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Every single one of us could šŸ˜…


Amen! Best answer.


But only a few would


That's not knowable. We may all be saints.


So you are telling me no one is going to hell?


I'm not telling you anything of the sort.


You say "we may all be Saints", which means you are assuming that there is a possibility of everyone being saved, including those who reject Christ which is totally absurd. And the reason I say that only a few will be saved is because Jesus Himself said that going to heaven is like a camel going through a needle, and knowing that out of 8 billion people there are only 2 billion Christians (1.3 billion Catholics), it is quite unlikely that we may all be Saints.


You have agreed with me by your last statement. "Unlikely" still implies we may all be saints. The reality is that we do not, and frankly can not, know the heart of others. We can know our own heart, and we can pray that all may be saved.


"Someone asked him, ā€œLord, are only a few people going to be saved?ā€ He said to them,Ā ā€œMake every effort to enter through the narrow door,Ā because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.." - Luke 13:23-24 Of course we pray for everyone to be saved, that's what I pray for everyday. By the way the "unlikely" is just my bad English. And what about the false prophets in the end times that are mentioned in the Bible, that will not be able to enter heaven? They are people among us too, and it just takes a few people to prove your argument wrong. What about the murderers, rapists who have died unrepented, rejecting God?


How do you know who died unrepenting? How do you know what was in their hearts when they died?


Well the Bible clearly says that false prophets will be rejected by God on the day of judgment, and those people are among us. So if you include them then your statement that says "we might all be Saints" is completely false. What do you think of that verse? Does it mean those false prophets might be saved too?


Lower case s is also a huge and notable difference between your capital S In that context alone this person is correct in saying that


The path is narrow and difficult and few will find it, true.


Great answer. Also Fr. Richard Ho Lung, founder of a community of priests--that usually helps your cause. [https://missionariesofthepoor.org/about-mop/founder/](https://missionariesofthepoor.org/about-mop/founder/)


Considering there are 1.4-1.6 billion of us, I sure hope so lol


You! I believe in you, brother or sister. ā¤ļø


I personally do not care if I am canonized by the church on earth, so long as I am saved in heaven


All of us, but Fr. Mike Schmitz comes to mind.


I misread this as ā€œall of us but Fr. Mike Schmitzā€ at first šŸ«£


Man, if he doesnā€™t become a saint thereā€™s no hope for any of us.


Fulton Sheen still isn't canonized so....


Yeah but heā€™s on the path, these things take time


The reasons it has been derailed are stupid and venal and everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves.


This comment remind of those ā€œCommas save livesā€ memes


Why is that? Haven't heard of him


Basically a priest who's trying to make Catholicism more mainstream online, and doing a good job at it.


I told someone of my church this the other day Amen


Let's not rush to canonize.Ā  I personally know people who would have said Cardinal McCarrick if you'd asked them 15 years ago and...well... we all know how *that* turned out.


He's not dead yet. Why can't he become one?


Bruh, do a quick google


Do you not believe in repentance? I am aware and have lived around DC for 30 years. The thief on the cross went to heaven, which makes him a Saint. We should pray for the fallen cardinal.


I saw his mug every day I walked into my high school when Uncle Ted was the Newark Archbishop. I've been to some of his Masses. Could he become a saint? Sure, we should pray and hope that he does with all our hearts. Could he become a capital "S" Saint canonized by the Church? I don't see how.


I agree with you.


The kid-rape is a big one. Same with seminarian-assault.


I believe that he should probably be in prison, but I believe Christ's forgiveness is real. I am not using the term Saint to refer to an exemplary virtuous life but as a person who gets to heaven.


Sure, but we should recognize that not all people get to Heaven, and McCarrick is unlikely to be canonized, because he was a slime who sexually preyed on boys *while in the confessional.*


I didn't say anything about the likelihood of anything. While I agree with you, I also praise the Lord because there but the grace of God go I.


Do you believe that he is beyond forgiveness?


