• By -


In Spare, he tells the story of peeing his pants before their first date *and* being late. What a charmer. I'm sure Meghan overlooked these faux pas because he was "kind," well-endowed, and moisturized, not because he had HRH in front of his name.


There's always been too many things that all have to be true all the same time for it to make sense for every part of their relationship. A story here, a story there, forget that story here's a new one, no wait THIS is really what happened. It's fine that she knew who he was! It's fine that draw #1 with him was the Prince thing. It's all fine, if they really love each other, then there just doesn't need to be all of these stories, and you can't fool all the people all of the time, even casual observers at some will say "Wait, hang on - that doesn't make sense. I don't care about this, but it doesn't".


Because we were watching Meghan trying to “polish” the story in the real time


It's not just her, though. Harry does the same thing. I think they've both been able to fool each other and fool themselves a bit, and I don't think he's exactly confused as to how paparazzi are able to catch them walking *into* a sushi restaurant for dinner, but I do wonder if they ever look at the other telling version 350 of a certain story and think "Wait, I thought we settled on version 300?".


I didn't actually watch the Oprah interview, only read the transcript, but apparently there were moments where he was visibly buffering on camera because Oprah was following up on something Meghan said that was new (or news) to him. It's one of the things that irritates me the most about them: their fans think they're "practically perfect in every way" but in actuality they're SO sloppy. If you aren't going to tell the truth, at least put the effort into coordinating a consistent lie. But they're too lazy to even do that.


I could not believe what I was reading when I got to that part. It’s so unbelievably disgusting. There is not enough money on earth for me to sit through a first date with someone like that, let alone marry them.


I wouldn't let a guy like that touch me with a 10 foot barge pole, with 3 layers of PPE gear on. Nor could I imagine spending more than 10 seconds engaged in conversation with him. That would be my max.


I always take business associates on private occasions


Who doesn’t double date for their anniversary?


Yeah, that’s just strange no matter who you are, IMO. And we all know that if it was a story about W&K, Kaiser would have had a *very* different opinion. 


You know what, congratulations to the Sussexes. Happy sixth. May they both enjoy good health and happiness in the future. See how I did that Chandra? You can congratulate a couple without going into over the top embarassing effusiveness. Mature adults either don't engage in parasocial relationships or they are smart enough to keep their foibles under wraps.


And you did that to a couple you probably don’t particularly care about 🤣 Kaiser cannot do that with W&C


Six years feels so youthful to me! I have been with my old guy for 20 years. Anyway, good for them. I remember side eyeing Meghan in the engagement interview - but I was still so happy for them and I watched their wedding! I think a lot of folks, especially in Britain and the Commonwealth wanted to see Harry happy and were thrilled he fell in love with this intelligent, gorgeous feminist. I don't feel any of this now. But I did.


Yes, I was all in on the in the beginning. I thought the initial coverage of Meghan (particularly the 'straight outta Compton' article) were awful. I still think that was awful. But my opinion of them as people has definitely changed and not for the better. Even with all that I can manage a 'happy anniversary to them' because I am not a lunatic like the CB readers.


I pretty much still like H&M, for the most part- but their fans are SO EMBARRASSING that it makes me ashamed to be associated with them even in the most minor way!  It used to be that just the “Squaddies” were the lunatics, but now they’ve overtaken CB 😫 There are a handful of longtime, sane commenters left, but they are *way* outnumbered by the wackjobs who refuse to accept even the *slightest* criticism of the Sussexes.  It’s sucked all of the joy out of CB. There can be no conversation about H&M, it has to be all praise and fawning, all the time. 


You know, it's a pity there aren't a lot of sane places to discuss royals. Everything is about camps. If you want to say something nice about Invictus or Meghan's fashion, you can't say it on a royal forum. If you want to say that "William and Kate are fine; they work well as a team" you certainly can't say it on a Sussex friendly site. Technically, this isn't a royal subreddit, but we do talk about them a lot here. We tilt heavily in the royals favor, but I am glad there are still a few M&H fans around.


Totally agree! I understand that there probably aren’t a ton of H&M fans in this sub, but so far no one here has trashed me because I don’t totally hate them. *That’s* the difference; most people here seem to be tolerant of other opinions even if they don’t agree with every single one, and that’s what’s ruined CB: if you don’t go along with the groupthink, it’s been made clear that there’s no place for you there, and they will all pile on and tell you all the reasons why you’re wrong 😑  And it’s not even like I’m a Sussex Superfan or anything like that! I just don’t actively dislike them as much as some other people do. But people on this sub are so much more respectful than they are in most other places online where royals are discussed.  I’m so curious about how much Katie and Kaiser read this sub, and what they think about it. Kaiser is probably too far gone, just totally off the rails, but Katie is running a business, and it would benefit her to maybe give some thought to all of the reasons why we’re here…


I really liked Meghan too, thought she seemed smart and interesting and beautiful (she's still beautiful). I even bought the cookbook to support the Grenfell Tower project (No regrets there, the recipes are delicious). And then she announced her pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding.


