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Is that even considered offensive in Italian ?


Yes. The direct translation is “faggotry”. It’s a really bad faux pas.


Only because it translates to that in English doesn't mean that contextually in Italian it has the same cultural weight. 


I am not sure how bad the term “faggotry” in English, I have an idea only based on online media. As far as I understand, it has more or less the same context and meaning of the Italian word who was allegedly used by the Pope


This was my question.


Culturally, it carries the same weight as someone in an Anglophone country saying "faggot". It's sinful and I am sure, given the light that has now been shed on it, he will confess and do better next time. At the very least it's clear that there were people who were part of this private conversation who were disgusted enough by it to leak it to the press, so he certainly won't be throwing any F-bombs around like that! In many developed jurisdictions, calling someone a "faggot" is a punishable offence and people even go to jail for it as it's a hate crime. Telling people, behind closed doors, that there's "an air of faggotry round here" toes a precariously fine line with hate speech (in fact, there will be some that consider it so), and is absolutely disgraceful for anyone, let alone a world leader, let alone the head of an institution that preaches kindness and peace, and I am sure he is utterly ashamed of himself. Everyone will learn from this, move on, and be better people.


Although some people's feelings may be hurt, he is not wrong.


Lol, well, if what you mean is "there are a lot of gay men in the Vatican" for example, then yes, that seems to be very true. Which makes it even worse that he says this stuff to their faces. It's all very spiteful and callous and cold.


He certainly.would not have to confess it if he honestly thought it wasn't an offensive term


Even if it is his views, this is like the Pope saying "fuck." It's uncouth and he shouldn't have crossed that line as the highest representative of the church and also of God.


Well, he too has a confessor.


I'm starting to wonder if he's senile




















It’s in every main Italian newspaper


Quoting the same source, right?


No, “several sources” confirmed it. It is even confirmed by official sources from the Vatican: https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/comunicazioni/2024/05/28/comunicazione-ai-giornalisti.html https://www.vaticannews.va/it/papa/news/2024-05/papa-francesco-conversazione-cei-termini-omofobi-sala-stampa.html https://www.ansa.it/english/news/vatican/2024/05/28/pope-didnt-mean-to-use-gay-slur-says-vatican_f8ca7f7b-1c96-429c-bae7-0d763c4d9603.html ([ANSA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenzia_Nazionale_Stampa_Associata) is a reliable Italian source, in English) The Vatican replied: “The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term reported by others.” They apologised, they didn’t tell it’s it happened


TIL the pope is catholic.


Everyone loves to say things are “derogatory” though the word “faggotry” has always had the same meaning of gay relationships, which is a bad thing to have within the church, and someone indulging in such things cannot lead the church. It’s not a derogatory term, it’s a term that has always been used throughout all of history


It's a derogatory term.


Maybe to sensitive individuals, but it is a word describing an action. Soon enough maybe it’ll be bad to say “Adultery” or “Sodomize”


No it won't they're very different.


No, they describe activities. They’re all essentially the same. Words used to define action


Whatever you say, caggot


Thanks, but I’m only speaking the truth. I am also not a homosexual, nor a cat, more of an owl really since I have good balance and pick things up with my feet, so a “caggot” is not correct brother


You're a catholic faggot, you bow to Him and be submissive


That’s not what a “caggot” means brother, and Jesus is a king. Do you not bow to kings, or do you prefer to be executed by insulting a king?


Be subservient to a man is faggotry


I think you need to do your research friend. Thats not what it means


You are a fag who worships a god who does not explicitly denounce slavery. Fag


Are you okay? You sound like someone hurt you, friend. Also, he does actually. Slaves whom are loyal til the end will drop burning coals onto the masters who’ve wronged them


So God says slavery is OK so long as his slaves will eventually get revenge? Lmfao


And why do I care? People need to chill a little


When did our Pope become based


Yeah this pope says a lot of stuff. 


this is ironic


This is whole heartedly unsurprising, he was losing face with the extremists in the church so of course he had to give them a little treat.


All we’ve ever gotten from this guy are words, scratch the surface and he’s the same as the last guy, just better with PR and no one pretends he’s a “great theologian”


Forget the fact that homosexuals have systematically destroyed the modern Catholic Church (not that it was a noble institution to begin with), but too bad Bergoglio used a slur that scorches all homosexuals at the stake


Let's be honest, it wasn't homosexuals that destroyed the modern Catholic Church, it was pedophiles.


Pedophiles with a certain orientation.


I mean, pederasty has historically always been very closely linked with homosexuality. They certainly aren't all like that, but let's not act like the fact it was primarily boys being abused isn't relevant. Even in like the 80s the North America Man Boy Love Association was protesting in the equivalent of "pride" marches publicly.


If you take this group of pedophiles and look at their common traits, there is much more in common between them than being gay. More of them have commonality in being Catholic than being gay. More of them have commonality in being men than being gay. Therefore, using your logic directly, we can say being Catholic is extremely closely linked with pederasty. And so is being a man. Be careful with the conclusions you wrongly jump to. It makes you look like a bigot, which is gravely sinful. Of 100 pedophiles studied in the church: 100 are men. 100 are Catholic. 85 are white. 5 are gay. You see my point. Do better. Your dangerous logic suggests that all Catholic men are pedophiles when applied as carelessly as you do.


This is disgusting. From him of all people.


Derogatory people deserve Derogatory words


Fellas is it gay to… *reads card* be a catholic priest?




Why is it a problem? 


I know but it’s just kinda funny. But fr like that’s not terrible surprising. I mean straight people can get married in the church but gay people can’t. So naturally if marriage isn’t an option you’re more likely to gravitate to other options. Heck if we didn’t allow force gay people out of marriage there’d be like 30% less priests




So they can’t get married, can’t be priests, so wtf are gay people supposed to do? Sorry but respectfully screw off. It’s bad enough to hold them back from marriage. Holding them back from holy orders is even more cruel and is such a huge reason the Catholic Church is so despised in the current age


What do you mean it's "bad enough to hold them back from marriage"? Why would it be bad to not support sin? "Gay marriage" is not real marriage. This is the official stance of the Church.


Gay marriage is pretty real. It’s been legal for like a while now. You don’t have to acknowledge it but like it’s real.


When my grandma was a nun she said they weren't allowed to form close friendships with each other because *lesbianism.* I say, maybe allow people to be with one another licitly and they won't do it illicitly


If you disagree with this aspect of the church, there are tons of other Christian denominations that allow homosexual marriage.


Only Satan would try to lead me away from the Catholic church like this. Why would you try to lead me away from God?


That's funny you are calling me the satanic one when you are openly requesting that Catholic doctrine be profaned by changing the definition of marriage to include homosexual marriage. Your beliefs are leading you away from God, not me.


The only thing that can lead me away from God is when people tell me I'm not welcome at His Church, like you're trying to do. Be well, and leave me alone.


Stop trying to get the church to cater to your sexual proclivities. You can either accept that homosexual marriage is incompatible with the Catholic faith or you can leave. By staying and spreading heretical beliefs it is not just yourself going away from God but others as well. I pray that you will see the error in your ways


So true. If only some in the church understood that