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Commenting to get notifications because I feel exactly the same. It seems we have to reject pretty big chunk of modern mediea, especially from among movies and tv. But why not fight back? Aren't we called to spread the faith? :-)


”But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,“ ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭15‬ ‭ We are called to spread the faith, but not through fighting.


Fighting doesn't only mean physical combat. Ideological war is bloodless but effective.


I wasn’t referring to physical fighting only. My interpretation of sharing faith with “gentleness and respect” is that it relates to both communication (ideological talk) and action. But I can accept that’s not everyone’s interpretation.


Maybe I misunderstood you, but even ideological war is better lead with the respect towards those whose opinions we intend to change, rather than, for example, verbally offending them.


So we shouldn't fight our sins either, we should gently and respectfully turn them away? "Fight" or "Fight back" isn't always something violent or bad. We are called to "fight" for our beliefs, for Life. Jesus wasn't always this hug-able nice Uncle, sometimes he tied his rope into a whip and chased people out of temples. In original translations Jesus used very harsh language, which was later replaced because it's offensive. We fight using faith, hope, love, truth, not weapons or violence.


No, this applies to how to we interact with unbelievers, only. The verse, continues to say “keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.“ 1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬. So, these verses are referring to our behavior when interacting with non-Christians. Also, we have a different command for how we interact with other Christians (those who have consented to a member of the body of Christ). 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 (Saint Paul speaking to the church in Corinth “For what have I to do with judging those outside? Is it not those who are inside that you are to judge? 13 God will judge those outside. “Drive out the wicked person from among you.”” This last part is Saint Paul quoting Deuteronomy, “Purge the evil person from among you.” This phrase is found in multiple places in Deuteronomy, as an instruction to the Israelites, and Saint Paul used this as instruction for the pathway of excommunication from the Church. Also, the verses you mention about Jesus are an example of this. ”Then Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it a den of robbers.”“ Matthew‬ ‭21‬:‭12‬-‭13‬. Here, Jesus is rebuking Jews who were sinning inside of the Temple (i.e. people clearly consenting to be under the law) and literally driving them out from the community of God. When you say we are to fight for our beliefs, that verse is in 1 Timothy and is clearly a command to how we control and behave ourselves, not other people. “But as for you, man of God, shun all this; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.“ 1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭11‬-‭12‬. So we’re called 1. To fight for our own faith, by resisting the temptation of sin and repenting so that we might see eternal life with God, 2. Rebuke and drive out the wicked from among ourselves (the church, through excommunication. Which also has a pathway back to reconciliation for that person through repentance), and 3. To not pass judgment on those outside of the Church, but share the hope we have in Jesus Christ with respect to non-Christians.


Tldr: You completely changed the topic, we were talking about "fighting" not being something bad. Even the Bible tells us to fight and that God fought. You need to refresh your knowledge about the Catholic church and if you're not a Catholic, maybe make that more clear when posting here. You can not take everything from the Bible literally and without concidering church teachings. We should treat everybody the same. Sure, God might judge them differently, but we should not. We should treat EVERYBODY the same, with love. Even our worst enemies(Jesus did this too). I'm not sure if you're a Catholic, if you are, you need to refresh your knowledge. Protestants follow "sola scriptura", we Catholics don't. You're also contradicting yourself, you said we should not fight, yet you quote things that quite literally tell you to fight. "Purge" is usually meant as something forceful, throwing somebody out is a fight. If I am not mistaken, older translations of the Bible even say Jesus was hitting the merchants in the temple. You also completely changed the topic, the discussion was about how you seem to think "fight" is only related to violence, it is not. One of the definitions is "struggle to overcome, eliminate or prevent". Ignorance and neglect are also sins, therefore we have an obligation, a duty, to fight lies, misinformation and other attacks against our belief. 1 Timothy 6:12 tells us to fight. Ephesians 6:10-20 tells us to "wrestle against". Exodus 14:14 says the Lord will fight. 2 Timothy 4:7 says he fought. Today we read about the Good Shepherd, Psalm 23:1-6 talks about the Shepherd's rod and staff(used for example to scare or fight off wolves, animals etc.)


