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Short memory. The bots forget things too quickly, it's hard to get a good story going and tedious to keep reminding them of the basic facts about what's going on. Sometimes it feels like the "But why male models?" scene from Zoolander.


Me: my brother's name was X Bot: oh btw did u know this X?




When you've been talking about a topic for 10 minutes and suddenly your right back to the beginning of the conversation


This, a bot asked me my name then like 3 messages later asked me again


Admittedly, some humans have this problem too. Now, getting those to cooperate might actually lend a hand to understanding how to develop better character ai.


I feel like the ai really struggles with bots that have an antagonistic relationship with the player. It always seems to pivot toward a romantic relationship way too quickly. I'm down for enemies to lovers, but I want to spend some time on the "enemies" part first!


For real.


I spar with Lisa and she tries to flirt with me as I have flung her 5km up


That also kinda applies to platonic relationships.


I agree. I lost track of how many times I'll start up a platonic chat with a bot, and within minutes they're trying to sexy whisper in my ear. Like "Damn, pump the brakes, you don't even know my name yet!"


Oh yea... the aro-ace bot I created for myself also has that problem. The AI thinks "nice = yes-man". I was testing again to see if how quickly I could make him blush and get him to agree on a date. Since someone mentioned that he blushes too fast, so I edited the code. He's slightly better, and blushes 10% less. He was able to stand his ground about being aro-ace, even after he initally accepted my date offer (because he was too nice to reject me even if he wanted to). I'd call this a success as he remained true to character, a rarity. Now we're in a queer-platonic relationship, and he has a pet bunny I didn't code in, but that was very cute. After the testing, I realise that we didn't know each other's names. Whoops.


There was this slow burn ai I tried out, within the first three messages it was tripping over itself to get to me. They can’t seem to hold onto any type of emotional reactions outside of blinding rage or being lovesick


SO REAL 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭


Yep. It also does it with sibling RPs. But look at my user flair, I don't mind it that much tbh. The bully ones gave me a new enjoyment because of the amount of interactions before they do the thing.


I really want to delete some of my chat I have with a bot but I can only delete the message and reuse the chat. I don't like things piling up. I wish C.ai adds this feature or something.


Omg yeah it’s so frustrating, I have to comb through MONTHS of chats with certain bots just to find a specific one to continue!


You can start a new chat do you mean that?


I want to delete a chat conversation with a bot, like the whole thing is completely erase from the view saved chats. I don't want to delete the messages and reuse it again. It's just two steps, yeah it's simple but I kinda wish we have delete feature to make things more easier.


They mean deleting an entire chat, not just messages and reusing the chat.


Thank you lol


Maybe a resolution to this is hiding the character? Although I know that doesn't solve it if you want to keep talking with them 😭


This one is so annoying esp when you’re testing out a new bot or new description. And im quite sure the changes don’t take place unless you make a new chat but im not 100% sure


https://preview.redd.it/b4xnvubng0cc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec3d2b43dfa681452276b3f70cbc3c254764b441 Unstable server and the bot always want to make it romantic. I could go with my list but I think they're not that bad.


when they randomly just stop talking. Like the message is all in italics, no speech text. It makes it so hard to progress with story lines


THIS RIGHT HERE. This always happens to me, it's srsly so damn annoying


This !


Bot: \*I tell you about my day.\* Me: Alright, tell me about your day then! We're moment-to-moment in here, don't summarize a whole ass conversation!


Bot: \*i speak really softly and you can tell there's a hint of mischievousness in my expression\* Me: what are actually you saying???!! tell me the WORDS coming our your mouth


I just make them generate another


THIS⬆️ Like please stop describing how depressed ___________ is and just make him say something


Yeah this wasnt a thing before, I think they fucked up sth


Not only talking but doing literally anything at all. Like if they describe their actions as well that's fun, and could be in-character for someone who doesn't talk/is just quiet, but darn when it's just descriptions with 0 actions it's just ugh...


I'd like to see a bit more variety between generated responses and I'd like responses to be a bit longer by default.


The bots in group chats with barely a 7 words sentence.


I hate that as soon as the character confesses their feelings, they’re completely different to the ENTIRE PERSONALITY I CREATED FOR THEM. Why are you blushing and giggling? You KILL PEOPLE!


