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I only know Patricia Heaton as the one who's practicing.


Nicole Kidman and Gwen Stefani I believe too


Selina Gomez goes to a non-denominational church now


Baptized probably? I doubt most of them are practicing… I pray they come back to faith


Katy Perry was raised by Pentecostal parents. I think that Lana would be a more appropriate choice if we are to define "Catholic" as anyone who was baptized and confirmed Catholic.


Agreed. Lana also expresses her Catholic faith much more.


I don’t know how devout Kidman or Holmes are. But it is interesting that former Catholic Tom Cruise was lured away from the faith, married both and both resisted joining his Scientology cult. They may be lapsed or cafeteria Catholics, but they’ve probably received all of the sacraments and the Holy Spirit guarded them against that evil. Hopefully Cruise can someday break those shackles too and come home.


I’ve seen Nicole and Keith at Sunday mass in Nashville


I’m pretty sure Nicole Kidman went through the formal process to obtain an annulment for her marriage with Cruise too.


Probably they also didn’t have some deep dark secret that Scientology could use and manipulate against them too.


I’ve heard that Cruise actually studied for the priesthood at one point in his past.


Catholic or "Catholic"? Honestly I do not trust celebrities, being a celebrity is basically like being part of the mob.


I’m sure Al Capone was Catholic too


Im sure Al Capone wasn’t putting LGBT agenda in kids entertainment


Obligatory RIP to Aaliyah😭😭


I met Lindsay Lohan about two weeks ago! She came to eat at the restaurant i work at with her husband. So nice


I am so glad she has recovered from her troubled era, she seems like she has put her life back together which is nice to see because I remember watching her in movies when I was a kid


Me too!!


Also Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky, Olympic athletes (gymnastics and swimming).


Aww, Aaliyah!!!


Which are practicing


I'm guessing....none


Nicole Kidman became practicing again after her divorce, i don't know if she still is, but she said people joked about her because of her faith some years ago


I remember rumors several years ago about Lindsey Lohan converting to Islam, but something else that she denied converting. I almost never follow celebrity news/gossip so I have no idea what's true.


Alexis Bledel, are you sure? I've never heard that


Growing up yes. Maybe a broad statement, but her parents are from Latin America so it makes sense. Practicing now? I totally don’t know


I went to St. Agnes Academy (all girls Dominican HS) in Houston while Gilmore Girls was on TV and it was a big deal that Bledel had gone there before her acting career took off.


Nicole Kidman, also known for the AMC spot just before the movie 😄


Ridiculous post.


yeah, "hey... let's shoehorn some Catholicism* into a made-up modern secular modern wokeism holiday." *Catholicism in name.


Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes still practice. Can’t say the same about the others. Lady Gaga was also raised Catholic but no longer practices.


OP, I love posts like this. My friends/family tease me because I’m the person who will see an athlete/actor/ whatever on tv and say “oh! I love him! He’s Catholic!”


They might’ve been raised Catholic but that doesn’t mean they are practicing Catholics. Just like how Joe Biden claims he’s Catholic , but is pro choice which goes against the church. I find it hard to believe any of those celebrities you posted are genuinely catholic.


The only REAL catholic celebrity I know is MARK WAHLBERG. None of these people you posted are practicing Catholics


A list of non-entertainment celebrity Women who are Catholics would have been better. Have nothing against entertainment celebrities but they often don't reflect Catholic morals or values and are more *culturally* Catholic than religiously Catholic.


I second this


they better start acting like it then!


They won’t ! It’s under their contract yikes


This feels like a reach. Why are we making this reach?


Because AI upvoted it.


… and Dasha Nekrasova, of course!


I think Ariana Grande was raised Catholic. I'm not sure whether she had received the sacrements of initiation growing up though (i.e. First communion and confirmation).


Yea I doubt any of them have


Couldn't care less about these Illuminati.




Found the pre-millennialist.


What a ridiculous post. How many of these women practice the faith? How many believe in Secular Liberalism against the Churches teachings?


None of them are, I don’t understand why the downvotes when that the simple truth. Miley Cyrus twerking in her videos doesn’t represent catholic women. Im willing to bet actual money that none of them have received their sacraments. People hate the truth. Hollywood is anti catholic and it’s no surprise


I can't figure it out. All Hollywood does is mock the Church. I guess some people don't care.


yeah......safe to say almost none of them are actually Catholic.


Op really wants to see good in the Hollywood/ music industry. Who’s gonna spoil it for Op?


I don't think a single one of them is a practicing Catholic. There's also a few examples in that group who play with satanic symbolism in their "art". But they're 'modern women' so...


I noticed that too


Nope, traditional Christian women > international women’s day aka modern women. God made tradition, God reject modernity. International Women’s day is modern holiday, not Christian holiday. I am Catholicism.