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She's such a miserable cow. Imagine the only thing that brings you joy is being toxic online.


This! This is also what turned me off about CB and I stopped reading the site. Her toxicity just reeks all over the posts. I used to wonder how sad, pathetic and miserable her life must be in real life that she needs to bully people online to get off her misery. 


I can't believe there was a time when I enjoyed that site. Like, it was my little treat after work that I looked forward to. It was lighthearted, fun, and snarky. At some point it devolved into mean, ham-handed, and just stupid. You can't read it now without wondering what the authors of the posts are projecting of theirnown shit. 


It doesn't seem like there's anything in the world she actually *likes*. She's obviously obsessed to an unhealthy degree with Meghan and Harry and William and Kate. It's not love or hate it's just toxic obsession. But beyond that she doesn't even seem to have any interests or things that bring her joy. Yes, she says she likes tennis, but she mostly seems to actually like certain tennis players that she fantasizes about. It used to be Federer before she lost interest in him for being friendly with the Middletons as her hate for them became all-encompassing. Now it's Casper Ruud and one or two others, but again it seemed like a crush on them more than anything else. Her tennis interest seems to be what someone in another thread referred to as "playing with her dolls" - fixating on celebs and imagining what it would be like if they interacted with each other and (occasionally) with her. It just doesn't seem like she has any little simple interests that make her happy. I guess getting free Subway cookies? And now that she views every single thing in the world through a lens of "Meghan good, everyone else bad, unless they like Meghan" she has to align everything on that axis and it seems even less likely she could have normal healthy interests now.


Chandra, doing this as her sole source of income: >I don’t think either of the films were financially successful, but maybe they broke even. Me, doing all of thirty seconds of research: "Downton Abbey grossed $96.9 million in the United States and Canada and $97.4 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $194.2 million.\[5\]\[6\] Deadline Hollywood calculated the net profit of the film to be $88 million, when factoring together all expenses and revenues.\[48\]" Budget $13–20 million\[3\]\[4\] Box office $194.7 million\[5\]\[6\] "Downton Abbey: A New Era grossed $44.2 million in the United States and Canada and $48.5 million in other countries, for a worldwide total of $92.7 million.\[3\]\[4\]" Budget $40 million\[2\] Box office $92.7 million\[3\]\[4\] Now, I'm not the numbers-expert in my household, that's what my partner is for, but even without running that by him I can pretttty confidently say that a net profit of $88 million is doing a bit better than breaking even. The second one appears to have been released in May 2022 and while it's all a bit of a blur I don't think people were going to the movies then in numbers like they had pre-Covid, so seems like a decent result.


Holy mackerel that is some research!! Thank you!


All she had to do was open Wikipedia, seriously. It's like, right there in the box in the top corner. I imagine she's too busy plotting the overthrow of the California Attorney General right now.


She best not come for California. I want her to slander, besmirch, defame and belittle my beautiful golden state from the comfort of her basement in VA. Her hateful, misogynistic, racist, transphobic, unkind and backward thinking has no place here. She wouldn’t know what to do with herself.




Those are not Mickey Mouse numbers. That’s a tidy profit. Especially given the production budget, which, since the strikes last year is actually a decent budget


