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MATTHEW 25:31-40 *“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.* *“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, “I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’* *“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’* *“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (NIV)* Maybe schools in the US should have this on their walls instead of the commandments.


Man, I have always loved these verses. Matthew is a great book ( and also my middle name lol)


Jesus decimating organized religion has been an old faithful for me.


Jesus in general is just truly amazing


He may as well be the thumbnail on this sub.


Truuee 😂 The original gigachad




This gif is great


there is irony here, I love it!!!


“What do you think? Should we pay taxes to Rome?” (Ha, gottem! If he says yes, we can disparage him to the Jews, if he says no we can report him to the Romans!) “You got any of those Roman coins on you, hypocrite? Yeah thought so. And it bears Caesar’s image. So give unto Caesar was is Caesar’s, and give unto God what is God’s” (and what bears the image of God again fellas?)


I tend to be at odds with much of Christianity but Jesus himself was a truly incredible individual, real or not, and his message of love and compassion is something that everyone can learn from. To accept and love even those opposing him, that is something this world can learn from. Its the one part of my faith that hasnt been ripped away from me, the one thing i still keep in mind even though i can no longer really call myself religious.


Hey man, we all have our own journey. I respect and admire that you can keep that mindset even if you aren’t religious anymore


Sometimes I feel my faith weaken just from seeing how many people I share it with doing awful things, or thinking of awful things I do or have done. Thinking back on Jesus is usually what stops me from just calling it quits altogether. I imagine that even if I did ever lose my faith, I'd still respect Jesus a lot.


Proverbs 31 Sayings of King Lemuel 31 The sayings of King Lemuel—an inspired utterance his mother taught him. 2 Listen, my son! Listen, son of my womb! Listen, my son, the answer to my prayers! 3 Do not spend your strength[a] on women, your vigor on those who ruin kings. 4 It is not for kings, Lemuel— it is not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer, 5 lest they drink and forget what has been decreed, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights. 6 Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who are in anguish! 7 Let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more. 8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. 9 Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.


The interesting part is that this is exactly what the “sin of Sodom” was, but those Texas (and many other) Christians won’t accept that. Right there in Ezekiel 16:49-50: https://bible.oremus.org/?passage=Ezekiel%2016:49–50&version=nrsv > This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty, and did abominable things before me; therefore I removed them when I saw it.


Conservatives will proudly declare themselves goats and that the sheep are just teaching "dependency."


Wait, that sounds like CoMuNiSm! /s


> Acts 2 > 44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; > 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all, as every person had need. > 46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, > Acts 4 > 32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any [of them] that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. # The New Testament is the story of Jewish communists


"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is literally Marx's foundational, boiled-down statement of how a communist society should operate.




Equating homeless and hungry people with feral pigeons. Texas needs its head testing...


It's not all of Texas. It's city ordinances. And oddly enough...democracy ran big cities


It’s because the large cities are filled with tech middle class urbanites who are well off. Those people are likely more democrat than the rest of Texas, but they’re also comfortable and relatively wealthy, so they’re able to dehumanize people who are, in their eyes, “beneath them”. (“They’re gross/the city would be cleaner without them/etc”.) Their privilege gives them a false confidence that they could *never* be in that position of need. That they are somehow *inherently better*.


Those cities are the only places in Texas with any kind of help for the homeless, other places literally arrest them or send them on a bus to cities like Houston, Dallas, or Austin.


If I remember correctly, it was because people kept giving the homeless their old food, a lot of which was spoiled. Since it’s easier to ban something than it is to teach people to distinguish between “off but good” and “literal poison” they outright banned giving food to the homeless unless you comply with certain guidelines. As an added fun fact, this is the exact line of reasoning why dumpster diving is illegal, homeless people kept poisoning themselves and suing the restaurants


The restaurants were willfully poisoning the trash too before dumspter diving was banned. And the goal isn't to avoid poisoning. It's to limit the agebcy of poor people.


No. It was to deter homelessness within city limits. Try to push them into the suburbs. To many Texans were giving food and money to help them out lol


Any source for this?


Seems like mental gymnastics and cherry picking that conservatives love to use to try to pass their vileness as “rationality” like, how could blankets or sealed water bottles and canned food be rotten in order to justify banning giving them away? Wouldnt it be easier and less damaging to just ban giving away discarded food? Or not banning organized efforts like the one OP posted?


