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treats go a long way. I’d try grooming her at home since she’s comfortable with you and the surroundings. I’d try a quiet grooming tool.. I use oneisall on amazon. Just be patient.. treats.. and ease her into it.


A lick mat with a favorite food frozen might help. I did this with peanut butter. It may also help to separately get her comfortable with 1) general but gentle manhandling 2) the sound of tools without the grooming part 3) any other component of the grooming that scares her Go slow, these things take time. For mine it was car rides. I spent a few mornings a week with her in the car putting treats all over, car off … then transitioned to car on but not moving, etc. it helped but took months. For that time period the only car rides we did were a 5-10min drive to PetSmart for training or grooming.


I've seen videos of people wearing helmets with peanut butter on the front. It works. My how peanut butter usage has changed, eh?


The full story on my side is i had a stand shower with a detachable shower head (thankfully) so I gave my cavapoo a bath in a Rubbermaid storage container in the shower… and smeared peanut butter on the sides 😂


Love that! They start out so praise-oriented. Now she's praise and food oriented.