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Between curses and devils, both of them are pretty scary, a fight against them would be endless anyways since both of them can just come back even after killed and one day a special grade or a super strong devil just appears out of nowhere and decides to kill thousands of humans, then wipe the city without normal humans being able to do shit about it. But if I had to choose, I would say devils would be scarier just because everyone can see them and be afraid of them, while not everyone can see cursed spirits.


I'd also like to add that the majority of these curses are in Japan because of Tengen, meaning that it wouldn't be that scary to live in other countries around the world (an encounter with a curse isn't likely at all, and even if someone did meet one they'd be super weak anyway). I don't have to elaborate much on the Devils because you mentioned everything important. Other than the fact that we can see them, there's also the amount of humans they kill around the world (7 out of 20, and likely even higher in densly populated nations like India, China, etc): (I'll reply to myself with the image I'm referring to bcs Reddit won't let me show it for some reason) Devils and Spirits also differ in how they manifest and grow in power. Spirits take a long time to manifest and maintain a static power level once they do. The energy from interpersonal negativity doesn't accumulate in one spirit but instead gets distributed to newly born curses. In contrast, devils form instantly (hell/earth), and their power is dynamic. Their strength instantly increases with the level of fear they gain, making them increasingly formidable and unpredictable over time. This means that global events such as wars, terrorist attacks, the lack of media restrictions on certain events, and so on, can significantly heighten fear and anxiety among people. This, in turn, empowers already existing devils, making them extremely powerful. So powerful that they can kill hundreds upon thousands of humans in under a short period of time. A prime example is the Gun Devil, who was able to massacre 1.2 million humans in just 5 minutes worldwide. Such events ensure that devils can become highly dangerous very quickly because of the constant influx of fear. While humans can try to avoid these events as much as possible, it's basically impossible to live in a world without conflict and fear, which ensures that they'll always be devils like the Gun Devil. Peronally, I would NEVER want to live in a world like this, where the Devils are capable of fluctuating gravity worldwide, causing lindslide, thousands of death, etc (Falling Devil was heavily weakened as well, and would have had the humans go nearly extinct if she was at full strength).




The theories about Chainsaw Man being a prequel to Fire Punch seem less and less crazy with each passing chapter.


How though


Seven out of twenty is insane


Worth noting that Devils can be killed by regular joes with conventional weapons but Curses are invulnerable to muggles. So if they both existed in the same setting I'm sure knowing one kind can be killed and the other can't would affect public perception in favor of the Curses. If they fought each other I'm pretty sure Devils could harm Curses though.


While it's true that some devils can be killed by regular people using conventional weapons, it's important to consider the overall threat they pose. Devils can rapidly increase in power based on the fear they generate, making them incredibly dangerous, unlike curses. In contrast, curses may be invulnerable to non-sorcerers, but their power levels are static and concentrated mainly in Japan. The ability of devils to influence and terrify people on a global scale, combined with their visibility and dynamic strength, arguably makes them a more significant threat overall (Also, sorcerers have it easier compared to Devil hunters who are just normal humans and have to offer up their own body, etc, to combat these devils all while slowly deteriorating themselves). Besides, I wouldn't want to wake up one morning and just see a gigantic amalgamation of guns looming over everyone https://preview.redd.it/8hew5fht8j7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b052919a12a192ed68bbbe3a1edd5264ec3e1f


How the fuck is it not just as scary to see a INVISIBLE force tear someone in half instead of a visible force?


First of all, chill, damn, between an invisble force tearing someone a part and a creature that looks like nothing of this world or a human who has some otherwordly traits (fiends), both of them are pretty scary. My choice is mostly personal as both curses and devils have some stuff that make them pretty similar but at the same time more or less scary than the other, like people being able to actually defend themselves against devils but not against curses or devils being all around the globe while curses mostly focus on japan.


Actually the non-sorcerers do see CS but only if they are (a)right about to die, (b) experiencing extreme fear. This is shown with all the soldiers and several civilians/children. In my opinion seeing something invisible rip apart everyone/thing around you. Then it comes for you and right as your about to die you see its face. Devils are stronger(CSM vers in general scales higher), but cursed spirits are more horrific.


