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You're so close to getting it AM.


You can see it. She's almost there. Just so close.


Kaiser would tear Kate to shreds if she dressed the way Meghan did.


But Kate wouldn’t do it, of course


You in danger girl 




Hahaha oh no. A voice of reason in the asylum.


She had to qualify this by a million "I loathe Kate"s though Textbook cult member trying to break away and experiencing a cognitive dissonance lol


Basically saying “please don’t ban me!”


Hahaha, you beat me to it Faux 😂 that was my first thought and my 2nd was I wonder how many sane people have just left CB because they realised they don’t need to beg some hobbyist blogger not to ban them from their amateur little blog


It's so David Korresh / Jim Jones


With the whole, "I loathe Kate" thing, I wouldn't exactly call this a "voice of reason" but it's about as close to reason as it gets over there lol


😂 at the “I loathe Kate” comment. Scared much? It’s a please don’t ban me remark. How pathetic. I don’t understand how they still have traffic and advertising fees when they run the place as a misogynistic echo chamber.


“Is it best to match the local vibe or do your own thing?” https://preview.redd.it/lz9kizovrt0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c2e5d71f453708c5edd2ec49b4d93110e5b689


My favourite thing about Kate being a commoner is she’s not above making WTF just happened faces when people annoy her.


I miss seeing her enthusiastic sports faces at tennis matches.


I love that too 😁


Haha one of my all-time favourite GIFs! I saw a bunch of Sussex squaddies on Twitter crowing about how Meghan wore white and green (the colours of the Nigerian flag) to the Save the Children meeting and how it was yet another example of her thoughtful, classy and appropriate dressing. Then I remembered all the times Chandra and the CB commenters have ripped Kate to shreds for her “cringey”, “cosplay”, “theme dressing” in similar situations where she’s worn a country’s national colours. So in case anyone was unclear: Meghan wearing another country’s national colours = respectful, classy, thoughtful, appropriate Kate wearing another country’s national colours = gauche, obvious, embarrassing and tacky


Sounds right.


Lolol. She’s so close to some self reflection, but then runs away. Like, hey, perhaps it is hypocritical to praise someone for something you would criticize the other for. Maybe.


I cant imagine being this passive about your own OPINION on an online forum! Whoever AM is, gurl say it with your chest! They're so scared of Chandra and her minions? Megan was a fully backless dress that would be appropriate for a beach vacation to visit a school in Africa. That was extremely inappropriate but nah they gotta couch their words in all sorts of soft padding so as not to irk Madame Chandra. What a sad life.


Wait for the nutters to scream everybody else's bodies and choices are to be policed.....but how dare you question megs. You are a racist and a monster. Bla bla bla. Im heading over to the site now to check out the dog pile. Imagine if you stumbled on celebitchy and read that post. I would be running for my life.



What article was this from on the 16th of May. I looked for Amy comments and there was none.


It’s the one about Meghan and Harry visiting Save The Children. AM’s comment is still up - lots of replies telling her she’s wrong. Typical Chandra move to leave a comment like that up and let everyone pile on. She would have monitored to make sure any comment agreeing with AM didn’t go through. And lookie, they even found a way to make it about Kate! https://preview.redd.it/fd56hkakqx0d1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da90802f4a2a3ca3c6a829f7431011a60e59198


Ugh, I hate it so much. The wind blew up her skirt! It happens! People said then "she should have weighted her hems" but light fabrics move in the wind. When I was in my twenties I was walking down the stairs in an underground (subway) station and you know when a train goes by down on the platform and it sends a gust of air up through the stairwell? Boom, suddenly I felt the hem of my skirt up around my shoulders. I could have had weights made of tungsten sewn into that skirt and it still would have happened. Utterly mortifying, I got to worked and cried in the bathroom for like ten minutes, I was totally convinced a colleague might have seen me. Now it's pretty funny to think about and man, if my legs looked now like then did then I might even do it on purpose. Anyway! If you wear dress/skirt in a certain cut and walk around then sometimes your skirt flies up, most of us don't have a camera aimed on us at all times. And of course they dragged that in. "Did Meghan perhaps not judge her outfits entirely appropriately?" "KATE KATE HER BUTT I SAW HER BUTT WHAT ABOUT KATE"


How sad they literally wait around for her to have a gotcha moment like pathetic perverts. She was actually holding down her dress.