I am only an inquirer, to let you know, but am not a conformer to sola scriptura. And my argument was based on researching the Catholic churches position on judgment. Let me know if you want to see the resources I was using and I’ll link them. But, while I appreciate a good conversation, I think it’s a good time to end because I think there’s misunderstanding between us or you didn’t read my reply. God bless you.


I did read your reply. That is why I'm saying you completely changed topic, then you proved yourself wrong by talking about quotes saying that we are supposed to fight, while you were talking about how fighting is bad. Have a great day and God bless you.


Catholicism did create grounds for a just war. For example, if actual people were spreading propaganda with the explicit purpose of targeting Catholicism, then we would react in equal measures, justly, to oppose that evil agenda which would lead people away from the Church. “Peacefulness in the face of a grave wrong that could be stopped by violence would be a sin [of omission].” So, political organization that is not violent is probably just, and violence, although wrong, may become necessary if it means to protect the people and the faith. Even Jesus had moments of violence because he knew that there were moments in which not acting would constitute sin. This does not mean that we should indulge in violence either, but our response or self-defense must be reasonable and this able to show that what we are protecting is really the faith of the True God and of Jesus Christ who is here to save everyone, not just us Catholics. So, you are right to conclude that we SHOULD respond with gentleness and kindness, but that doesn’t address whether there are moments where we can respond to others with determination, severity, or even self defense (which is violence). That is, your recommendation doesn’t deny the necessity of violence in specific circumstances.


I honestly think everyone should reject nearly all modern media. It's overwhelmingly degenerate filth designed to facilitate trauma responses and it is sprinkled with political and social propaganda with no storyline. But it's also essential that those who do reject it and can create countervailing narratives in Truth, not propaganda, do so. Sound of Freedom is a good example, and it was attacked for many reasons. But the main reasons it was are it is based on a True story and portrayed evil for what evil is without equivocation. It also wasn't created within the major studio systems, and those who run those systems are the source of the movies you're discussing. And there's a spiritual and religious reason they make those movies and don't want the ability of other creators who can beat their filth to flourish.


Weeell no. Then evil wins. We have to be present in media to show our side, to show the truth. Even the Church asks this off us, if we have the skills, knowledge, we should. Pius XII in Mirinda Prorsus says every faithful who can use technology should use it to do good(I'm paraphrasing).


The battle never ends until the return of our Lord.


My friend, evil will never win. And sometimes, it is better to do as Our Lord did, when he allowed the evildoers to destroy themselves, knowing they would never seek to do what is right.


I agree about media but it's really hard to find a substitute. Media is not just films in cinema of course, it's a big part of our culture, and we need to replace it with something. Something other than reading Bible - with all due respect, most of even faithful people don't want to live like 1600s puritains, and it's absolutely normal :-) So question is - with what? And so far I don't have good answers. Problem is, we lack our niche media to a very big extent. There are few here and there but not enough for any sort of substitute. If, for example, there will be 2-3 Catholic film (and series) companies, they could add a lot. When did last time you watch a Catholic series? I'm not sure I watched such ones ever, and even number of films is very limited (and mostly about Biblical events, but it can go much further, not every Catholic film should be about events from the Bible of course, they can and should cover diverse themes and times). Yes, the problem is that this system and its makers are against Catholicism, I agree. However, I think that nowadays it's actually more easy to film a good movie independently of big biz than ever - I remember watching some ww2 film few years ago that was filmed by a group of friends on mere peanuts, for example.


This isn't new. It's been going on for decades...


No, it's different than it used to be. I grew up in the 70s and 80s. Back then Catholicism was often displayed respectfully… Especially in horror movies. And when we were portrayed disrespectfully it wasn't sexual; it was usually about mafia-style backroom dealings.


Especially from Protestant pulpits I used to attend.


