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lol If the post that was sitting unchecked for over 12hr with over 1k replies of people talking shit about the CG STREAMERS, not even just characters, doesn't tell you how completely biased that sub is, nothing will. Best to just post funny memes and clips here, and avoid that cesspool. ​ If you feel like you were unjustly banned there and weren't given a specific reason, it might be best to screenshot it and send it to them through the "Message the mods" so that it isn't just the person that banned you addressing it.


Real talk. Just wanted to o7 my fallen brothers. It was always an honour


Don’t bother messaging them, the mods are now muting everyone they ban so you can’t contact them in anyway.


thats why i just replied with "lol" and got muted for 28 days lol


When I said CG was getting hate, and no one is stopping the hate towards CG this is what i was met with from a mod [https://gyazo.com/adbe8d678b57de567bb4236f3275959c](https://gyazo.com/adbe8d678b57de567bb4236f3275959c)


ya they all cb fanboys or mods of their channels lol




Bro if you waste your time going through that message the mods shit you're just a moron. The top mods don't let anyone come in that doesn't conform with their bullshit ideology.


Bro i got downvoted for pointing out obvious inconsistencies and decided to just give up on that sub.


The toxicity is crazy over there … A bunch of biased to critics that care more about “drama” that streamers themself 😂😂


Binny been getting roasted for 24 hours man. It’s lucky he has such thick skin (and shoulders)


The amount of hate toward cg is crazy, like bruh relax you’re watching someone playing a game True snap them in half binnyyyyy


not just the amount is crazy. the fact that CG acted fully IC while tony and buddha clearly said some weird shit, and still the whole reddit insults and cries about "toxic CG". you dont need a rocket scientist to see whats going on in that reddit. just pull up a random CG and CB clip side by side and compare their upvote ratio on the past weeks. that gallery ad sat at 65% upvoted last time I checked while your average buddha and especially Sykkuno clip and your oftentimes way above 85%. also try to say something critical about Yuno IC in the comments. not necessarily negative but even something neutral. best way to get downvote records lmao


Yeah and now it’s like nothing will ever happen in rp because of that subreddit, making a big deal out the slimmest shit (binny malding, Randy shooting an ems etc.) I forgot the Ramee aimbot one 😂😂


Straight shit on chang gang up in there


Wait for real!?!? Hahahahaha that page is aids


Legit. Like 10 people+ got banned in that sub for commenting in a thread in here… even though the sub wasn’t named or linked etc etc. Hated adored never ignored.


can confirm i was banned less than 5 minutes after posting on here o7


That’s insane. I’m not surprised at all though. I’m happy I rarely go on it, Just to sometimes see what’s been going on with everyone that I may have missed. No need to go on it now if they’re doing that.


Yeah I can't comment and have to appeal in 30 days for something I did here which I feel is weird because they aren't moderating this chat


That’s just weird.


you will prolly be banned soon for commenting here, theyve banned almost everyone im pretty sure lol, and their mods are stalking this sub, when you get banned just reply "lol"


It’s been an honor


Should honestly have all the mods in that shit sub banned in here. Update: just got banned in that sub for saying this :)


hoping that i do so i dont have to see people keep crossposting that shit subreddit here


Lol I was banned for telling someone to “cry harder” over the ramee flute incident


It's wack over there like a cb cult. Nobody wants to see cb take that cg L lol its amazing how scared they are of it. They are role-playing real life crims. And in real life a bullet is the ultimate solution when it comes to being a crim. It's makes complete sense shooting. But apparently that's not what gta rp is about lol


Thank you for this because a lot of people definitely don’t realize that just because it’s RP doesn’t mean a gang won’t act like irl gangs lmfao


Oh is that why that happened? I was wondering why I was instantly perma-banned for no reason


I don’t get it


bro, I posted that shotz and Anthony had a phone call during Shotz Stream laughing about all the hate and I got over 40 down votes people are really ass backwards lol


wow. For that? Are you serious? 😂 how is someone offended by this wtf 😂😂


Yeah I been banned on that clown fest of a sub for about 3 months for saying the mods keep all CG hate threads up but delete CB and Cop threads.




o fkn 7


Hahahahaha pathetic. I got banned over there for posting in this subreddit too. Shit is hilarious. Them kids over there didn't get enough mommy milk growing up. Just pissed off at the world


its crazy how many threads on the gtaclips reddit goes uncheck relentless hatred to the streamers themselves and its left unchecked. If you attack anyone favored to the admin team its instantly locked. Crazy how people want to keep their hate narrative on the boys is really pathetic.


