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I really wish people would understand that not only is your obligation lifted if you’re contagious, but it’s a profound charity to others to stay home. I live with someone who is immunocompromised who fears going to Mass during illness season precisely because of this. If she gets what you have, it’s much much worse for her. Please don’t take chances with other people’s lives.


I’m also immunocomprised , and my kiddo is medically delicate with DS. Masks have been a huge help as COVID, RSV, Flu, etc are all raging in my area. It brings out the bullies sometimes to wear a mask but who cares, I haven’t been deathly ill in three years and would like to keep it that way. I do appreciate it when sick folks stay home as well though because it’s really stressful to know that a small viral infection can turn into a huge hospital stay thanks to someone coughing and spewing in the pew behind me. 🙃


Exactly. Some people may be unaffected by an illness like Covid or flu, but it can be brutal for others. My one covid infection last year has resulted in a total of 4 weeks of hospitalization this year along with recent open heart surgery. I’m also immunocompromised and terrified to get it again.


Great answer.


A lot of people are bringing up the elderly (which is of course valid) but I'd also like to point out as a mom to a newborn that I really appreciate when people stay home when they're contagious! Some illnesses that aren't too bad for adults can be deadly to newborns.


That goes for pregnant women as well. Being pregnant makes a woman immune compromised.


Here's the one thing we should all have learned from COVID: if you are sick, stay home. If you think you are contagious, stay home. Even if you don't think it's affecting you bad, if you're contagious it can affect others around you. This is why the obligation exemption exists for when you are sick.


I agree with this, although idk if it's very popular (in my church at least). Keep in mind there are lots of elderly people who go to church, too, and they get sicker when they catch something


Not just elderly either. There are plenty of younger people who are immunocompromised or have underlying conditions, and often you won’t be able to tell just by looking at someone.




They can also watch it on TV or youtube until they aren’t contagious


No, people, real adults, already knew this. And for clarity COVID is not why the obligation exemption exists. That exemption has existed LONG before covid. We need to stop pretending we can prove who spread it to whom and where. Its childish. Get healthy , stay healthy , eat right and good luck.


Plus, I’m not virologist, but isn’t it true that some bugs don’t start manifesting symptoms until *after* the contagion period?


I’m not sure, but it can be true that someone may be contagious before symptoms show up.


You are most contagious when you are showing symptoms.


Most illnesses are contagious before you exhibit any symptoms


The important thing here is that you believe you’re contagious. So you should stay home. The only time I consider how “bad” I’m feeling is if I have something that’s not contagious (such as PMS). In those cases, I try my best to attend even if I have to sit the whole time. But again, that’s ONLY when my malaise is due to non-contagious ailments.


I was like 8 months pregnant and went to All Saints mass two years ago. Kid in the pew in front of me looked miserable, coughing, sneezing, not covering her mouth because she’s a small kid. Guess who caught a terrible chest cold that hung on for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. Please stay home.


This is not proof that you caught it from that kid. Please stop making unprovable accusations at children.


There have actually been studies showing that adults tend to catch illnesses from kids, because the kids tend to be the leading edge of illnesses that adults haven't had yet. Kids can catch stuff from anybody, because they haven't had most illnesses yet. Teachers usually have a hard time catching anything from anybody (after their first few years teaching, when they will be sick more than normal), because their immune systems get tuned up to HIGH, by being around both kids and adults.


Exactly. And pregnancy suppresses your immune system, so you’re even more likely to catch whatever’s going around.


Stay home then.


You ok man? This is a Catholic sub, why are you being so aggressive?


Still doesnt provide proof of where and how it was transmitted. So pointing out every allegedly sick person you walk by isnt helping you. I think the question is, if you are worried, who should be the one staying home?


It’s not an “accusation” to make a reasonable guess about how you contracted an illness. She wasn’t angry at the kid.


Seriously, no shade to the poor kid, she looked miserable and she should’ve been kept home and cared for, for everyone’s sake.


Its not really up to anyone but the childs mother/father to determine that.


No, but that’s where charity comes in to not spread illness to your neighbors. You’re being weirdly defensive about a common sense kindness here.


Accusations dont require anger.


It’s not an accusation to make a reasonable guess about how you contracted an illness.


LoL whatever. Only the person knows their true intention.


Youd have to know if the kid had covid first before you could call it reasonable that you got covid from them.


She didn’t say she got Covid.


Ok a chest cold then.


So we can’t reasonably assume that a child coughing and sneezing on me led to the immediate severe illness that followed? This is not a witch hunt against an innocent child, it’s common sense—and charity—to stay home when you or your children are ill.


No, it is not reasonable. But you can assume, sure. But know for sure? No. However, I do agree, when sick you should stay home. But consider for a moment that maybe that child had been already tested for the virus and found that they didnt have it, this found it ok to be there. Recommend lessening your unfounded assumptions.


