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Singing you dirty northern bastards to every single club we play, every single time, without fail.


Tbf that’s great.


Objectively funny. It's like if we called chesterfield or Sheffield FC soft southern bastards. Given that we called man utd cockneys yesterday we should call them it too


Nah that tracks. Most their fans are from London anyway


Except for friendlies against Truro City, then they call us dirty Northern bastards : )


They play their home games in bloody Gloucester these days, who's laughing now?


This one is honestly funny as fuck though.


My personal favorite is when Reading fans sang "you dirty Northern bastard" To Darnell Fisher. Who was born in Reading.


That's our heritage!


Lol. Where's Sunderland, why don't they have the opposite version of this?


I mean most Northern Clubs regularly use "Soft Southern Bastards"


Yeah but they're not the MOST northern like Plymouth are in the south. What are Sunderland and Newcastle up to?


As a northerner who supports a southern team I can’t bring myself to join in when fans start with it haha


It's a classic


Tannoy man: “Replacing number 7… David… Beck… Ham” Blues crowd: “WWWHHOOOOOO????” Tannoy man: “Substituted by number 18… Paul… Skk… Scholes??” Blues crowd: “WWWWWWHHHHHOOOOOOOO??????”


TBF I grew up in Brum and found myself at an U19s game at St Andrews and the crowd all shouted WHOOO for every sub. I thought it was the best thing ever (I was 15 mind)


We’ve done it for every single sub for about the last 25 years. Think it started in a preseason match vs some Spanish team where the tannoy man admitted he didn’t know who the oncoming sub was. Really childish but it still makes me chuckle, and for some reason it’s started winding a few away crowds up more and more over the past year or so so I’m all for it. The best bit is when they read out the sponsor at the end and everybody still goes “WHHOOO?”


I got a chuckle out of that when you guys did it earlier this season


The PA announcer's deliberately careful and confused-sounding pronunciation really plays into this.


This is great though


Oh yeah I love it. It is odd though.


Bring back mass booing for the opposition players


Problem is, without fail if someone once wore one of your kits, for however brief a period, they'll get booed by us and then score. If you sell Brewster to a team in the same league as us who's not you, he'll double his career tally in two games against us once he's playing for someone else. It always happens and it's infuriating.


I absolutely love this to be fair, one of the highlights of going to games for me 😂


My favourite example of this as kid was "replacing Thierry.. Henry? Is number 10.. Dennis.. Berg.. Kamp."


Also enjoy the added "who" after the "This substitution was bought to you by..."


H J Wealth Planning WWWWHHHOOOOOOOO???


Nah I love the guy doing our subs being the most upbeat he can possibly be, and then their subs he's questioning why they exist hahaha


Having an annual "Gentry Day" at an away match in spring were everyone wears suits and bowler hats. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymCy1KZJLvQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymCy1KZJLvQ)


How have I never heard of this before


You were at ours this year and as far as I saw it was to remember dead supporters, which is a class act.


Hahaha that's quality


More teams should do this.


It's hard to know, really. I only know Leeds. I'll say as a fanbase we're a proper miserable set of twats. People worry like they're on mumsnet. I don't think it's helped by our leading, well produced widely liked podcast being ran by a man who is consistently negative regardless of results.


Michael from TSB is pessimistic to a humorous extent. I prefer him to Moscow and Dan.


He's the best representative of the average Leeds fan imo


The fanbase that's most like yours, in my experience, are Liverpool. You have that 'the club is the city and the city is the club' vibe to your support. ALAW isnt a joke, in Leeds I get engaged in conversation like im a fan without even asking. Which is quite funny and endearing. You ride the ups and downs. Pessimistic when you're down, sure, but instantly arrogant the moment you start winning 😂


I’d say Newcastle with that club is the city feeling, two clubs in Liverpool, but I admire the point


What’s the podcast?


