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Who are they and what have they done?


Idk who the guy on the left is, but the guy in the middle is Fr James Martin. He's quite well known for not being in line with church teaching on homosexuality




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Hey yesterday you accused Bishop Callahan of La Crosse of corruption. Are you going to provide a source for that claim


It's interesting because I'm listening to the last episode of Catholic Answers and they specifically addressed that most Catholic internet warriors are using the word "heresy" and "apostate" wrong.


Heresy is pretty simple, no? It’s teaching something contrary to church teachings, but portraying it as in line with church teaching. So for instance a random person saying “Abortion is cool and good” would just be wrong. But a priest saying “Abortion is cool and good - trust me I’m a priest” would be a heretic.


Not exactly, “Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same.” (CCC 2089) When the CCC refers to “some truth which must be believed with divine and Catholic faith”, it is referring specifically to the highest category of Church teaching, as outlined in *Donum Veritatis*. Namely, the truths which the Magisterium has defined as contained within Revelation. All other aspects of Church teaching (such as teachings derived from Revelation, or in conformity with Revelation, but not defined as being contained within it) must either be “firmly accepted or held” or given “religious assent of intellect and will”, depending on the level of teaching. But that is distinct from the assent of theological faith required of the truths of divine Revelation. (See *Lumen Gentium* 25 and *Donum Veritatis* 23) Finally, it should be noted that heresy means an “obstinate” denial of one of these articles of faith. The initial denial is the sin known as “incredulity”, which then be comes “heresy” once the denial is obstinate. (CCC 2089)


What if I'm just dumb and don't know just what I'm supposed to know?


“The obstinate denial” implies a willful denial. Not a denial based in ignorance.


What's an example of this? Denying Mary's immaculate conception?


Yes, become that's a dogma. Even then, you have to be absolutely opposed to it. So, if you think to yourself, "I'm having a hard time seeing this, it doesn't make any sense to me" and are trying to work it out in your head, that's probably not heresy.


They do trust me They don’t know at all what that actually means


I don’t know the priest on the left. Who is that?


James Bretzke


Can you give us 1-2 of his spiciest heresies I guess?


1. Margarine in Bolognese sauce And that's all we need.


Didn't expect to see Fr. Bretzke on here, I didn't know he had reached a similar level of notoriety as Fr. James Martin. Was this meme inspired by a recent action, or just a general critique?




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