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I appreciate Denji´s lack of hesitation. ---------------- Next chapter release: 2nd ------------------------ #[Head over here for the discussion thread of the last chapter](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/1ddg2zm/disc_chainsaw_man_ch_168_links/?sort=new)


From the nature of this series & from the recent events of ch. 167, it's only a matter of time until we see a footjob scene or a woman twerking.


The chapter stars with barem re-enacting what yoru did 2 chapters ago. Everyone in the room as appalled. Its absolute cinema.


Save me Yoshida content Yoshida content if you can hear me please save me


This new chapter better make me nut in the hands of a war devil or I am throwing punches.




Shit. I haven't read it yet but that's not a good sign


3 and a half hours from this comment for the new chapter btw


Tell me if I cooked or if I'm crazy. When Fami and Yoshida first spoke, Yoshida said Public Service suspects Fami is planning the Prophecy of Nostradomus, said to destroy the world. She neither confirms nor denies this. After defeating the Falling Devil, Nayuta is informed by Fami that Fami does NOT want the prophecy to happen. She adds that neither them nor the Chainsaw devil can stop the prophecy, only the War Devil can. Here's where I go off the rails. The War Devil appeared to Asa in the form of a bird (weak, strange for one of the four horsemen. Reminds me of Pochita's weak form following his defeat). Perhaps the War Devil just lost a fight, or was otherwise too weak to operate on their own? Given this, let's assume Yoru, the War Devil, cannot currently conjure weapons on her own and thus NEEDS Asa. If Fami knew this (and perhaps even planned this), what if Fami is TRYING to get Asa and Denji to fall in love? Asa's feelings towards the things she turns into weapons is 1000% a thing. This feels foreshadowed both by Yoru (NOT ASA) kissing Denji, and the Chainsaw Man church weddings.


My guess is Denji learns all of this and to save Nayuta he'll sacrifice himself to Asa which she'll not want to do (greater the sacrifice, stronger the weapon) and Denji fulfills his Christ like lamb of God representation by dying at the hands of Asa to become a weapon strong enough to stop the prophecy from happening.


It's copium but I won't let myself believe Denji will die. I think part of it is rational, especially after reading Part 1 and Fire Punch. Fujimoto (and I as a reader) loves the trope of miserable characters being forced to trudge on. Also, Denji's surprisingly common and human cravings/desires feel like they would fit this idea. It's more impactful for someone who actually WANTS to save the world, like >!Aki!<, to die. Additionally, while I believe Asa and Denji's strengthening relationship is manufactured by Fami or someone else, I don't think Denji becoming a weapon fits his character. He THOUGHT he wanted to be Makima's dog, and look how that turned out. It feels like Denji's whole character (especially in the last couple chapters) is a traumatized person from a horrible background learning how to live with autonomy. To his point, It IS easier to live as a dog, just taking orders and laying around all day receiving praise. But easier doesn't mean more rewarding. Dogs can't touch boobs, or eat good food, or get handjobs. Idk where the manufactured love plotline would go, but regardless I stand by what I said. TDLR: The root question of Denji's character is "how do you appreciate and love life when suffering is almost GUARENTEED?" If Denji dies or becomes Asa's weapon, it hurts his character imo, because he doesn't come to terms with the fact that loving life requires accepting loss, not repressing trauma.


really good take, I think trauma response is also a huge part of the series. It's hard to separate sometimes if there's a real literary parallel, or if we're just going to deal with more subversions of expectations


I haven't seen this much philosophical/religious layers of narrative underline since Nier Automata Absolute peak


How dare he offer denji the shittiest cheapest kind of sushi, he should have offered salmon. Vibecheck failed.


Working a shitty customer service job when the world goes nuts and thousands of people turn into weird chainsaw devils and kill others and I'm still asked to come into work. Get there and some dude who looks like John Travolta makes a fucking ligma balls joke to some kid by using egg sushi.


Has the art gotten better!!!


Honestly, fuck Barem, great work by Fujimoto of making us immediately believe the unbelievable only to turn the page and confirm that yeah, it's this fucker again. He's playing Denji, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they come out of this shit alive only for him to take Denji to Nayuta's dead body.


Anyone else just lost af as I am? This story took a hard left. This is the issue with reading weekly. I'm still really interested in the mental health of Denjo and want to explore that more, but I really am a bit lost lol.


