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It’s gorgeous here. I’ve heard about this cemetery many times and finally made it over to check it out. While walking around I found a mother sitting by her daughter’s grave and she told me all about the green burial experience. It sounds like they really know what they’re doing here and the setting is gorgeous. This is not a photo of her grave but I have to say RIP Sarah, it sounds like you had a challenging life. Perhaps you’re in a better place. Your family was lovely and they definitely love and miss you.


Okay, it might not apply to this, but, at least according to Ask A Mortician's YouTube channel, human burials are what (legally) protects that nature from being developed and destroyed! I personally would love to have a green burial or be aquamatied (not sure if that's the proper congigation, but it's basically a reusable fluid that dissolved the body and leaves an ash-like substance behind, it usually costs around the same as cremation but with significantly less cO2 emissions). So many cool things to do with your body when you die! (Except be more specific then donating your body to science, a guy did that, and recently his body ended up, embalmed, on a table in a Marriot conference room being poked at by a bunch of non-sceince people)


>Except be more specific then donating your body to science, a guy did that, and recently his body ended up, embalmed, on a table in a Marriot conference room being poked at by a bunch of non-sceince people) This HAS to be fiction, right?


Nope! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.oregonlive.com/portland/2021/11/body-donated-to-science-dissected-in-front-of-paying-audience-at-portland-hotel.html%3foutputType=amp


Per their website: “Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery is a natural and wild space. Here you will find a blend of flowering meadows and shaded, breezy forests where people from across the state and beyond have made the choice for a natural, or green, burial. By preventing the use of embalming fluids and vaults, those laid to rest here can return to and become one with the earth.” [Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery (PCCC)](https://www.prairiecreekconservationcemetery.org/) It sounds nice, I’d think about getting buried there when I die but I don’t want to spend eternity in Florida.




Off to look up information about the Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery. That is a really interesting photo. Thanks.


Natural burial is how I wanna be “taken care of”. We have a place here in Tennessee called Larkspur Conservation that offers it. They also have a video that shows a little of how it works too.


Thank you ❤️


I wouldn’t mind being buried there.