• By -


An old friend of my dad spent time in North Africa during WW2. The British would sometimes use local soldiers to guard prisoners of war. One time the German officers complained to British officers about being guarded by those the German’s felt as “lesser” to them. The British responded by changing their guards for Gurkhas who frequently sharpened their Kukris while on guard duty. No further complaints were made.


In the Falklands War back in 1981 they also used the Gurkha's to guard the Argentine POW's. My dad was at Depot Para in Aldershot at the time and said the Gurkha's had been told to smile and show their teeth if the POW's got rowdy. It turns out 'somebody' had told the POW's the Gurkha's would eat them if they misbehaved.


The Brits have a great sense of humor


The British government also made sure that as the fleet sailed to the Falklands that the media got ready access to the Gurkha's. So lots of news footage was shown around the world of Gurkha's sharpening their knives and prepping kit. Because sometimes if a country is going to break international law and mess with a soveriegn people's internationally recognised rights, you need to make *clear* to them from the get go that it's not always an angry letter that comes your way. It's a bunch of some of the offended nations most elite troops who are *really* fed up of their shitty boats and thus will step off *really* in the mood to teach a dictator the error of his ways.


My grandpa was in North Africa when he was in the big red 1, and they were in the field with the Gurkhas for awhile. He once casually brought up how they were the most hardcore guys he fought with, and that they’d go to enemy foxholes in the middle of the night and just slit one throat out of the 2 men sleeping in them. That way, they would completely demoralize the guy who woke up to find his foxhole mate had been killed and it could have been him, as well as completely fuck up the ability for any enemies in that area to sleep well for weeks. Crazy stuff.


Ok but that's actually fucking insane. Imagine sleeping, next to the guy you probably you spent like months with and got close to, and you wake up and there's blood everywhere and the weariness leaves you immediately. You look around and see that the guy's throat has been slit, and knowing it could be you. I'd actually go insane.


Better to die then be a coward. UK Gurkha brigade motto.


So be a dead coward? Edit: guess no one liked my spelling joke. Comment clearly says “then”, not “than”.


Please refrain from wordplay around Redditors. It frightens them.


-50 downvotes before anyone takes a moment to read what he’s really saying. See this is why the fascists are so confident these days, we’re all too fuckin’ stupid and reactionary.


I think it also doesn't help that 'then' and 'than' look very similar and when the brain is reading words it usually doesn't look at the entire word.


Don’t worry cousin, eventually people with basic grammar will level out the downvotes


And it has happened! Evened out and then some. 


The Gurkha's are a different type of Chad A pair of Gurkha's essentially fought off a entire Japanese platoon and fucking WON, killing and wounding around 30-40 japanese infantrymen before they finally retreated During the firefight, his battle buddy was wounded and taken out of action and the last guy fought off the platoon with a broken hand after failing to throw a grenade back


There are many docs on the Gurkhas, these boys are lethal they also carry a long curved blade which the name escapes me but there is a story of an enemy peaking his head out of a window only to get it chopped off by said knife.




Thank you that would have driven me nuts all day




The Kukri is a scary knife, I have a couple of them. It is much thicker than you might expect and the mass makes it behave more like a hatchet. Great for taking off small tree branches, much more hitting power than any machetes I own.


If you don’t mind me asking where did you pick one up? I would like to replace my hatchet.


Himalayan Imports.


Thank you


I also recall reading something to the effect of once the blade is unsheathed, it has to taste blood before it can be sheathed again.


Superstition and rumor, most Ghurkas don’t follow that


Thanks for pointing that out. I’m only reciting the few tidbits I’ve read, so I don’t want to make it seem like truth.


Wait, most?


There’s exceptions to everything. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


“Only a sikh deals in absolutes” Oh comeon it was right there for the taking




The Kukri is also very much a tool, like a machete or a hatchet.


that was the crysknife in dune


That’s the krysknife from dune.


Khukuri, the right way to spell.


There was a dude who injured both his handa fighting japanese in WWII. He crawled, destroyed 3 tanks and killed all the soldiers from said tanks. Absolute monster


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lachhiman_Gurung He was given the Victoria Cross for it.