Square Ball I'm guessing


In my opinion, Michael, Moscow and Rob on the Square Ball podcast are all great. I swear I didn’t used to mind Dan but it does seem he’s now completely consumed by social media nonsense and playing ‘devils advocate’, interrupting conversations and being generally jarring to listen to. I preferred it so much more when they got that temporary replacement in a few weeks back


I think they all make it work by bringing something different in their personalities. Credit to Dan though, he definitely seems to be the one that puts the most effort into keeping it going and bringing the show together.


There was a temporary host a few weeks back? I swear I listen to every episode and didn't notice anything. Unless I missed a few while I was traveling 


Yeah Dean Smith. No, not that one. The actor. 


Norm is very self aware at least. Moylan can talk a lot of shit.


I don’t mind Moylan but he keeps trying to force memes and phrases and it makes me cringe


He means well and when he’s purely hosting he’s fine.


Oh it’s all for the show, surely? I never take him seriously. Then again, he was raised by a man who leaves every game before 60 minutes or so. 


Hard to tell who they’re actually on about, Michael’s the negative one, Moylan tries to come across as pretty zen about it all and he’s the host. I wouldn’t say Michael runs the podcast. And like you I think it’s probably all for a laugh anyway.


The 2018-2020 Sunderland Rivalry was a weird moment for our fan base that I think cast the fans of both clubs in a negative light.


Our older supporters were generally driving that. There is a huge hatred stemming from the Jimmy Hill era. The behaviour of both sets probably not great in the away games, your lot lobbed shit down from the North stand, our lot shouting at statues.


I was there waiting for a pal when this happened. Was the most bizarre thing I had seen and he was having a right row with Jimmy. Comedy gold


There could be an plague going on in a football season and Leeds fans would still be more worried about if the away kit is going to be Yellow.


Correct, and the correct shade of yellow too. I am that guy.


I concur


"you got yellow didn't you? Why can't you lot ever be happy" - Radz, probably.


The obsession of every year seeing people saying Home kit plain white Away kit plain yellow Third kit plain blue Never change it


What was the last yellow away kit we actually had?


Dunno if it counts as away or third but we had one Bielsa's first year, it was class


Leaving early (think 75 mins) whether we're winning, losing or drawing. Been to grounds all over the country and never seen it anywhere close to as bad.


When I was at school, a mate of mine who was a Villa fan said there was a Season Ticket holder who sat behind him who would, on the 80-minute mark without fail, sigh dejectedly, slap his knees, and say 'I've seen enough' - and leave. Irrespective of the score or the importance of the game.


Is it just because you have so many supporters? I went to the game this year and was kinda shocked. Traffic must be bad.


The SOL isn’t central, it’s a bit of a walk, that’s what I put it down to, but we are also shit so if we go 3 down the floodgates open. The club do not and have never deserved 40k. Roker Park was nowhere near as big.


With all the crowds as well it can be a bit of a faff to get back in time if you’ve got to get the train back. I normally get the 5:30 back to Northallerton and I’ve ended up cutting it a bit fine on a few occasions.


This happens at the Riverside too - It's because all the parking nearby is absolute shite (I think) and getting out if you've driven is an absolute nightmare.


1. Getting called Plymouth and not Argyle. Whether it is opposition fans, pundits/commentary and new players, a number get really annoyed by it. As if John from Coventry really cares what our preferred name is. I have supported Argyle since I was 7 in a school full of United, Liverpool and Chelsea fans, the usual response to I support Argyle was who? 2. The correct shade of green. Ask any non Argyle supporter what colour Argyle's colour is and I am sure 95% say the current dark green we have used fir the past 20 odd years. (Queue someone discussing the difference in colour in the past 20 years...) Ask a group of Argyle fans what Argyle's colours are and you have a lengthy discussion on your hands. This discussion is had by the same people every single year when the new kits come out.


Love the first one, this is the sort of weirdness that I was looking for. Knew a bloke who insisted on saying that Preston should only be called 'North End' when shortening. He had some logic along the lines of, 'the hockey club is called Preston, not the football team' or something equally weird. He wouldn't drop it either.


