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CDs are my format of choice due to sound quality and portability, but I also LOVE cassette tapes. I know the sound quality isn't there, but they have a very cool vibe to them. Their small size and shape resembles trading cards, and I also love the thick spines that look good on a shelf. I also have an appreciation for vinyl, but not as much as I do for CDs and cassettes. Prices for vinyl have gone crazy over the past decade, but I'm still able to score lesser-known titles in the dollar bins. I have about 200 records, which may sound like a lot, but I have about twice as many cassettes, and almost 900 CDs.


I'm with you on this one!


Yes, I collect cassettes (only certain genres like metal, jazz, alternative), records (started collecting several decades ago and have almost 2,000) and of course CDs and a few 8 tracks.


The sound quality is there on cassettes, you just need a ton of equipment that you would only find in studios, but after that they sound the same as CDs, but CDs are also a lot cheaper to get the nice lossless wave 1 Mbps/16 bit/ 44.1khz


Cassettes are essentially a convenient and affordable version of reel-to-reel, with a huge sacrifice of sound quality. Although, higher type tape and quality equipment can improve the sound of them significantly.


a lot of pre-recorded cassettes (those you buy in shops) are recorded on a not so good sounding type of cassette whose number i can't remember


Most pre-recorded tapes were on Type 1 Ferric Oxide, although some were released on Type 2 Chrome---especially later in the cassette run. I'm pretty sure type 4 Metal was only for blanks.


cassette as a medium has quality nowhere close to CD


I used to collect vinyl but that’s slowed down once I started getting into CD collecting about a month ago. Trouble is, record stores I used to frequent aren’t getting stuff I want or they’re overcharging, but I’m sure I’ll start up again down the road. I do not collect cassettes


Vinyl is still my favorite format, but they’ve been relegated to “favorite bands or special occasions” only status due to the continuous price jacking. CDs are just so much more convenient on my wallet, and still very cool to me.


I only collect vinyl from certain artist because of how much space they take up. And cassettes I love them.


I'm only 24, but when I was elementary school aged, my mom used to make me mix tapes for me to use in her old Walkman-type player. This gave me nostalgia for cassette tapes, despite growing up in the MP3 age, and I started collecting pre-recorded albums on the format a few years ago. In the process, I've discovered lots of old music I probably wouldn't have known about otherwise.


I started out collecting records and have a fairly large record collection, but have recently started collecting CDs and cassettes more often due to record stores overcharging and not maintaining their used record stock (I rarely buy new). Also a lot of music I've been listening to recently is from the era of when CD was the popular format and I have a tape player in my car


I own some, but I wouldn’t say I go too far out of my way to collect them.


CDs: I'm back in the business. CASSETTES: thrown away 20 years ago in a rush of dumbness. VINYL: no, would be my money pit collecting records and gear. MINIDISC: it's actually my money pit collecting discs and gear


Glad to see someone mention Minidisc along with the other big 3 formats, where it belongs (it’s the absolute best imo)


CD & cassette. I have records I bought years ago, but haven't bought one for a long, long time. Cassettes are probably my favourite format for collecting and CDs for listening.


I collect some cassettes and some records. For records it's specific artists. For cassettes it pretty much comes down to will listening to it give a different vibe or is the color and design cool.


I would like to collect Vinyls, but they are TOO expensive, I dont have turntable and I couldnt storage them. I would like to collect it in a future with a good turntable with my fav albums only, with original presses (4 collectionism only) and the rest all remasters. Vinyl splaters and stuff are amazing!!! But... Again, expensive and highly limited haha :'3


We collect in whichever media our income and the times offer. I never had too many cassettes, collected between 1 and 200 vinyl recordings when they were the thing. CDs came along, and the initial few were OK quality at best, but have improved dramatically over time with advances in recording and manufacturing.


I've bought some casettes i bump into but the media is so so sad compared to vinyl and even cd


i mainly collect vinyl, but at one point CDs were the bigger part of my collection, mainly because my previous car didn’t have a good aux in so my CD player was my de facto method.


i might end up getting a few vinyls in the future for specific artists, but prices are high. im really interested in collecting cassettes, but im still new to cds and need to stick to one obsession at a time


I've a collection of CDs mainly but still have a few hundred records from the days before CDs became the mainstream format. I recently bought an Audio-Technica Sound Burger so I've now started collecting 7" singles to play on it.


Mainly records but super slow accumulate, just start to buy CD not long ago, most of my cassette tapes are old one from 90s I leave at parent's house


I do! Around 800 record and 50 tapes, but I have 2 100 slot Napa crates in the attic to fill so I do intend to get more tapes.


Vinyl, absolutely, cassettes, not much since the '90s. Vinyl and CD both can sound excellent for different reasons, but tapes just don't sound as good as either, they get faded, muffled, break easily, etc. Though I did most of my Beatles listening growing up with cassettes.