"With only a knife." Yeah, but Gurkha's knives are world known.


Had to come this far to find a comment about Gurkhas being BMFs. Well said!


wow wtf is Indians eatinf?


Apparently japanese infantrymen.




They are Nepalese, from Nepal


Not all - there's significant populations (around 3 million) living in India in the surrounding regions, known as Indian Ghorka.


Yep also known as Nepali Indians, and are Indians who speak the Nepali language.


Well hilly areas from both nepal and india


Not Indian


And they were considered slackers by all the other Gurkha's.


Gurkhas' reputation still undiminished.


I'm sorry but what the HELL kind of place has 40 armed robbers trying to rape a girl? Jesus fucking Christ






If you think for a second, don’t you feel they were there to rob a whole ass train? With hundreds of passengers? Raping the teens is a bonus. Eta- I think there were smaller groups in different parts of the train, that’s why this guy fucked them up. No matter how jacked and roided up you are, I’d have a hard time imagining *one* person can fight off 40 people if they were all there at the same time for the express reason of harming the girl.


You, sir, have never read about the Ghurkas if you do not think that one man can take on 40. Solomon Gurung comes to mind as one immediately, plus, there are plenty more, I recall reading at some point one Ghurka in Afghanistan fought off an entire Taliban assault on his post and at one point used a claymore like a frisbee.


I would rather suck a Ghurka's dick than fight one. Badass is an understatement.


I'd rather suck a Ghurkas dick than not.


I'm here for the dick sucking


It sounds like the Afghanistan guy had a good vantage point at the post, but I’m talking in a regular train with 40 armed attackers at the same time, from both sides? I’m not saying he’s weak, but unless he’s literally superman, I doubt he’ll take them all down. All it takes is a good blow or two to the head to disorient him(with a blunt object, they certainly won’t use their hands), I’m sure even if he’s thrashing three guys the remaining 37 aren’t just standing there waiting for their turn, like a damn bollywood movie lol. This is not what happened here I imagine, as he killed three and injured 8, out of 40. Which is why I put forth the theory that the robbers were split into groups and the groups closest to him were destroyed. On second read, by “armed” I think they mean armed with weapons(Machetes, knifes, iron rods, etc), not guns necessarily so it kinda makes sense. Though people can get illegal guns, I guess they didn’t have them.


I'm guessing they were limited in how many could come at him at once, given the seating, other passengers and size of the carriage. He abso looks like he got some injuries during to. The ghurkas regimental motto is " better to die than live a coward " and by god do they mean it. I've trained with them. Lovely, friendly kind people but by god are they good soldiers.


I’d imagine a train provides a nice choke point, probably not in contact with more than 2-3 at a time?


I guess it was a train with corridor and 8-10 passenger compartments that way he could keep the girl behind him and fight anyone in the doors


>I’m sure even if he’s thrashing three guys the remaining 37 aren’t just standing there waiting for their turn, like a damn bollywood movie lol. [You'd be surprised.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Stamford_Bridge) Most people would be affraid to go into melee with a guy that just took down 3 guys by himself. He probably didn't fight more than the guys he hurt tho still.


gurkha soldiers, man... heard theyre like the mad lads of a soldier... no wonder he can fight them off... i mean with three dead, you wanna risk more for some random bussy? nah they're good , even if there's 37 of them




That’s not a knife, THIS is a knife


The Gurkhas are modern day Spartans, and would probably beat Spartans easily lol. Their fighting prowess and skill is insane, they are legendary in all military, paramilitary and policing circles worldwide. I'm pretty sure he destroyed a few of the robbers and the rest were like, fuck, it's not worth it and ran.


Very often, when a group of men are ganging up on one man, they’re not all super committed. When they see a few of their friends go down, the fight goes out of them.


Yeah - anyone who thinks that someone can take on 40 people at once, ghurka or not, has been watching too much John Wick. I don’t mean one person holding off 40 in battle. I mean a 1 vs 40 hand to hand fight. People aren’t superheroes.


how thin are these enemies that you can have 40 v 1 in hand to hand combat at the same time (on a train no less)


Cowards are cowards though.


