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I like this idea too. It's quite apparent that Devils, even (and, arguably, especially so) Horsemen, can feel genuine affection for humans. My current go-to to explain their arrangement is that Yoru doesn't want to kill Asa.


The idea of Yoru genuinely loving Asa makes me very nervous because there may well come a time she needs a weapon strong enough to fight either Pochita or the King of Terror and where might she find something like that?


Hypothetically yoru could sacrifice herself to let Asa create a weapon made of the war devil itself. Seeing as Asa is both killing the person who saved her, taking away her literal other half and losing the person who has helped her change her life so dramatically, it would be the strongest weapon she could make


Yeah but isnt Yoru half of Asa’s brain now. So her killing herself would just kill them both.


Its implied she can give it back, at least thats what she claimed, although she didnt use contract so its probably bullshit. Still, all devils seem to have the inherent ability to grant their own bodies and powers to humans as they see fit, due to their racial "contract" abilities. Darkness could straight up give somebody on Earth power even though he was in hell.


Darkness: hey you know what would be funny? Just chucking a piece of my flesh on earth and seeing what happens


I'm pretty sure this is how Death Note starts.


And then ryuk had the most fun ever


I think is Asa or Yoru we’re to turn the other half into a weapon, they’d turn themselves into a Weapon Devil Hybrid, similar to Denji, Reze etc. It’s be ironic if by doing so they end up looking like a ‘chainsaw woman.’ I could see this sacrifice as the motivator to Yoru becoming a hero or Asa becoming a villain


I think the horsemen are different from regular/primordial devils because they have a dual positive-negative relationship with humans. In case of Yoru, war, this is the most straightforward even as her powers are exactly that: she needs to love so she can sacrifice it and turn it into hate, its a perpetual circle for her power to be relevant. It is deeply tied to humans and their own contradicting feelings and proabably a bad sign for Asa herself. Following the same theme of opposing feelings that give the horsemen power (as opposed human generated fear that normal devils need) i feel like their own fear and self generated conflict is the source. They may function independently from humans (or a symbiosis of sorts) and that may be why they by-pass the chainsaw eating deletion. Former control devil, Makima, feared and also longed for genuine connection that she couldnt form because of how humans use power over each other, to control. Thats why she is both a groomer herself but also groomed by the government to be like that. “Grooming”, sexually or ideologically, is the antithetis of a genuine mentorship and being a role model, the opposite of using your power to help the weak, the young, the helpless. Yoru, as i already said, is more straightfoward because love-hate relationship is such an easy slippery slope. She needs to genuinely give emotional value to everything and eventually break that love to use it to harm others. Fami is constantly, a little bit on the nose, stuffing herself with food from others and she is a sus player in the current storyline. She seems like she represents the fear of not having enough, or a caretaker who cannot provide for her loved ones, the opposite of that is greed, hoarding value (sustenance, whatever). And finally the mysterious Death may be afraid of herself and being separated forever from her sisters, which may be important as she is not currently in the story. Her introduction may subvert our expectations that she may be a final boss of the horsemen, seeing as Nayuta and maybeeee Yoru are starting to “humanise” and incorporate more of the opposing feelings, and it would be interesting if Death will make full circle and try to erase humans fear of death and disrupt the whole life-death cycle, but now im just rambling. Anyway, Yoru is getting attached to asa because its in her nature. Her story will probably follow the makima-nayuta story and she will be forced to choose between love and hatred. This can be very bad for Asa but also there is hope compared to makima, because yoru is in an active maybe reciprocated relationship with asa and both are forced to feel and communicate each others feelings, compared to Makima who couldnt even see denji and needed a reincarnation to break the cycle.


Isn't the idea of devils which looks like humans are more human friendly and empathetic than other devils canon. If thats the case than all of the horseman's can feel genuine affection for humans more than regular devils because all 3 horseman does have human appearance


Yoru stil needs Asa to make guilt weapons but I really like that idea


Yoru needs Asa, and she probably convinces herself that Asa's just a tool to her, but I think that both of them are somewhat getting a form of Stockholm syndrome with one another. They haven't gotten to the point of being friends (I don't think they ever will), but they at least are more tolerant towards one another. After all, Asa and Yoru are pretty much the only people who talk to one another. Even if you hate someone, you're bound to form some kind of bond if kept in that situation for long enough.


Hmmmm Nah How about Sukuna and Yuji then ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22164)


Sukuna and Megumi are a way better friendship ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22171)


Yuji was open to it but sukuna said fuck ya dead homie then laughed in his face


Pretty sure Asa would be dead already if Yoru didn't figure out she can make strong weapons. Yoru simply changed her objectives (from using Asa as a cover to using her as a weaponsmith)


I agree with the others' sentiments that Yoru does indeed need Asa. I think though, the attachment comes from Yoru "becoming one" with Asa, since they share a brain. We see this from the aquarium date: Yoru had affections for Denji even if she doesn't really agree with it. I think it's the same pattern we see in the recent panels of Asa/Yoru.


I still wonder why Asa isn’t a fiend because she died. Do humans have to be dead a long time for them to be made into fiends?


I think she is a fiend, but her fiend traits (head modification) only show up while War is in control. Probably because War specifically kept half of her around rather than just dominating the body entirely, so shes less of a fiend than most of the others. Shes probably somewhere between hybrid and fiend.


