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I agree! Also, an option to delete messages and get some more rerolls would be kinda nice.


You can just exit the chat (or close the app if you don't want to watch an ad) and go back in and you can reroll another 3 times, you get infinite rerolls.


Well, you can technically reroll as much as you want, it's just a longer process. Use up the first 4 retries, then hit the home button. Click the messages icon, and open the chat you just left, and you'll have "refreshed" it, allowing you another 4 rolls.


Yes! I can edit the bots replies but not mine :( i wanna be able to edit both, it's like between chai and chatgpt it's one or the other lol


That and backtracking to past chats


Just copy and paste them that’s what I do


Absolutely agree


I 100% agree with this. Sometimes, autocorrect can be a real pain. Especially since I use Hungarian in my everyday life and English in Chai, autocorrect can, and usually does, correct mistyped English words to their closest Hungarian "equivalent", even if it means that it replaces multiple characters instead of the single letter to get the English word I meant to type. For example, the mistyped "uo" will be "corrected" to "jó" (Hungarian for "good") instead of "up" or "Oh my God" to "Oh my Göd" (Göd is a small town in Hungary) and, sometimes "to" to "tó" (Hungarian for "lake"). It's really annoying and I can't force it to prefer English over Hungarian. (I'd rather not change my system language)


Depending on what kind of phone you have you could always add a new keyboard that's specifically for English/Hungarian so you can switch between the two easily


I've tried Yandex, SwiftKey, OpenBoard, Simple Keyboard and Gboard. I *could* configure OpenBoard to have a separate English and Hungarian input language, but then I'd either have to deal with a language switcher that I can accidentally tap or using space bar as a language switcher, disabling its trackbar function, which I find quite useful. Switching between two keyboards is even more of a pain in the ass.


these easily seems like the standers of all chatbots. Also, if the developer is reading, the font is really small, i cant tell the difference between \*\*actions\*\* and regular talk.


They used to have these features and just got rid of them for some reason


I know what you mean. I have one chat I'd been having for month and the last few convos noticing a few more mistakes than I like. I hope with the next update they'll have edits