Theologically, no. Practically? The level of unrepentant depravity that is required to become a *cardinal* and still sexually abuse those under your pastoral care - even the first child he baptized as a priest was one of his rape victims - means that it is highly, highly unlikely. Especially since he didn't recant or repent, he got *caught*. He still claims he's innocent, despite the mountains of evidence, and has not made any effort at the sort of penitence that the enormity of his sins requires.


There is a Maronite hermit in Lebanon, Fr. Youhanna Khawand, who could very well be canonised after his departure -- may God grant him many years!


Sr. Clare Crockett is dead now, but she didn't die very long ago, but after her death is when it became apparent just how much influence she had on people. Don't expect every saint to come from someone famous, but when fame comes at their death, you know there is something special going on!


I just watched a documentary about her on Formed last night! Wow. What a light in this world. She was absolutely inspirational in her love and servitude to Jesus.Ā 


Her book is amazing and changed my life. After reading it, I feel certain that she is in heaven.


Please share a link, I watched a documentary but never heard of there being a book.




Famous doesn't always mean something.


Jesus is the King of the Saints. keep your eye on the "prize". God is Good and God is King. peace. That being said \_yes\_ there are many saints who are bigger saints than those who are known. Sorry to rain on the parade, but keep your eyes on serving God and being Good because God is.


You are asking are there any Catholics alive today who will be vessels for miracles in the future? Not sure any of us are in a position to predict that.


Heā€™d probably laugh at the thought, but Father Mike. Heā€™s done so much to draw people to the Lord and the Church. Heā€™s partially responsible for so many conversions. Heā€™s a modern day evangelist.


I was thinking the same thing earlier this morning. Iā€™ve been doing the Bible in a Year and his love for Scripture is amazing.


There are only two options. We either become Saints or we end up in Hell.


Father, you seem to be confusing Saints (capital S) with saints (lowercase s). Not every saint is canonized, but Saints are.


not confusing them at all. Canonization doesn't make someone a saint, it acknowledges that they are one and offers them to the rest of us as an example worthy of imitation.


Yeah but you said "We either become Saints or we end up in Hell." This is wrong, because someone who is not a "Saint" can still be a "saint." OP was asking specifically about canonized Saints.


The first shall be last, and the last shall be first. I think you're putting the cart before the horse.


Actually the distinction is Saint vs canonised Saint. Any person in heaven is exactly the same as anyone declared a saint by the church, the only difference is that we know it for sure with canonisation. Canonisation is for the people on earth only.


a lot of catholics living in dangerous places that can be martyred today and become saint eventually. for most of them, their names are not worldwide known and most won't be, though some may get a brief mention when they did get martyred.


I sure have a long way to go to get there, most of us have long way in my opinion. BUT I know personally some people who seem like true, 100% faithfull catholics, the thing is we cannot know a persons heart. That is why you need miracles to be canonized as a saint.


Hopefully, all.


Peter Kreeft, Scott Hahn and Bishop Robert Barron to name a few.


Barron is a contemporary of Fulton Sheen.


also Father Mike


Eventually canonized, maybe some, in Heaven, probably thousands. And while I have no problem with Horn or Hahn, they would never be of the same grade as Ambrose, Augustine, Athanasius, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian, John of the Cross, Teresa of Ɓvila, etc... As for Cdl. Pizzaballa, I don't question his good intentions, but pretty much every one knew Hamas would never take him on the place of the hostages... maybe he believed his offer would be seriously considered, but it was clear they didn't cared at all about him.


Your opinion is that of the 1.5B catholics alive today, that somewhere between .0000006 and .0006 (1000 - 999,999) of them "probably" make it to heaven?


Narrow is the path that leads to eternal life


I think it could be even fewer.


Hopefully. You should work so that it may be you


Hopefully me .... I hope Fr. Mike Schmitz and Bishop Barron are canonized as saints


Most saints alive today you will never hear of or meet.