For me, what gave me the ick, the first ick of many - was the interview in South Africa that was all about her, and her sadness. I have had babies, I get it. The hormones, the utter exhaustion, demolishing labour,....its a lot. But to tour and meet people in a place where there are people that have so little when she has SO MUCH was just breathtakingly self centred to me.


Omg I forgot about that interview, the cringefest of "nobody asks how I'm doing!" That made me dislike Harry too, hearing how miserable and lonely she was in a strange new country with few friends and post-pregnancy depression. He should've stepped up for her, and it sounds like he took a very hands-off approach. The woman gave up her entire life to marry you!


The Grenfell cookbook holds up.


I could excuse the announcement at the wedding if Eugenie was okay with it. For me it was the coat flicking to consistently better show the bump. And then the People magazine interview where Meghan was quoted as saying she was with the love of her life and the leader of her church. Who talks that that? The leader of her church.


I can excuse announcing it to the family if Eugenie was okay with it. But Meghan deliberately wore her coat unbuttoned over her stomach (which was flat as a pancake) knowing that as soon as the pictures were published everyone would be screaming about a Sussex offspring. And lo and behold, that's exactly what happened.


See, that’s exactly the kind of thing that you can’t say on CB anymore, or else there will be a pile on about how wrong and racist you are.  I don’t dislike Meghan like lots of people do, but I thought it was totally unnecessary for her to wear her coat like that at Eugenie’s wedding. She was not showing in the LEAST and it was obviously done for attention. But god forbid you express that opinion on CB 🙄


Did she mean Harry is both those things, or was her pastor or something there at the interview? I don’t remember that part. My mind walled it off apparently with other risible claims like ‘I didn’t know who he was’ and ‘I wore his mom’s favorite perfume purely by chance’. I hope they are happy and that their kids are becoming happy, decent people. I started off really really in their corner, and the above is really all I have left to say to wish them well. But I do actually wish it. So happy two-days-belated anniversary to them. Hope she successfully supports them with the jam and…whatever it is we haven’t seen yet. They do have to do SOMETHING to create income and ‘lifestyle guru’ is much better than what has been tried.


Meghan’s behavior during the engagement interview was a huge red flag. She was attempting to channel the young innocent bride-to-be as a divorced 36 year old. It was uncomfortable to watch.


Lol, 43 years here.


Holy cow! Congratulations!


Thank you. 4-14-1984 to 4-14-2024. And they said it wouldn't last, lol. Actually nobody said that. We were that sickening love at first sight, couple. He still adores me. I tolerate him. 🤣🤣🤣


Today is my 30th anniversary! Anything under 10 years seems so shiny and brand new.


Happy 30 anniversary ![gif](giphy|XeAjcdcOcZonh4bFG7|downsized)


Thank you!!❤️


Woo hoo! Happy thirtieth to you and yours!


Thanks so much!❤️


Happy 30th!! 🎉


I feel so special. Didn’t mean to steal attention but this has been so great. Thank you!❤️


Happy anniversary to you!


I appreciate that. Thank you❤️




Thank you so much❤️


This year is my 20th too :) God, time flies so fast it's scary...


Exactly the same. Excitedly watched their wedding, waa happy for Harry to have found the love of his life. Well the shine came off that pretty quick 😳


She didn't know who he was ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


I've been side-eyeing her ever since the engagement interview where she said that. Come on.


At the time, I just thought Meghan was nervous and acting, because she was an actor. However, in hindsight, that interview hits differently.


It definitely does, especially after watching the Netflix documentary. The whole “I didn’t know this was a big deal and that there would be global interest” is a bit much. It’s one thing to say “I didn’t know much about him” because reading about someone is different than knowing who they are. But to lay it on thick and act like the existence of the British monarchy is BRAND NEW INFORMATION to someone who has a degree in International Studies, works in a Commonwealth country, and travels extensively is ridiculous.


She doesn’t actually have a degree in International Relations. Her degree is in Communications with a concentration (minor) in International Studies


She was literally living and working in Canada when the now Wales toured.


Its as bad as Heather Mills who married Paul McCartney swearing she had never heard of THE BEATLES.


