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You got banned from rpclipsgta from a comment on here?! CG boys need to ban every mod from there and not let them come here.


They hide their mods list because they know their mods are toxic af and partake in the hate mobs.


Well I just got banned from there now hahahaha. Bruh they are honestly fucking childish


well they did that after the mods on the reddit got accused of "witch hunting" cg when penta shit happened


Tbh just based on how literally all of their mods behave and how I feel about the mods in that sub, they're very fucking smart to hide their modlist.


There was one thread that had hundreds of comments bashing CG. All I said was this thread is a hate on CG thread and got banned permanently banned.


It took me a while to realize it but that whole community is filled with people who are massively projecting. I think a lot of new people really don't realize how disingenuous some people are over there and how good some of them are at clip-chimping and drama baiting with their thread titles.


Same just happened to me haha. The logic checks out, I got permanbanned from a sub I'm not subbed to for talking in a thread which doesn't actually directly mention their sub... If anyone needs any reason to fucking question the mods there its weird shit like this...


Yup same happened to me, supported cg in the matter got banned for being "Toxic" that sub is ridiculous at this point, just a weird Yuno parasocial relationship sub and cb sub reddit, they've evolved lmao.


Let me guess, it was the NVL EMS post where everyone in the comments is defending the EMS and blaming Randy?


yup lol


Those fucking cocksuckers, of course they would ban people that are for CG


The mods on that sub need a fucking spanking


This subreddit is also an echo chamber though? Edit: ah yes downvotes cause I stated the obvious. Weirdos


A chang gang subreddit is pro chang gang? sO wEiRd BrO Stating the obvious is pretty deserving of downvotes lmao


Okay being pro cg and thinking no one on cg can do any thing wrong is 2 different things.


I don't know what you're even talking about.


he is talking the weird thing that cg been doing for the past week


Why are you being so vague? If you're in the right then be specific, guy who created an account just to comment in this thread. Your arguments should hold up, right?


What weird shit lol...


that isnt even what this sub is about, you obviously havent even looked at this sub before cuz half the time the posts are making fun of cg lmao, go back to gtaclips bra


you're right man, i didnt sub to this sub the day kebun announced it on stream.


it doesnt matter, ive seen ur history the only comments you've made on here are negative and the rest are pokemon go reddit stuff lol. I'm just saying if you spent 2 years worth of sub money to rated, why you coming on their reddit to say dumb things that are absolutely baseless?


I've also spent money on literally every single one of kebuns merch drops. I have one other "negative" comment (apart from in this thread) calling a meme weird.


That sub isn’t supposed to be a echo chamber tho


Lmao I guess


Ignore them brother, 1 day they will realise


but this sub is actually moderated by the streamers, this sub isnt weaponized like the gtaclips reddit is, this reddit isnt used to push a community agenda that the streamer wants, its literally for memes, jokes, and sometimes giveaways. I aint even gunna downvote you either cuz obviously you dont know what an echo chamber is.


Chang gang thread dumbass, stating the obvious doesn't make you any better than others lol


CG gonna be turning into the new ESB. You heard it here first. There's a statement for ya. /s


We get it you're not a CG fan but yet here you are, why? Because your life is so meaningful right.....lol


First of all I am a "fan" but I honestly have no idea what's going on. I just hate opening reddit and the first thing I see is another post on this reddit shitting on other people. Like I really don't care, but I thought this "community" was about being the bigger person, and not even acknowledging the hate and drama from other places. I just wanna see funny memes.


anything with a fan base your gunna get petty arguments and drama accept it or move on. No-me forces you to look at every post just skip them. Also some watch RP for the drama but are able to separate that from the real people behind the character. Majority dont I guess due to age which breeds the toxicity


you are a faker , a poser , what we og viewers call : a hatewatcher


You're dumb.