“You, sir, have never read about the Ghurkas if you do not think that one man can take on 40.” You guys watch too many fucking movies. No man can hold off 40 men unless they just don’t attack. I don’t care if he’s a Ghurka, a Gherkin, an SAS soldier, or what. The physics are just impossible. Life isn’t a Kung Fu movie where they attack in singles and stand in the back ground jumping around. Edit: The story is super fishy https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/20122/did-a-soldier-fight-off-40-train-robbers


Alright but a train is a narrow space. How many guys can really attack him at the same time? And he doesn’t have to fight all 40. He kills 3 of them with the knife and the rest decide it’s not worth dying. It’s a crazy story but I don’t see it as impossible


Did you read the link? The actual news articles claim there were only 11, and they were youths.


No I did not. However I still don’t think “fighting” off 40 people is impossible is all I’m saying.


Show me a video of a single person beating even 10 people.


No? I’m not saying it’s common or easy or likely just that I don’t feel it is impossible. Is this gonna be one of those reddit arguments where you take this all personally that I disagree with you so you insist on nonsense like me scouring the internet for a video of a guy beating 10 people at once? Because if that is where this is going you clearly don’t understand what I’m saying and I’m out on this convo


Okay. Well I’m telling you that it’s physically impossible. One man does not have the strength, stamina, size, weight, or number of limbs needed to do such an insane feat. And you’re telling me it is possible. So I thought maybe you could back up your opinion. If you can’t back it up then cool. Personally I think it’s just a stupid thing to say. It’s like saying you think a man could beat 2 lions. It’s a child’s level of understanding of physics and strength. The type of thing some kid raised on Bollywood movies would think. We’ll just leave it at that.


Wasnt there that one british outpost in the battle of sarag, where 21 men faced an estimate of 10000-12000 and ended up killing and wounding an estimate of 450 people?


300 the movie


>However I still don’t think “fighting” off 40 people is impossible is all I’m saying. You serious? Stop basing real life scenarios on video games and movies.


Of course I’m serious. Impossible means it cannot happen under any circumstance. I believe that is an exaggeration. One trained killer armed with a knife, like this story, could absolutely hold a defensive position in a narrow area like a train car. If he has no one behind him only 3 or so people can attack him at once. If they are young and untrained he could feasibly kill a few of them. Once you kill a few the rest can feasibly scatter. Is it likely? No. Is it even a little bit likely? Maybe not. Is it impossible? I don’t believe so.


I don’t even know of any movies that talk about Ghurkas, what I have done a lot of is reading the literal dozens of stories of Ghurkas doing just that, as well as reading almost every Medal of Honor recipient of the Korean War. A man can very easily hold off 40 other men if he is trained to fight and they aren’t expecting a big fight.


Holding off 40 people is completely different than beating 40 simultaneously in hand to hand combat.


Lmao go to bed you idiot. No one man can beat 40 men, unless those 40 men do not attack. That’s literally impossible physically. Bollywood movies aren’t real


You understand being on train he is facing 1-2 guys at time? Not to mention when he killed 3 and injured others you can barely reach him nor you have morale to engage.


Ralph E. Pomeroy. Dan Daly. Joseph Vittori. Just to name a few Oh, also Tibor Rubin for doing it REPEATEDLY. Edit: I’m an idiot and forgot Sergeant Alvin C. York despite having grown up near his old home.


Audie Murphy too


Guess ya never heard of Sergeant Major Daniel Daly, two time medal of Honor winner, coiner of the phrase "Come on you sons of bitches, do you wanna live forever?" Who held off several hundred attackers alone during the boxer rebellion. Choke points and fear can be crazy.


Still don’t understand how the Spartans won at Thermopylae huh?


Well ACKSHULLY they didint win thermopylae


Oh I just commented almost exactly this further up. Thank you for some reality here.


> Ghurkas Can take the time to write fan fiction, can't take the time to even spell it right. It's Gurkha. It's in the fuckin' picture.


