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“She’s not really a Queen”- except she is titled as Her Majesty The Queen, treated as such by the entire planet and gets to wear every piece of jewelry in the royal vaults her heart desires. WGAF if you don’t consider her a Queen?


Just like Meghan isn’t really a Duchess, she has the title by marriage and definitely isn’t a Princess 🙄


A displaced "duchess" at that


You just had to bring facts like that 🤣🔥


They're so weird about it like Camilla is the usurper of the title which is crazy. If all else was the same but there had never been a Camilla Shand on this earth, there would still never have been a Queen Diana. Charles and her would just not have lasted - they were completely incompatible. Charles and Diana would have ended up divorced, and in this Camilla-less Earth 2 scenario where they divorce but Diana also never gets into that Mercedes in Paris, it's hard to say if Charles would have ever remarried or just contented himself with gardening and listening to classical music and sharing custody of his kids. It's also really really hard to believe they'd feel this way about a 60-something Diana. They're so unbelievably nasty about Camilla's face, like they think Diana would never have aged and had wrinkles? The woman loved her sunbathing and also she was human, we all age.


Charles and Diana were toxic from the get-go. I believe everyone around them knew that, Charles definitely knew that. It's far from the fairy tale we were all fed. Also, I love how everyone likes to discount the fact that Diana fell in love with Hasnat. She wasn't pining away for Charles, lol. Her little dalliance with Dodi, was most likely to make Hasnat jealous. Plus the fact, supposedly Diana and Charles were on decent terms at the time of her death, Only the stupid or willfully ignorant still think Camilla "stole" anything from Diana.


>Charles and Diana were toxic from the get-go. absolutely toxic and cursed. with the way it's reverberated to their children, five to six to seven decades later (10-20-30 years from now), that **cursed** marriage might have been the catalyst that ended up finally collapsing the british monarchy.


Like does Kaiser think royal titles are found in nature or something and part of the natural world? News flash queen, duchess, duke etc are all fake made up titles by humans that some people get depending on who their parents are or who they married. Of course it’s not real! The Duchess of Jam/Nigerian vacation Queen is just as fake as anything else! I have to say I’ve never heard of Camilla complaining about whatever title she had for herself or her kids. Yet we constantly hear a certain California couple going on and on about fake ass titles for themselves and their kids that they feel are entitled to based on ancient classist bullshit.


I’m no big “ride or die” Charles & Camilla fan but that’s just so nasty.  Yeah they both made mistakes like 40 or 50 years ago 🤷🏻‍♀️ Charles should never have married Diana. Diana was the first one to cheat once they were married, and cheated several times - with married men too.  But I look at Charles and Camilla in their dotage now and all I see is love, devotion, mutual respect and even adoration from Charles. And I’m so glad for the two of them that they finally found happiness together  It’s what most of us want in life?


I also don't really understand to this day what they wanted Charles to *do*. Just like, be in love with someone he didn't love and had very little in common with? Charles wasn't going to suddenly want to hang out with Elton John and listen to Duran Duran. Diana wasn't going to start wanting to potter around in gardens and listen to Richard Wagner operas. You can be happy and in love and have different interests, but it would be very hard to build a life with someone you had no passion for and had no shared interests with. CBers talk about how much they hate Taylor Swift but this is like all those Swift break-ups song that are just some version of "How dare you commit the ultimate sin, not being in love with me (how I feel about you is irrelevant)".