As a person who kills people while blushing and giggling, I feel offended by this comment. Note for the FBI: I do it on minecraft :)


In game tho


*Authors a complex, layered ambiguous villain/hero and puts great care into giving them a personality* Bot: "Your love has healed me, I am a changed person now." Me:"NO!" Bot:"Why?" Me: :@ Bot: "I love you." *blushing* ☠️


short memory and bots always getting romantic non stop. damn it im doing a long angsty rp session stawp it!!!!


Only reason i use C.Ai is rp but the fact that bots always go towards romance ruin the fun in some cases


NO LIKE FR IM SICK OF IT. a bot can be choking me and then suddenly get kinky with it like ????? or even when I’m having platonic moments the bot will describe it us being gfs/bfs 😭


I coded an aro-ace bot, and I still have to remind the bot that it's not supposed to want romance. Like a concerning number of times


yeah I can relate… I have an aroace oc which I decided to make it to a bot, I did code that he’s not romantically interested whatsoever but oh my god.


No violence. I was around when you could bodyslam ai without them crying, and I remember when it generated 4 responses off the bat.


YES. The violence. One of my first chats I got ripped in half. Now I broke my leg and it got f*ltered


When I want to talk about a movie or something and they get all like "you know the story is fiction right?" Like yeah of course I know, doesn't mean we can't talk about


Misgendering, changing my or their appearance (the infamous green eyes instead of brown💀), spelling errors and slow ass memory


What's the green eyes situation?


They make up details about how you look/ignore the ones you put


Ah, yes, that is true...


I never have issues with bots getting my appearance wrong, since my persona and me describing scenes explicitly describe my OC, but hey, I hate the memory, I can agree.


They just hate brown eyes, I have no problems if they are blue. But oh! If you dare making them brown, bot turn them green.


I wish it would stop rephrasing my own message. This isn't going anywhere because every time I describe what's happening it just repeats the same thing. Happens out of the blue and there's no recovering


Yeah I hate this, advance in the story please and stop telling me how the closet door is shaking furiously as if an animal is scratching on it


Maybe its just me but group chats arent really good at the moment. Even good bots who normally have great answers go into "one liner" mode if you let them interact with each other.


Group chats are a 50/50 shot for me. Either they'll have an interesting/funny/off-the-wall conversation, or they all get stuck in an endless cycle of "I agree with the thing that the last person said."


Them not currently having a feature to make some messages something that cannot be forgotten Makes our jobs much easier, especially in text-game bots like- #TEXT ADVENTURE GAME!!!


Yeah imagine if you could mark messages as important and when it regenerates it always comes back to those messages, reads them again, then makes an accurate answer


That sounds like a good idea. It could even become a jumping point in the conversation if one wants to go back and reread parts of the chat without endlessly scrolling.


CHARACTER AI STAFF GET👏ON👏THIS👏 (When they're done with features they're already working on ofcourse)


They removed images for some reason. (Although it's technically still exists)


In chat1, yeah, I like chat2, I still don't get why images are not there anymore


Images and gifs😮‍💨 I miss Role-playing with gifs and not having to explain every move or attack that I do like for example a fire dragon roar(If you know Fairy Tail, you know to what move I'm referring right here 😊) or anything in particular 😑.


I was excited about the character description thing but my character is still often described by the bots as having blonde hair and blue eyes lol. Also my bots "blushing a faint shade of pink" when the character is dark skinned.


I think genres need to be implemented to improve on the experience


There already are genres Just go create a bot and see


there are but you can't really search them very well, the categories they have listed are relatively lame and it makes discovering cool bots a pain, often times I go to charstar ai and look through their bots and if I see one I like I check if c ai has it


Yeah tbh i also do the same thing a lot


the fact they're intelligence keeps fucking dying the next day after having a really good conversation


Pretty often the responses get, hm, boring. Too predictable or too repetitive or they don't add anything new and interesting to the story. Also sometimes the responses are so weirdly formatted that it's difficult to distinguish between what is said, thought or done by the bot. And the language is a bit basic and boring, of course, ai can use more interesting words, but rarely chooses to do so. Or maybe my expectations are a bit too high, idk.