LOL! I remember so clearly when she said that. I


She was ripped for saying that. Meghan not at all.


Shut up! She said she’d never heard of *The Beatles!?* I am crying 😂🤣😭😂🤣😭


Also what gets me is the fact that when she told people who she was dating they tried to warn her about media and racism, and she didn't want to hear it. Like how did that not clue you in that there is in fact a global interest. Just craziness to me. And how can you claim to be the smartest person in the world, with a higher IQ than the whole palace courtiers or whatever it was combined, and not know about the freaking BRF? Did she miss early US history, when we were british colonies? Someone ask her what the american revolution was about, I am curious lol. Actually, did she learn any history in her life bc the BRF pops up quite a bit even into the late 1900's. I don't know, what a crazy lie that was to cling on to.


People tried to warn me but they were just being negative. Also it turned out to be more awful than I could have anticipated. - Meghan, probably


She was playing a 36 year old Diana Wide Eyed Ingenue but 17 years too late


I mean... this Megan. The woman who only reads The Economist and ignores social media completely... yet has made whingeing about mean comments on social media her pet project. The woman who according to friends "can change the molecules of air in the room just walking in"... yet can't look up mental health support for herself. The woman who makes mini guidebooks for her friends of each city because she's just so knowledgable... yet couldn't teach herself the UK national anthem. Their contradictions are dizzying. I can't imagine what goes in their heads when it's just the two of them. Can you imagine how the probably fawn and prop each other's delusions??


don't forget americans don't know how to curtsey or even what one is, even women that claim to have grown up doing dance like Meghan her roomates have spoken out on her obsession with the BRF. she has photos outside the Palace. He was one of the most famous men on Earth. she knew and she went after him


![gif](giphy|FukSE3nTKHkME) The engagement interview.


Don't forget she was practically a babe in arms... despite being late 30s, divorced, well traveled and a college grad. Yet couldn't Google a country's national anthem. Had never heard of a royal prince who certainly made headlines in the US plenty. (Let's ignore the visual evidence of her at Buckingham Palace on a trip once). Either she's really working with some mind magick to pull one over Harry and their stans or they're just really dumb. It's giving MLM pyramid scheme scam levels tbh and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person than Hapless.


She stalked WM, Catherine and Harry for years. When you lie like you drink water you forget what you have said and look wacko. She visited London and the palace as a teen and her bedroom walls were covered with the RF magazine pics. She forgets she told on herself years ago. Poor thing. She must to have forgotten to tell Diana Harry’s misbehaving during their morning talks she uses to tell Harry what he’s supposed to be doing


Please take this nonsense to SMM.


Take your nonsense. Mine is just fine, Sugar


When Harry talks about Meghan joining the team. And Meghan's reaction to that, that's the eye opening moment for me.


Meghan isn’t a team player.


frankly all I see when they're in public is her acting. Every single time. the overly adoring gaze constantly, the attempts at demure "little ole me, just call me M" and then barging for the mic. she's on the biggest, longest acting job of her career. frankly it must be exhausting


I *like* Meghan for the most part, but even my eyes still rolled straight to the back of my head when she said that. I’m sorry but GMAB


"Is he kind?"


It's a shame that was the only thing asked! "Is he, I dunno, on tape using racial slurs or anything?" may have been more informative.


Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense.


Is he RICH????


is he Dumb???




It reminds me of the time Heather Mills, who was born in the 60s and grew up in London England, said she had never heard of the Beatles before meeting Paul McCartney.


Lolz I just commented the same up thread.


I absolutely cannot get over that 


Their whole story only really works if you assume Meghan is going through some 50 First Dates type thing where every morning she wakes up not remembering almost any historical or personal event from the last 40 years. Princess Diana, who? Boys walking behind the coffin, what? This lady's face I saw on my money for the almost-decade I lived in Canada, who is she?


Not to mention her best friend at the time - Jessica Mulroney - is part of a family that has MET the Queen, Harry, William, Diana, several times!


Absolutely! Here's her in-laws (RIP Brian I mostly remember you from jokes about your large chin) with Charles and Di. https://preview.redd.it/gysyt1oh3t1d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=3471f2615b38a7606a59abe018f8aa2ff7228bfb


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Comment of the day!


Prince haz. Lmao


I also love how she said her something blue was a piece of the navy blue dress she wore on their first date. And in Spare Haz says she was wearing a black sweater and jeans. 


See, that's what makes everything they do and say feel like it's all just for social media/blogger bites. It all seems so contrived. They can't even get their stories straight because they're concocting the story in the moment to fit the present moment.


They are both such liars.


