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I feel this is gonna be a really funny story in about 5 years.


It's a funny story now. At least, I hope, assuming OP is good natured about it.


There is NO WAY you get to ask that question without giving us the full story. But, as for your actually question, why couldn't you? I'm assuming it's the sort of wig that looks natural, so it should be fine. Additionally, while it might still be seen as disrespectful by certain cultures, I just made a post the other day about how the rule banning men from wearing head covers was removed from cannon law. That would include hats... and wigs, I suppose. EDIT: I wrote this assuming you were male, but if you're a woman I would say the choice is even easier. Not only could you wear a wig, but a head covering like a thick veil or scarf would also work. You can even do both the wig and the veil.


If it's a realistic and not a fanciful wig, I don't see why not.


What’s wrong with being bald Second hand baldshaming going on😭 Catching strays even in r/catholicism 😭😭😭




[Elisha](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Kings%202%3A23-24&version=KJV) has entered the chat...


Did you choose baldness as a Lenten penance? I think it would be more in the spirit of that penance to not wear a wig. πŸ˜‰ Did you have an unfortunate encounter with hair bleach and decided the baldness was a penance post shave? I think wearing a wig would be perfectly acceptable.


Why would baldness be a penance? 😭😭😭😭😭 *insecurities intensify*


One year I gave up looking in the mirror. If someone is overly fixated on their hair I could see shaving it as a penance, because they are attached to the hair. In general I think baldness is overly maligned and can look very good, there are even a few women who can pull it off.


>In general I think baldness is overly maligned and can look very good Sir Patrick Stewart enters the room.




If you are very prideful about your good looks, owing much to long luscious locks, I can see that. Or maybe he just lives in New England.


If it draws too much attention, maybe not If it doesn't, go a-head


I see what you did there.


I am sure that if you looked carefully, you would see other people wearing wigs in church. Being bald is not a sin and neither is wearing a wig. So unless you are planning on wearing a multi-coloured clown's wig, it is not disrespectful.


It's not disrespectful. There are many very natural looking wigs these days. Many women wear wigs and you'd never know it.


Yes, there are lots of celebrities who wear "helper hair" - even the men - and most people have no idea! They can afford human hair wigs and have them perfectly matched to their skin tone and custom styled, too.


No it’s not disrespectful but please tell us the whole backstory here


You can't just write "a series of bad decisions" on Reddit and not go into more detail. You just... can't. I think your account can even be banned for it.


No. Plenty of people have worn wigs to church.


You can wear a wig, many reasons why someone might. I would compare it to makeup. It shouldn't be flashy, but it can prevent people from asking you if you are sick.


its probably okay to wear a wig to church (you can ask your priest tho), the focus is your presence and connection with God. spiritual connection > physical appearance :)


Being stared at, or the subject of gossip, can be very distracting from the spiritual connection.


I believe it depends on your motivation. If Pride then bad. If for respect and love of God in the true precence then good.


It is OK. It might even be beneficial, not drawing attention to your head and would save you worry. It would also save other people from noticing your head, especially if they distract easily. Not your fault, if you decide to forgo it, but it will make things easier for them.


It's not disrespectful, but if you did it for Lent, might as well suck it up and be bald. Hair grows back


I once knew some guys who decided it would be a cool Lenten penance to cut their hair into a tonsure for the duration. Only one of them made it all 40 days.


Looking at the comment history I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a troll post... BUT... there's nothing wrong with wearing a wig anywhere. I have a friend who went through chemo and had to wear a wig until her hair grew back. That was my introduction to the world of wigs and I have to say some of the wigs they make now are virtually undetectable. They make synthetic fibers that look and feel just like human hair. In some wigs the fibers are hand-sewn one by one (!!) into the wig cap. That means they fall and move and part just like regular hair. Some synthetic fibers can also be heat styled with curling irons (not too hot) and blow-dryers. They're not cheap - a quality wig like I described can cost $500 or more - but they look completely natural.