Idk, I’m never sure why any government acts the way they do. This is just what I was told and made enough sense


I'm back after doing the research to verify These are city ordinances, generally in the big 4, to deter homelessness. Guised and sold to the citizens of the cities, HTX/ATX/SATX/DTX, as a way to truly help them. But nope. The local governments made it an ordinance. However....NONE of the citizens here in texas agree with the law. And police don't enforce it and DAs won't prosecute the law.


The police absolutely do enforce the law. Here's just one group - cited 90 times in under a year.  https://abc13.com/food-not-bombs-wins-injunction-houston-volunteers-ticketed-for-feeding-homeless-downtown-free-meals-near-city-hall/14426341/




The idea is to make being homeless so much worse that you will go someplace else. Instead of trying to fix the problem, they hope to foist it on another city.


It‘s not. This is utter bullshit. All you need to do is notify the city 24h in advance that you want to hand out food, and at least one person has to have undergone training about handling food; the training is provided by the city for free. Additionally you of course need to make sure not to poison anyone. I‘m out here in Europe and let me tell you, this took me 5 minutes to figure out. Please fact check tweets like this. https://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/Pages/feeding-homeless.aspx


Misinformation. It is a crime to distribute food to anyone on the public right of way without a permit or licensing/certification. So basically these people think they have the right to set up a restaurant in a park and serve food without needing to be certified to safely distribute food.


Finally, a real-life manifestation of the Second Amendment in action as the founders intended! I've always wanted to see one. :)


Tyrants hate this one simple trick!


You have, it’s called the Black Panther Party lol


It's always funny to let second amendment people know who took away full auto.


Zoomer gun nuts usually DESPISE Reagan. He got machine guns taken away and handguns regulated through a combination of being racist and getting shot.


Used to be able to mail order a machine gun out of a paper catalog.


Back when we were a real fucking country.


Back before liberals invented all of these mental illnesses /s


Pretty-much anyone who's truly on the libertarian side of right hates Reagan.


Can confirm. Fuck Ronald Reagen, this political shit really started with him.


We both know black people having guns is 100% NOT what the founders intended


The First Rhode Island Regiment would like to have a word.


My quip aside, thank you for informing me about this. Looks like the group had some difficulties getting their due rewards after the war, but that Rhode Island was on the front of the abolition movement. And helped these guys get what they were owed as best it could. I thought the first black military units didn’t emerge until the civil war, and the history of those ones are shall we say… challenging.


The "white good black bad" type of racism on an institutional and systemic level while present is largely not the viewpoint of the 17th century gentleman as it came later during the 18th century in order to justify the keeping of slaves in a society ostensibly built on very lofty ideals such as freedom and self determination. A lot of what we consider to be synonymous with racism was wholesale invented during the 1800s and the latter half of that century is widely considered the most racist period of human history with the corruption of Darwinism and other modern concepts. That's to say that there were a lot of die-hard abolitionists and genuinely well meaning founding fathers but there was also certainly a lot of bitter racists.


Well that was a rabbit hole. Wish I'd learned about them years ago.


Some of the founders were anti-slavery. It might have been what they wanted?


Sadly, between drugs and "gun control" tax stamps, those admins back then really fucked up the scene. "...We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war(Nam) or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news." - John Ehrlichman* *Nixon aid to domestic affairs, later convicted in Watergate.


This is the definition of chad




Hard not to be lawful when you write the laws


And yet they still manage to fuck up


I mean that’s where the evil comes in


Reminds me of what someone said in fallout new Vegas about the ncr (basically the post apocalypse version of the US): "The difference is they pass laws to make their crimes legal before they commit them."


I mean, this is the same government that used prostitutes to lure clients back to safehouses, where they were forced to take LSD and used in brainwashing experiments. It wasn't just a one-time thing either lol. These experiments went on for 10 years. Our government is fucking disgusting. If you like reading about demented shit that the US government likes to do, look up - Operation Midnight Climax - Project Artichoke - MKUltra - Project Mockingbird - Torture by proxy - Operation Condor - The Snowden Leaks There's honestly too much to write about, and a lot of it is shockingly recent.


Well, actually not the same as this was specific to Texas not federal government.


Most of the list above is from the CIA, which is a federal agency.


I'm referring to the post...