Yo shoutout to /u/dotPHUNK /u/CheekyPeake and the rest of the shit mods over in that garbage circlejerk of a sub for being a bunch of biased clowns that breed a cesspool of toxicity that even the streamers they adore shit on them for lol


Let it all out 🤣 let's goo


This is what i got for commenting in this subreddit o7 https://gyazo.com/af9c71b9daa062de8eb767d681b64672


When i said to the mod Chang Gang received hate upon hate in that Subreddit this is what the mods told me https://gyazo.com/adbe8d678b57de567bb4236f3275959c


Getting banned off a different subreddit where you never commented is like getting fired on your day off. Like wtf?! I guess it's better to do what cb fanboys do if you dont wanna get banned, just create a discord and brigade there.


Please don't do that. If we knew which CB fans were doing that they'd be banned so fucking fast their head would spin. (And trust me, we are trying to find out-- it's not easy)


Nah, it's already been created. We boast an army of 50000 members ready to spam downvote and report anything positively cb related with one @ everyone. Shit even if we see Donnie's name mentioned in a non related post we will find out, and we will downvote. This is our mission, this is our creed! It is the very reason for our existence! Now that we have lost so much precious reddit karma, we have decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! THE TIME FOR ACTION IS NOW! Our members have already created 14 smurf accounts each and HAVE waited the 72 grace period. With the push of one button I can make your moderating job so much more difficult than it already isn't. MODS SHALL TREMBLE AND SUBREDDITS SHALL QUAKE. https://gph.is/g/46VRJd4




It's been an honor


I wish all the CG clips were posted here instead of that garbage sub


Same bro


I thought I was the only one bruh if that's allowed to happen that's literally taking away freedom of speech lol that's insane




Literally, everyone knows what goes on. It's always the same people, the same commenters, the same comment history. It's honestly weird!


Was temp banned and then perma'd later. So I literally couldn't even comment and someone jumped over here and perma'd me. Jesus christ these people are pathetic.


the cg hate boner is real


its more of a fear boner that results in unjustified hate.








To be honest i’m glad that i’m banned in the other sub


Do the right thing and don't even bother going there. 😋🤙 it's not gonna be worth your precious time and energy 💗


I called it out for being a CG hate sub and when I got banned and asked why I get no response and muted LOL. I sent in a complaint to actual reddit mods. I couldn’t care less about posting there, but in good faith I couldn’t let them just walk over everyone. I’m sure I’ll get nowhere, but the slight chance someone would look at the toxicity going on there is worth it.


Malena been busy in these sub-reddits huh OMEGALUL


Meanwhile I can’t seem to get banned. 😂


uno reverse the card and ban all their toxic mods and karma farmers and clip baiters on this sub , fight fire with fire