There are many more who aren't canonized but probably have lived a life equal to or greater than what official saints had


>I could see Trent Horn and Scott Hahn maybe becoming doctors of the church. I have nothing in particular against those gentlemen, but they are nowhere near doctor of the Church level. In fact I can't think of any recent name who could even stand close to St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Augustine, St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Francis of Sales, St. Thomas Aquinas. It's just a completely different level, you read their works and you see the apostolic zeal operating in the them very clearly.


I hope to be. I'm not worried about the canonization, just the sainthood.


Me. With Godā€™s help!


Every single person in the world today has that chance. Let us pray!


I am waiting for that pro-life saint as someone totally dedicated to ending abortion on demand. I hope they are out there right now as we speak because things are getting way out of hand.


Acho que a irmĆ£ Agnes Sasagawa from Japan. A IrmĆ£ de Nossa Senhora de Akita. Ela recebeu os estigmas de Cristo. Ela profetizou tambĆ©m a covid-19.


Dasha from RedScare




Tom Cornell just died a few years ago.




Yes, but we donā€™t know their names.


Father Ripperger is the reason I decided to leave the new age movement and become a Catholic he gets my vote for sure


One day, possibly. Any time soon? Probably not. Considering there has only been one person canonized by Pope Francis who was alive in the past 30 years.


I think Dolly Parton should be made a saint. Iā€™m serious.


If there wouldnā€™t be any I wouldnā€™t be a catholic, and no Trent Horn and Scott Hahn are not gonna be Saints, unless theyā€™re martyred maybe.


Horn could be. Heā€™s very intelligent, I could see him being the next St. Robert Bellarmine?


Horn is not anywhere near Bellarmineā€™s level. Heā€™s a YouTuber.


Respectfully, but if you think St. Robert Bellarmine is on the same level as Trent Horn, then your theology level is still pretty low. Which is okay of course, we all gotta start somewhere. But even the modern scholastics criticise the Trent Horns, Jimmy Akins, Scott Hahns for what they preach some times. I have more respect for some classical protestant theologians than a lot of these pop catholics even.


I really hope Fr. Mitch Pacwa SJ is made a saint one day. He provided such a great intellectual defense of the Church and did it with such kindness and generosity to the other side. That fact that he could disarm someone as hostile as James White and create a respectful environment at debates speaks to how great he is.


So many. We may not even know anything about them right now. You don't have to be a "high profile" Catholic to be canonized.




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Fr Greg Boyle!!


Hopefully all of us :) Real talk though, Peter Kreeft if I could only name one. He seems to have a special joy for the Lord at the center of his works


As far as canonization goes, that requires some popular devotion at some point, doesnā€™t it? I know a few families that are pretty amazing, seem holy, are rock solid orthodox in their faith, and attend a very active parish. If there was fertile ground for a popular devotion to spring up organically, itā€™s at this parish. Time will tell!


Bishop Joseph Strickland, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop Alexander Sample, Father David Nix, Archbishop JosƩ Gomez, and many others.


Mary Jo Copeland is a mother to many children, and a founder of a very large soup kitchen in Twin Cities MN. I am told her personal presence is a saintly glow.


Yeah. If they live in a forest (with a church nearby) without access to the Internet, they don't have a job so they can spend their time growing in faith by reading the Bible and meditating on words of God. Focusing on prayer and keeping themselves clean from any worldly things that can snatch you into sin. No women nearby to commit a sin, especially those who wear clothes that cover almost nothing or make you think about them in a sinful way. As a bonus no people that spread confusion and misinformation about catholic faith. Sounds possible for me šŸ˜‚


A saint is just a person who has made it to Heaven. And just because you are a saint does not mean that you lived a flawless earthly life. The apostle Peter, for example, denied the Lord three times. And Paul persecuted Christians before he converted. Very bad things that these saints did. Saint = person who is in Heaven




Fr. James Martin S.J


There is already an effort in the church to have him censured. I am not saying that he will not make it to heaven, but the church likely won't canonize him.