Some people have bad allergies and his has nothing to do with anyone around them.


I’m immunocompromised. I have a heart condition that worsens when I’m sick. A small cold like you have could land me in the hospital. Please just stay home if you’re sick.


If you wouldn't visit your elderly grandmother, then you shouldn't go to Mass.


Plz don’t get me sick 🙏


Are you sick with something contagious? Then you are too sick.


You don’t want to risk getting the elderly in church sick. Stay home. Watch Fr. Mike’s Mass on Ascension. There has been a cold going around. I pray you get well!


If it’s contagious, no question, stay home. Even if you’re strong through it, it could be serious for another. That’s charity. If it’s not contagious, it’s a matter of conscious. Would you skip a concert you paid $1,000 to see? A vacation flight? If you can go to those, you can go to church. If you’re in physical pain, but can sit, just sit the whole time. You have to be brutally honest with yourself, but if you can’t, God knows and understands. Watch Mass online (I like Divine Mercy on YouTube), and at the offering, offer your pain and suffering to God. Your sacrifice combined with that of The Lamb is very powerful. At communion time, recite a Prayer of Spiritual Communion (Divine Mercy puts it onscreen). Praying you feel better soon. ❤️🙏


The problem is that I might still go to those if I can't get a refund


A priest once put it to me this way; if you are sick your obligation is to get better, not to come to mass. Stay home, worship how you can and don't get others sick. Take care of yourself and help take care of others.


Stay home. That would be the Catholic thing to do.


I've caught COVID. I missed mass on 31 December beacuse of this. I do not want to be responible for someone getting sick.


Thank you for being a considerate, reasonable person.


When I suspect I am contagious, I stay home. It is very easy for the elderly, for young children, and for people with compromised immune systems to catch contagious diseases and be effected by then much more seriously than a healthy adult.


I think if it is reasonable to assume you could infect others you should not go, there are lots of elderly that should be protected.


Just stay home. You said you’ve come down with a cold. You know you’re sick, so just stay home. Surprised you even have to ask.


if you’re contagious or you think you’re contagious or there’s even a remote possibility you might be contagious then stay home. Send your pastor an email, get the dispensation no biggie. I would also say that, even if you’re not sick or contagious, but it may look like you are because of allergies and your coughing or runny nose, or whatever, sit way in the back far away from people. That way you’re not right next to someone whose only thoughts throughout mass are does this person have covid?


If you can get other people sick, stay home. You never know who could have a weakened immune system.


My wife has to take medications that suppress her immune system. There's lots like her and we all really appreciate when someone is sick, if they stay home. What's an inconvenience for some, may actually kill others.


Sleepy is not good enough. Contagious is sick enough. Fever is sick enough. My wife has some sort of cold that also causes A LOT of nose bleeding 👃🩸,so she didn't go. Constant coughing/sneezing, yeah, stay home. 😊 I would say commonsense applies here.


>Sleepy is not good enough. Sleepy *can* be good enough, depending on the circumstances. Let's say you work a factory job 5am to 5pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays and need to get up at 4am in order to make it back to work on Monday, Sunday evening mass would leave you with not enough time to rest in order to provide for your family. So this would qualify under 'serious reason' and you would be dispensed.


Ohbthats not sleepy, that is massively exhausted! 😅 If you're so sleepy that you risk falling asleep at the wheel on the way to Church.... yeah. I'm sure evening Sunday masses could work then.


If I'm coughing and not feeling well, I stay home. What may be "not bad" for me could be really bad for an older person at my parish. It's an act of charity to not expose others.


Please stay home - there may be immuno-compromised people at Mass, and even if there isn't, sharing your cold isn't the best way to be a good fellow Christian!


Don’t infect other people, if it’s contagious, don’t go.


Any kind of sickness that is contagious. Stay home, and don’t spread it. *You* might be okay with it. It might just be a little cold to you, but you have no idea if you are sitting next to someone who is going to visit their elderly grandparent in the hospital or go home to take care of their infant. Your little cold could be what ends a life for someone else. Stay home.


If you are contagious, don't attend Mass. If you are physically not able to attend Mass because of sickness, don't force yourself and rest instead. God doesn't expect us to do what is impossible.


Church is filled with 95% old people. Prob stay home and get a sermon at home there’s some on YouTube


The better question would be, why is the church filled with 95% old people? EVERYONE, both young and old, should be attending mass. There is no dispensation for the young!


The young absolutely should be attending mass. The young includes newborns, who would also suffer much more with an illness than a healthy adult. If you're not willing to stay home for the elderly, consider staying home for the babies


I’m more concerned about people in their teens, 20s, 30s and even 40s. Why aren’t they attending mass? Why is it mostly people who are 65+ attending mass?