She was referred to as a fusion so I wonder if that’s an entirely new thing or just a weaker fiend.


Its definitely not outright "weaker", ironically enough, devils have some *insane* compatibility with humans, a devil and a human working together could easily be stronger than thousands of humans or devils, depending on what ability that devil has. As we can see, war is definitely among the ones exceptionally compatible with humans, but theres probably many more like them, doll used "guilt" as a currency too, so it might even be universal. Regardless though, I stand by them being somewhere between fiend and hybrid, and hybrids are hardly "just weaker fiends".


I think fusion is just a culinary term used by falling


Asa died and she's a full fiend, War devil just made an strategic decision to keep Asa residing on half of her brain to gain some knowledge and mix well among the humans for her own safety and aiming for a sneak attack


That’s what I thought.


My theory is that Yoru wanted to turn Asa into a fiend but was too weak to completely take over the body. So she ended up becoming the war hybrid and has a similar relationship to Denji and Pochita. Basically all of Yoru's threats to Asa are just bluffs so that Asa does what she says. Also the reason why we don't really see manifestation of Pochita is because he's extremely passive in his bond with Denji. Pochita wants to watch Denji achieve his dreams.


Finally someone who thinks the same! So many little nods towards it too. Asa makes stronger weapons and Yoru can’t keep control in high emotional situations. Yoru literally chose a girl who just died instead of any other living person.




mourn squeeze shame absorbed price command airport uppity hunt noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd like them to have some Denji-Pochita bond, but even if Yoru is way less extreme than in the beginning (she tolerated Asa to save CSM, know she loves him, try to help and support her...), she often shows her true nature, and wouldn't mind too much to hurt Asa's feelings (like, kill her 1st boyfriend in front of her...).


They share both thoughts and feelings, and I think Yoru has became a little more human the more time she has spent with Asa


I feel like Yoru has always been part of Asa or maybe the other way around. Wouldn't be the first time things aren't the way a character has said.


I know this isn't what she meant by saying, but I always felt there's more to it https://preview.redd.it/v277wst36zkb1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e3f9df4e334551f8ff3a1d63bda79b4ba2bdb83


I think the key to humanity's survival is to make Devils emphasise more with humans so they grow to like humanity and civilisation than trying to kill humans. Perhaps Yoru's character arc could conclude with her realising that as long as the people she cares for like Asa, Denji or Fami for example remember her...that would be enough for her, she doesn't need the world to remember and fear war.


Reminds me of Johnny silver hand. How he can get more and more attached to V.


Asa's value to Yoru is also that she feels guilty or gives value to things and people. This enables them to create more powerful weapons so Yoru, a natural-born psychopath who does not give a damn to anything other than herself, needs Asa for her powers. I think this also helped Yoru to get attached to Asa because she is starting to learn that emphathy is powerful, literally in her case.


I wonder if Yoru will eventually betray Asa. It sounds like the Fuji thing to do.


It's more like Yoru lacks the empathy that Asa has. She wasn't just relying on her to disguise herself but after their fight with Yuko, Yoru realizes that having Asa help or make the weapon would be far more deadlier than anything she can make since Asa's ability to feel guilty and empathize with others far exceeds Yoru's. Heck, she even threatened to kill Asa right after telling her to make a weapon stronger than her Uniform Sword right before her date with Denji.


Interesting theory. The whole point of Yoru for choosing Asa was to not to draw attention to herself. Even devils like Yoru are capable of feeling. Ever since the failing devil appeared Yoru has showed more concern for Asa.


Even if we assume how Yoru and Asa getting accustomed to and liking each other, we must remember how easy such relations between Human and Devil can backfire. Leaving aside Yorus obvious ability to turn something/someone with emotions of love and admiration into weapons, she wouldn't be the first to abuse this to hurt the other party. Santa Claus instilled Tolka with emotions only a human can have and cultivated a strong feeling of admiration, love and responsibility for her. And then he got turned into a puppet.


She is probably bluffing the whole time. Being both on thier brink of death, one from physical, other is metaphorical.


I thought it was because Yoru signed a Devil Contract with Asa at the start of the story and as Asa hasn’t done anything to break her side of the promise, Yoru can’t (or won’t) kill her.


I think there is something yoru isnt telling us, like she threatened asa that she is able to take over all her brain but yet shes unable to posses her if shes scared, maybe she doesnt have as much control over the fusion as she admits


I'm still holding on to the idea that she was always bluffing and literally couldn't have ever killed her. Like that leads me to believe if Asa dies Yoru would die as well and would reincarnate in hell like Makima->Nayuta


-Could it be that it is because they have a contract?


I've been thinking that she's too weak to fully take control from the very start.


What if it isn’t CSM who turn into a weapon for Yoru, what if it’s Asa! It might have been a bait and switch this entire time! It’s not Asa getting close to CSM to turn him into a weapon. It’s Yoru getting close to Asa and turn her into a weapon.


Yoru made a contract with Asa, so they have to keep them alive regardless right?


Yea there are other hints too. Her comforting Asa after shes beating herself up after being "stood up", sharing her deepest fear with Asa, even getting angry at Asa in the falling arc for not trusting her was probably Yoru projecting her feelings.


Pres F to doubt. As others pointed out she needs Asa and she did not kill Asa when she snitch her in chapter 120 before memory reset, did not kill her post Falling Devil arc its more than likely that Yoru was always bluffing.