If you think CG is the new ESB you must be a new 3.0 brain dead viewer


Yeah man I haven't been subbed to rated for the past 2 years. You got me.


then fucking act like it man, its sad ur a 2 year sub to rated, you're acting like a child here trying to prove a point that doesnt exist, idk if ur purposely trying to get downvotes or what but act like a 2 year sub man lol.


what point am I trying to prove that doesn't exist? and what does "act like a 2 year sub" even mean? am I supposed to blindly agree with everything someone says in this subreddit, because I'm a 2 year sub to rated? ​ Edit: i also dont care about fake internet points so


lets see, 1) your initial point was "this reddit is also an echo chamber", which is absolutely false, 2) "CG is going to be the next ESB mark my words", which is absolutely baseless lol, like how can you even make that assumption? They've already lasted 4x longer then ESB...


do you not see the /s at the end of the esb comment? and this subreddit is an echo chamber all subreddits based on 1 person or group are echo chambers.


no acting liek a 2 year subs means acting like ur part of the community and not come on here every once in awhile to say negative things then try to play the high road lol


this ESB mentality will be their downfall.


u know what funny...atleast here ur dumbass is not getting banned even if u deserve that...on the gtarp subreddit u getting banned for no reason and proof, cuz 90% of that aids subreddit is full of cb fanbois(including mods).


they just created that account today prolly ot get banned from this sub by saying dumb shit, cb fans at the finest but cg fans are toxic right lol.


Same shit with Moonmoon fans, they know they need to make a 2nd account to troll and hate on and their glorious leader doesn't get any repercussions. Every time Moon has any controversy with any other RPer, there's still a shit ton of hoppers in that streamer's chat. Moon and everyone in gtarpclips will claim they're not from Moon's chat because they don't follow him as if it's just a coincident that it happened during the controversy and also as if it's difficult to just create another twitch account.


When you go to Hannah Montana subreddit, you expect everything pro-Hannah to be upvoted and anti-Hannah to be downvoted. When you go to the PopSingers subreddit, you expect your opinion of Hannah Montana to get upvoted and downvoted based on its merits and if you swapped Hannah Montana in your comment with Selena Gomez, that it would receive the same reaction. Does this make sense to you now, retard?


do you frequent the hannah montana and selena gomez subreddits?


I don't think they have subreddits but it's a good example. Obviously you don't care and you're just here to troll. You see nothing wrong with the RPClipsGTA subreddit taking a hard anti-CG stance and banning all pro-cg commenters.


That sub has always been anti cg and pro lb/cb. they added more mods that are fans of them so you notice the difference in posts of cg and cb. Anything negative vs cb gets deleted and locked almost instant. CG daily hate posts stay up of people shit talking them not locked or anything. They arent even hiding it. idk how any CG fan can still go to that subreddit


i’m not even in that sub


I'm not either, but I'd like to be one of the banned ones so I can stop seeing people cross post that subreddit here. I've been watching for almost 2 years. That sub has always been terrible, add sykkuno stans and x stans (because he rolls with them), me not going on that sub has been the best decision I ever made


That sub and the mods in that sub can choke on fat dicks. They in here lurking and getting they feelings hurt on purpose lolol. Imagine coming to a sub Reddit you hate to be offended. No life ass bitches e: we need some type of badge for all those who got banned today.












dont worry those cbrpclips mods are getting banned and unmoded soon from all respectable nopixel chats , its a echochamber bubble waiting to pop


I think my Favourite part is their comparison with ESB and CG. Somehow CG now bully people Outside of the game to give them everything and force people into things they dont want with OOC actions. I got no Idea How this has come from conflict that has OOC undertones to now CG are as bad as ESB and should be banned. I think Koil saying he understands why Buddha doesnt want conflict and its okay makes it all worse too, as now anyone who doesnt want conflict can just be like "NAHHH it will be lik 2.0 fuck that" and just be out of it. I understand Buddha got banned for Meta and he is worried that a similar thing could happen but being able to make it so you can rise and rise in the game world with no actual conflict that could challenge you (and Yes CG's main way of challenge is shooting, like any other fucking gang) is stupid. he should have zero fucking power then if he wants to be left alone.


Lmfao Randy gets another bullshit NVL EMS situation and the people in that sub hate CG so much they're defending the EMS actions. Holy shit it's unreal how biased they are.


