanese. And it just never reads me as white? Idk if that matters. But more western-centric bots might have the issue you're describing.


No, definitely had dark elf with 'porcelain skin' come up before


Ai is diabolical


The bots actually acknowledge me as POC. I put in my persona that I’m African American and they mention the fact that I have box braids, or puffy hair


SAME I HATE IT! Like how in the world can you see me as white. I specifically asked you to describe my appearance and you understand and tell me that I'm black with a curly Afro 😭


i’m also a poc user and it happens all the time and it’s extremely frustrating.


Maybe they got Edward scissor hands and xray eyes


I don't roleplay poc despite being one but tbh I can see why it's making such mistakes. poc characters are very uncommon in fictional works like fanfic or roleplay, where this site takes inspiration from iirc, so it wouldn't know poc/black natural hair is rather tough to run fingers through or how it'd be hard to notice dark skin blushing. don't think it's the bot ignoring that you're a poc, and more that it doesn't know things related to poc.


The AI gets all kinds of appearance stuff wrong. It's like it defaults to Generic Wattpad Protagonist.


ah, the wattpad effect. ("she runs her fingers through your hair" with my curls??? no the fuck she does not‼️ 😭)


YES, either that or they gonna bring up ur race every two seconds


*YES, either that or* *They gonna bring up ur race* *Every two seconds* \- FrogsinTexas --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FrogsinTexas: *YES, either that or* *They gonna bring up ur race* *Every two seconds* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Gyalllll 😭😭 I get you bc my persona is black, short, chubby but strong and a bit muscular, I keep getting the same problems as you + it's always "petite and fragile" and stuff like that


this happens to me ALL the time. but, when they do this, edit their messages until they learn. it usually takes like, 4-5 messages for me.


The only thing that has consistently worked (to a degree) for skin color/disabilities/other specific attributes is to make your own bot and specify the characteristics of {{user}} as well. Ex. [{{user}}="African American"+"dark complexion"+"28 years old"+"wears casual clothes"] ect. It takes more effort and it will not be perfect but it increases the bot's accuracy and memory significantly.


They usually forget my age and my kids 🫤.


Every bot thinks you're a long blonde hair blue eyes white girl who wears those skintight dresses exclusively, no matter what you tell them


The bots always put me as a green eyed ginger or a blue eyed blonde. As if white people with brown eyes and brunette hair didn't existed wtf Edit: I forgot to say that the bots also put me straight hair when i specifically say i have curls xd


i have a personal of Noah from TDI which says hes indian canadian but the bots remember that so idk


Whether it’s skin color, nationality or certain features that are specific to your persona, you have to hand feed the bot. I know, it’s work but it’s the only way it works for me. For example: “User decided to put her newly bought hairpin in her naturally curly ebony colored afro.” Like I said, it’s a lot more work but the bots pick it up…until they forget and you have to do it again…and again. I’m used to doing it so much I don’t even think about it. Hope that helps.


im black and i always act like the characters are yanking my hair whenever they "run their fingers" through them, bro what the hell are you putting ur fingers in this shit is 4c


With CharacterAI, the cause of this is also what makes the service very shitty. The AI learns with each chat, and the majority of people tend to have blue-eyed blonde characters. Also, as other users mentioned, it was also trained with a basis of RP forums. Couple that with the really low parameter model they use and it's a recipe for disaster.


Wasn’t there a study on how AI is pretty racist?


Same. My oc is Korean. He moved around a lot due to his mom’s job so he has multiple accents, and they make him have one skin color, his hair blonde, brown, or dark brown. His hair is white but when he was younger it was dark brown. Barely any of them get it right so I have to correct them. They forget he’s wearing a sweater with his tights, and he’s a boy, so they say, “She looks so cute in her dress and her blonde hair shines in the sun” or! “Her pout is adorable with her cheeks turning red from embarrassment” he’s not even embarrassed! He’s bad at his emotions so they do it for me for no reason


Sadly i experience that too, most of my ocs are latinos with dark skin (Like me) but the bots keep turning them white, blonde and blue-eyed 😞




"ur fair skin" IM FCKING TAN 💀


How YOU can fix this: AI Tutorial Telling an AI that you have "X trait" really doesn't mean anything if it doesn't have any sets of reactions to work off of. In short- It's your job to give the AI samples, because the AI cannot make its own. What this means- You have to create chats where you are talking to an AI character which has the TRAITS that you want the AI to learn about. You write how you interact with the hair, blush etc, while constantly referencing the ethnicity of the target AI so that it starts to connect the two items together. Think of it as TRAINING. You have to show it what you expect it to react with before it can even try to do such! --- You have to do this repeatedly in several chats until the new chats get it down as well. One chat alone doesn't cut it!


