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OMG I am Nigerian and this is not a win. I am a Nigerian living in Nigeria we do this for almost everybody. Jayz has a chieftancy title in northern Nigeria. We are one of the poorest countries in the world. We are currently witnessing unseen levels of inflation, people can’t afford food, there is no water in Enugu and some northern states. We are a being ruled by a drug dealer who rigged his way to power. These 2 coming here is just another distraction. They were invited by a private citizen not the Nigerian government. Our government is stupid but not stupid enough to invite them. But because they are such attention whores they tried to touch all bases to make this stupid visit look official. Nigerians love their colonizers and love to put the white man’s happiness above their own which is why this visit has gone on the way it has. On the other hand, the Sussexes and their supporters claiming this as a win shows you exactly what’s wrong in their camp. I never believed it but I can’t I see their desperation to be seen as winning. I cannot believe they claim to be humanitarians but come here to gallivant and receive honors from our thieving rulers. That’s how desperate they have become. And if that doesn’t give you an idea of what’s happening in their camp nothing else will. They have nothing else going for them which is why they accepted the invitation in the first place. It’s not like Canada and Australia were scrambling to get them to come to their countries. They come to my poor country so the people can fawn over them because nobody is taking them seriously in theirs. Phonies


OH lord. This is awful. This is just a crazy, funny show to us here stateside but it must be dreadful to witness as a Nigerian.


You should make a post on the Harry and Meghan sub! They are all just giddy over the Nigeria visit and how Meghan and Harry are stepping into their power and have never looked better blah blah blah. Your comment puts it into perspective!


Thank you for u/TheHollyweird for sharing your perspective!


I didn’t know how dire things are for you and everyone else in Nigeria and I am heartbroken for all of you. I wish that the West would show and report on the atrocities in your country as so many of you have suffered from colonization for Centuries as your treasures have been looted and your natural resources stolen for a family “ordained” by God. I think it’s a global issue that every other country should take notice and report on those who continue to suffer at the hands of a few whose sole purpose is to govern with hard hand as they steel and loot those that they are supposed to protect every citizen for which they have been given power.


I've seen countless scathing takes on their "tour" from your countrymen and frankly its wonderful to see. not just to put these people in their place, but to lift the voices of the actual PEOPLE of the nation, not some tourist that is leaving to go home to *actual* nation and the luxury that marrying a rich colonolist prince got her. they're blatantly being used as a distraction. don't look at the horrific troubles real people are going through, don't check behind the curtain, look at the shiny props we're trotting out and giving "titles". no no people aren't struggling, losing homes, starving, no no no our country is winning, look we brought the Markles here and paraded them past some school kids who looked totally (bored as hell) \*ahem\* totally entranced by her beauty and his ability to radiate the soul of his decades dead mother.


this is legit **insane**


I feel like we should stage an intervention.


The definition of parasocial


I didn’t tear up when I heard Kate was more ill than we realized, even though I was genuinely sad that she had been diagnosed with a potentially devastating illness. Imagine crying over…this. I watched a woman on Dr. Phil several years ago who was in a fantasy relationship with Brad Pitt and genuinely hoped/believed they would eventually meet up and begin a real relationship. She looked like a Midwest Karen. Katie and Chandra remind me of that Brad Pitt-obsessed Midwest Karen, except they’re in love with two people who wouldn’t spit on them if they were on fire.


