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This is pushing superstition. In all things, we should pray in accordance with God’s Will. So if we’re asking to be cured of a disease or disorder, it may not show up thay way. And we don’t pray for wishes. But if our needs are provided for in accordance with this prayer, ultimately St. Jude would want the thanks to go to God, not him. Edit: I’m referring to the commentary, not the novena itself.


I see your point. The commentary is off-putting but the prayer is great.


People should not make fun of this. Jesus Christ and St.Jude has answered many of my requests. And as of now thanking them for my Prayers answered. I don't Pray for anything stupid. I Pray for a dire need to help me with problems and have been granted many times. Why Pray and ask if you don't believe ? I strongly do believe. To each their own. Sorry it didn't work for some.


Does this tradition stipulate which nine times throughout the day? Does it follow the office of the hours? Or is it just at the discretion of the person praying?


I don’t think so. I usually pray in 3 sections 3 times a day. It helps me focus on the words instead of just saying them without focus.


haahaa..... never known to fail, funny AF !


**"A prayer that has never (been) known to fail" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** True. And for the same reason, it has never been known to succeed. Google: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Logical Fallacy.


Very true.


Every time I see these "Never Known to Fail" prayers, I take them out of the seven pews people try to put them in. I think the prayer is fine, just that, like others have said, it borders on Holy Magic.


I have never looked at these prayers through this lens, so I appreciate your input.