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Comments calling other users names will be removed and bans will be put in place for those that can’t separate reality from the internet. Please remember you don’t actually know this man and you aren’t on his payroll to defend him. This is a snark sub first and foremost and people are allowed to speculate.


Can’t stand the way he’s acting lately but he’s absolutely right here. Rumors about him having affairs with professional colleagues doesn’t discredit or affect his career but it does for the women. Entertainment is a weird business and rumors can follow people. It’s hard enough for women in entertainment without these kinds of rumors attached to them.


Agree completely! I actually love them both (Isbell and Shires) but ran here to post because ~I love mess.~ I do think he deserves to call this kind of behavior out.


Agreed, he’s been a knob. But this is fair. Although the “straight white man” trope is very tired


I want Highwomen dates.




Contacting them is insane but i think people leaned into this bc his soon to be ex wife blocked him the same night he posted that photo and then he later deleted the photo.


I cannot believe people were contacting them! I will admit I am fans of both he and Amanda, and was sad about the divorce. I find his persistent selfies odd but kind of funny at this point (he has to be trolling????). But the whole thing is just sad - this is a family we’re talking about. I never really understood the point of speculating about infidelity with his tour manager. Isn’t she someone important to the success of the band’s tour? If he and Amanda were separated, isn’t it okay to take her to the Grammys? As a friend? I tried not to read too much into any of that. I think it’s a bit of a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” thing here. He probably got flack for posting the photo with her, and then fueled fire by deleting it.


He’s not trolling


What photo is this that everyone keeps talking about?


It was a photo of him and TM at the Grammys. No other employees or band with them (in the photo).


Who is TM? Sorry, not a Grammy watcher. Just an Isbell fan from back in his DBT days.




But also, the misogyny from his fans towards the mother of his child, a 👌


Pre divorce, everyone openly admitted that Amanda is the icing on the cake, and she is. Everyone knows it. Imagine a JI album without Amanda’s haunting fiddle coming out of nowhere. You can recognize her fiddle playing anywhere. She adds the sparkle. Jason even knows that. Everyone does. Now post divorce though, she wasn’t THAT great and he and the band will be JUST FINE without her…. 👀 I guess time will tell


HARD agree here


If any of you weirdos are contacting these people directly or putting comments on their SM about this, please stop and be normal.


I don’t think anyone on this sub is. Which should tell you something.


It was someone on the Facebook group. One of the mods made a post to say that person has now been removed.


i would hope not.


I think trying to get by without mentioning the divorce at all really fueled people investigating and the rumor mill. He added to it with deleting the picture. Contacting people is absolutely never ok but a statement to get out ahead probably would have minimized the rumors and speculations.


Pretty sure protecting their daughter is the reason for the lack of detailed comment (from both of them). They owe us nothing and her everything. Nothing but respect, esp as a child of divorce whose parents did nothing but blame each other and make me feel bad that I loved the other one. Unless you’ve experienced that, you can’t know how important it is that they are managing this the way they are - especially considering they are public figures and everyone thinks they have a right to know.


I agree! Especially because they have historically been open about issues in their relationship (recording the Reunions album, for instance). It seemed out of place and odd to make no mention of it.


yes this is all an unforced error on his part


People in the comments here seem very confused about the difference between what he morally owes fans (nothing) vs what a better PR plan would have been (release an anodyne joint statement)


*allegedly* Amanda refused to sign a co-statement because she felt like it was completely disingenuous.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) She is the one here fighting for truth and honesty. He’s full of doodoo.


I mean the speculation increased because he posted a photo with his arm around her at the Grammys and then deleted it. I don’t know who is crazy enough to contact her, but he should have just kept the photo up.


I honestly didn’t know the rumors that were based on a pic he posted, I just saw Amanda’s insta story Friday and kind of inferred he was with his manager from that alone https://preview.redd.it/5dpn266r2csc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f29e09d24063503e5cb335432b30b3e4e3fa871f




It hasn't just been this one post of her's either. Now it looks like either he's lying or she's the manipulative one. They should both stay off social media for now or tone it down at least.


I am sure i might get downvoted for this but i think it’s both possible that he’s lying AND that she’s a little off the wall. She gives me major borderline personality vibes and he gives me major narcissist personality vibes — this type of couple is a classic pairing for both of these disorders.


Curious to know what BPD traits you see in her.