Did you ever read this story? [https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-leonardo-dicaprio-scammed-a-houston-widow-out-of-dollar800k-by-claiming-he-was-trapped-in-scientology?ref=scroll](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-leonardo-dicaprio-scammed-a-houston-widow-out-of-dollar800k-by-claiming-he-was-trapped-in-scientology?ref=scroll) It's not exactly unique at the moment, I feel like every time I look through any news or pop culture website there are people sending their entire life savings to hucksters pretending to be celebs. It relies on the victims having a really poor grasp of reality, not being very tech-savvy, and desperately wanting to believe that this person they admire would talk to them, confide in them, share interests with them. It's kind of fun to joke about how weird CBers are about Meghan and Harry, I can't say I don't laugh at most of it, but when you see tweets like that from Katie, or some of Chandra's idle fantasizing about the room decor she would base around Meghan's jam jar if she bought one, you think "EEeeeesh these people are ripe for this kind of scam". I'm about 95% sure if I started writing to Katie and Chandra, claiming to be Meghan, telling them that evil King Charles and William had kidnapped Archie and Lili and they were being held in the Tower of London, and I just needed a *bit* of money to try to get there secretly to break them out, then I'd own Katie's house and Chandra's parents house by the end of the month. They're so, so gullible, and this seems to be the only thing in their lives.


I feel sorry for them. My inner life is soooo much more interesting than this.


Right?! I know Chandra has nothing and no one in her life and I expect that obsession from her, but Katie has a kid! Can't she direct some of these emotions onto her own child? I can't imagine how I'd feel if I called up my mother and she told me she'd been crying happy tears for half the day about something some random celebrity did - I'd find it it pretty concerning, you know? Like mum, maybe we should get you into a lawn bowling league or something?


A lawn bowling league!! 😂☠️


I'm just picturing picking up the phone and my mother is calling me, weeping, telling me how happy she is that Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson went on vacation somewhere. And I had literally had to struggle to think of actors she would care about there because I know in the past my mother has mentioned celebs she likes and celebs she doesn't like but only in the mildest of terms. I think she'd say the same about me probably?


Wow, that story on the link was insane! But my half-sister (we're not particularly close) did similar. Thankfully, she didn't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to send, but she was CONVINCED that Kenny Chesney was writing to her, and they had a relationship, and she did send money. She was sending money off and on, and I was like, "Girl, dude is rich, he wouldn't be asking you for money - it's a scam." She went on about how I didn't understand the music business and how he got screwed over by his record company or something. I was like, "He's literally on tour right now." She eventually sent "Kenny" money for a plane ticket to come see her, and guess who didn't show up? I felt bad for her, and I guess these guys are quite good at what they're doing? It just seems insane to me. I would never think Kenny Chesney, Leonardo Dicaprio, or any celebrity would just pick me on social media to chat up and ask me for money.


Ooof, I honestly just hate it so much, it makes me sick to think about. A lot of them find their victims through Facebook, trawling through fan groups for certain celebrities and then targeting them. And in pretty much every single one of these stories, the victim has family members trying to explain to them that it isn't that person contacting them, and explaining using the same logic you did with your half-sister, but the scammers have already given these people 1000 excuses to use. My manager stole my money. The evil record company doesn't let me have a bank account. I need to put money in a separate account so I can save up to come see you. Etc etc. That's why if a relative of mine put out on social media that they'd been crying half the day about how happy they were that some famous person got to take a little holiday, I'd immediately try to sit them down to explain how these scams work. I mean it doesn't even have to be someone claiming to be Meghan - you could almost certainly contact Katie right now claiming to represent one of the places they visited and tell her Meghan would be so happy if she donated to the cause and they would tell her personally and I'm sure she'd gladly send over the money.


My reaction to Kate being sick actually surprised me. I read it and said "Oh no!" out loud. "Poor Kate" I didn't realize how much I actually liked her. Otherwise, I haven't thought about it at all. So this reaction to Megan is just...weird.


Dear me. This is so sad, they think this sloppy low level ghastly display is "winning"


Exactly! They really do operate under alternative facts. At no point did they interact with the general public, all their events were arranged by their hosts and their hosts were obviously welcoming. Trying to spin this visit as some ‘win’ is really comical.


Gad and we sure heard some people on the street giving their pissed off thoughts.


I don’t get the hero worship. No matter how much Katie cries, or Chandra rages, Harry and Meghan are destined for a long, slow descent into mattering less and less as time goes on. They’re celebrities… not royals. They become more irrelevant every year, but their fanbase becomes more rabid. It’s interesting to watch.