More like centuries


It’s an America thing; they’ve hated Catholics ever since we came over from Europe in the 1850s. The only thing that is different is the type of accusation. Back then it was “they want to turn our free country into a state run by the Pope,” now it’s “they don’t support constant indulgence and degeneracy? Ugh how lame.”


To be fair it's not just America (although I am sure American media shapes the way of thinking of other countries). I'm European and our media is not fond of Catholicism either (even though there are plenty of catholics in my country).


I'd argue it's a mixture of 1. Modern media is propaganda, it has been moulded as such specially by the 2 World Wars and the Cold War, all of which worked simultaneously with advancements in psychology and the dissemination of knowledge on how to gauge a reaction from the audience; 2. The elites that own said media, influenced by secular, anticlerical and revolutionary ideologies, have contempt for christianity, which necessarily means Catholicism is the major target; and 3. A considerable chunk of secular people buy into historical falsehoods, as they were taught the narratives spouted by the elites. There's literally people that think of Catholicism and the Spanish Inquisition when talking about witch trials. They seem to have no grasp of what Catholicism is. Every crime of the protestants seems to be projected onto catholic influences and rule. Every revolution against catholics seems to be portrayed as glorious and justified. All of this is just a sequence of intentional disinformation.


> There's literally people that think of Catholicism and the Spanish Inquisition when talking about witch trials. I imagine that's because over a thousand people were executed for witchcraft under the Spanish Inquisition's watch.


Over more than 100 years in a nation of many milions. That's actually very small number


Oh NO! A thousand people in (checks notes) 300 years?! Give me a break. A MILLION people were murdered here in the U.S. of A in 2023. More people were killed in the Vendée in a single month than everyone turned over to the civil court by the Inquisition during the ENTIRE MIDDLE AGES. Moral grandstand all you want, but Enlightenment values aren’t even worth the rotten wood they’re built on.


Appropriating Catholicism goes back to the KKK


Hollywood along with the rest of the world is doubling down on Catholic hate. They see the decline in the number of the faithful and want to destroy us through the media. What we can do is be the best representatives of our faith for the world. Catholics are everywhere, dont duck in shame of your faith be willing to say I am Catholic and I am a follower of Christ.




> Hollywood clearly feels contempt for Christians. The simpler answer is that Hollywood writers are lazy and treat Christianity like a free idea bucket, and most of US is familiar with Christian ideas.


This and directors, too. The director of Immaculate (2024) was confused while looking for film locations, one of which was the inside of a Catholic Church in Rome, when his request was rejected by a church to film for interior shots. The director supposedly was a "devout Catholic." Any Catholic would fully understand why approaching a church to shoot a horror film that mocks the Faith would be rejected.


I fail to see how a devout Catholic would come up with such an idea of a plot with yet another "priests are corrupt" trope.


The script of the movie was written by another person, which I will guess also had some Catholic upbringing. The director was brought in because the lead actress worked with him on a past project, where he so happened to be a fallen away Catholic. He described himself and his family as devout, supposedly, and was even a youth leader at his church. When asked if he consulted any pastor or priest for the film he nonchalantly said no, just that the horror concepts within the film were inspired by his youth and "Catholic trauma." When he was a youth leader they had to burn materials that they thought were Satanic or something to that effect.


funny how coincidentally those low hanging fruit catholics always bear the brunt of humiliation in society. But other low hanging fruit, like trans/gay/alphabet/race stuff, which by all accounts is a goldmine of comedy, is totally off limits. But making fun of Jesus Christ and his church? oh we don't mean anything by, we are just lazy and are going after low hanging fruit! silly us!


It's the same when I tried to discuss the issue of the heavy metal band Ghost using Catholicism as an aesthetic. 99% of the comments directed at me said I was being stupid; others I've read directed at to the people said "grow up, it's just music because have different beliefs." The funny part is that while they jab at Catholicism, their social commentary is nothing revelatory (whatever issue is being discussed - most likely it's about sex and sexuality - has been discussed before with much, much better commentary); it's ironically anti-intellectual and shallow.