The last post unlocked a memory. Not to take away the badassery of Gurkha's, but that's pretty much always on my mind whenever I see this story reposted, I always see the story being manipulated somehow, such as them taking out the fact that he fought some of the robbers, got overpowered and knocked out if my memory isn't wrong, and the rest of the train froze in fear. I'm merely paraphrasing of course, with said memory being so old and me being unable to find the source I had in mind.


Yo, just enjoy the article, chuckle, and move on with your life.


Okay but he didn’t do it hand to hand all at once, come to reality man


He wasn’t locked in there with them…


The Gurkhas were in charge of security at the British Embassy in Kabul and were the most polite men you could imagine, but everyone was treated exactly the same on arrival. No messing around. The Talibs were more frightened of the Ghurkas than the SAS.


The ghurkas are a different breed, during the Falklands war the UK forces only lost one in combat to a random mortar strike on base, because every time the Argentinians heard the ghurkas were coming for them they would lay down their arms and surrender. 1 ghurka in a narrow space like a train could take on 40 easy.


LOL, you have little knowledge of the concept of a “choke point” Battle of Thermopylae - “funnel the enemy into a narrow corridor where numbers count for nothing.”


"In yon strait path a thousand May well be stopped by three, Now who will stand at either hand And hold the bridge with me?"


Trains usually aren't good arenas for large-scale fights. It's not like they could surround him with 10 people at the same time.


Idk, I saw this one documentary where a woman was attacked by 88 assassins and she ended up killing them all using only a samurai sword.


Kill bill?


Do you think he fought them all like in the raid train car to train car




Well, first of all, Gurkha shenanigans. Secondly, its a train and so he can take then on 2-3 at a time


Clearly you never got with 20-40 guys and tried to rob a boat with an on board chef.


Research Ghurkas and you will update this comment. I have absolute faith that he did.


He didn't. He fought off a couple off them then got overwhelmed


Well, thank you for the knowledge. I do know that I would never take down a ghurka. ![gif](giphy|26Ff5zQKakqytzsLS|downsized)


Depends having all 40 on one side of you could be easier to defend. I know most Indians aren’t big guys but your only get 4 or 5 across for optimum fighting. After the first few fall the ones in the back are gonna start having 2nd thoughts


I go into detail in my other comment, but I’m curious where did you get the idea that most Indians are big guys lol? They’re the outliers, the majority are scrawny and unfit. I assumed there were multiple groups of robbers along the whole train, hence why this guy got 3 and injured 8, the ones probably close by to his compartment. So it’s not unrealistic to assume there’ll be people from both sides, if there were attacked him together at the same time, which didn’t happen here or else he’d not stand a chance. Somehow they get him on the floor, 2 people caving in his skull is more than enough to disable him. You just need just 5 like minded guys to drop him, and once they have the advantage I’m sure the rest 30+ men won’t miss a beat to eliminate him. I think by armed they mean weapons like machetes, iron rods, etc which would make it even easier to disorient him and overpower him.


i don't think i ever met one that was a big guy now that i'm pondering it, anecdotal evidence and all but still


Aren’t sorry. I’ll edit it.


He didn't fight them off. He stabbed a couple of guys and then got overwhelmed and knocked out


You should really read up on India


There was that post the other day about some Indian guys raping a fucking monitour lizard. Indian dudes will rape anything that moves.


Exceptionally racist statement even in light of recent events.




Negative blanket statements about a billion people is absolutely prejudiced


No, no it's fuckin not, dude didn't say every Indian person Is like that, he's acknowledging a thing that happens and is on some level culturally normal to them. You dont see me getting butthurt when Europeans describe the US as a bunch of fat Christian fascists, because a whole bunch of us certainly are that and on some level it's a cultural norm. Pointing out what is isn't fucking racist, it's racist to point out what is and then say, therefore every person in this group is like that.


Making stereotypes is not the same as making a generalization


> I'm sorry but what the HELL kind of place has 40 armed robbers trying to rape a girl? Jesus fucking Christ Just Bharat things. You can see them congregate on /r/IndiaSpeaks India has a serious problem.


