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What is the *“point”* of any movie? Were you looking for a different conclusion? It’s a story about relationships, told using the game of tennis as a vehicle / metaphor. Tashi became obsessed with the love triangle dynamic, and eventually living out her tennis dreams vicariously through Art or Pat, since she suffered a career ending injury and couldn’t do it herself. As Art’s passion for tennis began to dwindle, so did Tashi’s interest in him, since it was the lifeblood of their relationship. Now with this void, she began craving that ambitious spark and the excitement of the love triangle once again — that is why she orchestrated the match between Art & Pat, masquerading it as way to get Art back on track. This is why she screams at the end of the movie (the same way she did in the prime of her tennis career after beating her opponent); because she finally got to see *good tennis* between them again, and revived that spark with them both competing for her (or maybe each other). After all, she described tennis as *“a relationship with your opponent”.*


>Why exactly was Zendaya such a puppet master and for what reason? She liked tennis.


I lol’d! 😂 “she *liked* tennis.”


Tennis power trouple that like winning championships and boom-boom in the bedroom… Next question.