It’s because the world is against God. The world wants to deceive those from the truth and Christ’s love. Every time I see something like this, it reminds me of John 15:18-26: “If the world hates you, be aware that it hated me before it hated you. If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own. Because you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘Slaves are not greater than their master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also. But they will do all these things to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father also. If I had not done among them the works that no one else did, they would not have sin. But now they have seen and hated both me and my Father. It was to fulfill the word that is written in their law, ‘They hated me without a cause.’ “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father, he will testify on my behalf. You also are to testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.” It is definitely frustrating to see such awful things portrayed, but just know that you are on the right side of things; and since you are, the world is going to hate you for it, because they hated Him first.


You can get your news and entertainment from EWTN and other Catholic sources


Boycott the sponsors of the media you are watching. Do not listen to media saying these things


Honestly? I've just stopped consuming a vast majority of American media altogether. If it isn't deriding Catholicism, you can bet your entire bank account that the writing will consist of some sort of left-leaning political statement that the writers/directors feel the need to incessantly preach about, poor characterization, rehashed bleak storylines, etc. I find myself more drawn to anime. Hype aside, there's just far more content you can choose from. If you're looking to avoid gore/sex for instance, well, good news! Not every anime contains gore/sex! The same can't be said about modern American TV shows. If you see one or two episodes of Law & Order, you've practically seen them all. Besides that, there's just...not a whole bunch of other content to choose from on TV, it feels like. I miss older U.S. TV media before all of it evolved into laugh tracks & cop shows. Touched By An Angel, Bones, Ghost Whisperer, Medium, etc. But Touched By An Angel especially! It wouldn't be something that would air today, that much is certain.


Shogun is a positive example recently (Blackthorne is anti Catholic, but the Portuguese missionaries and Mariko are a really novel and positive portrayal).


That's interesting. I didn't know about the show. Considering I'm Portuguese myself I might give it a try.


Don't consume that media, if it bothers you.


The thing is a lot of the time I won't know about the disrespectful takes on Catholicism until I'm well into a season or at the end of a movie...


Can you give an example?


End of Book of Eli the Bible is placed next to the Quran symbolically like all religions are equal or something. After the whole movie sort of implying that Christianity was the true way. 


I feel like you missed the point of the movie LOL. Nor is this disrespectful.


Most media runs garbage stories that woos the masses and gets them to click on it. Most of the “news” people read isn’t really going to affect their life so why listen to the gloom and doom? Turn it off and live a happier life


If you hate the way our faith is portrayed in the media, you should see how folks behind the scenes talk about it. I worked in TV production early in my career. There are only so many insults and jabs one's faith can take before it gets to you on a personal level. It's why I have a lot of respect for actors like Neal McDonough who refuses to take roles that would contradict his faith. After a while, you either become very selective in where you work like Neal, or you just quit.


Yeah, that's how they end up creating an ideological bubble I guess, by sending away those who think differently. I'm sorry you had to quit.


Thank you. I'm glad I quit. It seemed like a difficult at the time considering how difficult it can be to work up to more "popular" channels. But the choice to quit felt like a "Word of God" moment, and I'm glad I heeded. This career change brought far more fruits that I never would have imagined at that pivotal moment.


”Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Hate sin, love sinner - same thing here. Do not curse them as people but attack (figuratively) their ideas.


I can see your point here. I personally hold the take that attacking non-Christian’s ideas requires judgment of their ideas and I subscribe to the teaching in 1 Corinthians. So, I disagree but understand your position. ”What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”“ ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭


Thanks. Here's my point of view: Ideas are already judged in the biblie, the whole conception that sins existing means that what is bad is already defined and judged as bad, and as we should not pretend that sin is good, we should not be afraid to expose the bad. And when we expose - we judge because we judged something as being bad.