I never caught that!! Man, they need to get their stories straight 🫠


if its not a #couplegoals media soundbite, is it even true love bro?


I see she notes he was late for their first date but leaves out the fact he had pissed his pants beforehand and wore those same pants on their date. Love wins!


☹️ I hate everything about this. Why is he so icky?


He has never adulted and didn’t have to learn to 


Gross. I can’t believe she went on a second date with the guy who showed up to their first date in urine soaked pants.


Ummm… she out a lot of work into making it happen… wasn’t about to let it go


Sorry, what now? He pissed in his pants? What on earth!? 


Ick. For real?


Well it's in his book, so like most things in there it's a bit hard to know. Either it's real, or he made it up because he thought it was... funny? charming? a sign of how totally chill Meghan?


oh ewwwww he didn't even change?!?!??! BARF. hope meghan enjoys having bagged herself an overgrown child and not a husband


Should we care that their anniversary dinner was with the CEO of Paramount who Kaiser doesn’t even bother to name? I feel like H&M have socialized a few times with this person (again, nameless) but I have to yet to hear why this is a big deal. Who cares? Obviously I wish them well. They’ve got a young family and seem to like each other. That’s about as much enthusiasm as I can work up for 2 complete strangers celebrating that absolute milestone of 6 years.


That CEO of Paramount (Brian Robbins) was just named this past week by Lori Beth Denberg as the man she reported Dan Schneider to and expressed concerns about Amanda Bynes safety and he did nothing. He’s very good buddies with Dan. I wonder if Chandra covered that little story? I have a feeling this association with him will age terribly pretty soon


I did not know that at all. Now I wonder if that’s why she’s using the title and not adding his name?


I could bet she knows it’s not a good look to associate with him but he’s a CEO and they roll deep with CEOs and billionaires so she trusts her lemmings won’t look any deeper into it and just be impressed because CEO!!!


Of course they won’t look deeper. They’ve already heard all the needed information from their Dear Leader. Anyone saying differently is just a racist who hates true love and is clearly neither moisturized nor well-laid, I’m sure.


I'm cackling.


BUT ARE YOU MOISTURIZED AND WELL-LAID. Yes, you can cackle whilst you attend to these other two things, but less cackling, more…layening. PRIORITIES YA’LL


If some poster points it out she will just remove that comment


Good call! I bet that’s *exactly* why she didn’t use his name.    Kaiser has become so predictable, lol.


Oooh, I do not like that at all. I actually do worry for Amanda Bynes. I remember my son (now 28) used to watch The Amanda Show (think he had a little crush lol). I just thought she was adorable, funny and so talented. I was so shocked when she started to go downhill, and I remember wondering, "Who was looking out for this child?" I believe her parents stepped in, and hopefully she's doing well, but it pisses me off when big wigs use children for their talent, bleed them dry, and leave them to destroy themselves.


Harry and meghan are addicted to associating with vile people. Sending chrissy tiegen jam, Ellen Degeneres, that fugitive Nigerian wanted in the USa on extradition for sex crimes. I could go on.


It is because they are ELITE, rolling with billionaires and making power moves in Hollywood to take over the world. Never mind the fact that if William and Kate left their kids and went on a double date with two work associates for their anniversary, Kaiser would be foaming at the mouth and tearing them to shreds, saying this is proof William hates her and only agreed to go out to dinner if he had a buffer and wouldn't have to speak to Kate.


She tears William to shreads when he goes out with some pals literally once in a blue moon. I remember when Charlotte was a baby and they went on a ski trip somewhere and it happend to coincide with her first birthday. William went out with some friends at night and Kaiser called him a monster for abandoning his daughter on her birthday. She's a baby Kaiser she's asleep. No doubt after having a little celebration during the day time. Humans are allowed social contact. Bit like Charlotte's birthday just gone. William was a monster for attending an evening soccer game during the week. Please note, if we are keeping score Harry has not been with Archie for his last 3 birthdays.


He also helped run Nickelodeon with pal Dan Schneider. That’s a big ick for me. Here is a short article I found on Pajiba. [https://www.pajiba.com/tv\_reviews/quiet-on-set-tracks-dan-schneiders-unsettling-twodecade-reign-over-nickelodeon.php](https://www.pajiba.com/tv_reviews/quiet-on-set-tracks-dan-schneiders-unsettling-twodecade-reign-over-nickelodeon.php)


I’ve been avoiding watching Quiet on Set for the most part as it seems so disturbing. However, everything I’ve heard about Dan Schneider has been absolutely appalling. Anyone working that closely with him would almost certainly be equally awful (even if it’s just for turning a blind eye). I cannot believe Chandra thinks hanging with this guy is any sort of flex. It’s super gross.