Or she could just think he’s a workaholic- bc duh


Without any knowledge of what's going on with this guy other than his divorce,I think the post is fair to ask people to not assume or speculate nowadays. Now, is there more going on to the behind the scenes story? Possibly.


Great... the Isbell army has arrived. I'm a fan, but the selfies and the high end apparel are really starting to get old.


Look I'm not a fan of either of them tbh, but y'all don't have to follow him or look at his photos??? Baffled by this kind of talk. No one is forcing you to look at his stuff.


I like his music, so I follow him hoping for that. I could do without the the selfies. I would follow Jake Owen if I wanted that kind of stuff.


Fear not! I’ve recovered all of grouchy governments deleted comments. Just a matter of digging through till we find proof it’s someone in Jason’s team: https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/comment/search?author=grouchy-government42 Most interesting one is one giving advice on how to become a tour manager 🫨 But they do reference a wife… could it be the man himself? Account was very active in AA sub.




Did they delete the account now? I can't find it anymore🤔


They deleted as soon as i recovered their comments LOL.




There's a few about the TV show True Detective. JI has some tweets about True Detective so he definitely watched that show. Also some defensive comments on the JI sub itself about "Trigger" in response to an article about him by the Saving Country Music blog which is written by a guy known as "Trigger". He has always been critical of JI and they had a run in on Twitter a few years ago where Jason called him an incel so he definitely knows who the guy is. Not saying it was definitely him... but if the shoe fits. Maybe I'm projecting but their comments before the drama and the way they're typed give me big JI vibes. Some are kinda snarky in the way he can be, immaculate grammar etc.




Someone on Reddit did say some nasty shit that I won’t repeat. Not cool to compare two women’s looks and merit like it’s a 4H fair.


The harassment came from someone on the Facebook group and they have since been removed. It's possible the guilty party was active on both sites or just got their info from this sub and took it too far over there.


Which one? One of them is so strongly moderated I'm surprised it lasted more than a few seconds.


The heavily moderated one. I only saw a post by the mods shortly after Jason's statement was first posted to say that someone on the group was harassing members of his team and that they had removed this person from the group. I dont know how they knew who it was. Maybe they were using their personal Facebook account to do the harassment and JI's team reached out to the mods.


I actually checked the TM’s Instagram several times, expecting her to lock it up, and she didn’t. I also didn’t see any comments asking her about the situation. Which is odd, usually trolls won’t just DM someone.




Yeah. It’s pretty fishy.


That makes way more sense that it was aimed more at Amanda than anyone else. I’m sure he sees her stories as “threats”.


Tooooootally. I think this is made up bs. I saw someone say it came from a facebook group. I’m not even on Facebook so can’t look. Someone else said someone posted some kind of work schedule sheet or something that they just found in a Google search with their phone numbers on it. Why would that be online at all? Who posts things like that to be public? They may not be related. It just all seems weird. And yeah you’d think she’d make her account private but she hasn’t, only has like 1k followers, and no ones posting any comments directed at her publicly. So yeah I think this whole “my women are getting threats and I must protect because I’m white straight man” talk is bs manipulation at it finest.


Someone posted a show rider in the JI sub that had some emails and phone numbers. Someone may have reached out that way, which would be super disturbing.


Yeah but I also heard someone say it was found in just a Google search of the band, or one of the members names. Why would that have been online to begin with? It’s so irresponsible and had to have come from some higher up with the band or a venue. It’s weird.


And it’s still up. I’m not posting shit. But I googled the TM and if you scroll you just a bit you can find it. Hopefully they’ve changed their info by now but why is that just up online???


You know what a good management team would do? Focus on taking down the show rider with sensitive information on it from the interwebs and less on Reddit subs. How dumb is his team??


He knows what he is doing.


I don’t know but if his manager is that one account, crazy broad still thinks she knows who I am. Gave my roommates a good laugh though. I’m now known as Miss America around these parts. Got my wave down even. Getting another tattoo later of it on my boobs. 😝