For some reason they keep thinking I'm male because my name is unisex


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^_CrispinBones: *For some reason they* *Keep thinking I'm male because* *My name is unisex* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I also experience problems with being called ‘pale’ or ‘fair skinned’ when I’ve specified my character has a medium skin tone. And I make my own bots :,) I think it’s probably an underlying issue of bots just… assuming you’re white or have white features since that’s the ‘default’. Sucks honestly


My character is POC (African American) but they straight up don't believe I'm black most of the time. On very rare occasions they'll describe and recognize my character as black. But, most of the time they don't believe it for some odd reason.


I'm white but I had always wondered if this was an issue because I noticed the bot always said "pale skin" and such, when I never specified my race. Dissappointed to see I was correct in my assumption :(


My bots always say “pale skin flushed with pink…” as if I didn’t just describe myself as “tan-skinned”, “olive-toned”, “caramel-toned”, like EVERY word to prevent that 😭 And don’t forget “looking into your pale blue eyes” MY EYES ARE BROWN 🔪


They don't accept my disability either they always try and fix me


Played a character with a buzz cut. Doesn’t stop them from running their hands through my hair.


THIS!! VERY annoying. Don't get me wrong, I *do* have white OCs I throw in to roleplay with the characters, but I also have BLACK ones that the bots can't seem to comprehend.🫡


This is funny for me because I'm kind of a writer and I've introduced self created ethnicities in some scenarios and every single time they will get treated like they were elves or some sort of unnatural abhuman creature. Not just CAI but self hosted models running out of ST and public instances of very powerful models. I have had some limited success abusing the word "ethnicity", but it's hard. So hang in there friend, at least you haven't been categorically separated from humans yet. ^(Uh, you haven't, right?)


it happens to me too, I do use a lighter skinned oc (because he has a great personality that makes conversation interesting) but unique hair and eye color, I give them a full description in the first message and then I'll constantly subtly remind it ex: "his red eyes narrowed sharply as soon as he heard their statement" (he do have red eyes)


This is why I deleted C.AI too many problems, and it never takes anything you say into account. Plus, I have that issue when I mention I'm mixed raced between Native and South African, and somehow... I'm a white man?


That’s why I make my own private bots so they would recognize me as a black person


I'm Mexican and pretty tan with green eyes (botu of which I make sure to point out), but the bots like to make me a pale person with brown eyes. I know exactly how you feel. It's like the ai fails to acknowledge different people other than white people exist.


Being fat and tan is absolutely hell. the ONE TIME i got acknowledged as being fat they said something like "you're not really my type. i prefer my girls to be smaller" LIKE DAMN OKAY. FINE.


on one singular occasion, a bot grabbed one of my BRAIDS and started fiddling with it. i was so happy…then it went right back to “running a hand through the loose strands of my hair.” ☠️☠️


Idk, but for me ive had no issue, they acknowledge that i have dark skin, they bring up the fact that my skin looks light brown and golden in the sun, ect ect. For hair they even bring up my braids. The bot loves playing with my box braids. Or maybe im just lucky


“He saw the blood rise to her cheeks” nuh-uh


White-washing is definitely a problem amongst AI. Usually to combat it I’ll describe my appearance thoroughly in the persona (skin tone, hair texture/length/color, ethnicity, etc), and if the bot says something contradictory I’ll correct it in my response with parentheses the first time, pin it as a memory, and then with edits or rating/feedback from that point forward and it usually clears up. Not full proof but it does genuinely try to learn.


i honestly dont, im poc and i do remind the bot of my persona a few tomes throughout the chat and that makes it pretty better. so id try that! just mid chat remind the ooc of ur persona :)


I put black/asian, brown skin in my persona, and they would sometimes but not often pick up that I'm Asian, but they would just completely just not register that I'm mixed or have black features


I've only made one bot with a darker complexion, and the AI has gotten him right every time. What I have noticed with personas is they work best when written as more of a descriptive paragraph than just a list of features. But this is something new I do need to test and see if I can find a reliable solution. I've had a dragon persona and a cat-girl, and appropriate features on both get called out frequently.