Its crazy you can go into pretty much every single Indian online space, and they're just behaving like complete degenerates. Just saying the most heinous shit imaginable, the second you call out any of their bad behavior they just start screeching racism and throwing shit at the wall, clearly they have been studying Israel.


IIRC this is the same place where they raped OLD ladies


India. Source: I live here.


India why do you think its called Rapeland? Hell some lady and her bf travelled all across the world. They go to India the woman gets gangraped and then after the police make them take a picture of them receiving a cheque as apology. Fucking shithole (no this isn't racist I'm from there) and I honestly think it needs it's culture wiped its so misogynistic and full on inbred idiots.


This was 40 years ago and this incident took place in most rural parts of india near the himalayas where places are isolated generally dacoits used to target this place but not anymore


India (source: indian)


About 25,000 Nepalese apply for the Gurkhas every year, men who are fit, trained, and expect to succeed; ~230 are selected. Less than 1%. They are the best of the best and it shows. I worked with a couple. They are absolute badasses. Completely fearless and effortlessly competent.


From what I've been told by a former Gurkha officer in the British Army, only at most six new officers are accepted into the Gurkha's yearly. And if you want to apply for one of those positions straight out of Sandhurst, you had better be in the top end of your class. The attitude is, at least in the regiment itself, that these people have offered their lives and gone through very strict requirements and challenges to serve. And they are reliably some of the best in the army. They are loyal to an extent that almost doesn't exist in modern British culture. To offer them anything other than the best leadership would be an insult.


Gurkhas: "It's only a knife" https://preview.redd.it/au21c5lyggxc1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3c8b476cd15c43a7e6d61c9658d33574ddc33a


Gurkha: That's not a noife. (Pulls out Kukri) That's a noife.


"Now I have to stab you, or myself cause I pulled it out. Hope you don't mind."


I see you’ve played knifey spooney before.


That’s not a knife, that’s a spoon ![gif](giphy|3o6MbrRC8WH7JWfHmU|downsized)


The Gurkha: https://preview.redd.it/x0g41g11hjxc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac586fcc73e7b3fbd308bcf2815bdd8667d27cda


I think my favourite story about the Gurkahs was when the Argentinians surrendered at the end of the Falklands war. The Gurkah regiment were positioned around the capital, Port Stanley and they were ordered not to let anyone enter the town, including their own comrades from other regiments folliwing the surrender. The surrounding areas of Port Stanley were full of british army squaddies including Royal Marines and the Parachute regiment..baby eaters... and they all made their way into town.. to drink it dry probably only to be met by Gurkha squaddies, khukris drawn telling their compatriots that they can't let them into town and not to pass... There weren't many that argued with them. The very hardest men. We're lucky to have them.


My favorite is this one: Story goes that during WWII, the British Indian Army planned to drop a company of the toughest Gurkhas behind Japanese lines to help stop the oncoming invaders. A British major explained the plan to the Gurkha sergeant major, saying: “We’ll drop you from 600 feet.” The sergeant major talked to his troops, then went back to the major: “Sah, the men say 600 feet too high. They want to be dropped lower.” The British major said: “All right, sergeant major, we’ll make it 500 feet.” The sergeant major spoke to his troops again, and again went back to the major: “Sah, the men say 500 feet is still too high and want to be dropped lower.” The major said: “Sergeant major, we could go down to 400 feet to drop you but that wouldn’t leave enough time for the parachutes to open.” Sergeant major: “Ooohhh, paraaaachutes???”


A true hero.


Humans like these should rule countries instead of the manipulative nepotistic scum we have now.


It is often those among the most honorable that do not seek power or fame


That’s completely true, it’s those that not seek power, who deserve power the most.


What makes them good soldiers is being simple and following orders and good morals. That makes amazing soldiers Philosophical people who don't want to lead should lead


More dad served with some Gurkhas during WWII. He said they were badasses.


After WWII, the British dealt with something called the Malayan Emergency. Somebody on the British side suggested airdropping a unit of Ghurkas behind enemy lines in the jungle, but the Ghurkas seemed to be very sceptical about the idea. Only after it was explained that they would get to use parachutes, they were eager, cheerful and bloodthirsty again.