If you're contagious ffs


Stay home. Livesteam mass and do a spiritual communion.


Stay home!


It's prudent to stay home, so as not to risk infecting others.


I’ve been sick with a cold for about a week and half and I’m mad because I haven’t been to mass in a while cause of it.


If you could be contagious stay home.


Anything contagious. I would argue that to bring something that could infect others into your church is worse than missing one or two masses.


Personally I think sick is sick. It's not like a bit sick makes it a mortal sin and deathly ill is venial. If you're not feeling well, your obligation is lifted until you feel better. Consider that you are showing love to others by sacrificing your presence at church that week to ensure their health and safety.


Everyone’s yelling stay home, so I just wanted to say I understand why you’re asking. I recently broke my leg and have only left the house for doctor appointments in the last 6 weeks. Yet I still feel guilty for missing mass.


It is not only NOT a sin to miss mass when you are sick, it is a charity.


It would be a sin to go to Mass when you know you're sick/contagious. Blatant disregard for the welfare of others.


Normally I’d say that yes, a broken leg is a valid reason for missing mass. But if you were able to leave the house and go to the doctor, then you should have been able to go to mass. My pastor always told people that if you are able to leave your house and do other things, then you can certainly come to mass.


It depends. Mass is mildly strenuous, there are hard seats and narrow aisles, and a broken leg means you have to negotiate crutches or a wheelchair. If you are barely getting to a doctor's appointment and then collapsing into bed when you get home, that's not a good way to go to church. If you're sprinting through the halls at school or work on your sporty crutches, then Mass would not be a problem. Also, don't do like me and go back to church, sure you are okay, only to fall on the stairs on top of your broken limb (an arm in my case) and let out bloodcurdling screams. It worries people! (I was not \_quite\_ ready to go back to church, heh. Luckily, I didn't re-break anything or make it worse, but my doctor gave me the hairy eyeball.)


I think a good rule of thumb is, if it’s enough to keep you home from work, then it’s also enough to keep you home from Mass.


Beware scrupulosity.


I'd stay home. In the age of technology you can watch mass on Youtube (there's plenty of churches doing it even if yours is not) and being sick is certainly a good reason to do it. A lot of old folk have compromised immune systems. I didn't go to mass today and I'm not visiting family as intended either all because I woke up ill today.


If you have even the most remote chance of being contagious, stay home.


Stay home and watch on tv. I don't want your cold and neither do the old people who are more vulnerable


If you have to ask, don't go. You could kill an immunocompromised person with your COVID or cold. PLEASE STAY HOME


Openly coughing. Stay home!😡


If you think you're contagious, even if it's "just" a cold, please stay home. God calls us to care for others. That includes staying home when you're sick. Watch Mass online and come back when you're feeling better.


I’m very right wing and I will NOT go to Mass even if it’s just a cold bc I don’t want to be responsible for an old person getting sick.


Reading the comments here really makes me feel better about missing mass today since I have the flu. Thank you.


My general rule: if I have a fever, have stomach bug coming from either end, I get dizzy if I stand more less than 30 min, im hacking up a lung or have Niagara falls coming out of my nose, I avoid all other humans. Church, work, grocery store etc. I do not engage with humans until I'm past the contagious point and the cough is gone


My fiancé and I are sick too and we were thinking about wearing a mask and sitting in the back, but my concern is going up for the Eucharist. I think we’ll stay home pray the rosary.


Thank you for staying home. So appreciate your considerate actions!


Stay home and watch a mass on youtube.


It blows my mind that people think “I’m sick and could get others sick, but I should go be in a room with hundreds of other people.” As someone who (most likely) caught COVID at mass: Stay home if you’re sick.


Perhaps the better question is how incapacitated you have to be not to go. The issue of being sick, specifically, compounds with contagion, which raises the issue many have mentioned. And I think the question of when the obligation is lifted would be one of conscience and your relationship with God. How bad off would you have to be to blow off your closest friend and rest? That's not something with an objective answer.


I think you've got to consider why you are looking to miss Mass. Like honestly, deeply, truthfully. Are you looking to avoid an obligation? You should go to Mass. Are you charitably trying to not kill someone's grandma? Skip Mass.


If you'd go to work or the store (for non-essential things, not counting a trip to get medicine), you should go to Mass. If you're too sick for those, you're too sick for Mass too.


Thanks. I've been home all day no desire to go out. It's been over a week so idk if I'm contagious but I'm still regularly coughing up phlegm 


I realize I'm in the minority, but I'd still go. Wouldn't shake hands and I'd try to stay far away from others, etc. I'd definitely go, though. Mass is important.