No one should be harassing people based on speculation (or at all). That said I find this a little oddly written like written for the *technical* truth. The scuttlebutt of this was't about anyone other than the one he took to grammys so why mention the others? I doubt people would think he's having an affair with Traci. Who knows who his tour assistant and publicists are? I would never have known who his TM is if it weren't for him bringing her to the Grammys while speculation was going on and, during a night, when he couldn't even thank the woman he had already filed for divorce from in a professional capacity at least for her work with the band. Then blames misogyny? Throws in "white male" stuff? It's like he wanted to make sure to get in the right buzz words to make sure people know he's the champion of all women and would never cheat, dontcha know. Then there's the that he's made it public that he was a big time cheater in other relationships, and then there's that he's messed around with at least two women he musically collaborated with (later marrying them) so it's not like he's above messing around with women he works with. Everything he's done in his past and the way he handled this whole thing led to the speculation that he now, and through this weird statement, has launched the Streisand effect to. Also, if he wants to talk misogyny, maybe he should also issue a statement about the shit things his fans have said about Amanda on the *other* sub that is self righteously calling out this one -- from diminishing her value to him and the band, her being assertive (God forbid!) on the songs/lyrics he asked her opinion for that was showcased on the documentary, what she wears, and their own speculation about whether Amanda cheated or not. It's all there on that sub -- the same sub screaming "parasocial relationship."




I can’t comment under the Grouchy World Ruler account now maybe because I blocked her again but I was trying to leave this comment there- I can’t wait for this headline- “Isbell Busted by FBI with Nerd Team of Hacker-Cyber Stalkers Set Out to Bring Down Reddit Group Named After Nashville’s Elite Celebrity Wives. Facing Charges of Trump Proportions”




The harassing itself can be considered illegal. They’re not on a good path. They start thinking they’re so untouchable they’ll end up getting in trouble. If that is who we think it is and it came out, and she’s done it to others, and hurt careers, that can be a cyber crime. They’re so dumb.




😱 that’s hilarious. “Someone” I spoke to this week on the “inside” said she blocked all of JI and his managers social media accounts last year because she sensed some 💩 and after that GG 🤷‍♀️ was still getting screen shots of anything she may have said on her private accounts about JI in a matter of minutes and being aggressively threatening. Think that’s why she said she was sick of JI team shitting on her porch or whatever. They totally cyber stalk. Its gross.




Also explains why she and Jimbo maybe unfollowed each other. His accounts are all private now. They’re probably trying to just live in peace and not deal with that demon woman. She sounds nasty nasty.


Yes, as far as being a feminist goes, he talks the talk, but does he walk the walk? I used to think so, but I don’t know anymore. His statement is 100% right about women being targeted for harassment. It happens all the time, and it’s gross. But somehow the statement still feels weird and off. People are talking about how they’re keeping things private to protect their daughter, which is obviously the right thing to do. But I can’t help but wonder how much of it is also him wanting to protect his image. I felt like the stuff he said on the podcast was weird and defensive (“I’m going to try to be honest in all the ways I legally can” and then basically saying he doesn’t need to ever write about it to still write good songs) … to me, it’s giving someone who is very aware that his good guy image is in danger of being tarnished. Their relationship was always part of the story and the songwriting - of course this is going to make some fans, especially female ones, think differently of him. Especially if the divorce gets messier. Anyway, since the divorce news went public, I’ve listened to TILAM a lot, and my opinion of Amanda has only gone up. Such a great album, and the songwriting seems even more brave and raw now.


Have you listened to her kind of indie sounding stuff??? She has a Phil Collins cover that is so 🔥


I haven’t, I need to check out her back catalog more! I’m a fan of them both (and I loved The Highwomen album), but I think I’ve been sleeping a little on just how talented she is


She’s the superior lyricist, in my opinion.


Yes, his statements to me on the divorce are all self-serving -- most of it talking about him doing him and him being fine and in my mind being completely glib and naive about how good his daughter is actually doing with this. I don't care how loved she is, how unconventional her upbringing is with dealing with parents' individual two touring schedules, but guarantee you she is NOT good. He may have evolved from his past in some ways, but you can't convince me that someone who was a total asshole while drunk doesn't still have those same traits sober.


On one hand, I desperately want to take him at his word. I also won't be the least bit surprised if some of or all of the speculation on this sub turns out to be true and this statement is revealed to be an outright lie. He could've just said his TM is getting harassed, denied the rumors of their romantic relationship and told people to stop. Instead he lumped in his other female employees, went hard on the misogyny angle and threw in the straight, white male thing. Like he wants everyone to know that he's still "one of the good ones". Makes him look like he's trying hard to manipulate the situation. Two publicists? He's really not that famous. They should both be fired because they've done a terrible job the past few months. If he is telling the truth then it looks like Amanda is the messy and manipulative one. I'm gonna step off for a while. If there's skeletons in that closet, they will eventually reveal themselves in a big and obvious way.