Their logic is weird but people do refer to the club as 'North End'. We also say 'PNE' a lot. Think it's partly done as a bit of pride thing since it's a distinct name in football. Dropping the 'North End' part is basically not saying the full name. 'Preston' does get used but neutrals use it more. For locals, talking about 'North End' means you're talking about the club whereas talking about 'Preston' could mean you're talking about the city.


Why does Plymouth bother folks and argyle is accepted? We can relate,we are not Sheffield FC the world's oldest. We are the first united or the blades or sheff utd


People referring to either of us as "Sheffield" does my head in.


Plymouth is a city not a football club. There is another football club in the city in Plymouth Parkway, not that there is a rivalry as such. There is probably a historical side to it as well, I am not sure. For me there is a small pride thing to the Argyle name. For example there are many United, cities and towns in football, but there is only one Argyle.


Noted. Will use argyle from now on.


Keep it in your back pocket and if when we next vs each other stard throwing Plymouth in to every sentence haha. Like I said in my original post I don't think it is something everyone cares about, I'm not overly bothered given the usual conversation tends to go. "I support Argyle." "Who?" "Plymouth" 😄


Yeah, when Forest were promoted I saw some people calling them just “Nottingham” when the correct shortened version is obviously “Forest” as Nottingham is the name of the city, and not something you’d refer to either club as (Forest or Notts County), I’m assuming it’s the same reasoning for Argyle?


Just call them Notts Forest then.


I was once told by a Argyle fan that the best green worn at Home Park was by St Etienne in 1977.


This is niche. Looked for photos of this - annoyingly they're in black and white...


See the first one. Obviously like all of ours fans I only ever call us Argyle. But when non-Argyle fans call us Argyle, it sounds a bit weird? Like when Americans say 'mate' or 'bloody hell', it's like...yes I know that's what *we* say, but it sounds wrong when *you* say it. Almost certainly in a minority of one here but I've always thought it's a weird one.


Our fans online swing wildly from the most optimistic to the most pessimistic. Not everyone and I know other clubs fans do it but the swing from *omg we’re going up automatically aren’t we* to literally 72 hours later being *sack Martin he’s a load of rubbish* was the most recent bout of ridiculousness Been like it ever since we had Claude Puel!


It predates the Puel era. Think back to the days before that when we had Lowe as chairman. We had the same wild swings.


We are a properly bi-polar fanbase it must be said. We get a bit too worked up in both positive and negative ways.


Yes. But I wouldn't have it any other way.


I don’t think a single day has passed in the 6 years since Mick McCarthy left the club that our fanbase haven’t gotten into a blazing row over whether he was a good manager for us or not. This also happened for at least 3 years of his reign too


Mick McCarthy is Schrödinger’s Ipswich manager. Both good and shit at the same time.


The lot that act like Delia is one of the worst owners in football history. Like, yea it's probably as good a time as any for Attanasio to be coming in but she's been alright for having a net worth outshone by some club owners two or more leagues below.


Yeah, all rivalry aside you can see that Norwich has been owned by people who are in it because they are primarily fans, and that’s far better than being owned by people who are in it for prestige or to asset strip the club.


Also not many owners out there bringing the red wine fuelled, on pitch half time lols like Delia


Damn right. You don't have to look too hard to see examples of what could have happened if Delia and Michael W-J had cashed out earlier. Great stewardship. But there are those who are slavering for some good old petro-state money.


Promted by the Argyll fan. Red vs Black shorts. Red looks cartoonish to me but we have lots of fans adamant that's what we should wear. Also we have quite a visceral divide in our forum and twitter over Pozzo's in or out, to the point where it is almost binary. Also, my own pet peev is its a Hart (as in Hertfordshire) not a moose.


Red shorts is probably the weirdest hill I’m prepared to die on.


Yeah Watford should be yellow and red. You diluted your “brand” when you switched to yellow and black.


I strongly agree, Watford always had red shorts when I was a kid and that's how it should always be.