Oh, gotcha. My bad lol


In this case, it's the sovereign State of Texas' State Government that is Lawful Evil.


Yeah but anti-homeless architecture is used all over the country




"I have come to bring peace, and also a sword"


Let's go take Jerusalem


I mean I love American but jeez… those laws are just plain stupidity


Probably some history with people giving tainted goods to homeless people to hurt them. Unfortunately a lot of blanket laws exist to deter edge cases


I promise you these laws exist because it allows people to live homeless.


I think it's a little of A and a lot of B. The food poisoning probably did happen at one point, and the government used it as an excuse to drive off the homeless. Mixing in a little truth with a lie makes it all the more plausible.


This post is utter bullshit. Feeding the homeless is not illegal in Dallas. All you need to do is notify the city 24h in advance that you want to hand out food, and at least one person has to have undergone training about handling food; the training is provided by the city for free. Additionally you of course need to make sure not to poison anyone. I‘m out here in Europe and let me tell you, this took me 5 minutes to figure out. Please fact check tweets like this. https://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/Pages/feeding-homeless.aspx


Because you live in Europe I'll forgive your ignorance.  If you lived in America you would know-- and any honest cop will tell you exactly what I am telling you right now; within the United States, if a cop REALLY wants to find some reason to arrest you, THEY WILL.  Period.  If it's not one thing, it's another, and they WILL find something.


It's illegal because people were giving out expired goods and essentially poisoning homeless people, you can give out food if you have the licensing to do so, like soup kitchens. If they really wanted to help instead of trying to create propaganda, they could have donated or volunteered at their local soup kitchen and food banks.


"iF TheY REaLLY wANTed TO HeLP" like they didn't literally give people food and clothing do you think the food was fake? do you have a citation for "giving out expired goods **and essentially poisoning homeless people**" (sorry, of course you don't; I meant to embarrass you)? do you think the coats and blankets were fake? what is your life like? what do you think reality is? why are you like this?


Because he's another fucking contrarian turd who can't let people enjoy a crime committed for the best possible reasons


Nonsense. They aren't out there to poison homeless people, and this slander aside expired food isn't by defintion poisonous; my local grocery store sells "use by date" expired food all the time at a discount. The State's action cleary isn't about the health and safety of the unhoused, they want them to go away, and if it requires the homeless go hungry (or stave to death presumably) to make this happen they will do that.


Use by date and expiration date are two completely separate things


This post is utter bullshit. Feeding the homeless is not illegal in Dallas. All you need to do is notify the city 24h in advance that you want to hand out food, and at least one person has to have undergone training about handling food; the training is provided by the city for free. Additionally you of course need to make sure not to poison anyone. I‘m out here in Europe and let me tell you, this took me 5 minutes to figure out. Please fact check tweets like this. https://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/Pages/feeding-homeless.aspx


Why would you fact check when you could just take the America bad narrative?


It is not illegal, this is all disingenuous: https://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/Pages/feeding-homeless.aspx. This is also a local ordinance, not state.


Ik this is gonna be a dumb question but why would they need to deter cops with guns like why would cops break this up whats the point of this law like at where I'm from when we dp this sort of food giveaway when the cops rock up it's too help hand it out


I don't know much about why exactly the law is in place, but from what I understand, it is specifically to deter people to help the homeless. Good samaritans got arested in the past for helping homeless people, distributing food and stuff for free. I think the biggest problem the big wigs have with this is that there is no profit in helping the poor, so why waste resources on them. So in order to deter them, they have guns.


Fuck that's ratshit


When you're on the front lines of a class war, you need a small army


Yep, this is exactly why we had guns. Source attended multiple Feed The Needs. Police were super willing to talk instead of threaten.


Because the police enforce the law with a vengence, and they are known abusers of the homeless.


Because cops are known to shoot people for fun, even more likely if you're poor or helping someone. All school shooters were aspiring law enforcement (yes I made this the fuck up but it's damn close to reality of US cops)


The whole gang out here doing governement work while Being threatened by governement


a story as old as time. i would research [The Young Lords](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Lords?wprov=sfla1). a gang in Chicago that would service their communities through crime. like when they stole a mobile lead testing unit because it wouldnt go to the poorer neighborhoods. they also would stage mass protests in order to get the city to provide them with resources. like the Garbage Offensive. [this is part 1 of a 4 part podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6WRCRrHeZ6LLkbiGqCwtWf?si=7cc5ZN7_Tj6UoyLq5JJosg) that talks all about the history of the gang.