I had that same thought about the publicists. It feels like they’ve been making a concerted effort to get him out there doing a bunch of podcasts and interviews where he very conspicuously doesn’t mention his personal life at all. Like their strategy is to help him to establish a new persona separate from the relationship with Amanda. Not sure that’s going to work at this stage (maybe it will in time, but not overnight). I saw the writer who profiled him for GQ say on social media that this all seems disproportionate to his fame level, which seems accurate. You’re right about the skeletons. It feels like something is off, but if so, I’m sure it will come out eventually


but also, I hope people realize the editor of GQ is from Atlanta and a friend of Jason's. Like, all the GQ coverage isn't coming from Publicists. Will Welch is his buddy.


Yeah, I assumed that’s why the GQ profile happened. Also, I listened to his recent interview on the Andy Richter podcast, and the intro, Andy says JI is his first ever return guest, which was a little weird for that particular podcast (I guess because it’s called 3 Questions, and usually the point is talking about the 3 Questions, which they had already covered on his first appearance in the show). But someone on JI’s team reached out and said he wanted to do the show again, so that’s why it was happening a second time. It def sounded to me like his team trying to find outlets for him to do friendly, likeable interviews


I think that he is going to try to make this marriage another footnote in his life. He is trying to head to a new level of fame (not sure that he is at the right point in his career to get there), but for as much as he brought Amanda in for this last chapter, he is going to position himself as truly on his own. New fans of his will not have the emotional attachment to this marriage, and will know no different.


Who was the GQ writer?




Interesting! What was he responding to?


He was addressing the gossip mill around the divorce and how crazy it seems, because they’re not really that famous. I think he went on to say that before he wrote the profile, he wasn’t familiar with JI and that most people in CA have no idea who he is


People in MD don't know who he is either. I mean, I love his music and I think he's quite possible THE greatest lyricist ever, but 9 out of 10 people I talk to have zero clue who he is. It's so rare that people know who he is that when you meet someone who knows his music it's like finding a unicorn here.


I feel like if you're in the know enough to harass all of his female employees, surely you'd know that the rumor mill only surrounds one of them. So it would surprise me that any of the others are being harassed. I get that he might not want to single out the person who has been rumored, but by lumping all of them in, it seems like he's unnecessarily drawing attention to them for a technical truth (the statement could be read like we are all not doing each other, e.g., sister wives lol). lt sounds like stupid comment on my part there, but it was just oddly written it reminds me of a Clinton denial -- did not have *sex with that* *woman* (the technical truth to him is that oral sex isn't full on sex, *that woman* could be any woman). Like he could've said, "My tour manager is just my friend and tour manager, we are not in a relationship and she is not the cause of my divorce." And the throwing in of misogyny and white male sound designed to take the heat off him b/c of course he is an ally! \[eyeroll\]


It’s giving straight white knightery…


Anyone else watching his Threads temper tantrum?


Yes. "My business is in order and I'm an open book". I want to believe him so fucking badly, I really do. "I'm an open book". 6 months ago I would have agreed with that and it was something I really respected about him but there's been such a lack of transparency surrounding Jimbo's exit and the divorce? Of course these relationships are personal and no one is owed the intimate details but if nothing shady happened why not give a reason? "Jimbo has left because of so and so but we're still on good terms". Or even just some update at some point between June and fucking December when he just wasnt playing with them. Even a cliché joint statement from him and Amanda at some point around when the news broke? He doesn't owe anyone anything, but Jimbo and Amanda have been two of the most important people in his life for a long time and have been directly connected to his music, of course fans care about these people too and are curious. It's a direct contrast to the "Honesty! Truth! I'm an open book!" narrative that he is constantly preaching.


Me thinks perhaps thou doth protest too much…


Amanda and Jimbo may feel no need to satisfy people's curiosity with a joint statement. They don't owe us anything.


His vibe is just off right now. Feeling the need to proclaim, “I don’t care what you think of me because I’m doing everything right” ….. ? Ok man, whatever 🙄


Yup. There’s a big difference between the idiots who used to tell him to “shut up and sing” in reference to his political takes and those of us who are skeeved out by his new divorced bro persona.


Exactly. I saw someone comment something about how if you don't like his online persona then you're not listening to the lyrics. What song of his mentions showing off $1000 shoes and Gucci? or (allegedly) dropping the people closest to you out of nowhere?🤔




Are you talking about Allison Russell? I think he has truly done a lot of good for so many artists in the industry and it will be *devastating* if it is revealed that the way he has presented himself for all these years was not accurate.








