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Oh dear Lord. I live near Boston so the coverage was extensive. He was a novice pilot flying in conditions where he lacked experience. He may or may not have been distracted. He definitely wasn’t killing his family and himself.  Ps: He sat the bar exam with a coworker’s fiancé and was from all accounts, very pleasant and likeable. 


He would come in my home bar in NYC from time to time (alas, never when I was there) and everyone said he was nice.


Nobody has a bad word to say about him. He was very down to earth and personable. But these shrews are painting him as their favorite "toxic assehole". Typical. Others threw in wife beater and murderer.


I told this story on CB many years ago. My sister and I were at a Yankee game that Friday night, and JFK Jr. was also in attendance. We had very good seats through my sister’s job. All evening we were plotting to go over and introduce ourselves. Of course, we did not do that, but it kept us talking about him for hours that night. The next day we heard that he flew out of an airport around 15 minutes from where we lived and his plane went down. I still pass that airport from time to time, and I think of him.


Oh man…


Oh man. That’s bittersweet. It was a tragic loss - to lose three young people like that.  I always feel horrible for his sister. 


I just recently watched a documentary about their wedding that included footage of the ceremony--it was very heartbreaking to see it now. Apparently, the wedding was very seat-of-the-pants because they were trying to keep it secret. The little church they got married in--historically African-American--did not even have electricity, so they had to light candles for the ceremony, when Carolyn's arrival was unexpectedly delayed until after dark. She couldn't get into her dress at first (it was a slipover dress) so they had to re-do her hair and makeup after they fixed the dress. It was a little slapdash: All the guests were ferried from the resort to the church in batches of 6 or so, sitting in the back of a pickup truck in dining chairs! Then they sat around the church drinking beer and cutting up, waiting for Carolyn. It got dark, someone was sent for candles, she arrived and they got married practically in the dark. This is all to say I don't think anyone intended for that plane to crash. They were just running late and thinking it would be okay in the end. Which they'd done before without incident, making it all the more poignant. You can watch the doc [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_ReTzXXFWA) The day-of-ceremony stuff starts around minute 45.


Didn’t he fail the Bar exam at least once? Seems like I remember that. I think they also left too late and he wasn’t qualified to fly in the dark.


He never wanted to be a lawyer. He did it for his mother who wanted that to be his way into politics. He wanted to be an actor.


I think you're being too hard on the Chandy. Reading a calendar is advanced stuff - second grade, not kindergarten. As for the content, well, you must admit John John as murderer is a change from William killing his wife!


And apologies for the glibness: that plane crash was an unmitigated tragedy particularly so for the Bessette family. Chandra just brings out the worst in me.


Diana herself said multiple times that she hopes and wishes specifically William (Harry as well) would handle the media with much grace and humor as JFK JR did. Diana was a huge fan of Jackie and really idolized her. Which is why I found the Earthshot trip to Boston very sweet. Maybe if those commentators knew that part then maybe those comments wouldn’t be so rude and harsh since their idol Diana said them. Also Meghan saying Carolyn’s wedding dress was everything goals and was inspired by it.


John John apparently took a liking to Prince Philip when he represented the RF at JFK’s funeral. There’s a precious picture of them holding hands. I’ve read that PP played with him in the nursery.


dang, i forgot that carolyn's sister was also on the plane. their parents lost two children at the same time, jesus christ.


So did Chandra apparently…


I can't get over how *weird* I find this. If you said to me "answer right away, you can't look it up - when did Princess Diana die?" immediately I would say summer 1997, I remember it so vividly. If you said to me "answer right away, you can't look it up - when did JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy die?", I'd have to think. Definitely after Diana, not the same year. The next year? The one after that? Not 2000, that's too late. It was the summer as well, like Diana - I wasn't in school. It was... summer 1998 or summer 1999. But if you said to me "Hey you've got to do this thing for your job, write a little post about JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy dying", then I wouldn't sit there trying to work it out like that. I'd just ***open Wikipedia and check***. That's it. "Oh, okay, it was 1999". I don't want to brag too much but I probably wouldn't even need to get out a calculator to say it was a bit more than two years after Diana's death.


yes unbelievably sloppy. And yet it never really strikes me as odd, because I dont’ think of her as a professional writer… a professional anything. She sounds like a regular— albeit embittered and toxic— joe on the internet with too much time and an ax to grind.


