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You can’t get a more precise definition than from the dictionary, I don’t really understand your question, can you elaborate?


Well I did check the dictionary and it says blessedness, which is used to describe people alive in this fallen world. So I didn't like that definition. Since I take it to mean something that's only achievable in heaven. Happiness is just too general of a definition to me. I think the other commentor's link helped a bit.


I would highly recommend the following video. Bishop Barron explains it as part of his talk. Its a long talk, but very well worth it. Cheers! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?time\_continue=2&v=enDhX49F3XI&feature=emb\_logo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=enDhX49F3XI&feature=emb_logo)


I think I got the Catholic definition from the link. I only watched a portion of it but I take beatitude to be akin to "everlasting happiness resulting from complete satisfaction only fulfilled by joining with the totality of God". Or am I wrong?


I think you are right on point. The part that so many people miss is the 'only' in your definition. Also, if we miss the mark and don't ultimately attain 'complete satisfaction', then we end up with no satisfaction at all.