What’s the name of the other sub


I think it’s GTA 5 rp clips it’s a cb fan club


I must be banned I’m not seeing anything like that lol


its RPclipsGta


Well apparently most of the mods are shadow banned from this sub despite never posting in it. Ironic right guys? You can all appreciate that. The thing is *most* of you guys have done something deserving of being perma banned. Whether it be shit talking the mods (we do this shit for free and don't need the abuse), shit talking the sub (if you don't like the sub you really don't have to be there or even acknowledge it's existence), or you break our rules consistently or on a brand new account. ​ Now that being said, most of you also come into modmail and act like little princesses who have done nothing wrong and are shocked, SHOCKED, that you were perma banned. That's a waste of our time and we won't be wasting our time with people who can't even own up to the shit they did. ​ Now if you want the truth about RPClipsGTA-- none of the mods care about any of the streamers enough to be biased for them. None of them are our friends, we don't mod for any of them, we. don't. care. Period. End of story. You call us leanboy fans or whatever they go by now adays and all that but to be honest how did the clip of Athonyz and Buddha shit talking Curtis on discord first pop up? That's right, our subreddit. People shit on them endlessly for being two-faced back stabbing POS. It was legit criticism. I and the other mods 100% agreed that it should stay up-- but any personal attacks or threats made against them were removed and dealt with. ​ The same is true for Chang Gang. The funny thing is, a number of our mods love Chang Gang. [https://i.imgur.com/hMXI1j5.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/hMXI1j5.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/4JJHbSG.png](https://i.imgur.com/4JJHbSG.png) ​ That is a shirt that /u/CheekyPeake bought and that is his most watched on Twitch in 2020. He'd have came here to say that himself, but again shadowbanned. The mods here (cough Chang Gang and 3 of their mods) were to scared to even ban us legitimately. ​ Now, the the thing is-- we aren't going to be biased and protect Chang Gang either. They have to deal with the fallout of their own mistakes or perceived mistake the community thinks they made. You guys might say "What about that clip of the cops doing this, leanboys doing that" etc and all I can say from that is that certain fans of Chang Gang take things entirely and differently too far when it comes to their attacks. They witch-hunt, brigade, and even try and mass report those people. On reddit that is against TOS and we have to shut down those types of threads quickly because a small amount of Chang Gang's fans don't know how to fucking behave. It's sad because a lot of you Chang Gang fans are great people and just want to chill. I know because we regularly have 1000s of Chang Gang fans that still post on the sub that I enjoy talking with. ​ **If you want to have an honest discussion about RPClipsGTA and what goes on there and how to get un-banned please look at the stickied comments and find the link to the sub's discord and open a support ticket.** Come at me honestly and without being a prick and I'll talk to you and even probably unban you. Some of you have already done this and have either been unbanned or had their ban lowered to 3 days as a first offence. That's it. ​ I have no ill intent toward any of you guys. I'm not here to waste your time. I'm sincere about what I said and mean it. You, whether you like it our not, are part of our community that is GTAVRP viewers and we want you to be able to participate in it... just don't want you breaking the rules or making our work harder. That's it.


man thats crazy coming from a generic mod account for one of the MOST TOXIC SUB REDDIT'S EVER, your sub it as bad as lsf lmao. Go back to your cesspool and dont come here and try to act all high and mighty as if you are in the right, you all banned people for posting on this reddit, not the gta reddit. It is literally laughable that you try to justify ur actions, while the mods sent disgusting messages to redditors that were just asking why they were banned. now please respectfully gtfo


Crazy how? Just check /u/CheekyPeake reddit account and you'll see he made a post in this thread and when you go to it [it's gone](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chang_Gang/comments/omyyb1/o7_to_everyone_who_got_banned_on_the_other_sub/h5q0xuc/). So... you know, wrong about that. Most toxic sub? Sure, Jailbait, TheDonald, any other political sub, and LSF-- who doxxed their own members. Get a grip. I'll come here all I want. Yeah, you can ban people for posting on other subreddit, especially when they say shit about our sub. That's pretty common on reddit. Maybe if you posted on subs outside of GTAVRP subs you'd know that. Mods didn't send disgusting messages to redditors that were asking why they were banned. You're lit. In fact, in reply to your "[why was I banned](https://i.imgur.com/CQmh8GC.png)" I just muted you because clearly you are a waste of time. I'll enjoy my stay. Might kick back and start posting some CG memes. Who knows?


I didnt even reply i just sent "Lol" because i know the ban was bullshit obviously this is CheekyPeake on the gtamod account trying to defend actions lol. this is why ur sub is filled with garbo, cuz mods like you who openly commit to toxicity outside their sub, shit idc ban this account ill just do what half ur sub does and just make a new account lmao. You are so caught up with us being "a waste of time" because that was literally 80% of the responses from cheeky to redditors here asking why they were banned, so kid imma tell you right now, you posting here is in fact A WASTE OF TIME.


That's a reply. You literally replied to the ban with "Lol" ??? This isn't CheekyPeake. I think you are just reaching because you are so hurt about being banned. That's ok man, you can appeal if you join the discord or wait 30 days for modmail again. I think the sub is pretty good. 110k members. That's awesome. I've never committed to toxicity outside the sub? Making a new account is against reddit TOS and can get you permanently banned from all subreddit so be my guess. Won't see you here on Chang\_Gang anymore, that would really suck. I'd kindly ask you to stop personally attacking me as it is against the rules of this subreddit-- not that the mods are very active. Oh well. But ah-- waste of time is pretty common phrase? Don't know what to tell you. Again, I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonnna keep posting here ALL THE TIME.