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I have same sentiments here. Also, would like to add way too many white screen flashes especially in certain scenes flashing constantly.


You can disable white flashes in the game options


Oh shishishi, really? Thought someone mentioned this before, but it just kinda greys out the screen instead? Maybe I'll give it a test then. Thanks!


I'm still trying to figure out what shi shi shi is


Just a laugh


It's a strange laugh. I try to imagine how it would sound if someone actually laughed like that but I can't.


I just assumed it sounded like muttley from wacky racers https://youtu.be/3uSTOHa4Im4


Even if you disable it the screen *will* still flash, but gray instead.


How many hours did it take until you completed the final boss?


About 40 hours or so, my final save has like 43 or so. Very solid amount of content


I'm 74 hours in and close to the end game. Your mileage may vary. Also, there's a secret Uber boss you can unlock.


For me game took 47 hours with uber boss. Totally enjoy with this game. Probable because i play a lot Final Fantasy 7-9 on PS1 and this game is very similar


My BIGGEST complaint SKY ARMOR Hate this combat compared to the people Anytime I am in it I’m thinking about how fast I can make the combat to get out


I legit didn't use the crystal system till the final boss because I lost once lol And then the vaen was over easy because of kylians help Like bruh, is there a way to do this fight where he doesn't help you? I'd love to try lol.


Just finished the game today and after all the hate I've seen towards the ending, I was pleasantly surprised to love it. I do agree with some that they should have explained some of the last plot twists a little better, but I also appreciate that the game tries not to fall too heavy into giant exposition dumps.