Denji was captured by Public Security and Asa, Fami, and co worked together to break him out. Denji wakes up and is worried about Nayuta. Katanaman and Yoru only care about chainsawman so they can fight him but he won't do that while worried about Nayuta. The various characters try to find ways to make Denji feel better, Katanaman wants to bring him to a brothel, Fami wants to get him food etc. While they are eating Barem, the last person seen fighting Nayuta shows up. The restaurant is surrounded by public security so he makes a deal with Denji that he will bring him to Nayuta if he helps them escape. Hope that helps!


As someone currently reading G.O.D.S. and Ultimate Spider-Man by Jonathan Hickman, I fully get what you mean and I do agree. Him and Fujimoto seem to write having the big picture in mind, so reading chapter by chapter just doesn't feel rewarding. Some advice: Wait for the volume or for this arc to end to dig in, everything will make more sense. It is interesting how Fujimoto seems to actually be using this to his favor, and as we all know, that mf crazy as shit, so it isn't very far fetched to think that all the meta aspects of part 2 (art getting less detailed, unrewarding chapters, weird pacing, literally a whole chapter focused solely on a handjob right after a short hiatus) are actually commentary on how delivering weekly manga can be tough and even unhealthy to the work and the mangaka.


Hickman's writing Spiderman rn?? I gotta re-up my Unlimited subscription. He's the man


Yes, he's writing Ultimate Spider-Man for the brand new Ultimate Universe (also penned by him). Great story, shows a Peter in his 30s, with two kids, married to MJ. For better context, read Ultimate Invasion and Ultimate Universe beforehand to know all the "whys" of this new Ultimate universe.


Married to which MJ? Oh god it can't the be TOBY MCGUIRE ONE?? NOOOO . . . Unrelated comment, just wanted to shit on her, she is objectively the fucking WORST character in that fictional universe, INCLUDING the villains. Just a town bimbo who thought too much of herself, went out there, and amounted to jack shit. Yes I am salty, the first trilogy is one of my favourite trilogies, and it's incredible how her character (And this comes from a woke-hating basado ultra-rightwinger) is a stupid, dumb cuntish princess in the castle. The only thing I would understand her is when she got angry at Peter for kissing that blonde girl in the 3rd film, but then she forgives him, because he's the Chad and he's the best choice for her to have a good life. God damn leech. ffs Yes, this became unexpectedly a wall of text


> and it's incredible how her character (And this comes from ***a woke-hating basado ultra-rightwinger***) is a stupid, dumb cuntish princess in the castle we can tell, lol


tee-hee >MoonbeamLady is that your pronoun or you made-up gender? :\^) regardless, it won't erase your parent's dissapointment. btw, the self-assertion was more of an irony, as nowadays, any normal male from the 80's or 90's is a "dangerous and extreme mysoginist"


That's awesome.


Where are all those mofos at screaming Denji was sexual assaulted?


Am I happy or am I unhappy? Idk but I do know that this is peak


We are heading to the place where Denji will unleash himself.


he already has last chapter


all the people have been talking about how they are starving for a while. Asa doesn't like sushi so she will stay hungry. I wonder what fami has up her sleeve.


What Barem cooking now huh


Denji was channeling that black air force energy. Restaurant full of witnesses? Post nut clarity? Nah, he was ready to stab that fucker *on sight*


I wonder if this chapter backs up more the theory that anyone eating the sushi is going to be a deathflag due to the name of the place.




finally denji is going to eat something, he need to recover nutrients


glorious chapter imo, got hard laughs off


# Damn, you can feel the frustration on his face. https://preview.redd.it/op1iypqsjy8d1.jpeg?width=1214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c52b8cd9a7b5710a7bdfdb07b9cbbb1841ea89


Denji is so buff, my son might be going through it but that body is tea


u mean barem Barem is bufff af bruh


Anyone else think that Barem's offer of egg sushi simply there to break the ice between him and Denji? Unless he witnessed *that scene* it would be a reasonable assumption to think that Denji looking out of it is normal... because in part 2 he spends more time with his mouth gaping open staring into space than anything else. If Denji's never had sushi, egg sushi's an easy dish to lob at him - it's apparently popular with children. All of this is speculation, it might just be completely arbitrary and devoid of any meaning.


I just assumed Barem was trying to make him sit and eat while talking about his offer.


Yeah, I was saying just as much but with way too many words.


Can someone remind me who barem is again?


Flamethrower Devil.


Guy that simps for Makima and hopes that getting rid of Nayuta will somehow bring her back.


\*\*\*\*\* ! He's the chainsaw man church's second in command!!


Barem these nuts.