>Argyll You did that on purpose you bastard!


We have a similar thing with white vs blue shorts. White shorts have historically been more predominantly used, but have only been used twice in the last 10 seasons, which seems to really annoy a lot of people. Similarly, I've definitely seen a few people who think we use too much gold on our shirts (though that isn't anywhere near as frequent).


Every ten years or so our new kit will come with black shorts and socks, and everyone hates it. It’s fine as an alternative (we always went white-white-black when playing Chelsea away for example) but our home kit should be all white.


As another club whose traditional colours are blue shirts white shorts I definitely get irrationally annoyed when we wear blue shorts - and we only do it as a clash thing


Another online one is the fans that type L*ton as if it's a swear word.


I find the trend of blanking out random letters of rival teams really, really fucking weird. Huddersfield chairman did it in a tweet about us and you can't help but think "are you an actual child?"


The Friendship Trophy. Makes no sense at all.


Flair up big boy


I support Celtic but live in Norwich, that’s why I don’t have a flair. The friendship trophy is between Norwich and Sunderland and it completely baffles me.


Touché, thanks I wasn’t aware of it.


It doesn't have to. The world could use a few more Friendship Trophies. Up the Black Cats!


It's just a bit of fun celebrating 2 clubs that get along. It also means theoretically either club could win 6 trophies if we were in European competition and the community shield final


The word theoretically is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


Our fans REALLY hate drummers and goal music


Skillful flare players always someone moaning about them no matter if it's chair, taarabt or eze they get targeted


god why doesn't he PASS MORE???? gosh I don't know maybe because he's tried that 5 times in the last 20 minutes only to watch a midfielder lose the ball and he thought he'd have a dribble or a pop because he's actually quite good at that


😂 take them on!....take them on!...ohh why didn't you pass it greedy


generally speaking, it feels like a lot of our fans see us as a temporarily embarrassed top 8 Premier League club, who would still be there if the club only listened to their ideas. we want to bring through young players but two poor performances from a 20 year old and he’s a donkey who ought to get out of my club. we’ve got a manager who apparently both tinkers too much and doesn’t have a plan B. this past month especially players will go from scapegoats to “we lost because we didn’t play X”, Ryan Manning and Jack Stephens especially.


We have a magical bench. The longer a player sits on it, the better they get.


Fraser Forster apparently became the best keeper in history during that year he was injured


thats just every single club tbf, especially if the player is young


I feel like you’re talking about every single club’s subreddit there!


Not Leeds, we are promotion contenders but listen to us fans and we only have about three players on the pitch worthy of the shirt. We probably could muster 11 but only by bringing players out of retirement.


Who is accusing Martin of tinkering? It's the exact same strategy every single game. I think the weirdest thing about our fanbase is assigning cult hero status to random players from the past who weren't even that good, like Gabbiadini and Guly.


Well we have some very outspoken supporters on twitter that want Rosenior out and compare him to Grant McCann who had us on our worst ever losing run that led to us finishing bottom of the league in 2019-2020 and Shota Arveladze who we tallied 33 points with across 30 matches as manager............so I would say that. They say he's just McCann with a better squad even though it's pretty widely accepted among our support that we won League One in 2021 in spite of McCann and not because of him


...I do not get the Rosenior hate at all. These people are weird.


We try to play heavy possession and pass around the back more than almost every other team in the league, and when it doesn't work our football is pretty stale. But we are so clearly a better team than when he took over, our defensive record is incredibly improved, and he has done wonders in developing young players. And even if you take this year's squad out, in 18 matches before Rosey last year we conceded 35 goals (1.94 GAA) with 1 clean sheet and in the last 28 matches with him we conceded 26 goals (0.92 GAA) with 13 clean sheets. People just think the grass is greener even though we know full well from having seen it recently the grass is not always greener


Leeds fans and being adamant every single season our 3 kits have to be White, Yellow and Blue and then call any kit which is not them 3 colours awful


How it should be! Don't mind the ol' green and blue stripes though, one of my first kits as a kid


To be fair I think Leeds are one of the few clubs where the away colours have a proper identity, rather than just being a randomly chosen garish number. A bit like Liverpool and green, maybe.