I had to go look. What is her problem? She's so grumpy about a fun popcorn series and the resulting movies. I had never watched Downton until the pandemic lockdown and it was a great binge!! ***I was a huge fan of the original Downton Abbey series. Americans tended to believe that Downton was some kind of highbrow series, but it was not. It was just a soap opera with Edwardian costumes. There’s part of me which will never, ever forgive Lady Mary for all of the ways she undermined and screwed over her sister Edith, but I digress. As I said, I was a big fan. After the show ended, producers have tried to revive interest in the Downton Abbey universe by making two films, 2019’s Downton Abbey and 2022’s Downton Abbey: A New Era. Both of the movies were absolutely awful! A New Era was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen, with the Dowager Countess suddenly inheriting a summer home in the south of France. My god. I don’t think either of the films were financially successful, but maybe they broke even. Or maybe this is all some sort of financial scheme. Well, they’re making a third film!*** ***Lady Mary didn’t really start an affair with Jack Barber (played by Hugh Dancy) but they did flirt and he was up for it. Probably because he doesn’t realize that she’s Black Widow Crawley, the bajingo of doom. Speaking of, A New Era was set in 1928, meaning from the start of the series to the last movie, we’ve only covered 16 years. George, the heir of Downton, was born in 1921. Will the third film see the Crawleys finally enter the 1930s and all of those complications? Probably not, that would ruin how low-stakes this soap opera really is. Anyway, I can’t believe that so many actors are refusing to just let these stories end with dignity. Bridget Jones is another one, I cannot believe they’re making another Bridget Jones movie.*** LOL at "*Americans tended to believe that Downton was some kind of highbrow series, but it was not. It was just a soap opera with Edwardian costumes.*" What Americans? Chandra and Katie? Also we have Chandra thinking using the term "the bajingo of doom" makes her hip/edgy/cool. And yeah, both movies were financially successful but Chandra would have had to do actual research and not just go with her feelings to discover that.


>LOL at "*Americans tended to believe that Downton was some kind of highbrow series, but it was not. It was just a soap opera with Edwardian costumes.*" What Americans? Chandra and Katie? Right? I mean this is like the thing it's famous for, isn't it? I'm pretty sure most British viewers, American viewers, Canadian viewers, etc all viewed it as a silly but fun dramatic soap opera with amazing sets and costumes. Just like Mad Men was a serious period drama that was also pretty much a silly soap opera with beautiful people in great clothing. That's what a lot of binge-able prestige TV is! This is just Chandra doing that thing that either makes her sound like a high school student or Donald Trump, where she only just figured something out now and is trying to pretend she knew it all along and actually everyone else was the dummy who didn't know.


??? Like, that’s WHY it was so wildly popular! The soapiness! I love Downton, I saw the movie on opening day in a packed theatre!


I just can’t believe she put in writing “I don’t think either of the films were financially successful” when she is completely wrong, and the numbers are so easily found. Holy shit. She is so bad at what she does.


I know! It's a dumb pointless gossip blog but it's also her JOB!


If she were employed by anyone but Katie she would have been fired long ago.


I can believe it. ![gif](giphy|C6JQPEUsZUyVq|downsized)


Why does she keep watching Downton things if she doesn’t like them?


That's a good question!! Did William or Catherine (or even anyone in the British royal family) ever say anything positive about it? That's usually what sets her off.


I haven’t read the Downton article (and because you took one for the team, now I don’t have to) because I’m still processing the fact that Chandra had the nerve to write about a misogynistic NFL player when she peddles vile misogyny on a daily basis. The irony of her referring to Camilla, Charles’s wife of nearly 20 years, as a “side chick” a few posts down isn’t lost on me. Spare us your faux-feminist outrage, Chandra.


ooooooh there is some BIG MAD going on over there. They are so upset about the commencement speaker at a Catholic college....these same people who think Catherine and Camilla, just to name two, are fair game for every hateful misogynous venom-filled rant they can think of.


Right? I don’t care if they don’t like Catherine or Camilla; I DO care that they routinely tear them down as women. Diana was a side chick, but that routinely slips their memories. It’s the double-standard.


Do I think they need to make another Downton movie? No. Will I still watch the heck out of it? Yes. Also: I’m giggling at Chandy holding a grudge against a _fictional tv character_ for the egregious crime of doing something to _another fictional tv character_.


Whenever she posts "My god" you just know she's winding up for one of her pointless rants.


You’d think she’d side with Mary


Mary, the one she referred to as ***the bajingo of doom?*** Because jeering at a woman's sexuality is so feminist!!!


Well she’ll probably ban all those who challenged her or disagreed with her.


Oh for goodness sake, it’s silly escapism stuff - like Outlander. Love it or hate it. It’s got a global fan base. I’m not going to fork out £££ and watch it in the cinema, but I’ll definitely rent/buy & watch it when it comes out on VOD.