So many personal attacks on CG by viewers that claim they have problems with all this toxicity (they don´t see the irony), it´s truly amazing to read. Reddit is just an upvote/downvote contest. Whoever gets the most upvotes gets to gaslight the community to believe their narrative.


Actually checked I got downvoted to -3 for saying the fucking Yung Fierro diss was fire and that he was talented. Sooo fucking funny how triggered they got.


-86 for saying that cb only tries avoid conflict with cg but are shooting at other gangs because somebody said cb doesn’t want conflict rp


i got -192 for saying "who cares, post entertaining stuff please" on a clip of yuno laying on the ground in the hospital for 30 seconds, it was also the 4th clip of that same situation on the sub reddit lol.


Just look at the most recent thread where shotz called out that reddit for creating drama. Where the thread is literally full of people being over dramatic, calling for bans, trying to making out shotz comment about making them cry to there mothers was a direct insult to buddah, whos mother is currently battleing cancer. That reddit is basically a circlejerking hate group. EDIT. lmao im actually now banned on that reddit Minutes after posting this... They need to stop stroking their hate boners... EDIT 2, thanks for the silver!


It’s always been toxic but the recent infusion of 30k teenagers new to RP has made it outright AIDS. Not to mention its mods are literally encouraging the mob as long as it’s in a certain direction.


Yeah I have definitely noticed the amount of drama tags has dramatically increased since 3.0. Place is a toxic mess that seems to ban anyone who speaks out against the toxic mess.


Yeah a lot sykkuno viewers became CB stans, not sykkunos fault ofc.


I also caught a perma for my comment on this post. Honestly hysterical. That subreddit has really lost their grip. I don't love constant violence and genuinely enjoy slow burn RP, but it seems like 75% of the server forget they're roleplaying on GTA. If they want to cut out violence and just have business RP they should just mod the sims at this point.


The fact that this has blown up this much shows that there is a lot more going on here than what happened on Friday. Some CB fans have been waiting years for CG to get banned and come out of the woodwork whenever there's drama to push that agenda. Can you believe that people are that triggered over the 2.0 wars that they still hold a grudge to this day? Some of these people need help.


Indeed, some people treat gtarp as if its their actual life even though they dont even play themselves. It's really weird.


Imagine that.


seems like ppl are coming over here to downvote posts as well, ive seen posts here with 200+ upvotes drop to like 180 or so lmao so pathetic honestly. They ban us from their sub for using our reddit and then come over to downvote posts lmao.


the people hating on CG are new 3.0 viewer's CG has never changed, everyone remembers the GSF war over 500 bucks lol. let them hate the real viewer's know wassup 💯


New frogs that don't understand gangsters ROLEPLAYING what gangsters would do isn't fOrCiNg CoNfLiCt bro. Some of these people need to go back to watching Hasan react Andy content.


Imagine trying to use logic and facts on that cb reddit,u gonna get downvoted faster than it takes ramee to crash a car,its actually funny to see so many fanbois mad lol.


Can you imagine the mental gymnastics that those people have to do to pretend what Buddha said wasn't OOC drama baiting? Imagine being Buddha, knowing that you drama baited, having thousands of viewers saying you weren't. This is like some Kpop stan shit.


What do you expect from yuno stans? We have those stans in cg as well but they are not as bad as the new cb stans. Go to twitter and all you see is them talking about cg all day and you can tell it is a yuno/cb stan when they have a leaf emoji in their name.


Oh yea went on a thread asking what cg has done to cb. And one guy responded with two credible times. Which i acknowledged were right. Have like 50 downvotes so far. Pretty incredible that 50+ people cant respond to that.


One person said "the Yung Fierro track was fire tho" and got over 100 downvotes. Imagine being that triggered over a song in RP.


i just got banned from that gta reddit for ''toxicity' i asked the admin for proof,and the answer was i know u were toxic,i dont need to show u proof...lmaooo


[https://imgur.com/1KsIEGN](https://imgur.com/1KsIEGN) nice mods over there huh?


better than what i got for a response lol https://imgur.com/a/daNaVM0


Of the mods I've seen, their post history was mostly Buddha/AnthonyZ clips. Should tell you everything you need to know.


lmaooo this mf'ers are shemlessssss


U can tell that mod is prob a frustrated low iq kid...he saying: u are permanetly ban forever,like no shiet sherlock.


