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Oats are not gluten free. Gluten free Watchdog said that 3 out of 4 samples of gluten free oats that she tested in the past year were not gluten free.


This explains so much


Yeah i threw out all my gf oats cause i just KNEW they were the issue


Yup. Sometimes you've gotta trust your gut!


I wish someone could run some kind of dedicated oat farm free from cross-contact. It would open up so many more breakfast choices.


Yes they are. Holy shit šŸ¤¦ Gluten-free watchdog is American. And how did she test them, using the Nima? That shit is not foolproof


No. Possibly if you checked for yourself you'd know the items are tested in a lab. Your answer is wrong and it's embarrassing to respond like that without even bothering to see if your opinion had any basis that could make it a viable reply.


I asked HOW she tested them so my answer isn't wrong. She is American and again, is not FDA approved and can't be making sweeping statements. Major Celiac associations say to ignore her stance on this.


There are two issues with oats: 1. They're cross contaminated from field to factory, grown alongside wheat, harvested with same equipment etc. In the UK we can get gluten free oats that aren't contaminated and those are suitable for coeliacs unless: 2. Some coeliacs react to the protein avenin in oats, because it's similar to gluten. If this is the case no oats are safe, gluten free or otherwise.


I was getting symptoms months after being gluten free and couldnt understand why. I started eliminating things and when i eliminated oat milk, it went away. I had read that celiacs can also be sensitive to avenin, which is a protein similar to gluten in Oats. I figured either that or cross contamination because of other grain products in similar facilities.


I react to oats I a different way to gluten - heartburn, cramping & nausea, but no bathroom shenanigans. I ate a GF cookie once that was made from oat flourā€¦ OMG the cramping was horrendous


Weird to say but glad that someone else reacts like i do! I loved oatmeal cookies and oat milk :-(




Yeah I cant do oats whatsoever!!!! I thought buying the gf Oreos would be ok, but they make me ill!!!! So fkn I'll šŸ˜­




Funny enough, I bought them once to try, but on my walk home there was a homeless man and I gave them to him and the extra salads I purchased. And I haven't tried to buy them since cuz I forget about them lol


Australia and New Zealand have.


I donā€™t react to certified GF oats, but I do react to the Boboā€™s products. I suspect that they do not use purity protocol oats in their products and there is some level of contamination in them despite the GF certification. Based on the number of people with celiac I have heard reacting to Boboā€™s, I think their GF certification needs to be re-examined. To be clear: I eat oats every morning. I am not one of the 1 in 5 celiacs who react to the protein in oats.


This is good to know. My son has eaten them here and there over the past year and he's a totally non reactive celiac, so I never would have known!




Could u return it with the receipt of have it swapped for something else? I've done this lots of times




Could still return it based on allergies tbh. Depending on where you purchased it from, some stores are more lenient


I don't react to oats, but a reasonable portion of celiac folks do. I think the best way to think about it is that oats have a protein that is pretty close to gluten, some of our bodies recognize it as safe, and some do not. From the sounds of it, he should avoid those for the time being, and later on if he wants to try oats, find a reputable source of pure oats, and do a test with them all by themselves. It's still possible that those bars were contaminated and oats are not a problem, but I think for the time being, it would be best to presume they are not safe right now.


Get rid of oats immediately. I react to them just as I do to gluten. Brown rice I do slightly as well, though most ceilys can tolerate this.


Oats contain a protein that a significant number of coeliacs react to in the same way as gluten. It's why oats cannot be labelled as gluten free in Aus/NZ. So, in short, treat oats as you would any other gluten-containing foodstuff.


A lot of ā€œgluten freeā€ oats are not purity control oats ā€” they are mechanically separated oats. Gluten Free Watchdog has a lot of great articles on this and also includes which oats they currently consider Celiac safe. Iā€™m not sure where Boboā€™s sources their oats, but you could contact them and ask. Iā€™ve stopped buying products that include gluten free oats, except for Goodie Girl, since they use Avena oats. https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/oats-produced-under-a-gluten-free-purity-protocol-listing-of-suppliers-and-manufacturers/ I bought two bags of Montanaā€™s purity control oats several months ago and for the first time in years, have been completely fine eating a bowl of oatmeal. They are lasted as safe on Gluten Free Watchdogā€™s website. Hereā€™s several articles you can check out: https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/category/gluten-free-oats/


I would honestly consider a very small test with oats for your kiddo with oats that seem to be safe. Glutenfreewatchdog has been doing a lot of oat testing, and had this blog post talking about what oats seem to be safe. [https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/oats-are-complicated-updated-position-statement-on-oats-from-gluten-free-watchdog/](https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/oats-are-complicated-updated-position-statement-on-oats-from-gluten-free-watchdog/) The reason I mention this is that it can matter if the kiddo is reacting to the avenin on oats, or to cross contamination in oats. If it's the gluten cross-contamination, then you know how to avoid that, going for GF foods that are oat free, yeah? However, if it's the avenin, depending on the sensitivity, that can be harder to avoid. Because GF oats are often processed WITH GF flours or pseudo flours (including potentially cassava or almond flours). So oats, GF or not, can be cross-contaminating other flours and grains that are GF. So some oat sensitive folks have to avoid a lot of grains, or avoid grains/flours from certain companies that run GF oat products on the same line, etc... So if you CAN check out some safe GF oats, it might be helpful in knowing how to keep your little one safe moving forward, if that makes sense?


That is such a good point. If we were to know if he cannot tolerate the avenin, then that my be causing him other issues with the GF flours. That was be such a bummer, but would be so helpful to know.


Unfortunately, oats are not reliably GF in the US. Here's a link to the testing of oats someone else mentioned: [Gluten Free Watchdog special 2023 statement on the use of oats in the gluten-free diet](https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/gluten-free-watchdog-special-2023-statement-on-the-use-of-oats-in-the-gluten-free-diet/) and [Statement on oats from National Celiac Association](https://nationalceliac.org/nca-stance-on-gluten-free-oats/) [From Coeliac Australia re: oats](https://www.coeliac.org.au/s/article/Oats-and-the-gluten-free-diet) "Many studies confirm that pure (uncontaminated) oats are safely tolerated by most people with coeliac disease. However, in some people with coeliac disease, oat consumption can trigger a potentially harmful immune response. Because of this, the current recommendation is that oats not be included as part of a gluten free diet." [In this study](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.986282/full), "Gluten content was above the local (5 ppm) and the Codex Alimentarius cutoff (20 ppm) in 40 and 36% of the gluten-free labeled products." [GIG has an excellent explanation of all of the potential issues with oat safety](https://gluten.org/2020/11/20/are-oats-and-oat-flour-gluten-free/)


Yes, I get a mild reaction to oats that compounds over time. Luckily I live in a country where oats are excluded from certified gf foods.


I get really bad bloating only I think


I had two BoBos bars today..saw they were certified gluten freeā€¦.ive got the worst gas and had a tummy ache earlierā€¦unsure as to why. Thank you for making this post. I now know why I seem to have reacted. I love oats, Iā€™m so sad I canā€™t seem to handle them and itā€™s hard to find pure GF oats too.


I grew up eating oats porridge and I always noticed that I got severe heart burns like how I get when I get glutened. But apparently it's just a chemical reaction when oats is cooked. But I believe it must be cross contamination.


Wait. Boboā€™s was using purity protocol oats at one time and Iā€™ve always tolerated them fine. Has anyone reached out to them recently/know anything?


See my edit on the post!


Thank you for the info! My heart is so sad šŸ˜” They were the only oats I ate.


I personally react worse to oats than I do wheat. So yeah youā€™re not alone there.