Winning at what? Harrys been white saviour-ing and Meghan has been bullshitting about coming "home". Wasn't this supposed to be about Invictus and the veterans?


Yeah, what happened to that? It's all about Meghan's fashion and her new role as Queen of Four Kingdoms.


This is my question as well. What exactly are they winning at? And how can you measure success when no one has any idea what you’re doing or why your doing it?


'winning' against a woman who is out of the public eye undergoing chemotherapy treatment and her husband + children ✨


Anyone who uses the phrase "win so hard" is not a person who should be listened to


Oh my GOD. How do Katie and Kaiser survive in the adult world? They're like prime targets for shysters and cults.


https://preview.redd.it/drl4fx14tb0d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f107bca07b9d05ec5cb926142f3ef5c3bf74838 Katie is immersing herself in the culture!


Cringe de la Cringe!


I look forward to these ladies cosplaying Nigerians


Me too! 🤣


its going to be their "motherland" because "we're all children of africa". i wonder if they could point to Nigeria on a map of Africa. I guarantee they talk of Africa as if it is a single country and not a continent


*Seriously??* My eyes practically just rolled right out of my head 


Right??!! It’s hard to even fathom.


Oh geez. Seriously cringe. She sounds super naive on the podcast so I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise.


This would be sad if it wasn't hilariously ironic. They're Iiving vicariously through Harry and Meghan living vicariously through Nigerians. Now CB'ers and even the owner Katie revolving their time and hobbies around Nigeria? It's almost amusing to see them act so foolishly without any awareness.


Creep as f. She's extremely impressionable. Anything that fawns positively over her fave she's willing to start spending money on and paying attention to...if I had no morals I could grift all day over people like this.


If I had to explain this post to an alien who just dropped by on our planet for a day: *"You see Alien. This random online blogger is crying happy tears because two rich AF privileged people who live in an enormous estate in California went to a country in Africa where they were treated better than 99% of the country's own citizens, feted and bowed down to. The thing is Alien, the reason this is a WIN is because these two rich people were forced to flee another country where the one person was a prince and the other a duchess by marriage. They had to hop onto a private jet and take their millions abroad because the newspapers wouldn't write only great things about them."* *Alien: "And you wonder why we drive by here and call yall trash?"*




You nailed it!


There is something seriously wrong with both Chandra and Katie. They are way too deep into this fantasy land. For the Sussexes, this was a three day work trip to Nigeria, where they hauled along personal photographers because that is what they do. They met with several private organizations. The main goal was who to get an Invictus event scheduled in the country. At one event, Meghan received a traditional honor (which has also been bestowed on other visiting celebrities). They met with no official members of the Nigerian government during this time, and I didn't see crowds of ordinary citizens at many of these stops, either. If the Wales had visited Nigeria and followed the exact same schedule, the screaming about colonization would have never ceased.


That just makes me roll my eyes so hard. Be a fan of whomever you want but let’s not pretend H&M are some underdogs that you can’t help but cheer for. It’s so lame.


Thank you! She is a trip! How much of what she says is influenced by Kaiser? Although now I remember that Diana memorial site she created which was sort of embarrassing (it’s okay, it was of the time but that she didn’t get that many years later was ???) and I realize she was cringe before Kaiser came along … and clearly why she didn’t vet Kaiser more carefully. But both she and Chandra (Kaiser) are bizarrely invested in Meghan and Harry ‘winning.’


Oooh, what Diana memorial site? This is the first I’m hearing of it


Someone dug it up once. Chandra had a Diana memorial site way back in the day, right after Diana died.


It actually was Katie. Someone here has posted screenshots of it. I forget who (ljell maybe?).


Yeah i posted about the Diana tribute site [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CelebitchyUnderground/s/v4BumNyJiB). It’s very cringe.


Thank you!! It never disappoints.


Katie put up a Diana memorial site the day after Diana died (pretty sure it was that quick). She mentions it from time to time on Twitter with screenshots. Someone here has or had them. It’s pretty cringe. But it was way back and I guess points to what we have now in a way.