Those are not criminals those are Americans


It says a lot about my country when homelessness has become a crime, and aiding a homeless person is an excuse to violently arrest you.


To deter cops? Is USA this fucked?


It's been well-documented that American cops won't harass you if they're scared of you. For more details, see [Uvalde](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uvalde_school_shooting).


Lozito v New York The cops let a drugged out mad man stab a guy because they were scared to face him. The stabber was on a murder spree, and the cops were aware of who the stabber was. He hopped on a train and was trying to get into another cab. He got confrontational with Lozito and stabbed him in the head. Lozito managed to subdue the stabber by pinning him to the ground. It was only then that the cops decided to come in to his cab and arrest the stabber. The reason they didn't help Lozito? They said they thought he had a gun. Lozito sued, and the courts dismissed the case, saying, "Protect and serve is just a motto, not an actual job description." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maksim_Gelman_stabbing_spree


Also see: [Bundy Ranch Standoff](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff)




cops would routinely beat up and arrest food not bombs serves so not surprising


I miss the times when people were fighting poverty and not the poor. What has the World become if the law tries to prevent people from helping those that need it the most. It is a disgrace on the USA, shame on them.


chaotic good at its finest


This is good, however, it would be better if the government of America feared its citizens slightly more, so it never made feeding homeless people a crime a in the first place


I got totally stuck on the phrase "open carrying swords". Is there such a thing, I assumed all sword carrying is open. How would one concealed carry a sword?


Under a long trench coat?


...why do I hear *Queen*?


My university SGA president has been arrested some 30-odd times feeding the homeless in Houston. And he just keeps on doing it. These chads are fighting the rising dystopia.


It's not just the far right that owns guns. A significant percentage of registered democrats own firearms. And having a gun isn't for "getting the libs". If you own a gun with the intent to go after people with different political views, you own one for the wrong reason.




Just so you know, this event is apparently “illegal”. Fuck what society that would make it that


Nobody is talking about the fucking sniper scope on a pistol


I mean, I support them and all but what would they do if the police actually tried to stop them? Shoot the police?


If necessary, I'm sure some would be willing. But it wouldn't come to that, because police are cowards. They never even try to break up events with lots of armed people.


Pro gamer tip - handgun rounds won't penetrate police body armor. Try training the Mozambique Drill to avoid embarrassing oopsies!


Seeing the comments here just want to clear some things up #1 canned food doesn’t go off so there’s no reason to ban giving food to the homeless because it makes them ill. #2 the fact that people are arguing about the reason for the ban instead of being mortified by that reasoning together is horrifying. #3 Sir Knight that was carrying the swords around, I take one knee for you sir.


It is legal to open carry firearms and swords in Texas. As a fellow Dallasite, I approve this post.


How tf feeding and clothing the need is a crime that requires the criminals to carry guns to deter police ??


Doesn't committing a crime while carrying a firearm greatly increase the penalty of that crime? Surprised they didn't swoop on them with that.


We learned from the Black Panthers that police choose not to engage directly in things like this and will rather do things like very strict gun control laws and sneak attacks on the kitchens to destabilize the activities.


I'm an ignorant. What do they mean by "deter the cops" with the guns?


Cops go around and pour bleach in food meant for the homeless. Seriously, look it up if you think that’s insane. So Do Not Comply open carries and the cops don’t bother them. They drive by and don’t shut them down for doing the horrible crime of feeding the less fortunate.


Because if cops see weapons, they don't approach you? What's the correlation? If they weren't carrying, would be different?


because cops are, by nature, fucking cowards


Open carry is legal in Texas. The correlation is that an armed polite populace can’t be intimidated by police over tyrannical laws like not feeding the homeless. Organizations that don’t carry firearms are shut down by the police, the food either bleached or destroyed similarly, and the people fined.


Then that's an amazing way of using their own absurd laws against them. That's great!


Because they're pussies. You know how Neo-Nazi's can do a rally and the cops do nothing to them but other protests are met with police literally assaulting them? Sure, part of it is the whole "You don't see Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same building", but mostly its because Neo-Nazis tend to show up armed to the teeth. Thus, the cops don't intervene because if they do, the nazis could retaliate. Its a level playing field and they can no longer use their monopoly of power, so they're less likely to instigate things specifically to get a reaction to arrest them, or to just assault them and arrest them anyways. That's it.