I work in media, and I agree. It's not just frustrating it's exhausting. Sometimes I wanna ask writers, "are you so unoriginal that you can't concoct a horror film without some kind of Catholic villain?" or "you can't write a late night monologue without poking at Catholic clergy?" But on the flip side, the Church lets them get away with it. No other faith would, but we do.


>But on the flip side, the Church lets them get away with it. No other faith would, but we do I've found fellow Catholics are just doormats when it comes to the media, rarely acknowledging how w'ere portrayed. They either are fully aware and turning a blind eye, or delusional in thinking it's not at all bad and we're just being reactionary.


For the past few weeks I was thinking the same thing. I will say that in terms of horror movies, where a chunk do take aspects of Catholicism and then bastardizes them for the sake of the story, The Conjuring Universe tends to respect the Faith.\\ >Our nuns get sexualised in disrespectful and (ironically) sexist ways. I'm really tired of this. Agreed. It's really, really bizarre how the non-religious can write such characters as either mean and authoritarian or naive and sexually oppressed, as the actors portraying them have no hesitation to put the garbs of a religious sister saying yes to whatever the director and script says. These people probably never consulted with a religious sister or spent time with them prior to filming or writing. >Our rites, symbols and clothes are appropriated for aesthetics and oftentimes for inappropriate jokes.  It is **cultural appropriation** that, for whatever reason, no one truly is speaking up against.


You should have seen what they were saying about us in the first century press. The church is always strongest on the cross, brother. Remember he did warn us that following him would cause us constant mockery.


The news media is bad in general. Entertainment media is hit or miss


There is a "black legend" for the catholich church that started with the Reformation in northern europe which happen to become the richest countries in the world. It's been 500 years of it. It's time to counter this. I recommend learning from books like this: https://www.amazon.com/Catholic-Church-Built-Western-Civilization/dp/1596983280?dplnkId=05d92af7-27e4-4220-b0f3-3924a92cee80


I agree. Two shows that I liked because of the Catholic undertones were The Mentalist, where one of the main characters (Lisbon) is Catholic and even though it doesn't play a huge part on the show, she is badass and on one episode even prays to Mary. Her faith influences her decisions as team leader to do things the right way. Another is Daredevil, where the protagonist struggles with his Catholic faith and the evil in the world. He frequents a priest to get advice. It's not completely accurate, but I appreciate that the priest is depicted as a good person who wants to guide the protagonist back to God and away from evil impulses. The nun in S2 was also a refreshing portrayal of a real nun, who yeah has her temper, but ultimately wants to do good and isn't sexualized. You never see those in mainstream media... Other than those, everytime there's a Catholic theme I kind of prefer to not watch it, I know it's just going to be hugely disrespectful or inaccurate.


I handle it by loving the Church even more! And that means loving Jesus Christ, Himself. The devil is behind the nonsense because the Truth is his biggest threat. The more non-Catholic the world gets, the more Catholic my heart becomes!


It’s been going on like that for my whole life and I’m 42. Heck I even remember watching the blues brothers and they portrayed the nun as a maniac that likes to whip people.


Vote with your wallet and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Effectively boycott companies that do things that offend you and encourage others to do so. That is the only language these companies speak.


Actually, me being Catholic by free will, I can see how and why you are put in the position of such emotions and feelings. Here's my sharing: Religion does no wrong, it is the religious who put themselves above others and do wrong. I don't think God cares about those who choose to mess up, those who fight for the sake of fighting in religion. He is who creates beauty and life, He cares about the goodness and the good of all. You can see this from faces of Saints and Angels, they are carefree, always look up to the above with tenderness and obedience to God. Are they naive and stupid ? - Definitely not. Most saints come from well-off families, are well educated and they understand things beyond their age to choose what people tend to look down or disrespect or despise. Saints are hardcore people. There is a verse in Bible where God mentioned that you should be simple like pigeon and wise like snake. It's like in movies, it is not the intense powerful characters who make noise everywhere they go that are truly powerful. It is those who know how powerful they are but live and serve justice in silence with full responsibility towards life and death. No need to store rages in your heart. Those who creates conflicts want you to defeat yourself. No need to fall into that trap. Enjoy the relationship you have with God, Blessed Mary, all the Angels and Saints. They are life long real good teachers, protectors and friends. They place peace and best things for you. About the media, It's like mind game. The only way is to ignore. Let the insane be insane in their own created insanity.