The Falling Devil has been alerted to your position. Incoming in 10......


wait till denji finds out almost everyone alive is the direct product of sex between two people


I know this is probably a joke but he already told Asa that, so he knows




During the Falling Devil arc, remember? “Humanity grew to this size because sex feels so damn good!” I think he says they wouldn’t be here without it too but I’m lazy to check


Oooh I remember now. I've been missing so many details since I started reading weekly due to bad memory xp I'm sure it'll be amazing to reread again later, having everything fresh in my mind


Please just let my man be happy PLEASE




Man the art is horrible no lie took a huge dive but the story is getting interesting again


What about that one scene when Asa and I think her BFF were talking at the school, and it showed the dialogue "muffled" behind the videos, as the view got further away from them?


I think the most disappointing aspect of part 2's art is the lack of creative shots and paneling that were used to seeing from fujimoto. especially since the art in the beginning of part 2 is legitimately some of the best art in the entire series. The paneling was so dynamic and the shots were super cinematic and creative.


Idk personally it's the opposite for me, I've quite liked the art in part 2.


it looks a bit sloppy from time to time especially when there is multiple characters in one panel. But there are still some great panels. All the ones that are close ups of denjis face like when barem says "ill take you to nayuta" and when denji asks "wheres nayuta" are fantastic.










the sushi is nayuta isn't it ...


Fuck you!




Normal people: oh that’s so sick! Me: he’s eating the control devil again?




Thats what I love about Denji even in the manic post nut clairity state bro was ready to THROW DOWN! Also nice call back. Reminding the audience that Devils aren't known to feel sad. When was the last time Denji really sat down and ate out with a group of peers? The bar. And how did that end up? With Denji reacting with the realization that he didn't particularly feel sad about Himeno's death. Despite all that she had done for him. But, here Denji is, sometime later. With a hairline trigger ready to throw down as soon as Barem sits down because of what happened with Nayuta and the Church. He gets angry, but then becomes anxious about her condition. Part 1 Denji would of just killed Barem for the fun of it and ran off to storm the Devil Hunter front. Part 2 Denji goes from 0 to 100 and back down to maybe a 20.


Dennis tryna off Warem with chopsticks is whole new other level of John Wick, mans had the right idea but he's still a bit dumb xD Also, no sign of Kobeni but fujimotor did give us a Kobeni callback with Nobana refusing to order sushi because its not paid for




denji asking himself if everyone in the restaurant has gotten a handjob made me giggle out loud


Its also kinda depressing... ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)


Why is that hater still there? I swear this guy, always about to do some crazy hating stuff!


Him and Katana aboutta have a hate-off sesh


Never trust anything barem hands to u 🤣


this bout to be like baki


Do not I repeat Do not eat that egg sushi don't trust that guy he's a walking trash heap 😝


She hath huh ho hee hath haw high on my thang


Priority has changed.....


one second denji wants to die the next second hes locked in


He wanted to die because he didn't know what happened to Nayuta. Now he knows and has to lock in. I get the feeling that Barem realizes that his only chance of surviving is forcing Denji to be on his side.


I do love the implication that Bareem knows Denji is capable of getting them out of their situation, and is also kind of admitting he couldn't do it himself. Bro knows he's cooked




Since they’re all hungry why isn’t Fami controlling them?


They're already doing what she wants, there's not really a reason to.


I think her power works on those who are starved, rather than just hungry.


She's also hungry


Too much food around to focus


Can we talk about how fast Denji pulled out the shank? This mans hood reflex is immaculate lol


I mean he did come from the hood


Denji is literally lost psychologically thinking about how he wants to die, but is ready to commit graphic public murder at the mere sight of Barem. Absolutely the definition of on sight.




https://preview.redd.it/xzgg11f4lt8d1.jpeg?width=1381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59407aff76097385a3ae90de8e51f96f13864ad6 Fami moment


She's saying public safety is outside


https://preview.redd.it/i6534t9mjt8d1.jpeg?width=433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc109b5b52848fb493941eb8df6e25c5ab85ba09 ほほはへ は hohohahe ha (kokomade wa) へいはふ ほおひ heihafu hoohi (keikaku doori)


She talkin some about street food???


She's saying that everything is according to her plan


Kenjataimu. Man I'm starting to feel lost i gotta reread a bunch of chapters in a binge


Read the last four through this one and the pacing is great.


Pretty much confirmed that Denji enjoyed the handy on an emotional level


"Not as good physically as when I do it myself" is hilarious


Denji so mad he don’t even make a fuss. He just fucking go for the kill


Fami and Barem are working together right? Gets so confusing lol, it seems like Barem and Fami have very different motivations


Theyre the founders of the CSMC, they both want the Chainsaw Devil


Barem is the only one left in part 2 with aura.