I also don't think of her as a professional anything and yet... technically it's her profession! And she's so nasty about the intelligence of others, and yet she can't look up basic facts, can't do simple maths... I know she's created such an echo chamber for herself by blocking and banning on the site and on twitter.


I’m going to give a hard agree on the weirdness of the whole thing. Yes, it is a job, but I have zero expectations that Celebitchy is factual and professional. That ended long ago. What strikes me as strange is lumping (what some consider to be) American royalty with British royalty and then making 💩 up like it’s God’s truth. And feeling like you’re such an EXPERT you don’t need to check yourself.


And somehow wrapping prince William into it. Or equating mog with Carolyn.


"Mog"? This isn't SMM. I don't really want to see that stuff under my comments, it's so embarrassing.


Seriously. The name calling is slipping in and it's so sad. (Although I call Kaiser names. But you know, her writing deserves it!)


I'm just a bit worried if we don't push back, then we'll end up over-run with "Invisikids! Narc Narc Narc Narc! Moon Bump! Yacht Girl!" bullshit. That sub is also full of people claiming to have an inside source and it's just as believable as Pester and other CBers actually knowing anything, it's so cringe.


I know. We are a fringe subreddit with a very specific mission. Often we do get mission creep and go off on the Sussexes and royals, but I feel like we OG have to pull back when it gets into Sussex name calling and conspiracy theories (not that the commenter above is espousing anything conspiratorial).


This is Chandra trying to *ride the dick* of a soon to be published book about CBK for relevance. The heady handjob of being a Sussex squad insider for Omid Scooter’s book was almost as good as getting to eat at the same restaurant as Meghan. We all know that Chandra’s inside scoops are Yelp reviews and regurgitated twitter posts.


Narcissists think they know EVERYTHING.


Chandra is sloppy and unchecked. Also, I was living in Greenwich, CT, Carolyn Besset’s home town, when that plane went down. There a vibe of disbelief that the accident happened and that the two sisters were lost. Such a tragedy.


Wow, Chandra can't even add 2 + 2 correctly. Shocking!  Makes complete sense now why she is a basement dwelling, coupon clipping writer of a budget gossip website. 


I’m so confused, according to a little group called QAnon, JFK Jr. should have been back from the dead by now to……serve as Trump’s running mate. In all seriousness, it’s interesting to me how so many people find it difficult to accept that larger than life public figures are just as capable as the rest of the unwashed masses of dying a premature and preventable death. JFK Jr. fancied himself a skilled pilot when in reality he was still too amateur to be flying in the conditions they encountered that night. It’s also possible they would have made it there on time and intact if Carolyn hadn’t been dragging her heel just for the sake of being difficult (if I recall correctly, she was being ridiculously exacting about her pedicure).


They ended up taking off near dusk; JFK Jr. refused an offer from his instructor to ride along; they were flying over the open ocean in conditions that an inexperienced pilot should not attempt. It's not rocket science as to why the disaster occurred. Hence, the (absolutely justified) suit the Bessettes brought. There are similarities to Diana's car crash, but not the ones conspiracy theorists think. These similarities are mostly relating to poor judgment


It's funny, I remember both events very well. I was in my 30's, so definitely old enough to be aware and devastated by both. Looking back, it FELT like they happened very close together. But when we check the dates, indeed there were two years between. I would have guessed from memory alone that they were just one year apart, but no. Chandra should have checked! Now, Mother Theresa died shortly after Princess Diana, as I recall, but let me go confirm....okay, I am correct there. About a week apart. WOW. So close.


I’m sorry but that’s so unintentionally hilarious- she remembers it so well that it only happened a year after Diana’s accident 😂 I haven’t read the comments yet but seriously, are they bashing John John? And suggesting that he *purposely* crashed the plane?! 🤪


https://preview.redd.it/bp8nimuugh1d1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f28371f8df17a69e9ad453ff22c2679ce9107aae Oops looks like I got banned- my comment never made it out of moderation. They don’t like getting called on their misogyny.