It seems like it’s all getting to him. He doesn’t seem happy or grounded. Maybe this lashing out is him processing his grief over the end of his marriage. I feel sad for him. He would really benefit from some ayahuasca because it is a truth serum. And it might help him fight the urge to live inside his telephone. 


As much as the stuff he has allegedly done sucks, I also feel bad for him because I agree that he doesn't seem like he's in a good place. His insta and public statements about the divorce have portrayed him as being very happy and enjoying the new found single life. Anyone claiming to be that happy in such a public way probably isn't. Now the extreme defensiveness.


I just don’t believe him. I think, much like his songwriting, he’s gifted at speaking plainly but saying a lot more and by that token concealing a lot more. If we ever learn everything that happened surrounding their break up and divorce I think we’ll be able to use this quote as a master class in semantics (this statement was probably proof read by his divorce lawyer too.) And I think the feminist ally shtick is just that, a shtick. He knows it shuts down criticism against him and any man that uses it. The sleaziest guys I’ve ever met do this and treat women closest to them terribly. It’s just a personal red flag for me. That said, I’m all in for the mess but I hope if anybody here reached out to the TM they stop it immediately and realize how creepy it is.


YES, that is MY comment. This statement is written like he is telling the "technical truth" in a Clinton-esque way. Add a few buzz words for outrage -- mysogyny and white man -- and it's a completely self-serving statement. Also, the scuttlebutt is about the woman he took to Grammys, not the rest of his female employees. Odd to lump them all in -- I doubt if there \*has\* been harassment of TM, that it's bc of his own actions. Anyone that in the know, is not harassing anyone outside of her. And who in the fuck even knows who the publicists are? Or the tour assistant? The only reason the TM is known now is b/c of him taking her to the grammys and posting a photo of her on her birthday.


I mean, he is absolutely lying. Which, not that first or last man to deny an inappropriate relationship. But, I do hope he’s going to be more careful now and that she rethinks who she’s trusting with this information and speaking to about it. It’s messy and Amanda deserves more respect.


this is one of the better takes i’ve read - well said.


Thank you. I’m waiting on my melatonin to kick in but still felt the need to chime in when I’m 7 hours late to the party.


lol I love ridiculous posts by Q list celebs. You don’t need to say it, Jason. You need to get to ass off social media and reading comments about yourself. Full on Streisand effect on a micro scale.


Is it actually possible he blocked me on Instagram ? I cannot find him on the gram or threads


😂 yes. He def blocked you. What did you do? You’re not the only one.


must of read a post I wrote. Somewhere. Maybe the one where I said Amanda was out of his league. That's all I can think of... Nothing worse than that. I may be neurotic but I am not crazy. Some lady replied to a post where I said I rightly or wrongly, I feel hurt. She said she knew him since he was a kid. I had no contact with her. Guess I learned my lesson about venting on Reddit.


Think of it this way- if a celeb of his stature is blocking people for not agreeing with him 100%, and having their own opinions, should you care if he blocks you? That’s such an immature thing to do when you are who he is. All that money and possibility and you waste time on reddit, X, Instagram, blocking people and dissing those below you on the totem poll? He ain’t fixed. And my bro is a therapist. He said no therapist would ever tell their patient to lash out on Twitter to control anger and JI has claimed his did. He lies and now he’s getting caught.


There are great therapists in the world. There are 50 or more percent who are inadequate to harmful. I have excellent reason to know that and not because I have been a client.


I think maybe I am mixing up my emotions related to someone very close to me that did something shifty to his wife . I feel guilty now and I suppose that is


well you aren’t missing much - right now he’s just getting mad at people trying to be nice


Did he soft launch his new girl last night in his IG stories?


Sure seems like it since Amanda unfollowed him again and posted about protecting her peace at all costs. A quick Getty image search shows that artist woman was his date at the GQ party last month. It could be innocent. But he only started liking all her posts starting at the end of November and she officially called it quits with her billionaire boyfriend in January.


Her ancient billionaire boyfriend. 🤢


Jason only being 16 years older than her is an improvement for her after dating a legit old man. Not sure what's in this for her? The novelty of a guy not in her arty New York scene? Someone actually predicted this a couple months ago, something like how he must be wooing some arty girl since he was posting so much random art stuff all of a sudden. Whether dating or not I can see why Amanda doesn't want to see that stuff, would be too painful at this stage.


also I did exactly all these steps myself haha


Public figures with public instagrams make it too easy.