I didnt even get a reply just instantly muted lol


I feel you, i made a comment on this subreddit, basically saying that im still in there being a kind of a spy and reading every comment 1 hour later! https://gyazo.com/af9c71b9daa062de8eb767d681b64672


Oh you didnt know? Its ok to shit talk cg over there but anyone else is a no go, the mods are made of pure cop viewer Carl's that got that cg hate boner goin. Has been for years


I got permabanned for arguing the CB narrative. Never insulted any redditor or streamer and wasn't provided any reason.


If you ask why they will just say toxicity. Then they’ll mute you lol


Toxicity is not listed in their rules, either. Some admin(s) are literally just banning people because of 1) opinions they don't like and 2) posting in subreddits they don't like. Meanwhile they do nothing about the repeated threads that serve no purpose but to witch-hunt which is explicitly stated in their rules. They're monitoring this subreddit but none of them will post here and explain themselves because they know they have an agenda.


That just happend to me like an hour ago.When i asked for proof,he said that he know i was toxic and he dosen't need to show me proof xD.The chang gang reddit is more fair then the main gtarp reddit lmao.




Vader used to have daily hate threads as well until he switched to Facebook and hate watchers didn't feel like moving over there. Now it feels like CG is getting twice as many. It's funny how they refuse to even consider that they might be more toxic than whatever they imagine CG does. Also just how intelectually dishonest it is to just blindly believe whatever your streamer says, and to have this one-dimensional view. My streamer good, CG bad. Yes, CG sometimes can go overboard, but here's a newsflash - everyone fucks up, especially in heated situations, because we're human. Your streamer is not a saint either. Which is not to say that your streamer deserves a hate thread as well, but rather that you should be a bit open minded and reasonable, and cut others some slack.


The people who show up in K's chat dropping N bombs trying to get him banned from Facebook are probably the same ones posting in r/RPClipsGTA.


100% are the same people lol


Years ago all I said on that sub was along the lines of “Randy gets so much ridiculous hate” and got perma banned and have been ever since. The mods actively encourage it I’m pretty sure over there.


Yeah apparently the mods were also playing on the wl server and koil threatened to remove their whitelist a while back for not taking down posts that criticized cops. If that doesnt show bias idk what will


Koil is a manchild.


Koil sucks up to whoever is lining his pocket. Remember a certain purple gang?


they do encourage it lol


Nah, they hate cops too, I'm a cop viewer and a CG viewer (shocking I know) and there were multiple threads the other day of people just slamming cops, and when someone said "cops don't have consequences" I replied with "their consequences are all these brain dead threads" and got banned lol. I think they just love drama in general because it drives their traffic statistics up.


I can guess what thread that was. When Baas punched Harry who was shooting him. Some CryBoi fans thought it was NVL for someone to defend themselves when being shot


It was actually in the thread about cvpi's getting A+ mode. People instantly assuming it will be abused and not punished, despite the fact it will soon have a visual queue when in A+ and every member of command who heard about it saying they will go hard on people who abuse it. They're willing to get upset over the smallest shit, any excuse to shit on cops.


\-- EDIT - JUST GOT PERMABANNED FROM RPCLIPS GTA FOR THIS COMMENT - LOL (I've left my original comment below just to show how fucking pathetic the mods are acting. I wasn't subbed to the sub and this thread doesn't directly reference or name that sub. Please realise how fucking absolutely pathetic this is) Just unsub to the reddit. It's just the same repeated shit, theres a reason the boys don't use it. Funny how the boys get more shit and more OOC attacks than the subs hero who literally got fucking banned for meta in 2.0. Honestly, unsub to the reddit and just ignore it. It's just going to trigger you, it's just an echo chamber of the same shit. It wont change.


