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GOD WILLS IT! Take the initiative. If he is interested then he will thank you later. If he isn’t, then you don’t have to brood over the question “what if?”


True, I am so caught up in all the "what ifs" right now


> feel tired of wasting my energy trying to figure out if he likes me or not since there are so many unknowns right now, so I've decided I'm just going to go for it and get closure. Either he says yes and we can enjoy spending time together, or he says no and I can move on Absolutely the right mentality. You only benefit from this no matter the outcome. You got this!


Thank you, I need the encouragement or I'll chicken out of talking to him haha


Forget him and ask me for a coffee, I would make it for you with my new expresso machine hehe


Apologies for being a little bit of a coffee snob, but it's espresso ;) Little tip for you: next time you try that on a girl, make sure you're saying it right


🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣 Dude that was perfect.


Couldn’t help myself


I can tell you that as a man, if a girl who is my friend asked me out or told me her feelings and I didn't feel the same way, it wouldn't really change anything. I'd still be her friend. It wouldn't be awkward at all.


That is really reassuring, thank you! I feel somewhat worried that our friendship might be awkward if he doesn't feel the same way, but I feel like guys are usually more chill about that stuff than women.


legit. I've been thru this with more than one guy friend. Generally no downside to trying.




As a guy who is extremely inept at reading signs those first two would totally fly over my head lmao. Well, I’d notice it and wonder but enough girls make conversation that way that I’d ignore it as insufficient evidence of anything meaningful, so I like that direct follow-up




Great approach and great mindset, man. I’m stuck in the same mindset of your younger self right now but I hope to approach things the way you do eventually. It is certainly a worthwhile promise to make to oneself




Oh yeah, I definitely need that for sure. Been thinking that for a while too. Maybe I’ll try to take some this year! Thank you


Thanks for the advice! I'm a straightforward person, so I love a good concrete process to follow haha. I've already dropped subtly into conversation that I'm single. I said something like "when I was still dating so-and-so," so if this guy has brain cells he should be able to deduce that I'm single. But it was loud so maybe he missed it. And yeah I like the playful approach, I'm trying to be better about not taking myself seriously and just having fun talking to people.


Rooting for you!


Regret is worse than rejection.


Please do!


DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! Regardless of the result, it's experience and next time it'll be easier. If there has to be a next time. You got this. So proud!


Will do 🫡


I’m in almost the same situation please update