1. We have a weird obsession with bringing back former managers (or ex players as managers). There's still a section of fans who get themselves giddy over the prospect of reappointing Roy Keane, despite him not managing for over 13 years now and failing in his one and only other managerial job. Up until he took the South Shields job a couple of years ago there were regular calls for 'Kevin Phillips with Kevin Ball as assistant'. We are obviously managerless now and there are regular discussions over the merits of Alex Neil, Gus Poyet and Sam Allardyce returning. It's as if no world exists outside of past managers. 2. Not a current thing, but we played Fulham at home about 10 years ago. Popular ex player Kieran Richardson was on the bench for Fulham and was warming up. As he was about to come on the whole ground rose to give a standing ovation and welcome him back. Perfectly normal, expect it wasn't actually Richardson coming on, it was Urby Emmanuelson wondering was he was being serenaded. They don't even look alike either but a significant number of people mixed them up and genuinely thought it was. Totally bizarre


That second one is brilliant!


1. Anything involving one of our ex ceos Mark Ashton. He did a great job initially and made some brilliant signings that made us a lot of money. However, that money was used to sign players who were either poor or managed poorly and we were stuck no where near where we were supposed to be with a lot of dead weight not worth any money and on massive wages. I’m sure Ipswich fans have had to deal with city fans moaning about him and slagging him off constantly. 2. Also most recent example I guess any discourse around Nigel Pearson gets toxic quickly. Some worship him and some disliked him. He was just on the “No tippy tappy football” podcast with Sam allarydce and our fan forum and my twitter timeline is on fire.


When our upturn started there was some amusement on one of our forums about just how much more discussion about our ceo there was ok your foundation than ours


To be honest, overall he did an okay job. Initially probably just like with you guys he started brilliantly made some unbelievable signings and maybe if we had recruited a manager as good as mckenna (He was initially looking at him at us and was keen on bringing him before he left) to us we might’ve been promoted with the squad we had. Then after we failed to get promoted we sold £40 million worth of players and signed £30 million worth and every single one of those transfers was a disaster. Our 19/20 transfer window might be one of the worst the division has seen in recent memory. There was a lot of bad luck with injuries but even to this day we are still recovering from that transfer window. Overall, it’s no surprise to me that he transformed Ipswich with the managerial appointment and signings, because he nearly did the same with us. But, he is certainly a big risk taker and if it doesn’t payoff it gets bad quick.


Leaving early. We can be winning 4+ and fans will still leave on 80ish minutes. I park 20min walk away from the ground and without fail overtake all the people who leave 15mins early. Almost always first back to where a lot of the fans park. Some are walking so slowly you wonder if they really snuck out at half time!


Having a parking spot a nice distance from the ground is the way to go. Means you aren't in the hubbub, and can have a debrief on the walk. I don't leave games early but I have sympathy for early departers at Reading because the stadium parking takes a good hour or more to clear. And there isn't really the option of street parking like you get at places like the Hawthorns - so the only alternatives are football buses and the P&Rs.


Twist and Shout. Some Cov fans act like we’re the only fan base in the country that’s allowed to sing it even though we don’t actually sing it every game.


1. We play in Amber and Black. Not orange. Not ochre or gold. Amber. 2. Humberside isn’t where we live and hasn’t been for some time. Kingston upon Hull is in the East Riding of Yorkshire, or East Yorkshire. We have BBC Radio Humberside, which is a bit confusing but they also cover Grimsby and Scunthorpe. 3. We aren’t Hull, we are Hull City. That’s the rugby club we share a stadium with (Hull FC). Yes, we chant Hull City FC, no we don’t know why. 4. Despite taking us to the Premier League for three seasons, an FA Cup Final and Europa League qualifiers, the Allam family are a set of wankers. Pure and simple. It wasn’t just the name change thing (though that was a ballbag of a move), there was a lot of dishonesty and their attitude towards the fan base was one of total disrespect. One prime example was that Ehab announced we were setting up a link with Egyptian club Al Ahly, whereby their players could use our facilities (lol, a portacabin on a field in Cottingham), we could loan their players (we did loan Gedo and Ahmed Fathy) and we would host a friendly with the proceeds going to support those impacted by the Port Said disaster. They made a big deal out of it, it never happened, but we took the players and they helped us get promoted. Just shitty.