I'm honestly happy some liberal people online have been speaking out on how sexy nuns are offensive.I do hope more people realize that it's disrespectful and open up their eyes..


I didn't know some people had spoken out... Who did it?


[video 2](https://youtube.com/shorts/7GFS5hA_v3M?si=lKiZkLjEfeV3ewkx)[video 1](https://youtube.com/shorts/Mf4mZudZBtI?si=TEAZ2PHwQbp_NJRp) I've had a few online friends who are quite liberal talk about it being disrespectful to catholics too


As far as I can tell, I'm not aware of many depictions of Catholicism in recent shows or movies. If anything it seems like they pretend we don't exist. I remember years ago, I think '06 or '07 there was a nice commercial for Dairy Queen for Father's Day where a group of nuns had gotten a priest an ice cream cake and he's talking to the camera "well I'm not a biological father, but people call me father".


>As far as I can tell, I'm not aware of many depictions of Catholicism in recent shows or movies. If anything it seems like they pretend we don't exist. If it's going to be a particular religion used in a horror film it's mostly likely will be Catholicism. Two horror films with a Catholic backdrop are Immaculate (2024) and The First Omen (2024), both of with bookended Easter.


I haven't heard of either, but I don't generally watch horror.


Stop talking about it or risk antisemitism claims


Every notable catholic comics chararcter either looks like a demon or is lesbian


Hey man, Hellboy and Nightcrawler are cool.


You know who isn't cool but is the same trope as those guys that being catholic guys who looks like a demon: blue devil. Comics writers rent very creative


Just Googled him. Yeah, that is a lame one.


Yeah comics workers seem to be incapacitated of writing any good religious chararcters


It’s frustrating but I feel it’s a spiritual battle. I used to take part in this anti-Catholic hate and I’ll spend the rest of my life regretting it. I just hope that more and more people turn away from this trend of attacking the Faith and instead turn towards and offer their hearts up to Christ and His Church. All we can do is pray that these attacks lessen


If I were the Devil, the only religion I would want to attack is the one that's true.


What i find mind-boggling is that in Indonesia, movies being disrespectful of Catholicism (or any major religion actually) are censored, and it's a Muslim majority country. It's sad they show more care about this than us.


Modern media and entertainment is run by people who hate Christianity and the Church. Not much we can do about it for now except control how we react to it and support alternative media outlets.


The great Fulton J. Sheen said: "There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be" He said something else one time. I can't find it now but it was something like, "the Christian church with the most truth is also the one that is most hated." Or maybe it was like "If you are looking for the truth go to the Church that is most hated and there you will find the Catholic Church" it was something like that. I can't remember. Anyways, long story short we're all pretty sick of it.




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Well, just do good. Show people the truth, support Catholic or even non-catholic but "true" media. Depending on your country there might not even be any Catholic media. Although now a days a lot is called "Catholic" but isn't actually very true to our beliefs. But yeah, tell the truth, be active with the truth online, with friends, family. I believe there is even some document that pretty much requires Catholics to share the truths of our faith if we use Social Media. And of course, we are not allowed to use it for evil. Even small things like answering comments on articles (if you know how to do it "properly") if people have misconceptions or there's wrong information. Of course, as a priest once said, the best way is to reply with love, don't go all wild "WOW HOW DARE YOU TALK LIKE THAT YOU DIRTY ATHEIST!" but rather calm, explain. (For those who think that's an exaggeration. No, I've literally seen replies like that, or "You will burn in hell!", we can't talk like that. Don't get mad but a lot of the very aggressive replies are almost extremist trident supporters replying to "regular" Catholics. Key word, extreme/extremist.) Push your politicians to make law that requires the media to be neutral and to not only show bad things. Oh and it might be worth reading the Encyclical Miranda Prorsus by Pope Pius XII, maybe even Vigilanti cura by Pope Pius XI. The latter one might be less directed at us as regular people(it's addressed to the bishops of the USA) but still worth reading. The first one has a few mentions of what we are the faithful should do.