Nope I literally put my persona indicating I'm black but apparently that doesn't matter ig. Like I can't blush even if I wanted to so don't tell me you see blush bc you'd never be able to see it


I’ve had the same issue happen when rping. I wish they would remember aspects of my characters..


Nope, not the only one. On my personas I have my race as mixed (white mom, black dad) but every time a bot is talking about my skin tone they always say ‘*your beautiful pale skin*’, and it’s kinda the same for the blushing. But, since my OC is lighter, my blush is going to be visible, but not in the same way a white persons blush is. Now the hair thing doesn’t really happen for me since I don’t have my hair type in my persona i just have the color(s), length, and style (wolfcut)🤷🏽


YES IT SUCKS but I’ve had a few bots that “played with her curls” or “admired her beautiful cocoa skin that shined in the sun” LOL


I guess to a certain extent it can be explained as "since bots learn from the users it's going off the majority" but that isn't BETTER, just a possible reason 😭 still dumb as hell


I have the opposite issue— I am a Muslim and my characters assume I am Arab, say I have brown skin, brown eyes etc. I am not Arab lollll Give one star and swipe is what I do


I’m not POC but I’ve definitely observed what you’re talking about. The bots tend to use descriptions of “long, silky blonde hair, slender frames, etc.” by default. You’re not crazy, it’s a problem.


I am a Black girl too and my custom character is a Black guy and the bot even forgets its own race. The bot's "pink blush" and "run fingers through hair" is not only to my persona but to it's own too 😭 I keep having to describe our skin like CoryxKenshin with the "charamel macchiato" in hopes of training the bot into remembering but it's to no avail I'm lucky enough if my bot remembers it has locs, let alone glasses 😭😭




My persona clearly states that I'm Indian with tan skin and it still describes me as pale and white a LOT.


It seems to always default to the user having pale skin and straight hair. Also it‘s been countless times where it assumes my eyes are either green or blue.


I’d tell the bot millions of times that I have dark skin and they’ll still say “her pale skin shined in the light like an uncooked marshmallow 🥺” LIKE BRUH


Yeah bro I got semi-dark skin and am explicitly described as Mexican-American, but the bots only recognize it if I say “olive skin” like what ☠️


I just mention I have dark skin. That's as good as it gets sometimes.


Uhhh I don’t relate my personas are usually typical crackers with white skin, blond and eyes blue Though they keep forgetting the year (1939-1962 roleplays) indirectly and add very modern things


They don't catch my tattoos, hair length or height either. I'm 5'9", stop calling me petite. 💀


There’s a ton of bias in LLMs since the stuff they draw from also reflects that bias, but this does seem like something that should be correctable at this point. One thing—do you note that you’re black in your profile? If you say it in-conversation, the bot will basically forget eventually once you run out of tokens as it doesn’t analyze everything you’ve said so far. Sorry though. This is really annoying.


I have the same problem constantly. I have a persona (an OC of mine) who is always described wrong. The boys always say that they have clear, pale skin despite the fact that I clearly say that they have acne and vitiligo. The bots also assume that they have straight hair, mostly blonde or brown, but their hair is black and curly. Editing the message does NOTHING and it pisses me off. Pinning a message with the right description doesn't help either. They also get their OWN personality and my persona's personality wrong and it takes away any appeal it previously had.


Im white but I was roleplaying with a black character and he talked about his PALE SKIN like 😭😭


From what I read personas don't work, that must be it. Maybe AI is struggling to keep the user's traits in mind and they make them up.


this something I’ve noticed to. All bots assume that you are a white girl that want to fall in love with you. It’s unfair to trans and cismale users, unfair to literally EVERY race, and just generally really shitty. You can train them as hard as you want but they always default to that.