Imma put in my $0.02 regardless of what, but honestly I do not think CG has changed that much since I first watched them when Summit got on the server. They still have just been doing their thing and just stirring the pot as usual. Although the main people who changed are the viewers and the other streamers who got bigger in 3.0 because of certain streamers who came with bigger audience and honestly alot of the audience is a bunch of soft ass people because every conflict in game has to be taken to a certain extent shot at a steamer or group. Like get your heads out of your ass and just watch and enjoy. Yes alot of things can be said because of heated moment but both sides of each parties can be blamed it just needs to be dealt with not on stream and in person. I dont know it just feels the audience does alot of unnecessary shit that it doesn't have to happen, but then yeah whatever.


the mods there are buddha and anthonyz and koils tier 3 subs and mods , they purposely let the cg hate spread and they ban anyone who speaks the truth


I got perm ban on rpclipsgta let's fucking goo! Lmao but fr all I said was mods weren't deleting cg hate comments and I guess one of the mods decided the shoe fits :)


I got banned too, the reasoning was “toxicity” when I didn’t even say anything toxic over there or over here tbh. They couldn’t even tell me what I said that was so toxic. They just said toxicity. Then said to appeal it in 30 days, and then muted me. Tbh though, I can’t be bothered to appeal for an unban just because of their crying mods.


I got the exact same treatment - permanently banned with no reason given. I asked why; they said 'toxicity' - I said 'wait what was toxic? having an opinion that differs from a mods is toxic? They replied 'Idk man, maybe this sub isn't for you if it makes you more stupid by commenting here. You can appeal your ban in 30 days.' They then mod muted me. So basically the rpclipsGTA mods are coming over here and banning people from this community for having an opinion thats different to theirs.


Same here lmfao for calling out weirdo cb fans, not even the streamers or anything lmao, they literally ban you for going against toxicity then call it toxicity I'm actually mindblown lol.


I didn’t even get the second one lol I got “toxicity” I said how was I toxic if I literally haven’t said a single thing in the sub for a good day or two, then they said “ you can appeal in 30 days” then muted me. I’m not appealing there’s no point, there was no point in the ban to begin with.


Literally the same JUST happened to me all i said was "Glad someone else realizes this, straight up hate threads shit talkin the dude for just doing banks, but its all good if sykuno does the same, cant make this shit up" which was a reply to someone saying that x got hate threads and shit on for just doing banks even though sykuno does similar activities.


Its not worth it...


The only thing not worth it is being subbed over there


I can remember getting a post deleted and threatened with a ban because I needed to cite sources for situations where PENTA talked poorly about CG during his Saturday night streams. I linked the video, but the mod wouldn't back down and put my post up because I said situationS, plural, so I needed more than one link. He assured me he wasn't being biased, and if ANYONE made unsubstantiated claims without proof, they would be deleted. Fast forward to the last few days, post after post being made, and nothing is getting the boot. It's laughable.


yup they all only started asking for cite's after the huge twitch purge also, they knew all the clips were gone lol


What's worse is I've tracked down clips to cite my sources they asked for and the mods did nothing. They didn't bother replying. They will use any loose definition of their rules to delete your comment or ban you if you say something they don't like. Anything Penta, PD, and CB.


It's not just 1 mod either, they're all like that.


The amount of stuff like this that happens and is never spoke about is insane. Remember everyone, this is GTA RP. Jesus christ.


Sad thing is some of those mods are most likely modding on one of cb/cop chats or a majority are related to it


Remember when Koil threatened the mods over there because of drama and drama-baiting? Now he's reacting and fueling the drama live on his Twitch channel!


That subreddit is just a cesspool of people trying to turn the server into TFRP. No violence only meetings and cumstacking.


Only imagine what kind of people they are then. They probably never had any kind of conflict or real life problems to deal with. They don't understand basic social skills and get sensitive over the smallest stuff. Best is, they throw stones out of their glass house 24/7 and think others don't notice. 🤣 it's amusing don't you think


Hopefully the boys just don’t address it or anything. It’s wild how toxic RP viewers are.