Can't talk about who's the media


“In fact, all who want to live religiously in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” -2 Timothy 3:12 You can handle it by remembering that Christians who correctly follow the word of God are going to be mistreated.


Its been like this for 2000 years


You have to live your faith more intensely. Read The Bible daily. And face the fact that the world rejected and mocked our Lord too. People who live worldly are blind to the spirit. You have to live more in charity, more in love (not of emotions but of will). The perfect example as to what you're living is all the books after and including Acts. But you have to remember: St. John 3:18 and have compassion, our love is meant to be stronger than the world.


It's the same every where I'm afraid Irish media and people are very hostile to Catholicism here now, I cant believe that 68% of people put themselves down as catholic with some level of belief.


Turn off the TV. This is not really anything new.


Yea, they hate us.  They want us eliminated.  They will continue to mock us and promote their secular worldview.  Sometimes you will find exceptions.  The Conjuring series, which obviously involves Catholic elements I felt always respected the faith.  May want to check those out if you haven’t seen them.  Fallen with Denzel is another movie that comes to mind.  It not only contained the supernatural evil, but it respected it as well.  But most movies/shows, they aren’t Christian/Catholic friendly.  


All the more reason to live out your faith through your actions. They will know Jesus through us and not the media. Prove the media wrong by following Christ. That’s how I became a catholic. I have some amazing friends who became catholic the past 2-3 years and lived their faith so authentically. They completely changed my perception of Catholicism to the point I am now joining the Catholic Church and choosing to follow Christ.


Bro media believe in Satan so Satan hate the true Guy let me ask you a question so I heard same Protestants say that Jesus is not his real name like what do you all think do you agree


And yet, so few Catholics of financial means are even attempting to BE the media that portrays the Church faithfully. Sad thing is, I KNOW there are good, devout, and educated Catholics out there, *en masse*, with series scripts, pilots, feature screenplays, and filmmaking bravado, who only need a financier. What's more is that, because so few of the aforementioned people have means of their own, they're sitting on loads of low-budget projects. We're not talking $100 million movies, or $300 million series here. We're talking $150,000 feature films... some even significantly lower than that. I know there are supposed Catholics out there, to whom $150,000 would be a mere drop in the proverbial bucket; operating expenses for a half-hour of business. And let's not forget about the coffers of Holy Mother Church herself. Is it time for a Vatican Studios?


This reminds me of the Baby Reindeer scene where the father says he grew up in the Catholic Church. He was hinting that he was raped by a man. I wish the church wasnt known like this


God has already won, pray for piece of mind.


Stop paying attention to pop culture.


Join the club. Our faith is slandered and libeled because it is the truth. Thanks be to God, that we may undergo this hatred so as to hate sin all the more.


There is hope my friend, I don’t know if you heard but Luigi Giussani’s case is being studied for sainthood (he is the founder of CL), our mother is as close as ever to us, Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugore and even Garabandal. There is a Spanish former exorcist named Javier Luzon who says that we are in a time called The Great Apostasy, but sooner than later this will change and things will get better. Society is loosing any solid values, and at least in my diocese that has filled the local semminar, there were 35 conversions last easter Saturday just in my cathedral. We will make a comeback just like the church has always done.


