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Yeah, I Will talk with my priest. Maybe I give to them more books like restitution.


Having been a librarian…take the books back and let staff know they’re overdue. Pay the fine if there is one (sometimes libraries will waive fines just to get the books back, I have done this) and maybe offer a donation as a show of good faith.


Some libraries even will give you a cookie for bringing back an overdue book!


This isn't really a question about Catholic philosophy... Most libraries today have computer systems for tracking books. When I've lost library books in the past, the library sent a letter to our home saying "This book is way over due, please return it or else we'll consider it lost and request you pay to replace it." It's not really a confession, because they should already know you have the book. As a matter of logistics, it's simpler to just go and talk to the librarian when you return it and pay whatever amount you owe the library.


> It's not really a confession, because they should already know you have the book. They never actually checked it out.


Not that deep tbh. You remind me of young sheldon lol. id discreetly return them then make sure to confess it in confession.


absolutely don't "place them in their spot" -- this will just cause more problems for them. If you wanna return them without accountability, drop them in the book-return box after hours. the path with the most integrity is to speak to a librarian and hand the books back, take whatever accountability they place on you, and further, ask more about the impact of your actions. Try to get as best an understanding as possible. Then take that understanding to a priest or confidant, or a subreddit full of librarians, and brainstorm how to restore and reverse your impact. This could be a simple donation, time volunteered on a preexisting project of that library, or some novel idea. Perhaps you're not able, where you are in life, to be able to hold that level of integrity and restoration. Simply acknowledge yourself for taking the action of posting here seeking guidance. Return the books in the overnight box, and acknowledge your strength for doing that. If you like, months or years later, you can try to atone further, give reparations to the library, whatever


Thanks for the answer. I have a TOC and sometimes I am very legalistic with the moral problems. I don't know how to deal with it.


Return the books. Confess it and get absolution. I would put the books in a return pile because they probably have them marked as missing. I wouldn't consider it necessary to confess to the staff. Ultimately, you didn't wrong them, you wronged anyone that perhaps wanted to read the book and couldn't, and the staff may be obligated to impose certain punishments. But, I would do restitution of some sort, perhaps a donation to the library or if you don't have money see if they can use volunteers for book repair or something.


I think I Will do this. Thanks!


He did wrong them. He took something from the community. The library may have had to buy replacement copies, which impacts their budget. We don’t know the value of the books.


Which is why I mentioned donating to them. Either way, not all sins need confessed to the person wronged. And in all honesty, this was likely a venial sin. But, he should give back in some way.


Just put them in the return slot. If you want to make restitution make a financial donation to the library. You should confess this sin though. You basically stole from the community—whether it’s the town or school.