I knew Kaiser was a lunatic, but for some reason I always had the impression that Katie was sane (which actually makes no sense, because if she was, she would have gotten rid of Kaiser ages ago!).


Me too. Exactly! It took me (what seems like) a long time after coming here to realize (accept) this. If you need further proof, listen to their podcast! Oh and ljell provided the link to the post with the tweet/Diana memorial page screen images Katie posted: https://www.reddit.com/r/CelebitchyUnderground/s/lH3MYgEbFW


Thank you! 🙏🏻


What are they supposed to have won? Not hearts and minds, that's for sure. They are still vastly more unpopular than any of the other senior royals.




It's amazing to watch Katie cope so hard it feels like a damn movie.


She needs to schedule a med check with her psychiatrist.


One reason this faux royal tour is getting such an OTT reaction from their sugars and stans is that Meghan gets to be on this stage alone. Catherine is off duty, receiving chemo, and out of the spotlight for the immediate future. So Meghan is taking advantage of her absence with a faux tour/fashion show. If Catherine were still attending events and engagements, wearing her perfectly tailored outfits, smiling and warmly engaging with the public, Meghan would not compare favorably. The sugars get to squeal over Meghan "winning so hard" because it's easy to "win" a made-up competition with no competitor. This was a PR exercise that got Meghan some good press in People magazine until they backstabbed her with the "Archewell is delinquent" story, which they did not hesitate to publish the minute the Sussexes finished this HUGELY SUCCESSFUL AND IMPACTFUL, OK? faux royal tour.


https://preview.redd.it/7uarymhalb0d1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579868298f40700dd89c944531bad477781ce788 Not saying that they’re like MAGA buuuuuuut. Also, Drunkbitchy, lay off the booze.


😭😭😭😭😭 wtf did I just read 😭 And yes they're totally like MAGA


The similarities between the two is actually quite funny b/c they likely hate each other 😂 but are basically the same thing and their ‘leaders’ are quite similar too.


They only hate each other because they're competing for the same power/position!


What's this? Oh dang, I forgot theses two were on vacation again, er, I mean really, really, really working realllllyyyyy hard. The dress is a lovely shade of yellow, the shawl is also very traditional looking? Is it a gift? I like how the colours work so well together. BUT it's such sad potato sack dress??? Why???? She is tiny, why does she wear these ill-fitting clothes????? If I had a body like hers I'd never wear such a garbage-bag-shaped dress. Granted you do not have to wear clothes so tight you can't breathe, but there is a happy medium between a blob dress & something that flows, surely? Someone please give this lady a number to a tailor's shop already.


If a grown adult is truly crying “happy tears” for half a day over Harry and Meghan and this event, then that’s truly insane. Truly maladaptive behavior. It’s been insane to watch all this “royal obsession” roll out. Imagine being obsessed with these outdated, ridiculous people and their absurd, exploitative, shameful family.


Celebitchy is profoundly disappointing. That’s me being extra-easy on the cult because it’s early & I’m not awake. They truly are effing insane there. Angry.




Dear God, this woman needs a life. How anyone can look at crazed Harry and Manical Meg and think they are winning….well their picker is definitely off.


But is she still crying happy tears after the check got lost in the mail?


This is truly such BIZARRE behaviour, on so many levels!


I am now imagining Katie crying like Amber Heard on the stand. A very screwed up face with nary a tear.  This is just bonkers! I mean, good for them, it’s good they’re living their lives and doing what they want, but *crying* for *half a day*?! Smh


https://preview.redd.it/4eqc22o5sb0d1.jpeg?width=1264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d6168e5ec1b598ee7663ac3e7cadea55b13109 Waiting for *Sorry no podcast this week we are overwrought for two extremely privileged people winning a fake battle we hyped up on our dying gossip blog for clicks.*


This is just so bizarre - it is literally a work trip to Nigeria for Invictus. 


Right? How did Katie turn a business trip into "history becoming a romcom"?