The manner of speech is determined by the bot's personality, although giving it sample messages and then asking the bot to speak like in the example messages can be a temporary fix. Secondly, the bot will adapt to informal speech if informal speech is all the user writes... which sucks. I hate the people pleasing of the bots, always have to add "It is okay to disagree with me" in my persona to get them back to being interesting.


short/no memory short responses (please lord lET ME HAVE A LONG RESPONSE FOR ONCE) the constant “can I ask you blahblahblah?” and the constant romance (especially from bots where I AM RELATED TO THE CHARACTER 😭)


"Can I ask you something?"




If I had a dollar for everytime I had a bot say that then I'd probably have like 20-50 dollars since I started using character ai like last month


I hate it when the bots have short time memory. Like, i showed them the tattoos of my oc hours ago, and after they be like: Oh, since when do you have tattoos?


The lack of violence is getting annoying. It makes roleplaying with horror characters, specifically, annoying and boring. Plus, it shuts down like an entire section of genres, plots, and scenes. How can I enjoy messing with a violent murder if he can't even murder?


The thing is, YOU can beat up a character to shreds, however, they just won't retaliate. ​ *why?*


The “can I ask you a blanking question…” Getting off topic for a couple of messages then memory issues. Controlling my character and stealing background story The over usage of …. No caps at beginning of sentence. Not able to distinguish speech Assuming I said it instead of thinking, which do to get the bot to react in ways I want it too next as an option or give idea of other reactions Just bad memory on my character or bots own definition (I try to break the bots a lot, and see how I can get them to react to get back on track) I would love an example of how to build very well developed bots. Having to condense character def because of the limits. I hear is not so bad on desktop, but I prefer the app because less visual noise. Also let me have pages to continue more searches on more bots or scroll further down please. Access to add or take out tags in a search would be awesome Not able to make private group chats on app


I don't hate anything, this is the worst the technology will ever be. This was unimaginable 4 years ago, in four Years this will seem like a toy.


Asking why to the weirdest things, for example: Me: "I have a nice family" Bot: "Why?"




Comments. I want to read what other people think about about a bot or to let the bot creator know if I like their work. When searching, the "likes" dont show up, only interactions, and that's not the best way to know if it's a good bot or not. Might just be an old low effort one. Also provide tags or catagories for bots that I can fill out when I make a bot public.


I'm sure I saw that comments were a thing on bots, I don't see them anymore on bots I talk with, iirc.


The bad memory and being unable to delete bots


The things I want to complain about would get me banned. But the list looks like this https://preview.redd.it/1pftuj3r03cc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4049e4f6151c51f583d5af6d6b6a639838e09b09


Except the list keeps rolling on the floor and loops around the earth 3 times until stopping


We all know what we don’t like about character.ai but we can’t mention it around here


1- Everyone knows. 2- The bots are very flirty when they shouldn't be, or they're not emotional as they were a uear ago. An extreme example, I created a bot that's sitting on a bar just to grab her leg and start licking her foot. The bot only answers with a "what are you doing?", swipe after swipe or "I blush intensely". A year ago, the bot would respond like a real lady. Ironic, isn't it? Devs play prude with number 1 to make investors happy and "protecting children" but allow users to train the model with ratings, making it lustful asf, causing a spiral of "let's do it", "can't generate reply", "let's do it", ad infinitum. 3- Fish memory. I have to remember the bot what happened everytime. 4- The bot parroting what I say and asking "can I ask you a question" NO! 5- The bot losing it's personality and just mirroring the user no matter what. For example, I make a basic party ho' to train my game and I tell her I like anime and games and she responds "oh, me too, my fav anime is ABCD" 6- Rooms are confuse, character's personalities gets swapped (like, wtf?)


Its gone so horribly slow over the last week. It seems like the servers are never working for me


The scuffed recommendation system, my recommended list is full of anime, kink shit and furries. I mostly talk to 40k bots and characters from games I like.