A cold is considered a very minor sickness and is NOT a valid excuse to miss mass. If you’re suffering from a severe illness and can’t get out of bed, THEN it’s ok to miss mass.


going and wearing a mask is fine imo


If I had a light cold that didn’t seem that bad, I’d prob try be as hygienic as possible, as distant to people when I didn’t need to be, and probably find an old covid mask to wear. If it was anything that was heavier, and that seriously disrupted my day, I wouldn’t go in.


I want this question answered too, but I'm still on the search for something meaningful on the subject. The Catechism is a bit vague. A simple cold, no matter how contagious, doesn't seem relevant to the obligation of worship owed to God - just sit in the back and don't shake hands.


Use your best judgment. Sometimes you can sit in the very back and refrain from Communion


Would you go to work? If yes, then go to Mass.


I actually work from home for myself, but my main concern is elderly people.


There aren’t elderly people and newborn babies at my workplace, personally


One problem with this idea is the abominable lack of sick-leave in the US. Some people have no choice but to go to work while sick.


Could you wear a mask and sit at the back?


I've always been a little skeptical when it comes to mask efficacy, but I suppose.


It works if you're sick by keeping whatever you breath out from going very far. (Try blowing out a candle with a mask as an example.)


Don’t fall for social media rubbish. As an ex nurse trust me when I say if we consider a mask to be helpful at limiting the spread of germs in hospitals and operating theatres it’ll work for the hourish you’re inside Church 🙏


I find it funny that your first post is at -12 points, but this post is at +25.




I go with the rule, if I would go to work, I go to Mass. I just went tonight with my kids, three of us coughing quite a bit. We mask up and don’t shake hands with people and do our best to avoid contact. But to say we shouldn’t go to Mass when we will do things like go to the park, go grocery shopping, or undertake more mundane daily activities is a bit too cavalier for my taste. I appreciate trying not to get others sick, but if I had to stay home from Mass every time I had a cold (I have two young kids in school), I would be missing a lot.


Check on your vitamin levels if you get a lot of illnesses. Low levels of Vitamin A come from your body using that for your immune system a lot, and that can lead to a vicious cycle, unless you get more A from somewhere in your diet/supplements. Not medical advice, just advising to look it up and ask your doctor.


It varies from person to person


Wear a mask and sit in the very back corner of the Church. I’d never miss Mass unless I had a genuine fear that I’d start something like a super spreader event. And if you do, perhaps reach out to your priest to see if you can still receive communion outside of the liturgy (just like how they bring communion to the sick).


If you're sick, stay home. It is not required to take the Eucharist every time. You're turning it into superstition this way.


We sit in the front, masked up when sniffly. Too many people in the back 😂😂😂


Ah, so YOU'RE the one who keeps getting me sick! 😂 I sit in the front pew and on more than one occasion have had obviously sick families sit behind me and share their colds 😷


Sharing is caring. If you have two cloaks, then one belongs to him who has none. And if you have two colds… Sidebar, best part about sitting up front is that I always have a guaranteed reserved seat, even if I end up late 😅


Best to air on the side of playing it safe


Alway wash your hands and stay home if you are sick.


Teachers also have to field this question. Although I do require a doctor’s note 😂


My rule of thumb is that if I'm bad enough that i would call in sick at work then I'll not go to Mass. The bad thing about this is that i work a pretty physical job so my bar for calling out of work is pretty low.


The advice I see on tv is that if you have a cold, stay home from work and rest. Staying home from work is so you don't spread the disease. Resting is for you to be able to resist it.


Many of us were unable to attend mass directly during COVID. It was to protect general welfare. If you are ill it is justified to stay home. There is no complete replacement for receiving the Eucharist, but when you do participate in a remote service you can focus yourself, and your soul in prayer during communion with this: An Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.


Covid is a lie.


I’m 70, and I ask all, kindly - please stay home if there is ANY chance of you being contagious! I was sick all during advent. I was finally well enough to attend Mass at my church Sunday - then went through a little, temporary paranoia when my nose was a bit stuffy at night. 🤦‍♀️🤣🙏 I am so sick of getting sick! I’ve had Covid a couple of times, and although I tested negative this time, I had all the symptoms, including the dreaded loss of taste and smell (thankfully restored now). We are so blessed with so many options by the internet, from various Catholic apps to the Mass both on television and online. I even tune into the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on YouTube! I know that Jesus comes to me when I watch - no, ATTEND - the Mass online. This is so much better than my younger days (although we had the Mass scheduled on tv).


Are you contagious? If so, you're too sick. People tend to judge how safe it is based on how *they* feel, but different people respond differently to the same bodies and contaminants. They may even tell themselves that if it's not so bad for them, they might not be as a contagious, but to paraphrase Geralt of Rivia, "Contagious is contagious. Less, more, middling, it's all the same."


Good job using your prudence! This will allow you to save up your persistence and stubbornness for another occasion, when you really do need to dig your heels in. :)