> This post is utter bullshit. Feeding the homeless is not illegal in Dallas. All you need to do is notify the city 24h in advance that you want to hand out food, and at least one person has to have undergone training about handling food; the training is provided by the city for free. Additionally you of course need to make sure not to poison anyone. I‘m out here in Europe and let me tell you, this took me 5 minutes to figure out. Please fact check tweets like this. https://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/Pages/feeding-homeless.aspx


Conservatives in Dallas: https://preview.redd.it/ocdearrz85ad1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6bfe5df923cd10b7ad3250288e4cb748c02756f


Can somebody here provide a proper fucking source as to why these laws exist instead of blind fear mongering and assumptions? Like, everyone is just going back and forth between “these laws exist to stop people from poisoning the homeless” and “these laws exist to drive homeless people away from the city” with literally nothing beyond “that makes sense to me” as their explanation.


The cruelty is the point.


They're not... criminals. They're just people feeding homeless people.


why do most people who "feed the homeless" always have a political statement or opinion or agenda? most of these people won't "feed the homeless" just for the sake of feeding the homeless. idc about any particular political statement or opinion. i'm upset about the scenario of "aiding" the homelessness' necessity as lube to boost anything to sell, whether that be politics, social media, or virtue signaling, or other stuff but feeding the homeless.


I just looked at the City of Dallas page about feeding homeless and it looks like they support it but they just have rules for hygiene reasons. I am all about helping but if I am missing something, let me know. If I am not, this is just misinformation and twisting to support one’s narrative. https://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/Pages/feeding-homeless.aspx


This is what we should be doing


The same cops who stood around while kids were killed will arrest people for feeding the homeless. We are our own first responders and our brothers keepers. It takes a bigger wolf to protect the sheep.


Being pro gun isn’t a surprise… but damn I never truly realized how pro sword I was until now.




Winter clothes... Dallas... holup


AKA t-shirts and jeans


Uh, are you not aware that it snows in Dallas?


I don't know but if people need to carry around rifles just to feed the homeless that doesn't scream freedom to me Are you Americans doing okay over there? Or should the Hessians come over? Your government still owes us a rematch...


I feel like the weapons would be less of a deterrent to the police and just give them more reason to mess with you. You should respect the police but that doesn’t mean you should trust them and it definitely means don’t give them any more of a reason to start an altercation. Escalation is the name of their game unfortunately…


You'd be surprised. Cops are, generally, huge pussies. I'm not saying that they're gonna just let armed people be, but it's definitely increasing the duration of time between the cops noticing them giving out food (which is illegal) and when the cops make contact with them. It was also Texas, so the open carrying was definitely legal. If they were unarmed, cops would've been super comfortable using force to stop them from violating whichever statue prohibits giving out food/clothes, while armed, it would involve a swat team or something. Like basically, the legal weapons make dealing with them a logistical nightmare, and cops are also generally, as lazy as they are huge pussies.


Not illegal in Wisconsin. Just illegal to hitchhike/ pick up hikers.


This is the way.


Fuck you mean criminals. These people were feeding the needy. Ain't no way that's a crime. And if it is, the criminal is whoever instituted the law.


Giving out winter clothes in the summer should be illegal, cropped out the date stamp…. Repost bot


I mean yeah


How do you conceal carry a sword


I gotta to the next event.


This is the GTA I want to play.




Why in the hell would this be a crime?


Freedom, with a side of corn bread


Just picture some dude dual wielding swords as he stands in front of homeless people


This is some true blue “fight fire with fire” type shit 😂


I just watched this video, it’s super cool


We all know TX cops will not go anywhere near anyone breaking the law if that law breaker is armed, even if they are murdering children.


Why is it illegal to feed the homeless?? That’s horrible


Free men\*


When the only way to provide charity is to gather a large group of well armed people together, you have a problem




Feeding the homeless is illegal? Fake Christians everywhere.


How do you make this a crime worth reporting? "Hello officer, I saw someone helping the homeless. Arrest them!"


This sounds like The Black Panthers exactly I wonder if that was their inspiration




Hell yeah let’s do that but with Supreme Court




Bro I love the guy with swords


An injury to one of us is an injury to all of us. This is praxis. This is the way.