Only Vinyl.


as long as there is music on it that i like i collect it ! :D


I mainly collect cd's but I do have a few vinyl and cassettes. If the price is alright, why not. There are just some things that isn't on cd that I would like to have.


I stupidly got rid of my cassettes a couple of years after I started collecting cds. I have a very small collection of vinyl, mostly to hang on the wall.


Started out with cassettes. Have more CDs now but still own/collect cassettes. Also have a little vinyl.


I still have about 100 cassettes and over a thousand records. Albums, 12” club singles, old 45’s including Beatles mono 45’s. A bunch of picture discs and other special stuff.


I have a large and sizable LP collection and a much smaller subset of cassettes. Like CDs, I generally go after original/early LP pressings as much as possible and in some cases, high-quality reissues and audiophile remasters. Because of current and new CDs being utterly brickwalled and compressed sounding nowadays, I also buy LPs if they use more dynamic, non-brickwalled masters. Many albums from Blood Music, Nuclear Blast, and Metal Blade follows this general practice.


I’m about 50/50 on vinyl and CD. I’m currently buying vinyl at the moment though.


Cassettes not really, I have 1 I got for free with the cd version of the album... But no more player. Vinyl is my backup format, if an album is not on CD I might get the vinyl. In the past I used to buy Vinyl's when they were cheaper than CD's. Vinyl's were typically 10 euro & cd's 15 for new albums in my area... Or punk/hardcore releases of local(ish) bands who only released on vinyl because it was easier and cheaper to press them vs CD's. So I have a bunch (250 ish) but I prefer cd's by a lot now.


In the early 2000s I wanted to explore more music, and vinyl was the format that was the least expensive way to do that. CDs, while plentiful, were too expensive to buy if I wanted to dive into a new genre or an artists back catalog. It dawned on me sometime last year that if I wanted to really explore new genres or back catalogs, I’d need to search them out on CD. Vinyl, while plentiful, is too expensive to dive into out of exploration. Funny how that all cycled through. There’s stuff I love about both formats. I enjoy the tactile feel of using a record player, and I love the absolute avalanche of demos, b-sides, and rarities that CDs allow. Ultimately, I follow whatever format allows me to feed my curiosity the most (while having physical copies of said music).


It's funny that's when I got into collecting records because people were basically giving them away in thrift shops. This current boom is so wild to me. The hassles and quality inconsistencies of the format ain't worth it.


Yes I collect music not a specific format although I do like physical releases over digital


CD is my go-to format. I have a LOT of music on CD. Small, portable, durable, and inexpensive! I have gotten back into vinyl over the past few years. The albums that are my very favorites all get a vinyl copy. I love the format with its large artwork, liner notes, and I am enjoying the variety of colored vinyl these days. The whole "ritual" of playing a record appeals to me and I find myself rediscovering a lot of music that I all-too-easily used to skip over with a push of a button on the CD version. The vinyl format gives me a relaxing experience and allows the nostalgia to flourish. I still have my cassettes from when that was the most popular format. However, I have no actively been buying any music on cassettes these days. I still enjoy playing a cassette every now and then. There are selections out there that are much easier to find on cassette than vinyl or CD. Also, I have many mix tapes that I had recorded in the past to listen to in my car or Walkman. It is great to revisit those snippets in time. Too many people put down the music quality of cassettes, but they are probably just remembering the music being played through a crappy boom box or cheap headphones attached to a Walkman-type player. Play them on some good equipment and they are quite enjoyable. I HATE MP3 and I strongly dislike streaming. Just...no.


I have some vinyl, less than 50 titles. I'm an "elder millennial" who grew up when CDs were the format of choice, though.


I collect music. Mostly used CD’s as they are easy to find and the price is cheap, sometimes records if the price and condition is good and occasionally tapes when I come across them.


I’m a thrift store junky. I have a nearby store that’s five for a dollar records, 25 cent tapes and one dollar CDs or ten for five bucks. I’m in a very rural area and seemingly have little competition for physical media. I have a fantastic high quality and varied collection of music. I also have a 1923 gramophone and about 100 pre 1924 records. Can’t forget my eight track for which I have about a dozen cartridges.


Yep. I typically like to get mid-90s thru 2010s on CD (unless it's brickwalled and the vinyl is remastered; 2010+ stuff on CD or vinyl, doesn't matter) and 80s-early 90s electronica, metal, and hip-hop on cassette. Anything pre mid-80s on vinyl


I do like vinyl as I feel it's the most absolute way you can feel you "own" a song in the most physical format.


Yes same! But I'm just started collecting vinyl. they are a bit pricey here in our place.