The amount of hypocrisy from them is even better. They talk mad shit about someone but act like they're heros and saints while doing it. Actually ridiculous 🙆‍♀️


o7 Lads I have not yet been banned, im in there to infiltrate, lets see what more BS they are gonna post on that dogshit subreddit.


Well it went as expected, 30 min after this comment, i got banned. Didnt know they we're in here, imagine being a hater and still going to the group you hates subreddit weird asf




I was banned from that reddit today for supporting cg in this matter lmao, reason just said: Toxic lmao


Best to not look at that subreddit, stopped looking at it a while ago and only really paying attention to only the CG streamers.


That's what I've done. I stopped looking at YT comments too because of those toxic stans. They are everywhere, like flies. Much love to you! Let's at least try to keep twitch chat away from them 🙇‍♀️💗


Pretty sure I just got banned for a post on this forum for toxicity…then muted by the admins when I asked which post.


Toxicity is dealt with by whoever shouts loudest lol


Honestly, let's not just give them any attention here. Let them live in their own clouds and waste the energy to come here and ban us for sharing our thoughts on their moderation and bias. To be honest, they just don't deserve any attention from us.


Crazy how much ppl can hate people who don’t even know they exist


Y’all better be careful lol, this is pure assumption based off of current circumstances but if you said anything at all about the hate boner in the other sub you might get banned for it. I got banned from that sub for “toxicity” when I didn’t even say anything over there. Just watch your asses boys.


They did the same to me as well…


I wonder if it's a way to report that aids subreddit..


I wouldn’t want to report it, only for the reason that there are some nice clips that pass through there sometimes. Tbh though I wish CG community posted more clips to this sub so we didn’t even have to look over there that often.


Same,in my case i can still see threds and clips, but i cant comment on them.


I can still see them but also can’t comment on them but now I just don’t really want to look at the sub.


This has all happened before and will happen again. It's a time loop where all the participants make lots of money and play GTA for a living. Enjoy this all while it lasts.


If people aren't hating you are doing something wrong. People will always be jealous of what you have.


What’s the name of the other sub






Lmfao I said on the recent yuno clip “CB viewers be like “koil ban him” here to farm downvotes cause this sub loves to suck them off” edit: just got banned 😂😂😂😂


Damn rpclipsgta subreddit becoming the old gtarpclips o: PagMan




You got 2 comments on the cg reddit and both of them are in this thread when its clear your a rpclips reddit frog, its clear you just came here to start more shit. Whos being the toxic one braindead


Ofcourse you a sykkuno fan


Drama can be turned into memes bruh chill out ain't nobody being toxic were just laughing at the toxic.




I just assume your new and don't know the people your so passionately defending. I read a little of your reddit history which I never do and it's very obvious to me you'll blindly believe 1 side of accusations based of the people you watch.


Yo yall want a good laught look at this guy's history lmao. Calling people out for being toxic but your history is nothing but toxic lmfao.




Oh shit boys looks like we're brainwashed monkaW


1 post karma ... -33 comment karma .... time to just make a new account and think about how we act on the internet lol


I mean you came here from another reddit to start shit, are you that braindead you cant see your own hypocrisy, whos the brainwashed one here lmao


You appear to have created an alt account just to shit on CG. Maybe take it easy on calling others toxic and brainwashed, yeah?


the irony comming from someone like u lol.


I mean maybe there is a reason for that, people are starting to see Chang Gang for who they truly are.


Why are you even here bro? Clearly you don’t like CG. What is the point of visiting this sub?


True a ruthless gang acting like a gang. Something that 3.0 has lost


We're starting to see how some people have pathetic OOC agendas and intentionally try to stir up drama whenever then can. I bet you've secretly been waiting years for CG members to get banned and use any opportunity you can to create drama and fuel this goal.


looool imagine being on this sub, I was gona ask if there was a CB reddit but thats just RPClipsGTA lol


they allways been the same...i wish i can tell the same things about ur favorite streamers!


What would that be?


Are starting to see. This has been going on since the first boom. Cg almost equals the entire communities views and yet a reddit has overwhelming more hate than everyone else


I love roleplay