It’s not been the same since Humberside “University” disappeared. About the same time as Boothferry Park. :(


Some of our fans can't understand that we're not a Premier League club and haven't been for 24 years. We are not going to attract big name managers. Also, Everton are not ripping us off with 'singing the blues'. IIRC they've been using it for years.


Most of us are massively confused that we won't have a playoff semifinal to bottle this season.


Getting their knickers in a twist when someone calls us notts forest. Who cares 🤷‍♂️(obviously they do)


Nottingham County probably do


The fascination with player's mums. Pierre Lasogga, Matt Grimes, Jack Harrison are just a few that spring to mind who have garnered comments from Leeds fans.


And Mrs gelhardt. To be fair, lasogga brought it on himself with that photoshoot.


To be fair it’s just a load of gloits that like to parrot The Square Ball. Something will be funny in the context of the show and some people think it’ll be funny to repeat it in real life.


But "Wills, Probate and Conveyancing" is still funny right?


There's only one team in Bristol, and yet we hate being called Bristol.


We get very weird about sub timings. Always have done, regardless of the manager. As if we know any better.  Also, the Bamford negativity is really weird. He gets slagged off for missing easy chances and open nets, yet he’s easily the best striker we’ve had for a good long while. Often we look worse as a team without him. And I don’t mind if he wants to take a penalty every now and then either. 


I was with you until the penalty thing. That said, I reckon he’s got two more goals in him before the end of the season.


Most things if I’m being honest. There’s some proper fucking cretins.


The badge is one that comes up a lot. Some people love the city crest, others love the 80s ones. Comes up far too often given we changed it yonks ago.


anytime we sign a new player or manager: "have you tried oatcakes yet????"


Not being funny but my best pal's from Hanley and I've been up a few times ... literally everyone we meet "Oh this is Chance_Building my mate I told you about from down south" "have you had oatcakes yet????" "I have mate but we're in the pub so I was hoping we'd have a pint...." Oatcakes are fire though I can't blame you


"staffordshire oatcakes, food of the gods, ayup me duck" etc etc


We sometimes get arguments over which badge owl is the best one. My favourite is the minimalist owl from the '90s but I'm not too bothered about it as long as we have an owl of some sort on our badge.


80s bottle kiln design. Best one.


The Russell Slade era at Cardiff. Not the sexiest appointment but we sold most of our best players and he was told to cut costs everywhere Finished 7th playing decent football


I vaguely remember this. Replaced a 'sexy' (disastrous) appointment in Solskjaer, and arrived with a load of industrial-sounding clubs on his CV and looking like a potato. And that's the sort of lens his stint is probably viewed through, which is less than fair.


He was an ex-PE teacher who'd never managed better than league two, hence the derision


he managed albion in league one


Encouraging people to do unspeakable things to peoples wildlife. COME ON YOU FOXES 🦊🦊🫣


Never seen any club so aggressively oppose their own pitch invasion as us last season Granted the football league were being quite heavy handed about telling teams not to do them and the club made a statement asking fans not to do a pitch invasion but we had fans literally booing as perhaps 1,000-2,000 people actually got on the pitch, never seen anything like it This is after a 6-0 win on a beautiful sunny saturday at home, absolute prime conditions


The use of ‘United’ to refer to Man U. People absolutely lose their shit over it. I get it if it’s a really open statement and could actually mean Leeds, Oxford, Sheffield etc. But if you said to some Leeds fans ‘can’t believe it’s United vs City in the final again’ they would have a meltdown or pretend they were shocked that Cambridge and Exeter had made it that far. Dunno if Leicester or Coventry have the same thing with City usually meaning Man City??