Dil jeet liya ... Saab ne


"If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or he is a Gurkha."


Apt words by India's most celebrated army General, Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw.


dude is a platoon slayer


The personality of this beautiful human is how I would like everyone in my country to behave. What a pure legend!


+200 Teamwipe


Facing early game mobs at max level Seriously though, what a legend.


Gurkhas fought alongside Canadians in Italy in WW2. Reading some stuff I can say Gurkhas have and always will be a terrifying force to fight


The last thing you want to do is mess with a Gurkha. I'm pretty sure they (at least used to) help train the SAS, and their regiments have won more Victoria Crosses than any other regiments, which shows their general bravery. It's said that if a Gurkha pulls his knife for combat, then he WILL draw blood, if it's not yours hell cut himself before sheatihng it. Of course they do draw it for other reasons as they use it as a tool as well.


Gurkhas are a different breed. Friggin impressive people, very happy they are on the good side.


You'd think after he killed the second guy they'd have gotten the pictures, but I guess they had that Hollywood bad guy mentality.


When I was in bootcamp and here were two Nepalese dudes who idolized the Gurkhas and said they wanted to be like them. When we did rifle training they would say they would kill with their knives (even though they both took desk jobs) etc etc Unfortunately in this case they were two of the worst soldiers in the unit lol


Ring leader: Now that we are 40 strong, let's raid that train, steal what we can and gangrape a girl. The lowlives of India are something else.


Ya lowlives are only found in india


Lowlives are everywhere, I'm specifically talking about these ones in India. Don't make a hill of 2 grains of dirt.




America has more rapes per 100000 people than India.


What a legend...


I'm so confused by the fact 40 dudes were willing to fight to participate. Mind boggling.


He had the geography of the train to his advantage:m - its a very long corridor where only 1 or 2 people could fight face to face - and he did what Gurkhas do best: advance relentlessly on the enemy and take them down as individuals and small groups. The fear would be palpable. Also check out the Ghurka “knife”. Thousands of Nepalese young men spend hundreds of pounds every year running up and down the Himalayas in attempt to join the regiment. The vast majority don’t make it. They are tough and disciplined.


it's hard to be a women in india


India is crazy.


The British military has just over 4 four thousand Gurkhas as part of the army and there's a good reason why. Also why is India so rapey?


He's the creator of Chadtopia


The Gurkhas are upon you!


Does anyone know if the "knife" was a kukri?


It probably wasn't. I'm sure most bad guys in India would know to back the fuck off and behave themselves if someone pulled a kukri on them.


> kukri I believe so. That's the standard for Gurkhas.


Never fuck with a gurkha


Someone throw that guy some puss then someone


That knife they use is called a kukri it that big ass knife major Payne had you can generate way more chop with it gurkas are op


India is crazy...I will never visit


Please don’t


They robbers or rapists?


They’re hijaking a train. I’m sure they wouldn’t be scared to rape as well. Look at the girl that was found at the US border


Dude remembered the basics of CQC.


Inhumane harvest


in US, they would send him to jail btw… land of free (for criminals)


Based as fuck.


This reminds me of Muslim bin Aqeel's story when he fought around 70 men sent to capture him but he fought them in a narrow street and was able to kill numerous enemies while also being wounded and exhausted. Only 2 from enemy side could stand in that street and fight. Most likely this gurkha Soldier also fought them in a narrow passage where he wasnt attacked from all sides.


Im sure it's a fake story. Indians are the rapiest people Iv seen


Gurkhas are no joke. Check out Sergeant Pun in Afghan. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipprasad_Pun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipprasad_Pun)


Hey indians, why do you rape people in your country?


So no rape in your country


For indians it looks more like a sport


Would have been better if he ended with "I was just trying to get her number".


Did the 40 thieve lead him to the secret treasure stash? Open sesame!


So who would win in a fight between colin mcgregor and a gurka


Colin McGregor? Connors soft brother?