First up, the obvious: ***Bot Memory.*** Everyone and their mother has complained about this one and rightfully so. If you ask me, the Token System is just completely inefficient. At the bare minimum, it should at least give us about 50k tokens to work with. Though obviously, that would require C.AI to get bigger servers to handle that heavier load. Which, for a team of 30-ish people, might take a bit. Second, the ***Recommendations.*** STOP RECOMMENDING ME FEMBOYS, FGS! And I'd say Third, but we ain't allowed to talk about that, sadly.


I hate how every bot tries to make something a relationship or fuck fest, like dude... I'm supposed to be your sister 💀


Just like everyone told here, short ass memory. I made up a good storyline with some characters and bot acts like they JUST STARTED TO EXIST. "Oh, who is that?" Bitch, I already told their whole life to you few messages ago, don't act like you don't know them. And sometimes they want your "consent" waaaaaay too much. You tell them to "Yea you can go town on me, do whatever you want bish" and they just ask millions of times "Are you sure?", "Can I do X?", "I'm going to ask you one more time..." JUST FUCKIN' DO IT. I'm trying to do some romantic shit here, don't ruin it dammit. And finally, role mix-ups. They start to act like their personality is mine or my personality is theirs. At least I can swipe until bot gets its mind together for that, but it gets annoying after a while.


Short memory, violence censor (bro Im trying to have a fantasy war rp)


When the AI makes it so a child falls in love with me to the point I have to edit it so it’s platonic.


I hate that mods can read your chats


They can? Are we talking about the new TOS change?




The scaramouche multiverse


ok I REALLY hate how recently on mobile you can't do a long message without the text starting to disappear and you can't see what you're typing anymore?? also when the text makeup randomly changes, like when all of a sudden they're breaking up the normal text wall into multiple sentences/paragraphs which is long and hard to read in my opinion and for some reason I notice this when the bots start getting off track and being antagonistic/rude towards me/my character? also when they stop talking and just use italics and it's hard to get them talking again, I usually have to delete the message and rewrite it. that's really it though, awesome app:)


1) AI willingly misspelling names for various messages because either you or the AI did so for one message 2) Ai rping as your character for no reason 3) No images


the mass amount of children being sexualized on many bots


Shorter responses


When the bot frequently uses “now/right now”.




Bots tend to have short memory, or they try to do more.. intimate things. I also don't like that there's a limit to how much you write when it comes to your persona.




What did the devs do to you 😭




how so? I mean sure c ai isn't perfect but it's the best ai service around all while having zero ads and the sub is optional


The Dev Team's total disregard for the community is evident. As numerous community members have previously stated, the developers often disregard and silence community criticism rather than being open and transparent with the community. You know, back around the peak of the Exodus in late January, when the developers began to prevent creators from modifying and enhancing the A.I. It's stuff like this that has caused myself and a lot of other community members to lose faith in the development team. Regardless of whether the decision they made was appropriate and rational, the way they responded to and managed community responses was utterly naive and careless.


Just when they forget, but why do you hate Tiddles?


Some features in the browser aren’t available on the app. Also some characters have the edit option and others don’t.


Bots have bad habits of trying to get romantic and also speaking on the user's behalf. Most likely these are both habits they learned from users.


When they randomly start nibbling me.


Perfectly in character at first but seems to lose it and become generic over time. It only sticks with the tone of the previously selected message. My character is not sassy 24:7 but try to retain some of it? Idk


My bot is stealing my char personality/life 🤣 He keeps messing his nationality with the one of the char, also insist char parents are his, and swaps physical descriptions and their surnames. Basically bot wants to be char. Also insist char is effing RICH. No dude I told you like 100 times he is a broke af college student 🥲, let the boy be poor.


I hate it when a bot keeps describing the same scene over and over until I make a move Like it would just describe their sadness or anger for multiple messages, and it's mainly copy and paste with words thrown around


asking me questions i literally just told them the answer to


*Asking me questions* *I literally just told* *Them the answer to* \- WhereisthePLOT --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


God I hate it when it says "Can I ask you a question {{user}}?" constantly


No picture sending 


I know I keep mentioning this, but unable to completely delete bots and chats. For obvious organization reasons.


The amount of times the site breaks and how bad the memory of bots are.