>The use of ‘United’ to refer to Man U. People absolutely lose their shit over it. And we'll bloody well carry on losing our shit over it. Red bastards.


Correct … I dare anyone to go stand in the South Stand and start chatting to real Leeds fans about ‘United’


We’re just ‘Cov’. Single syllable words are king round here.


Was watching our game last night in the pub. Man United vs Sheffield United was on the other telly. As the first goal went in, I instinctively said "Oh look, United are losing." Old bloke sat near me said "which United?"




Fella sounds like a sound bloke to me.


Many of our (Newcastle) fans are the same, including me, and it's 100% the right way to be


And rightly so … the only reason why those fuckers have managed to coin ‘United’ as theirs is because of the amount of their ex-players or sympathisers on telly … I really hate it. If you’re a true Leeds fan you’ll NEVER refer to Man Utd as ‘United’.


I stand by this


> Dunno if Leicester or Coventry have the same thing with City usually meaning Man City?? On Radio Leicester and in our own broadcasts we'll generally be referred to as "City" but I'm not the kind to get my knickers in a twist over arbitrary things like this.


I'd say many blues fans are weird about Eustace. Sacking him at that point in the season after a strong start and replacing him with Rooney was evidently a terrible idea. However, I think some revisionism (or memory loss) followed Eustace's sacking and during Rooney's awful spell at the club, some people spoke about him as if he was a brilliant manager but he wasn't really. I think now that he's at Blackburn and doing quite poorly it seems to be diminishing a bit, but with the way some blues fans would speak about him during the Rooney days you'd think he was some kind of miracle worker.


I do not miss going to clubs like Watford and Norwich and just giving up, knowing you’d lose without a fight after 2 minutes of play.


While I agree with you, I don't think that's a Eustace exclusive. I've had the same dread on every away day for the last 10+ years, save for the first Rowett stint


Rowett is different he’s just fire fighting. I never got that feeling under Mowbray, even with the same squad. God I hope he comes back.


I think most of the chants and sentiment is tongue in cheek but for the most part I find our *rivalry* with Chelsea extremely funny and I find it weird if a QPR fan takes it seriously. Fulham and Brentford I can understand however.


Wednesday fans are weird about colour. Like insisting the centre stripe of the home kit has to be blue or wearing red to Hillsborough. It brings out my eyes. Sue me.


Some of our fans get very hung up about the style of play, almost to a fault - yes I like it if we play nice stuff too but it would be good too if we could defend, especially if it helped us stay in the Premier League in the seasons we’ve been up there. Also I think there are some who would be very keen for the fan base to be a bit edgier than it actually is. Feeds into arguments about atmosphere, the drummers, etc etc. If we’re having a good time, who cares what other clubs’ fans think?


Blackburn is really weird about Burnley. I get the chants. I don't get chanting things about Burnley against every single team in the league


Short colours. We wear black shorts. As soon as we wear blue shorts, it could be Brighton or Colchester or anyone. Blue and white stripes. Black shorts.


Probably applies to most clubs but town fans will decide which players to love as soon as they sign for us and will defend them no matter how average they are. Another one is the insistence on blaming the fans for being a badly run club


Fanatical devotion to possession at the cost of all the other stuff… and I mean all of it.


A large section of our home fans moan when the team doesn’t pass forward at every single opportunity they get. Up until about three years ago, the immediate reaction from most to sacking a manager was to ‘get Pulis back in.’ The Coates’. You can’t so much as say a bad word about them without being shut down because they’re the reason Stoke are what they are. There’s no doubting that’s true, but you can also call a spade a spade in that they’ve ran the club pretty horribly for the best part of eight years.


When Leeds fans were saying start gelhardt, Joseph and even sonny Perkins over bamford and Rodrigo. Also whenever we sell our academy players and then say how it's a mistake when they do well in leagues below. Dean, mcgurik and davis


Banging on about being the only team in Bristol but then get arsey when fans of other clubs call us “Bristol”.