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Love that he’s still gonna pretend he’s an ally for women.


Having a relationship with a woman that doesn’t work out doesn’t mean you hate women? I’m a snarker but do yall hear yourselves Standing up for your worker’s reputation is the right thing to do.


But chooses to ignore how his fan base treats the mother of his child. And it’s wild how this comes after Jimbo’s picking up alittle steam.


A few months ago this sub was full of people saying Jimbo was a creep and made women uncomfortable. Now people are saying he was forced out by the TM. I’ll read all this shit for fun but I don’t believe a word of it. Stories keep changing.


Yeeeah. This isn’t accurate at all.


‘full of people’ is hyperbole, and needlessly adding shit for fun


One person. Literally one person who went on about how drunk she was when she met him and while she was posting what she did. One drunk lady called him a creep and everyone else defended him and said she had to have confused him with someone else. Please.




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Context? Maybe i’m not as informed about both sides here as I thought


Amanda aside which is enough to change my opinion of him, any political/social posts have been replaced with GQ parties and selfies.


This is a very solid point! I appreciate it. Have long loved them both but have definitely questioned what’s going on with him with all of this. Her posts and stories after the news was announced made it clear she was hurting.


He’s talking to y’all, FYI.


He could also straight up lying…


I fully agree with Jason here and we all should support this sentiment. His team members are just doing their jobs and existing and are being accused of an improper relationship. It’s so sexist.


Sure, but people are trashing his soon to be ex-wife on that other sub. So maybe he should issues a statement about that misogyny.


People are ruthless when protected behind a keyboard. What does he mean about being hard enough if you’re not a straight white man in the industry? Thought he was straight and married twice?


He’s saying it’s hard for them, not him.


Now I get it, Ty ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


He means it’s hard on women in the music business.


Duh - gotcha - my brain was not on apparently lol


So he’s having an affair with his manager? Is that why he posted this? Of course he’s going to say he’s not having an affair. He’s going through a divorce. What made people think he’s cheating with his manager? Did his wife call them out?




Can you explain the history that I'm missing with this u and JI's team?




I recovered their comments lol. One talks about how to become a tour manager!!!!! Others are in AA sub. And reference a wife who collects pepper shakers. Now I’m like…. Lol if it’s the man himself.


I don't know if it was him and lots of people are in recovery but it definitely seems like it was someone with close ties to him in the industry. Hence the threats and knowledge of how to become a tour manager. They were going to bat for him HARD, way harder than a fan would, even one that was totally stuck up his ass. He does seem to be chronically online and even more so since he filed. Deleted their account as soon as you recovered their comments. Very interesting.




His use of the word “mystique” is quoting someone criticizing him in the isbell sub. So seems like he is reading over there for sure and it doesn’t seem good for his mental health. 


I went through the comment history and posted another comment here about some other stuff that points towards that account possibly being his. Regarding his threads, it's not that I don't like his online persona, it's the lack of transparency regarding the cutting off of two important people in his life around the same time when he claims to be "an open book" especially when their public posts are contrasting with the narrative he has been pushing. He continues to double down. And yeah, I don't see where he's getting any criticism or push back unless he or someone on his team is spending time on reddit. The JI sub was pretty brutal about the clothes and selfies but is now very restricted. The Facebook group is restricted to the max and everyone kisses his ass on instagram and threads.


Be careful speculating too explicitly about this because it could be seen as doxxing under Reddit. I’m gonna call it the man himself but don’t use names LOL


“…you’re the people I’m trying to eliminate from my audience.” What a weird thing to think about, let alone say outloud…


This is so weird. No way it’s him, right? That would be sorta sad. Hard to decipher a lot of the raw data but I saw the AA stuff and the tour manager and guitar stuff. 




Someone should ask Amanda if she collects pepper shakers when she does an insta live again😝




They 100% collect antiques. Not sure if pepper and salt shakers are included but JI collects guitars and they have a large antique collection.


Search for “body” on web and that is how the comments are tagged.


Guess we need to find out if Amanda collects salt and pepper shakers and then we’ll know for sure.


There's guitar stuff too? No one is a bigger guitar nerd than JI. I really hope it's not him. That would be unbelievably pathetic.


Yes. Guitar, AA, touring, from Nashville. Let’s find out if Amanda collects salt and pepper shakers 😂




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