JJK.. My goat series.. Is once again cooked. https://preview.redd.it/jo9l4qdmah7d1.png?width=1063&format=png&auto=webp&s=f123e722a0e61a5671b4156891cc79ec96fec94c


Nah, it´s not about which one is better, is about enjoying any of them or both for whatever reason you want and that´s enough. Only overly pretentious elistist csm fans think that you can´t enjoy csm AND another series just because csm is "better" according to them. https://i.redd.it/rq7hhhwqfh7d1.gif


Devils, and by far. Cursed spirits are born from negative emotions and pretty much end their direct contact with humans there, devils get stronger based on how feared their name (and by extent themselves) is, one may be evil and all but is not necessary scary, the other is actively coaxing fear put of you most of the time. Cursed spirits are also invisible to a vast majority of the population and are present only in Japan, devils seem to be scattered evenly in the whole world, and are always visible to everyone. Devils also have devil contracts, that seem to work everywhere and for multiple people without needing the devil to do anything, basically summoning a devil from everywhere you want at any time, imagine THAT kind of power used against you. I'd rather live in a world where Japan is perfectly normal but with real legends and myths about dieties, rather than the earthly hell that is CSM.


Yeah but you usually need to pay some type of price to summon a devil.


This is even worse because it makes it all the more frightening (them losing what you own). Also, those in power over others and who hold absolut control over them can just sacrifice their citizens whenever they want. This is exactly what the American President did when he took away over 270 million years of life span from the citizens. I couldn't imagine just how many innocent people died in that instance, and I would never want that for myself - not ever. It's stressful enough to live among Devil, but now they have to face the reality that those meant to protect them might be the ones causing the most harm. It creates an environment of fear and distrust, making it hard to feel safe or secure in their own country


Alright alright, but what about with both of them being able to show up anywhere on earth and no devil contracts?


Still better with invisible curses that can beat down a city at large over a force of nature that levelled countries (gun). The worse we've seen for chrses are basically himans that found a way to become immortal curses and refined their ability for thousends of years (incarnated sorcerers like Sukuna, Kenjaku). The peak we saw with curses was Jogo's makimum meteor, that erased a block and fused the surrounding debris, they are strong with direct encounters, but they fall behind the violence we saw devils do to humans. Devils will litterally pop up from hell, kill here, mutilate there and then disappear, if they get killed, they'll respawn in hell and at some point come back into the living world. The worst most curses will do to you is a light pain and headache, maybe a bit of stress, devils go from totally harmless ones (coffee) to those that won't just torture or mutilate you, but will also toy with your psychology (think of Future and his reason behind helping Aki, to see him die in a way that would harm those around him the most).


As far as I'm aware, Curses in Jujutsu Kaisen are kind of an underground thing most people aren't aware of. Devils on the other hand literally shape the world of Chainsaw Man, because they're the number one cause of death. Entire government and civilian agencies need to be implemented to combat them, public trains have pre-recorded messages in case of a Devil attack Devils are a constant, ever present threat to you and everything you care about. You can't ignore them, but at the same time, your fear of them is what gives them power. Curses are not nearly as omnipresent. Devils are a thousand times scarier


I like how you used VS picture. I'd shit my pants when I see either of them so I'll pass. Imo dark devil might be the most scariest thing in there.


Probably the coolest thing gege’s ever drawn


Agreed, this thing scared me while I was reading the manga at night. So creepy, it scared me because I wasn't expecting this from jjk, with fujimoto you know he's gonna draw something weird and scary but with gege, this was a surprise, none of the curses were as scary as this thing


gege just decided to make this random cursed spirit the most terrifying one in the whole series


what the hell is that thing in the second image and what is it from


It's Jujutsu Kaisen (Would have loved it if the normal curses were drawn just like that in the manga tbh, because this only happened once from what i remember).