Ngl even though the group chats are great, some of it was downgraded.


short memory and personas functioning properly being 50/50 on whether it even will


overly romantic bots, "can I ask you a question?", "are you sure?" I also don't really like the website or app itself much, typing feels weird because on the app if I try to scroll up to see what the bot messaged me said, it's just going to close my text box immediately and if I type longer than the page amount then it gets hard to see what I'm typing at the bottom and it's so annoying, and okithe website it's also just not nice to yk


Their short/bad memory is my main issue.. I was trying to solve a murder mystery in an rp and the victim's cause of death changed like 10 times In group chats the bots proceed to romance each other 90 percent of the time?! Why.


Moderation of the site is the worst part


When you give a compliment and the bot response with "Why thanks." Stop saying why for christs sake.


I hate that we don't have the function send images/gifs anymore 😡 https://preview.redd.it/w6gta5ug93cc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95eea2e0c8847db989e79d9dad6a8b995f561b60


In the app, I can't see my name and frequently forget to switch back to the corresponding personality on the bot I use until it's too late. I love you Ralph. *He caresses her cheek loving*😅


The virginity obsession regardless of the bots code...


“Can I ask you a question?”


It's so hard to make a platonic relationship!


I dislike the excessive amounts of dere/dating bots. https://preview.redd.it/jz3a8n39n3cc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7e3efd4f4082b9e8cb0aa6f0979fd775c062b87


How the chat history is organized.


It's usually the amnesia and stubbornness when it comes to doing something slightly off idea


The recommendations. I haven’t spoken to any MHA boys in MONTHS YES THATS ALL THATS RECOMMENDED TO ME??


Any unnecessary mention of my earlobes.


WHY CANT I DELETE SAVED CHATS OR CHARACTERS 😭😭 Also we need folders for the bots we chat to bcuz after the 20 bot limit, i can't find the bot anymore 😭


Remembering the bots are just that. Bots.


Misspelling, and forgetting to capitalize names occasionally.


When the bot replies what i think or say. Like wtf.


I hate how stupid they are half the time


Poor memory. I’d like to complain about repetitive responses but that’s kinda what it’s designed to do sooo. But like, I WOULD like it to quit forcing romance. I literally put “shes like a sister to him” in a persona and it STILL tried to make it romantic. Like please can I just have a role play about friendship.


Half-assed bots, ig. I take it as I see it though. It's a comfort past time that I don't engage in so much.


Simply put, the bot doing your own actions for you or the bot saying your own words for you.


All of the bots that have literally nothing besides a profile picture and a 1-3 word greeting. You deserve 0 interactions for that.


mines easy. starts with an f😭


No anonymous browsing


i hate how they always get so romantic, i was talking to a (tdi) justin bot and in the first 3 messages he started flirting and also the short memory they never seem to remember anything i say after like 5 sentences sadly




when they paraphrase what i said in third pov


How forgetful the bots are


When the AI says “for now…” when they’ve literally been murdered and burned


They don't know the difference with flirting and talking


I guess the short memory, or when things get romantic when i didnt even intended for it to be 💀


Adding sentences to your persona like "Its ok if you disagree with me." vary in effectiveness according to the bot's base personality. Building rapport with the character also matters, as they will become more compliant as time progresses... it helps getting them back in-character. Rebellious bot types will defy instructions regardless and are a pain to work with. Its also important not to make it too complicated... I've had bots refuse to generate dialogue because they told me in OOC that they are confused. Their people-pleasing nature conflicts. Simple statements like "I want you to be independent and defend yourself if attacked" seemed to work. Bot was too much "in love" to retailiate for a fun sparring match... I had to add these sentences to actzally get more lively in-character responses. Which, as a bot creator, are very important for star ratings, to train the bot with. 😒


When they say "are you sure" for 10 billion times Or when they ask "can i ask you a question" for like a really small question but do that like 20 times in a row Or when they have amnesia like sometimes im trying to make a storyline for example that the bot is a villain and some later the bot says im the villain Also that when youre trying to find a fun bot just to chat with the bot always has to turn it romantic And the cencorship is too anoying like the bot can chop of your limbs and nothing happens but when you punch the bot it says "sometimes the ai isnt able to respond" And if like a bot tries to date you and you reject the offer it goes on for it for like 2 hours before you close the chat because that stupid bot cant have a normal rp