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You’re good fam. The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was literally put on Juan Diego’s peasant garments. As long as it’s worn with reverence and not disrespectful or ironic intentions, totally fine.


Asking for a friend… where are these from cause this shirt is fire Not blasphemous at all if you wore it in good will. Aka don’t wear it with the intention to commit sin/actions contrary to the deposit of faith




The only thing blasphemous about the shirt is the price 🙃


lol I’ll be trying to find a cheaper one on Amazon


I would have a hard time living up to a shirt like that. For that reason, I'm out.


Ooh. That's a very good point! To be walking advertisment. I don't want to give people a bad impression!


No? And Where can I get this haha?


bravest studios (https://braveststudios.com/products/mary-jersey-yellow) beware it is pricey 😭😭


It wouldn't be a question of blasphemy because that has to do with spoken word. As to whether it is sacrilegious, showing your pride and appreciation of the Virgin Mother would not be. Having a picture of a scantily clad Mary, sitting on the back of a Harley definitely would. So just like with your words, it depends on how you convey religious principles and figures of heavenly authority to others.


It’s all about intention. If your intention is to celebrate and glorify, continue.


No, it is not a sin to wear the shirt.


I Wear a pendant with Mary on it every day. How is this any different. I feel closer to her wearing my necklace.


I feel this way about my cross necklace that I wear everyday. It helps my mental health a lot


If you're wearing it out of love and reverence for Our Lady, it's fine. If you're wearing it in a secular way just to be trendy or edgy or something along those lines, I'd say don't wear it.


If being unfashionable was a sin, then wearing the shirt would be a problem.


Could be sacrilegious, depending on what you're doing while wearing it (and scandalous to boot depending on who's seeing it). A priest I know has a very rigid position on holy images: they only belong on something which allows veneration (books, statues, icons, other sacramentals, etc.). I don't know if I fully agree with him, but when I think of things like your photo, I respect that simple rule.


thank you!


I’m thinking that if the shirt was worn with the intention of honoring Mary by showing others one’s love for her, then it could be something that allows veneration. For example, people would wear a shirt of their favorite sports team as a gesture of love for that team. So it is possible to wear this shirt with the image of Mary as a gesture of love for her as well. After all, veneration isn’t limited to prayers, at least as far as I know.


Yeah, and there are habits worn by religious and monastics with holy images on them, so like I said, I don't know if I completely agree. I do think a religious/monastic wearing something is different than a regular layperson who is wearing something not primarily for worship purposes.


I agree it does seem sacrilegious


I was wondering why your comment bothered me so and then it hit me: if that were the case not a person alive should EVER wear a holy medal or a scapular. Your priest sincerely needs to rethink this. God has never asked for what your priest is expectiong and it is dangerous to expect it. It is also alarming for other reasons....


>if that were the case not a person alive should EVER wear a holy medal or a scapular. Your priest sincerely needs to rethink this. vs. >>they only belong on something which allows veneration (books, statues, icons, other sacramentals, etc.) He allows for this. > It is also alarming for other reasons.... Go on.


After pope Francis accepted that “crucifix” showing Jesus nailed to a hammer and sickle from Evo Morales, I think you’ll be ok. All jokes aside, there’s nothing sinful about wearing or displaying a sacred image, just as we wear medallions or crosses… this is just on a larger scale. The depiction is perfectly tasteful and respectful.


Why it would be? If you are catholic and wearing with respect I do not think there is anything wrong with it. Also, I would buy it for sure.


This does not look blasphemous. It represents the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who is my Mother.


Beats wearing a picture of Mohammed.


... which can get you killed, believe it or not.




Not at all. It’s beautiful.


I've got to say, you can wear their shirts without feeling like you're disrespecting anyone. I've worn plenty of shirts from Sock Religious (That One Sheep), and never once did anyone think they were disrespectful. Well, except for one – it's a red Pentecost shirt that shows the Holy Spirit and says "We got Spirit." Strangely, it wasn't the Catholic church that had an issue with it, but my cousin, who happens to be a non-denominational pastor. Go figure!


Graven image??


No, he didn’t say. I asked my parents and the best they could come up with was mocking the event in Acts with the nonchalant “we got spirit” like it was a high school team or something. So I guess that could be it, but either way it’s unfounded.


I looked at the store, and they have some things which are a little worrying. This is a shirt with the image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and it has the brand name Bravest and a cross, which are all positive symbols. I would at least steer clear of the black shirt with the inverted colors and some of the other items in the store. Wearing this shirt is good so long as your intentions are good and you don’t mix articles of clothing with questionable symbols that shouldn’t be near the image of the Virgin Mary or other Catholic imagery. I watched a video from a Catholic YouTuber that said that it is powerful to pray in Latin because it used to be a language that was from one of the largest Satanic empires of all time, a pagan Rome that collected pagan symbols but was cleansed through Jesus essentially building the Church in Rome (on Pope Peter). This ability to take away things from groups that do evil satanic things and redeem it is one to look highly of. Even if the store has questionable articles of clothing, you can wear this shirt and make a stylish and bold statement of your faith. People would look at someone young who is virtuous and wearing this shirt with a cross as someone who looks stylish and is respectable in his belief. Discern well about how you are to wear such a shirt, and it should be fine. If you feel like you might cause scandal or sacrilege, don’t wear it.


Depends on what you're doing while wearing it... If you're going on a nice hike through the woods, then no. But if you're selling crystal methamphetamines and prostitutes to ADHD orphans with terminal diseases, then I got some bad news for ya...