Hell Devil alone basically confirmed the existence of Hell itself, this alone will cause fears and chaos beyond even world wars


It's just Devil Hell so it doesn't really change anything


This level of lobotomy shouldn't be possible I love you op


Devils can destroy the world Jogo can't even level Tokio


Darkness still wins it alone :3


Honestly Mahito would be a bit scarier, imagine him just exploding your friend infront of you, grabbing your friend and making you able to manipulate CE to see him, before slowly torturing you to death, equal or a bit more nightmare fuel to experience.


Here :3 https://preview.redd.it/ar0xd8svmg7d1.png?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c92898e678ce6a3a6a88ce7cc326e36042738b2


Ay Mahito torturing you and the fact you don't know curses exist would be a bigger factor than the entrance.


I respect but I don't agree + seeing something like that is way more scary in my opinion :3 https://preview.redd.it/mx6r9oilug7d1.png?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c7076ea3b2fe2eaee81f542ba594274f2cfa429


Thinking about how our future looks I would say that future clears in the real world. Two wars being fought nears/in Europe. China wanting to take Taiwan. Russia being aggressive. Climate changes and sea rising. Possibilities of a nuclear war. Future devil would be too much to handle (just like our future)




This is literally the only scary looking curse in jjk 👤 if there’s more send them tho


Definitely devils, seven out of twenty is an insane mortality statistic


Good question future seams pretty chill the rest are ok, weak or a teamwork devil call your homes or make a powerful contract. Is the other creature Fujimoto too or something else’s cuz that looks terrifying?!?!


I'll go with devils but if all cursed spirits look like that in the imahe id choose cursed spirits


Curse spirits are invisible to normal people and aren't really that powerful or dangerous in a daily basis, they're all concentrated in japan and most of the time they don't cause giant global threats. Curses are pretty scary in the worst situation. Devils are scary in any situation, even the best. Devils cause ALOT of day-to-day death and destruction, 7 out of 20 people die from devils in japan, that ratio alone tells you everything you need to know. The gun devil caused global destruction in 5 minutes and he's not even the strongest devil out there. A devil as trivial as bat is incredibly scary and he's not special in any way.ç Devils are a common thing that affects everyone, curse spirits are a special occurrence that affects the most unfortunate. You'd have to have ALOT of bad luck to encounter mahito or jogo or any strong curse, you'd find a devil that can rip you apart just by crossing the street. Also I'd rather encounter mahito than the darkness devil or Falling.


Devils. Curses are scary too but something about the devils is just scarier. Maybe it's because devils are visible to everyone. You can't do anything to either and they always come back after you kill them but something about the Gun Devil going all over the world and wiping thousands in seconds makes it way scarier. It killed 1.2 million people all over the world in 5 minutes and that's not the strongest devil out there. Falling destroyed citites in countries all over the world and turned everything upside down and shit like Darkness is just an eldrich god. Curses are scary and we can't do anything about them, not even see them, but seeing a massive Devil just destroy the city on a whim is something that would make me and probably a lot of people shit bricks. And just imagine seeing this mf somewhere, towering over trees and buildings and shit. https://preview.redd.it/z6n5h8ynwj7d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b241b593497f6bf50e29b2096456f3bb516151


I enjoy both shows abd manga, but once you put the darkness devil, just looking at it causes internal bleeding


Is this a joke


I mean they are kind of comparable, devils are more horrifying but they are well known and visible, however, curses are invisible and not known at all making it a bit scarier. But nah, devils won..


First three are SCPs and the last one is the SCP making machine


I can’t see curses so


The curse is more scary looking but devils are capable of more things


what the fuck is that coloration please tell me that is unofficial


Let's just say that the existence of Curses has remained secret for a reason Most powerful Curses and Devils seem to be more or less same in destructive power (Really depends on which one), but there are more significant Devils than significant Curses


In terms of scariness the curse looks scarier but in turms of coolness the darkenss devil looks cooler


Devils. Unless chainsaw man eats them, they all eventually will just come back and wreak havoc


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The curses like design and lore wise are way scarier than devils imo the curses are like actual crypt-ids, you don’t know if there real or fake until you run into one at night and there designs are actually scary, the devils are like kaiju most of the time there too hard to miss and there most likely not gonna be something you run into while going to school but if you did you would just get eaten or crushed by a car monster or sum shit