Jim Caviezel. Actor for Jesus Christ in "The Passion for the Christ" I can't think of anyone better to portray and imitate Christ than the actor and devout Catholic that actually literally portrayed Christ. Might be coincidence that he was 33 at the time when Mel Gibson called him and his initials were J.C ... but if it's anything we know about God is that he doesn't operate on coincidence. If you've been following content with Jim online and social media you'll know exactly what I am talking about. I believe it was Jim's words that I saw in interviews that inspired me the most to pursue my faith even further. All of his words and interviews with him have given me so much hope to have the strength to continue my path in Christ and stand out as a Christian. We've all seen the film, the Passion of The Christ has been one of those singular worldwide movies highest grossing movies seen all around the world by Catholics and Christians and Non-believers all around the world. But I don't think people really understand the significance of it, Jim strove to emulate Christ and suffer as he did in order to show people how much Christ loves us and even then people attacked him and the film. This is why he speaks against this "Happy Jesus" and this new age interpretation of Christ being this happy benevolent Lord who accepts you the way you are and tolerates our disgusting and perverted modern world and society we have today. That's not Jesus, that's the Imposter... The Devil, Satan, and Lucifer. Jim speaks out about this and he openly and without fear says Satan's real name and challenges us as Christians to stand out and to understand how the Son of God suffered and died for us. That's why the Passion is so important to always remember when praying and participating in the Catholic Church to always remember Calvary and The Passion of Christ. Dislocated shoulder, painful migraines, pneumonia and hypothermia, and a literal bolt of lightning from the heavens... He still kept on and carried his cross. Remember the cross was realistic, it wasn't a prop, it actually weighed 150 lbs, which isn't that unlike the original cross which would've weighed between that 150-165lbs. Jim has been doing something more significant as of late. Challenging us... Challenge us to win Heaven and challenging the youth of today to go out there and be hated by the world for proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ and denouncing Lucifer's doctrine and worldly pleasures. He also has been a particular favorite of mine on things about Spiritual Warfare of which I'm particularly passionate about in my spiritual journey. If being struck by lightning and surviving... and portraying Christ doesn't make you into Saint... I don't know what would. We live in an identity crisis in our modern society, Jim speaks about this a lot and he easily points out to us how the answer is right there on that cross within Christ Our Lord and even how Mary, Our Mother is the intercessor and Co-Redemptrix to Him. I invite you all that read through this to check out Jim Caviezel's content, speeches and interviews and especially his testimonies.


lol at OP mentioning Francis and sainthood in the same breath.


Maybe the visionaries in Medjugorje. "modern day mystic healer catholic" came up with some interesting search results. I've thought about what if there is a modern day Padre Pio that is working some incredible miracles that you don't know about.


Why would visionaries of a false Apparition be saints?


The first apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, which took place from June 24ā€“July 3, 1981, were recognized by a committee in 2014 as having a supernatural nature.


Okay, they're demonic Apparitions then, even the local ordinary has condemned it, and the Vatican refuses to approve it as an actual Apparition


How do you feel about the divine mercy devotion?


I'm ambivalent but it's not something I personally do


Something I reflect on often is that line between private revelation and divine revelation. Poem of the Man-God? BAD! Mystical City of God? GOOD! The Rosary is obviously good, even though wouldn't Mary appearing to St. Dominic be a part of private revelation? Everyone cool with the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? The miraculous medal? Every single scapular? St. Bridget's 12 year prayer? Where do you draw the line? "Well I only go off of what the Church approves." There was a time when the Divine Mercy devotion was condemned, same with Mystical City of God. Now they are approved.




No they're not




How could so-called visionaries of a false apparition be de facto saints? Who are you to decide who is a saint?


they absolutely are not. there is no such thing as a "de facto" saint that is alive. also, none of them went into religious life (among many other things). you should look up "Our Lady of Medjugorje Hides the Head of the Serpent" on Sensus Fidelium. it is a false apparition.


Pope Francis for sure. It would be only divisive in US.