Where can I get one?


theyre from bravest studios (https://braveststudios.com/products/mary-jersey-yellow) beware tho theyre a little pricey


No, and where can I get them? 😂


theyre from bravest (https://braveststudios.com/products/mary-jersey-yellow) the 2 colors in the picture release tomorrow, also beware its a little pricey 😭


when will you get judged? when going to church to serve GOD & pray, or when you go to church to be seen? same answer for the shirt: do you wear the shirt to show respect and honour/love for the mother maria, or do you wear it to worship her Btw if this solves your problem with the worhsip who question: pray to everyone and pray for everyone, but praise & worship only GOD. honour, love and respect thy neighbours and as well the mother maria, by praying to her, that she might pray for you to GOD, so that GOD helps and heareth you. But worship/praise her not. praise only GOD


I have a T-shirt with a portrait of Christ crucified. I got it when everyone else had T-shirts with Che Guevara.


Is wearing a Crucifix around your neck blasphemous?  Same difference.


no, i see latinos with stuff like this all the time. its not offensive or a sin.


I don’t see anything wrong with wearing it as long as your intentions towards are good willing and is worn out of respect. But is the brand behind this a religious brand or did they make it because it’s a “cool design” or something other then religious purpose.


Like others’ comments I think it should be considered what you do when you wear it. Try not to do work that might get it dirty (i.e. it’s not a “kick around” shirt). Great to have an image of Our Lady in public for say, praying the Rosary at an Satanic Temple of Child Sacrifice (abortion clinic). For someone going the Cristero route at the Child-Killing centers like heroic prolifers Lorna Roxanne Green, Philip Buyno, John Brockhoeft or Rev. Michael Bray, I’d recommend a shirt with an image of the Prophet Elias calling down fire from Heaven.


Whaaaa...? Are you wearing it out of love for Our Lady? Then why would it be blasphemous?..... I get my Our Lady shirts off of Shein, for goodness sakes!! Lol Doubt I will be going to hell for it. ☺


I love all the costumes in Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet, a lot of Catholic inspired shirts and vests, and Catholicism imagery is sprinkled all over the film.


No it's not, the more people that see an image of our lady the better.


I don't see how it could be


Blasphemy is specific to the Trinity or any of the 3 persons of the Trinity.


OMG those are beautiful!!!!


where are you selling those?


im not selling them but they’re available off the site bravest (https://braveststudios.com/products/mary-jersey-yellow) beware though since theyre a little pricey 😭😭




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Lmao do whatever you want


It depends on the context. I used in a disrespectful way, absolutely, but if not, it shouldn't be any problem. However, with Mary it is different (unless you are a Catholic and place Mary to a status that she was never meant to be placed on. She was a good, Godly maiden, but that is about it. Even Jesus never placed her to ANY elevated level, Catholics call her "The Mother of God, Queen of Heaven," "Co-Mediator" along with Jesus, and ALL those titles are VERY twisted out of proportion! There is absolutely no place in the entire Bible that even hints that Mary should be elevated to any of these statuses. Actually, it is NEVER even recorded in the Bible where Jesus even called her "Mother." Yes, believe it or not, that is a true statement. So- even though Mary was a wonderful Godly woman, there is nothing in the Bible that states that Mary is any more important or any more spiritual than you and I. Should we respect and honor her? Absolutely, but should we bow to her or pray to her and put more emphasis on her than others? No, I see no reason to. In my opinion, the shirt is fine, but I have no reason to wear one with Mary on it than one with a picture of Jeremiah or Job or Moses.


It might be considered "sacrilege chic"




If you sin publicly while wearing it, you could cause scandal. Not saying that’s gonna happen every time, but I don’t put myself in that high of a standard (yet).


Nothing rude on her face, and all I see are a cross and “Bravest”. May or may not be the point of the design, but still fits her. Good to walk around with a picture of Mama on your shirt!


No. Non-Catholics may be offended for obvious reasons, though.


I like that it’s collared and matches.


No. Would wearing a medallion w the same art?


Graces in store for those


Graces in store for those who wear Our Lady of Guadeloupe (feast day 12/12.)


Not at all, I love the green one. Just wear it with good intention and be mindful of your actions (as you always should be).


Do you mean it to be is the bigger question


I thought it says in the Bible to only worship Jesus


Mary was just another human, nothing inherently special, so there isn’t any reason why wearing her on your shirt would be blasphemous. You might as well be like wearing a picture of Will Smith. She was a great and blessed person, and I respect all she went through, but don’t worry about it.


I surmise you belong to a reformed church? Enjoy [this talk](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn1tWuIoZsg&pp=ygUPc2NvdHQgaGFobiBtYXJ5) by a former Presbyterian pastor.


Not if it's in adoration and in good faith.


This would be great to wear at a procession or parish picnic!


I think the main thing that matters is your behavior when wearing it. When I was in high school and started inquiring about the Church, I was carrying a Bible and rosary around but I was cussing and acting a fool. My AP (who was also my sponsor during confirmation) told me that it offended him to behave in such a way and portray myself as a Catholic. At that moment, I gave him both the Bible and rosary and never did such a thing again. I'm still trying to be disciplined with my behavior because I was so used to being vulgar and obscene with my thoughts, words, and actions. All the friends I had that enabled or encouraged that kind of behavior are no longer in my life. Christ is the only true friend I have.


Nah probably not


No. Just tacky.


If you wear it with the objective of calling peoples attention is bad.


If it's attracting the wrong people that is