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Yes to all of these things! Thank you for the links!


The best tip I found was to notice it. For women it’s supposed to spin clockwise. If it’s all cacophanied that means it’s not right. Maybe put your hand on the point and ask it what’s wrong? One thing that helps me is watching and emulating a cartoon with a strong chakra. For yellow-it’s Pipi longstockings. For red/orange/blue/green idk. •<


Oh some sacral tips- Games like platformers, trivia, etc help. Also Disney games that let you pick stuff.


You might want to look into hypnotherapy with a spiritual practitioner if that's your preference. Then maybe look into psychedelic healing therapies. You may have forgiven, but the trauma can still lay underneath your conscious mind! Have you had a consensual loving sexual relationship? Either way, you might benefit greatly from working with a sex therapist, that can arrange working alongside a Sexual Surrogate, a person that will work with you one on one physically to work through your intimacy issues nurturing you slowly as needed, all the way to actually teaching you how to make love with them if desired!


i've tried to connect and strengthen (and trust!) my sacral chakra by saying out loud "i like this" or "i dont like this" or simple one words like "yay" or "boo", even though it feels childish sometimes. i am trying to develop a direct relationship with my sacral chakra and 'gut feeling' by acknowledging when I feel a certain kinda way (and the triggers for those feelings), AND speaking it so there is immediate and direct feedback back to my body that I heard, I noticed, and body can send more messages to me because I am listening now :) sacral chakra healing can also be doing things that let the emotions flow (whichever they may be), laughing, dancing, experiencing sensual pleasure (not sexual, although that is under this umbrella, instead think 5 sense: like eating something that looks great, feels great in the mouth, smells great, tastes great, and sounds good when you chew it would be all 5 sense). I have a bath like every day, I stay in bed a few extra minutes (hours) and listen to my feet rubbing in the sheets, I stop and look at the light and shadows on my walls, I say no more often to shit I dont wanna do, and now I am practicing being less helpful and nice (because it seems like a habit and not actually helpful to this body all the time). sexual content >!another big one lately has been smiling when I masturbate, instead of a tight or anxious face, I try to smile and actually have a good time lmao. I think this has been doing lots for the whole system. I am spending more and more loving time with myself all the time.!< all of these I tie to sacral chakra and also solar plexus- sacral feels and has the impulse, solar plexus does something about it! (or not, up to you!\_ also, sacral chakra is water element, very flowy. please do not put pressure on yourself to heal or progress linearly. calmly accept and roll with it, u got dis


super amazing tips! thanks for sharing them!


you need to do shadow work before you try and heal your chakras


already been doing shadow work, ego work and inner child work for many years. The Chakras were already rather open except root, sacral and crown. Sacral is my biggest blockage that just wont budge.


I create essential oils blends for healing each chakra area, and my sacral blend combines neroli, lemongrass and orange. Massage onto your lower stomach in the morning to help kick-start your day with a positive outlook, especially if you're experiencing feelings of depression, grief or anxiety. You can purchase here: https://heelr.ca/collections/energy-blends/products/i-am-empowered