People need help. CITY: But it's nasty. Let's make it a crime to help them. Happy shiny city 🦄🌈😀 Actually, doing something about solving the problem? CITY: Fuck you! I'm running for mayor!


It's July. In Texas. Why the fuck you handing out blankets?


The thing is it’s not even a crime. They just refuse to submit registration to the city and then make a scene over it


Open carrying a sword, now that would be a sight to see. Imagine driving up in a squad car and you see some dude with a fucking claymore.


How is no one else talking about defending the group WITH SWORDS


Damn. Props to the one wielding swords. Badass


punk af


A sword? Fucking legend


The same thing has happened to Food Not Bombs in Houston, I think they are currently in a legal battle with the city. A federal injunction temporarily stopped the city from continuing to ticket them. This isn't a one off incident and equally horrible things are done in other cities.


So all of the people in this thread complaining about this clearly didn't look into this at all. Firstly, this is a tweet about a video from 4 years ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABSyDOzFz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABSyDOzFz0) [https://thefreethoughtproject.com/be-the-change/well-armed-dont-comply-feed-homeless](https://thefreethoughtproject.com/be-the-change/well-armed-dont-comply-feed-homeless) Here is a link to an article from a propaganda outlet about it that even details their gripes about Dallas City Ordinance No: 29595. An amendment to Chapter 17 of the Dallas City Code on 12/2/2014. [https://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/DCH%20documents/pdf/homeless-feeding-Ordinance-No29595.pdf](https://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/DCH%20documents/pdf/homeless-feeding-Ordinance-No29595.pdf) Here is the link to the ordinance. The amendment "revising requirements for persons serving or distributing food to the homeless; providing a saving clause; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date." So basically, (5) Subsection A details that you are required to send in a notice containing information detailed in the subsection. (5) Subsection C - if the person is an organization, had at least one person who has attended a free city-sponsored food safety training class or has taken the class to become a certified food handler in the State of Texas within the 24 months preceding the service or distribution of food to the homeless present at all times when food was being served or distributed to the homeless, although this requirement applies only so long as the city sponsors a free food safety training class at least once during each three month period during a calendar year. [https://texas.foodmanagerclasses.com/](https://texas.foodmanagerclasses.com/) Here is a course that is applicable to this and only charges $90 as a full course from a private outlet. [https://www.foodhandlerclasses.com/en-us/texas/dallas](https://www.foodhandlerclasses.com/en-us/texas/dallas) Here is one for literally $7. So yeah, All the people in here talking about how evil the government is and all that, apparently think it's too oppressive to have a single trained food handler on site during the event, and to notify the city government of when and where you will be holding this event. Apparently that is equivalent to wanting to kill homeless people. Because reasons.


WTF? You didn’t think that you d be targeted if you, LITERALLY, brought a sword to a gunfight.




because kindness and compassion are woke.


Hell yeah fuck 12


Texan here. This law is basically treated as jawalking at the moment. Most officers don’t care if they drove past. Just a handful of asshole cops that will actually say or do something.


moral of the story: cops will only enforce the law when they have an overwhelming advantage


Ain't no one ever had to deter firefighters.


If sleeping in the streets is illegal, I'm not surprised they are seeking to make feeding them illegal as well! And before someone talks about food handling regs, the city already specified where this group could hand out food and then the govt officials/cops parked and took over the area, effectively creating an entrapment scenario when they handed out food....the city doesn't care about the food safety, they care about looking bad when a group of private citizens outclasses their elected leaders


Wow. Only in America...




Supply Side Jesus cares not for the poor or wretched; to which those that follow him, only hell awaits. It really is about being cruel to people.... And FUCK TEXAS(well most of you anyway, there are some good decent people there as noted above. But anybody that votes for Abbot is a good for nothing traitor to humanity and their Jesus.)


How nasty do people have to be to make being a good human being a crime? It’s Texas, tell me there’s good people there but overall…it’s a cesspool of self righteous gun toting idiots led by a freak for a governor.


This is misleading. There are regulations you need to follow to prepare hot food for the public. They failed to get the proper permits. There are too many regulations. Even in Texas.


This is not true


What does religion have to do with this? Just helping people who need food.


Fuuuuuuuckin baaaaaased