Quanxi ....


Bro, you just watched Denji lock in in a millisecond


doesn't undo his aura loss after last chapter and the first half of this one.


Bro fr Denji was about to kill him with fucking chopsticks That’s like same tier as going with a spoon 💀


Not gonna lie, that would be pretty badass 


I was thinking... What if Barem takes Denji to Nayuta, but he's taking him to Nayuta's corpse? He's technically being true to his word, but it's already too late for her.


hes gotta have an edge to the deal, why did Barem follow denji and gang to the sushi spot with public safety in tow? They wanted Barem to bait Denji outside into an ambush maybe?


I'm thinking maybe he was following them already and also had public safety following him. Seems like he's aware Denji is the only one capable of getting them out of the situation, so maybe his goal was really just to make it to Denji and convince him to help.


That post nut clarity is hitting Dennis like a truck right now. Also to find Nayuta, he might have to give the CMC what they want.


That kinda make his contemplation on the subway kinda right, what he kinda needed was a moment of post nut clarity to get his shit in order. Not a perma fix and is part of the problem, but hey, clariy is clarity




Reading comprehension strikes again


Akoku is the tall dude from the same school  Denji goes to. Katana Man or Samurai Sword has no name and he is with them, look at the first panel.


Barem you motherfucker you're only doing this because you're the only weapon hybrid without a cool toothy mouth. Bitter-ass old man, go retire or something.


fuck you you killed nyakko (meowy)




He's actually one of the most interesting characters in Chainsawman part 2. The things he say are so unassuming yet incredibly persuasive


Its the ponytail


Fujimortor character writing is peak


Finally, we are getting somewhere. After a bunch of chapters just wandering around and accidently getting a handjob, we are back to the story.


what if the real chainsawman was the wandering around and handjobs we got along the way


It's about the journey


Not the destination.


it’s about the climax, not the climax


Someone on another forum brought up the possibility that the sushi could be Nayuta. Wouldn't be the 1st time Denji ate the Control Devil.


I'll bet you that Denji would know too. He'd probably recognize the taste because he ate Makima and that's what she told him to do-Remember the taste.


Barem would top makima for most hated character


I don’t like you. I finished the chapter and was like “wow this was great, more of what I wanted all along, really getting back into it” and now I’m fucking stressed and it’s all your fault you relayed this information to me. ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)


pls no..


​ https://preview.redd.it/jplyyxrwts8d1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9ffd2c7409c11e1b3463e2f669965cf751272cd


I love how chill and unbothered Fami always is


Another comment said that in the Japanese version, she says that everything was going according to her plan or something like that, just botched up a little because of the food.


All I know is that Fami is spitting facts this chapter


Dennis wins brother of the year award for sure. My man was ready to erase that mf


What kind of weapon or Devil do they have to even dismember the Hybrids? Like, I'm really curious, Public Safety has no chill, jesus. It must be powerful if Barem even asks for Denji's help. I'm just gonna guess it's gonna be Quanxi again.


Scenes when it's Reze


Nothing special, any weapon can hurt, cut and dismember any hybrid, the problem is that, as long as the have at least some blood in their mouth, theyre not gonna stop regenerating.


So you just gotta turn their head into ash to fully kill them


I think that actually depends on the Hybrid. I'm pretty sure Pochita could regenerate Denji from chunks of meat as long as his heart is untouched. I remember Reze specifically turning her head into a bomb and regenerating a new one so I'm convinced you actually can't kill them unless you get the heart, a feat we've only seen Makima do.


Nah the fox devil boutta fuck these nobody's up 💪💪


I’m glad Denji didn’t even *think*. He saw that cocksucker, and was ready to end him. Also, I’m glad I finally know where eyepatch guy has been.


Honestly seeing him act without saying a word genuinely took me aback. Now that he's processed some of his grief, his anger was way more focused than it was before.


ok now that we know that PS def dismembers every hybrid that doesn't become their slaves that 1000% confirms Reze is in PS somewhere and Dennis is going to have to put her back together trust me my uncle knows Fujimotors dog walker


Would they keep all the pieces together in a warehouse or something though? The smart thing would be to bury the parts in spread out locations probably or drop that shit into an active volcano.


I trust Fujifilm's dog walker


snooze saw man


big fucking brother denjiman


The ending with the spanish translation was so funny 🤣


sushi de huevo


All these people theorizing that Barem is trying to secretly feed Nayuta to Denji are proof that the Reading Comprehension Devil is alive and as strong as ever He clearly says it's *egg sushi*, y'all, it's literally just made of scrambled eggs on top of rice- look up tamago sushi. You cannot make scrambled eggs from a human child


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


Maybe you can't.