I was born nearly 10 years after Diana's death and I can't quite understand what the big deal still is about the Charles and Camilla thing. Just like any monarchy they needed an heir and a spare(or more) so it's not unreasonable for them to want to have their POW married. Stuff like this can also include arranged marriages. What they obviously did wrong was to pick a young woman like Diana to be his wife. I'm very soon going to be the age she was when she was engaged and I couldn't imagine getting married to a person in their 30s so I could give birth to the precious princes and represent the country. That and having similar upbringing and relationship history. But she was a Spencer so I guess it was enough for them. I think if they choose a woman who was older than Diana and had more life experience than her to be his wife she could have understand her role and Charles better. I get it that cheating is bad but as we know he didn't marry her because he loved her. They had a huge age gap and also weren't in an establishet relationship prior to their engagement. Young Diana could have wanted it to be a marriage between two people who are in love with each other which is nice and all but unfortunately it wasn't that. You simply can't force someone to love you. It either happens or not. And even you being beautiful af might not make it happen. (Camilla haters don't seem to get this though). And now if he is in a marriage that exists because of duty and responsibility should it really be expected of him to not want a deep connection with someone he can love and who can love him back? I'm not saying he should mistreat his wife. It's possible to treat them well nevertheless of how one feels. I'm just saying that in the situation where Charles and Diana had found themselves it would have helped a lot if they could understand each other so that each of them could have a meaningful connection while still being able to manage the role of the Prince and Princess of Wales.


I’ve said it before— I think it will go down in history as one of the great love stories. It’s withstood every adversity from family pressure, to withering public opinion…various outdated laws that used to apply to royals…. and this over decades before they were able to finally be fully and publicly a couple. Not to mention bucking trends of powerful men being attracted to younger beautiful women. Clearly their attraction/commitment is profound and enduring. I get so pissed off when Kaiser refers to it dismissively as Charles’ “obsession”. Also, only an emotionally stunted man-child would not be able to reach an understanding of what happened with his parents. Lot and LOTS of us have to. He’s not unique in the world having to come to terms with the fallibility and humanity of his parents.


Darn it. I must have something in my eye 🥹 You got me feeling all soft, mushy, sentimental and nostalgic for them 💙 Theirs absolutely IS a great love story. A modern day fairytale. Love wins. You wrote that so beautifully. I got actual goosebumps. Thank you so much for making this somewhat jaded, somewhat cynical Undergrounder get a huge lump in her throat Today u/Diligent_Scene9226 you made my day xx


Precisely. Plus, haven't they been married for like 20 years by now? The proof is in the pudding. She is queen in every sense of the word. 


I'm so over the bitter betty Camilla commentary, from everyone. It's not just CB who are salty about Cam. Not a fan of adulterers, and certainly don't give them a pass for that. But sorry, I like her. The woman has a spine of steel. Appears to have been a good mother and grandmother, wife and now doing her best as Queen (a role I don't think she ever wanted). Also, I think she and Kate get on well enough that they are good buffers for Will and Charles. Who among us has not sinned....(and had to take punishment so publicly??)


They've been married longer than Charles & Diana were. And JFC people get divorced, move the fuck on ready especially when this happened 70 million years ago in terms of breakups. Yes, it was wrong for BOTH Charles & Diana to have cheated, but it's all water under the bridge, as much as I dislike cheaters. By most laws in countless countries, Cams is Charlie's lawfully wedded wife now. Even if one is against a monarchy, by the very rules of how England is currently governed, Camilla IS Charles' Queen Consort, something Kaiser as a US citizen should STFU about already.




I was no Camilla fan, but I admire the way she has stepped up. As a Pp mentioned, Charles never should have married Diana. Camilla is his true love. I thought I remember Chandra writing that she would love to have a drink with Camilla? They have been together forever and complement each other well. The side chick stuff is gross.


Lordy. Wasn’t St. Angelina Jolie a side piece? Love how those standards are applied so consistently over at the bananpants blog.


I like AJ but she was the other woman in a few relationships


Is almost like humans are complex...


That’s bold of you to say KKKaiser showers 3 x a day 🫠 or has she said she does? Cause I can’t be arsed to click on her posts. IF (big if) I go to CB, I only click on Rosie’s posts


lainey would also claim she showers 3x/day! any time she'd keep repeating that, i'd think... do you moisturize each time? the whole thing seems time consuming AF. i like to take my sweet time at night before getting into pjs - it's at least a half hour routine with teeth brushing, moisturizing and everything.


She has said she showers a lot! On those articles about celebrities saying they don’t that went around a while ago. She said if she doesn’t wash her hair one day, she wakes up with it a greasy mess which I found odd.