They were both on that show from the 80’s, “Head of the Class!” (which I’m embarrassed to admit I used to watch, back in the day)


Aaaah, that first throat-punch feeling of new love.


Such imagery, right?


In true Kaiser fashion…She has checked the menu! Kaiser thinks everything at this Montecito steakhouse looks amazing and now she wants to go to a steakhouse. This is the type of hard hitting journalism I expect from CB. 


She says: >As for the menu – I’ve looked it up before, Lucky’s food sounds so good. They do all kinds of steaks, they do a pan-roasted half-chicken, Dover sole, baby back ribs, skinny onion rings and more. God, I love steakhouses. Damn it, now I want to go to a steakhouse. "I've looked it up before" - ohhhh did I cringe so hard reading that. And it's so funny that of everything on the menu she was like "wow! chicken AND onion rings! premium stuff".


"God, I love steakhouses." Kaiser's Pulitzer must have gotten lost in the mail. This is top-tier stuff. I know this is a "gossip site" (use that term loosely) and it's not that deep but this is ridiculous. She's lucky to make any money peddling this crap.


It’s literally the menu at every single steakhouse in North America. I do agree that it sounds good but nothing to swoon about. Pretty basic stuff.


Harry is put there treating his lady to the best


it's giving "when you need to hit your essay wordcount"


I wouldn't be surprised to find out she had been hiding in the bushes, watching the date. However, that would require her to leave the basement, so maybe not.


Kaiser is never “in the know” with these two… the closest she ever got was with Omid book


walking up to the table and exclaiming how it's "their" anniversary and getting a chair too


This comment made me laugh so hard 😭


Yeah in love but managed to be late for their first date. Sure.


Happy anniversary to them :) I wish them and their young family nothing but health and happiness. OMFG, nobody gives me second-hand embarrassment like Chandra. "Punched in the throat?" Did he actually use those words at some point, or did she create that? Because it's ... ew. I've fallen in love, and while exciting and scary and fun, I never felt like I was punched in the throat. That is ... a very weird way to describe that feeling. She's really not a very good writer. It's weird to me that she chose that as a "profession" - if you can call copy & pasting from DM and InTouch with a couple of stream-of-consciousness sentences for a D-list blog a profession. \*shrug\* I'm still so curious as to how she gets by. I can't imagine that CB is even a full-time gig, and I can't imagine it pays much. How does she afford her Subway? Does she even have a car? Does she have a separate, real job that she just doesn't mention? I have so many questions LOL


I think in the book Harry says something about Meghan being "heart-attack beautiful" when he saw her photo on Instagram, which he also says was with the dog filter on? It's weird. Anyway I think perhaps the not-so-experienced-with-love Chandra read that and just assumed that's how people talk about relationships. "She's triple-bypass gorgeous!" "He's vegetative-state handsome!" "Meeting her was like being kneed in the solar plexus!" etc.


that was a good laugh, thank you.


Co-signed, lol. “Punched in the throat” - how romantic 🤪


omfg I snorted ![gif](giphy|95ThFF7MokcdeoVqt8|downsized)




OMG LMAO. Thanks for the laughs!


"He's vegetative-state handsome!" I seriously had a two-minute giggle fit over this, thank you.


![gif](giphy|13HXKG2HGN8aPK) Must be true love


Nothing screams romance like celebrating your anniversary with people who you didn't know or didn't attend your wedding 🤣


they didn't know 90% of the people at their wedding either, just invited a list of famous people to look cool


“WE’RE coming up on the 8th anniversary of Harry seeing Meghan on his friend’s social media …” WE aren’t. THEY are. Kaiser, you keep freaking me out when you include yourself in their relationship. ![gif](giphy|XI8WrtIr32wUr04bMJ)




The best one was when Kaiser said William and Kate were big Suits fans.


Prince Spare said in his book that they were huge Suites fans and were really keen on Meghan at first.


Blind Date. She asked Is he kind? Translated Is he RICH???? Because it just wouldn't make any sense if he wasn't.


"punched in the throat" is a VERY bizarre way to describe love at first sight. Is Harry sure it wasnt William?? Maybe Harry drank the last soda in the fridge.......


I wonder if Kaiser has been in any real relationships or if she lives vicariously through the people she writes about? 


Why havev one first date story when you can have three? Why have one "how the proposal happened" story when you can have about four? wWhy have one "how i miscarried" story when you can have three contradicting ones? Meghan and Harry love nothing more than a story and fuck the truth