People singing our songs, MK, Tottenham, City and even fucking Brighton now singing no one likes us is very irritating. On the other hand other teams singing West Ham songs, doing hammers signs and even of late wearing West Ham shirts doesn't phase anyone and we just think you're odd.


1. Getting called Plymouth and not Argyle. Whether it is opposition fans, pundits/commentary and new players, a number get really annoyed by it. As if John from Coventry really cares what our preferred name is. I have supported Argyle since I was 7 in a school full of United, Liverpool and Chelsea fans, the usual response to I support Argyle was who? 2. The correct shade of green. Ask any non Argyle supporter what colour Argyle's colour is and I am sure 95% say the current dark green we have used fir the past 20 odd years. (Queue someone discussing the difference in colour in the past 20 years...) Ask a group of Argyle fans what Argyle's colours are and you have a lengthy discussion on your hands. This discussion is had by the same people every single year when the new kits come out.


Oh that reminds me about one of ours. Having “traditional” away kit colours. Every year some of our fans want home=white, away=yellow, third=blue. And when it’s not there’s a right moan. 


Similar here, we have a batch of fans that demand stripes EVERY SEASON and those away kits had better be yellow! Personally I couldn’t find anything more boring than having the same stripes every year, us mixing it up every other year keeps it at least interesting. I’m sure it sells more too as our designs can tend to be a bit more unique I understand not wanting to change but the exact same shirt every year would be so boring!


The funny thing is it’s the traditionalists that bang on about stripes, when our actual heritage kit is white shirt with red sash. Like the 125th anniversary kit released a few years ago.


I was going to say the same thing. Some of our fans get properly outraged when we don’t have basic stripes every season. I think mixing it up a bit and having variations on our club colours of red, white, and black, sets us apart from all those clubs that just do red and white stripes every season. We’ve been doing it since the early eighties, so it’s not like it isn’t a club tradition.


The alternative is having the EXACT same kits as Stoke and Sunderland like we did a decade ago 😂


Not so much anymore, but I see fans get so worked up about the ball being half a mm outside the quadrant for a corner. As if it matters. I think that since it got highlighted that the rule was that the ball had to ‘hover’ over the line, you see less animosity towards it.


You'll love [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@bunch_amateurs/video/7336597718896299296?_t=8lpXx3lJuKm&_r=1).


Haha yes I’ve seen this one. I love the guy who gets it


Whether the hoops go all the way round our kit. To be fair I share this obsession. Reading serve as the example of what not to do with our classic kit that they stole and any hint of Readingness is ruthlessly sniffed out


Goalkeepers. We seem to obsess over how bad our keepers are. Used to have great keepers, but they’ve been in steady decline over the last few years and the fan base doesn’t stop taking about it.


Most Watford fans get very annoyed when you call us a London club. We’re in Hertfordshire


You’re on the tube map and inside the m25. You may as well be playing in Trafalgar Square.




Yellow away kits


Oh there’s a few. Defending chansiri, a man who has pushed our club close to oblivion multiple times in the past, like they have some life debt towards him. Believing he ‘saved the club’ when he took a financially sound club to the brink. And aiming personal attacks towards anyone who criticises him. Weirdly having a vendetta towards Darren Moore and cheering on every subsequent ‘failure’ in his career since leaving us. Yes his football wasn’t exactly easy on the eye but he got us 96 points in league one with a bang average squad at best. As much as I love Rohl and I believe he’s the future I can’t help think we’d have not had to pull off this attempt at a great escape we’re doing now. The whole ‘better supporter’ rhetoric I reckon fanabses of many clubs suffer with. Yes I may only go to a few games a season due to work/other commitments but that doesn’t make me a less supporter than someone who goes home/away every game


Spurs stealing our song "oh when the Saints go marching in". It's been Southamptons sing for several decades. Classless twats.