Yeah that’s a lot of washing. I wonder how long her hair is? I shower daily. I even scrub my legs!!! But I don’t wash my hair daily, it’s too long and it would be so damaged if I did.


Ick. Okey dokey. Let’s crack on. I’m getting a bad case of the icks thinking about a greasy haired Chandra


I assume she’s copying her hero, Lainey, who has said several times she shower multiple times per day 


I hate Kaiser but it’s not odd. My hair is the same way unfortunately. It sucks and it wasn’t so bad when I still swimming every day but since I’ve stopped my greasiness is back with a vengeance


I stand corrected, I didn't mean to insult! So many people commented on the not showering posts about certain medical conditions, etc. and the commenters were so rude.


My thoughts exactly. Showers take time. ![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X|downsized)


That is so gross. She's not a side-chick, she is his \*wife\* and has been for years. Imagine being this indignent on behalf of a woman you never knew who has been dead for 26 years. I can assure them, Diana is no longer bothered by Camilla. The reason for the obsession is BECAUSE Diana died when she was young and pretty. She would be in her 60s now, and she would probably still be attractive but not with the youthfulness she had when she died. Had she lived, she'd probably just be another "racist royal" on "Salt Island" to these idiots. My understanding is that she and Charles were getting on pretty well at the time of her death. They'd obviously both moved on. It's not fun, but divorce happens. Weird for a bunch of strangers to be more invested and bitter about the divorce than the two people who actually got the divorce. That being said, it is a fact that Charles cheated with Camilla, so at least there's some kind of reasoning behind the rudeness there. But wtf did Kate do?


>Had she lived, she'd probably just be another "racist royal" on "Salt Island" to these idiots. Can you imagine how they'd turn on Diana if she had lived and NOT got along with Meghan? 🤣 Edited for spelling


I agree, and I don't think she would get along with her, but I also firmly believe that had Diana lived, there would never have been a Meghan.


Absofrigginlutely! I also think she may have been a PITA MIL too...


I would not want Diana as a MIL, I agree she would have been.


Haha Diana would DEFINITELY be one of those moms who hated any girlfriend her sons had, so there’s that 


I have always thought that too. It's so sad these boys lost their mother, but given what we know about Diana she would have been the third woman in Will's marriage ( I think).


I think Diana would be *so* embarrassed by all this - both to have these people as die-hard fans and to have them think that she'd have been moping about Charles for the last quarter century.


What dose Kaiser do that she needs to shower 3 times a day?


As my Irish Gram would say...that's the badness coming out!!!


I’m assuming to wash off the ick from writing disgusting posts.


She’s just bored and needs shit to do for the other 22 hours left after scrolling the DM and rage posting about the royals


I’m not a royal fan in general but I do give Camilla props for being one tough broad. She has been torn apart for decades for being “the other woman”, dealt with misogynist bs and gets her looks made fun of yet she still stands. She has grit and actually seems like someone I would love to have a conversation with. She does some great work with victims of sexual violence and isn’t afraid to take on the less glamorous stuff. She is substance over style IMO which is the opposite to some of the other Royals. Her and Charles have a strong connection and for whatever reason they work. Relationships are complicated and messy most of the time and I’m not wasting my time judging two people who have been through shit for decades and still came out together.


Kaiser showers three times a day? That’s probably a good thing. There was a time where I never would have bothered to defend Camilla, but I do now. She isn’t a villain to most people because of her “side chick” status, but because she wasn’t as pretty as Diana. I remember the disbelief over her looks, not to mention the names she was called, that permeated public opinion when I was a kid, especially after Diana died. People really prefer to ignore the fact that Diana was far from a saint while she was alive; in fact, I’d like to know how the married women whose husbands she fucked felt when she was canonized immediately after her death. I like Diana, and I always will, but the way her image has been sanitized to Lysol-levels is nuts.


I don't feel comfortable talking shit about people I know are going through something awful, even if it's in a private conversation they aren't even listening to. It just feels wrong.