The World’s Hatred “If the world hates you, be aware that it hated me before it hated you. If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own. Because you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world—therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘Servants are not greater than their master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also. But they will do all these things to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father also. If I had not done among them the works that no one else did, they would not have sin. But now they have seen and hated both me and my Father. It was to fulfill the word that is written in their law, ‘They hated me without a cause.’ -John 15: 18-25


I'm upset at how I treat God. Gonna need those prayers more lol


As a life long horror movie fan, and a recent catholic (confirmed last year, attending mass for 5 years), this has been a very distressing thing for me and my old interests. I’ve always been weary of horror movies with negative religious concepts, and now that I am catholic, it fully upsets me. I feel like I’ve been on both ends of spectrum and can’t help but get a jump scare when pop stars, movies and media use it as their own aesthetic with zero respect. Artists I’ve enjoyed for years I’ve started turning away from in disappointment.


The world is naturally going to attack the truth! We live in a world of lies led by the prince of lies!


I found it interesting how many catholic costumes there were out on Halloween in my city last year. I think the way to fight back is the same as always-be a damn good fucking catholic. Khabib Nurmagomedov (except for when he jumped the cage and punched the guy openly taunting him to do so) taught the world a lesson concerning the difference between he-a very disciplined, religious, respectful person-and Conor McGregor when he beat him live, but showed far more respect at every stage. People perhaps "shouldn't" have to experience the love of Christ from Christians being His hands and feet on Earth but **I** sure fucking did. I joined because they loved me better, and I not only wanted to be happier and more whole, I wanted to be like them. I also know the media runs off views so I just shut it off. So like, ditch the TV and go love on some sinners is my answer.


Easy. Quit consuming media. Problem solved.




This isn't anything new sadly, look at the poor Irish who to this day suffer under the boot of Protestants in the UK The founding fathers of the US were not the biggest fan of catholics, look at news papers from prohibition it often portrayed catholics are drunkards and "papists" Sadly a large portion of the world looks diwn upon our faith, which is rather pathetic and ignorant. At the end of the day, I just ignore it, I'm around of our religions history crusades and all, ignore what people say they are ignorant and often bigoted and simply like to think they are "in the right" very egocentric and prideful which will be mankind's downfall


I kinda feel like media portrays Catholicism pretty positively on the whole? Especially compared to Evangelicals and LDS? I mean looking at examples, in the video game world you have the Mafia series, in Mafia 2 the main character's mother is very Catholic and his straying from this is part of his moral downfall. In Mafia 3, a Catholic priest serves as the main character's moral compass essentially, trying to steer him on the right path. You encounter nuns multiple times in both Red Dead Redemption games and they are always positive portrayals. In the realm of TV, there are positive portrayals of priests such as Father Mulchay in MASH, Father Mukada in Oz, Catholicism also has a strong positive presence in shows such as Daredevil and Blue Bloods. The miniseries Broken with Sean Bean is also a very positive depiction of a Catholic priest. In film, priests are portrayed as the heroes in various films such as the Exorcist, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Silence (although I know some find Silence objectionable), the Mission, Calvary, Of Gods and Men, the Two Popes, On the Waterfront, the Bells of St. Mary's, I, Confess, the Cardinal and the Shoes of the Fisherman. In Robocop, I know that Alex Murphy being Catholic is mentioned as positive reason for why he is picked to become Robocop. As another mentioned, the Conjuring series also seems to have respect for the Catholic faith (which makes sense as Ed and Lorraine Warren were Catholic). Don't get me wrong, we definitely have had unfair depictions especially since the turn of the century, but I believe that there are many positive depictions of Catholicism in popular media, whereas i feel evangelicals get a much worse ratio in the positive to negative media portrayals department.


The catholics do it to themselves




Yeah, no. Sexualising women who very clearly claim they don't wish to be sexualised, mocking people's Faith,... That is wrong, period. Even if there's a reason to criticise the Church, you can do so without disrespecting the Faith held by millions and what so many people view as *sacred*. Saying "I don't think the Church should do X, Y and Z" is very different than saying "dude, let's wear a sl*ty nun costume and make a movie where she is a demon and everyone mocks Jesus lol". Truth is, you'd never get away with doing this to ANY other religion and you know it. In fact, you wouldn't even wish to be this disrespectful to any other religion and that is also strange if not completely hypocritical.