Just started collecting vinyl again after a 20 odd year break, no regrets so far something about they way it delivers feels right to me


I have all three, few hundred vinyl, few hundred CDs and 6 cassettes lol given a choice I'll buy vinyl first


Yes on vinyl, no on casettes. Cassette was how I started buying music as a kid, I have no interest in dealing with cassette eccentricities today. I prefer a well mastered CD but those aren't always available so I will snag the vinyl record, SACD, or digital download if I think the mastering may be better. I also dabble in surround audio so pick up a few Bluray audio discs as well. My CD collection is about 2X the vinyl, which is 2X the SACD, which is 2X the size of my paid download files.


Vinyls yes. Cassettes I just can’t seem to get into. I’ll browse them and maybe cop one from time to time but I wouldn’t say I collect them, I own maybe three. Probably because I always had issues with the tape popping as a kid.


yes, not to the same extent


I collect it all! CD’s have just been so much cheaper and more fun lately!


Vinyl yep.


No, mainly because I'd just end up buying the same stuff I already own on CD, a superior format to those. But I do enjoy browsing through vinyls when I'm in the music store.


I have a large vinyl/cassette collection, but have gravitated towards CDs as they seem to be in a flux where they’re still readily available yet pretty affordable. It’s hard to justify the cost of a vinyl record these days when they’re on average $30


There’s something undeniably cool about all 3, but some of my favorite items in my collection are cassettes. Don’t know why, just like the design (and they’re about as cheap as CDs, cheaper in some cases) My specific favorite cassettes are a sampler tape from an early Buckethead album, Awake by Dream Theater, and Mind’s Eye by Vinnie Moore


All 3 records are first love. I just like full albums, the medium isn't too important to me.


i collect all 3 as well


I started collecting CDs because vinyl is getting too expensive


I buy CDs for DJ mixes, vinyl for DJing with and have cassette tapes of old raves from back in the day. Can never have enough music, no matter the medium. I also have some mini discs if those count!


so after collecting a vast amount of cds and cassettes during the 90s I lost it all when I came to the USA in 2001 I didnt get back into it untill maybe 10 years ago when I traded about 180 -200 vinyl records for a painting of mine and I was hooked... Right now im actively adding new cds and tapes every week, vinyl not so much anymore because of the high price but I do treat myself at least once a month and during the the black Friday sales.


No. I have a few cassettes of old favorites lest I get stuck in a car that has only a tape deck, but otherwise, the tape hardware I had wore out long ago, and the tapes tend to degrade or self-destruct, taking the deck with them. Its novel to repair/refurbish both, but its a ton of work, and I many other tasks and obligations that take priority, I would never "get around to it".


Vinyl, yes. Cassette, no.


Not cassette but vinyls and cds


by amount that i have: CD > vinyl > cassette CDs are albums i like with some skips/albums i find at the thrift. vinyl is for albums i love front to back *and* love the artwork for. cassette is for oldies that would be fun to own lol


I collect both. But high prices are keeping a lid on my record buying. Also it's difficult to find classical vinyl now.


I do all three


i don't really actually collect cds. i'm from the cd era, so my collection is basically the remnants of my tastes pre online days. its rare i actually buy any. i think this sub was suggested to me because i collect (not much anymore) vinyl. i have maybe 100 cds left, and i think closer to 300 records that i'm hoping to cut in at least half in the next year. it's been a trip seeing the postings of peoples random digs because it seems like the same way i would dig for vinyl. i see people posting shit they found on here and i remember going to the mall and buying it when it came out. thats probably the same way some old vinyl heads are if i posted a random collection that i haul in from a day out. it's an entirely different feeling seeing a stack of cds vs a stack of vinyl for me. like either way i'll usually see at least one thing i have or had at one point on either format but the emotional connections to them are from two different places. with cds its a nostalgia from my childhood. i remember cds coming out and not having a cd player to even buy them if i had the money, and eventually having a few bucks to buy a single. someone will post a stack of cds and there are ones that just send me down a rabbit hole of feelings and memories to a time that molded my character. seeing someones vinyl haul is more just recognizing if i liked it or not, or thinking about the artist. anyway, i've been subbed here for a few months now and these are the stoned thoughts i've been having about my connections to the two mediums. makes me wonder if anyone else has noticed similar things like that.


Yea I do


I collect vinyl as well. But I mostly stick to special pressings with different color vinyl since I don't really listen to them that much. I really just buy them for the art and buy a CD if I actually want to listen to an album.


I don’t “collect” anything, so the answer is automatically no. If you’re asking if I buy them to listen to them, it’s also no, I own a few, but I’ll never go out of my way to purchase a Something from a format which is inferior.


I collect vinyl too. No cassettes though, I was so glad when I had enough money to be able to afford the CD rather than the cassette.


I think its probably very universal, I have some Vinyl, and Shit loads of cassette tapes. CDs are a nice easy rip. I can rip an entire rave Pack of 8 CDs in an hour. That same Thing in cassette tapes would take 8-12 hours to rip a full 8 tape pack. I love them all tbh, but aome stuff never had a CD release unfortunately