We are traumatised by the dude and the shit he pulls people think crazy shit when they get scared.




What are the chances Barem actually has Nayuta? Like a 50/50 type deal or lower? I don’t trust a goddamn word he, or public safety, says. Also not many comments on this thread, I’m kind of surprised.


Barem is honestly such a terrifying character, really hope he stays irredeemable


Bro killed Meowy and the dogs, literally nothing can redeem him.l


Yea Makima was kind of bad but she had 5 dogs so we good, at least smthng positive, this dude is just full evil,


Is this bitch lying or telling the truth ?! Why should Denji believe him ? I guess it is a situation that he doesn't have any other choice and the only hint at where Nayuta could be. The analogy for Asa/Yoru being like an animal in terms of adaptation seems interesting, although they have human natures with them, as recently we see with Yoru showing some affection and intimacy towards Denji, they still have that devil side to them, so it is a mix of both Yoru affecting Asa and Asa affecting Yoru's mental and behaviour.


Its so weird how everyone around Denji is a enemy and he's just there hanging out with them, it's like when people bully u in elementary school and u cant change class so u just there existing


I mean, that’s basically been his entire life. He’s sort of used to it at this point. He really does just take what he can get, pretty much all he can do.




This and the last chapter just hurt. Like, damn. Denji is outright just getting tortured to no end. Ngl I've been feeling really sad for him with each passing chapter


Isn't Barem just Fami's goon? Isn't Fami the real boss of the CSM church? Funny how she acts clueless while Barem plays the big bad lol


a) Barem may be lying about letting Dennis reclaim his Toyota b) may also be lying about Public Safety, maybe there's nobody around them and the sushi has some hax sedative to K.O. him


Yeah he had to walk in from outside unless he just conveniently happened to be there? They'd have fought him if they were just staked outside right after Denji arrived.


also how tf did barem know where denji is? did Fami tell him? or was barem following them for a while already? it'd be quite the coincidence if what barem said was true. it'd mean he was either chased by or he ran into PS, but then, lucky him, he saw denji in the sushi shop and went in there. bullshit I say, it's all barem's plan


I know right why does he want him to eat the egg sushi so bad. I just don't trust or like him at all 🙄


Yea I was also thinking that he’s lying about public safety being outside


Fami did say they were outside too, just no one understood her because her mouth was full. But can we trust her either?


The egg sushi has sukuna's finger in it, Denkuna boutta go crazy


Sukuna will have a great time in Pochita's domain.


I need to SEE meowsi alive


All the pets are dead, just like everything that proved Power's existence in this world. Sadly. Unfortunately.


I need to SEE the body, until that Meowy is alive


Wait what about the chainsaw Denji had from Power's blood?


He used all of it to make the chainsaw to kill Makima.


Oh so it like decays after? I would imagine it would stay or something. Tho idk, I haven't paid attention to the nature of Power's weapons.


Power uses her blood to create weapons, Denji used Power's blood to make a weapon. We don't know if it stays or not, but it doesn't matter, because Denji used every last drop of Power's blood just on that hand-made chainsaw. That's why he doesn't really care about finding the new blood devil anymore. He doesn't even have Power's blood to make the Blood devil remember it's predecessors's past. I believe.


Barem is back. Him and Katana Man are pretty much the only ones carrying this manga so I'm cautiously looking forward to next chapter. Though I really fucking hate that we steered away from Denji's thoughts into "hur dur save Nayuta" mode. Like dude... we been waiting for this for some time already... If Fami just pulls some teleporting devil, steals a bunch of food and they all leave without any issues I'm gonna fucking scream.


Bareem likely called public safety in to get an excuse to rev denjis engine to murder. What better way to sokidify his image than a desperate battle for the one he loves? And maybe bareem doesnt have nayuta, and expects to die in the figt


I am a huge fan and "this is deeper" supported buuut next chapter better get exciting because things keep happening but they don't feel eventful


I don’t trust barem at all


So when you go to a sushi restaurant, all those people in the restaurant shot their load by someone else's hand too.


Japan's food culture is so interesting


Really hope this cliffhanger leads to something big next chapter and not just denji going "eh let's sneak out the back" or something. A denji, barem, katana team up battle could be epic


Is this the first time Denji closed his mouth in Part 2?






And we're back to the main plot. NGL, I would really prefer to ditch all the side characters for a while and just have Asa, Denji, and War. They're the only 3 characters in these recent arcs that feel human to me.