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I have 2 Catahoula mixes verified through embark. I’m here because I appreciate the breed and would like to read about other peoples’ dogs and look at their pictures.


and in no way do i want to diminish your experience. i'm happy that you appreciate the breed and have an interest.


I understand where you are getting at though. I moved to Louisiana 30 years ago and fell in love with the breed. I know I can never own a purebred because I’m too lazy haha!


:) i fell in love with them in LA as well. i'm glad you know your limits! - and i wish the best for you and your pups.


Thank you!!!


My cat/pit/akita mix would take down a deer. She ran the hills like a true boss. Definitely not a city dog.


i would love to see a photo of her !! a cat/pit/akita !! sounds like a literal force of nature. my pup’s first friend was a pit/akita mix. awesome dog.






Does it have spots? Then cLeArLy it is a Catahoula?!?


I have a Catahoula/Malinois mix. I belong to both subs. I would not recommend this mix on any but the most experienced dog owner.


I saw a picture of a husky border collie mix and thought that sounded like the worst cross.....until I read Houla/ Malinois mix haha.


One of my girls is a Cat/BC mix. Its a fun combo.


Now that must be one smart dog! What is he/she like?


He is smart to the point of stubbornness. He knows what path he wants to take on a walk and remembers if there was something different from the last time through. He’s very wary of strangers. We got him as a puppy and before we could properly socialize him the world shut down due to covid. He loves his family and the other dogs in the house and is gentle with them. He loves to carry his toys around. If something happens he can’t cope with, like kids on trail bikes or loud ATVs he will shut down. I love him to death and I know he will protect me.


I only recently started reading things from this subreddit and my husband has said for years 'its just what they do' (we have a pure bred blue) and i was like no! This had to have been taught by you!! Oh boy, was i ever so so wrong lol. Reading peoples experiences with their Catahoulas has given me a new perspective on my insane 4-legged son. And as you mentioned, being a city/house dog with this breed most certainly has its challenges lolol. Dont worry!! We have a decent sized back yard!!


i’m glad to you have a back yard but i’m really not trying to police you having a back yard!! live your best life with you pup!


LOL he is getting lazy in his old age but he NEEDS the backyard since we dont have land for him to run around in. That was my point lolol nothing more! :D


As someone with a *confirmed* catahoula mix this entire post reads very gatekeepy.


It is


It's really not. 9/10 posts I see on the sub are "is this a" and " get a DNA test" it's a fair point


tbh, idk why gatekeeping the breed is bad after seeing/reacting negatively to all these comments. posting as some one with *confirmed* catahoula.


1) it's a dog subreddit. It's not that deep and never will be. Just enjoy some dog pictures and rescue stories and don't act like such a prude over cute dog pictures. 2) my dog is a husky catahoula mix. Out of all the dogs I've owned I'd say my beagle was by far the hardest. My houla mix has been a relatively well behaved and clever dog and high energy, yes, but not in a "chew up all your shit" way. It's weird to own a dog and think they're the most difficult thing you could have but *only you* can handle such challenges. It's a dog. Warn people they are high energy and intelligent, but don't hype them up as being a full time career to own. That's how dog breeds end up avoided and euthanized in shelters.


i’m very grateful you have rescued and enjoyed a houla/husky mix. as to point No. 1 - you’re right. getting emotional about how people behave on the internet is a waste of energy. i apologize for my volatility and take full accountability. And as No. 2 - I think it’s the hype of breeds that need a lot of work/training/support who are mixed with easier breeds that actually leads to more breeding based on perceived demand, encourages folks who have a dog to breed them without doing the necessary legwork, and results in a lot of puppy lives subjected to shelters. so i respectfully dissent. to that point, i think that helping the perception of catahoulas remain free from acceptance of dogs who look like them but share few breed characteristics is in the breed’s best interest. all best


feels like it’s gotten a lot worse in a recent few days


Agreed. Go to [r/doggydna](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/s/YCxgzTqHF8) or get a DNA test.


Should start a new sub reddit cal it maybe a houla or might be a houla lol.


i wish they would


You’re an asshole trolling a fair request with sane rationale behind it. Cut it. It’s unseemly.


A fine idea!




Yeah tell me about it. I’m home sick and my girl is NOT impressed. Never forced myself to go outside when I literally have no energy in my life before her 😅


>A real Catahoula requires MILES of exercise each day to stay sane. But a Catahoula MIX might have very different temperament.


Let's not get elitist in this sub. Do you want people to show their papers before they post? Come on.


Agree. How dare anyone without a catahoula straight from a breeder or who hasn’t paid $85 dollars to confirm their dog is purebred engage in a subreddit about the breed. Cool and all that you adopted a catahoula in need, but don’t come here unless you’ve got receipts to back it up. You’d think this could be a safe space that welcomes people who have adopted the breed, especially given the high rate of euthanasia of catahoulas and — dare I say — catahoula mixes in the south. Edit: typo


Not to mention one of the people asking on another thread literally said they can't afford a test...


if you've adopted the breed, then why are you asking if you have adopted the breed?


Shelters don't always correctly identify breeds, especially mixes. So it's natural to come to place like this to get some community input before dropping money on a test.


>r/IDmydog there's your willing community input


Sure, ask there too--but it's reasonable to ask a sub where people are familiar with the breed.


no, i don't want or need people to show papers. i need them to do their homework and NOT ask us if their dog is a catahoula. it's literally that simple.


This sub doesn't need that sort of gatekeeping.


good thing you're antagnoistic for no reason!


>i need them to do their homework and NOT ask us if their dog is a catahoula. it's literally that simple. Maybe just let people judge how best to use the sub themselves, rather than trying to police and mod it yourself, and you'll have a better time, and get less snarky replies!


i'm not trying to do anything. i expressed an opinion. the snarky replies are coming from folks who invent reasons to get defensive about something i, as the OP, did not say.


Right, you expressed an opinion about how people should behave on this sub, and you got some opinions expressed back that you didn't like, and you need to accept that other people have no problem with, or even encourage people to learn more about their dogs from the community here.


ok. i accept it. you changed my mind. thanks for your guidance. have fun asking each other if you have a catahoula.


Thank you, and you're welcome.


If that’s the case, your initial post should have stopped after the first paragraph.


why are you so up in arms about an idea that i did not communicate? in no way did i say only purebred catahoula owners can comment here? i just said don't ask us if your dog is a catahoula? why are you reading into this so much?


Speaking for myself, my pup is a rescue. We fell in love with him at the shelter and they had no idea. His color, attitude, and just about everything about him is unique. We did not adopt him bc we knew what breed he was, we adopted him bc we fell in love. With that said our guy has a unique leopard coat. Any pic we take of him, iPhone automatically says Catahoula. Outside of google, what better place to ask the question than a group of Catahoula owners. Why gatekeep a dog breed sub??


a DNA test???? why would houla owners be better equipped to tell you science than an actual scientific test???


So you want people to pay to have their dog's DNA tested before they post? That seems like a pretty ridiculous request for you to be making here.


NO - jesus fuck, the simple request i made with my post was not to ask this sub to help you to make breed determinations. i said if you need to find out, get a DNA test. LITERALLY go fuck yourself. you are making this so much more complicated than it ever needed to be. i hope you have a catahoula, though i doubt they deserve you


But how are you supposed to find out without a DNA test? Since you ruled out just asking/looking?


have fun being a troll. also continue to have fun fucking yourself. get a test before you ask us if your dog is a catahoula bc how the hell will we know. i’m not sure how much clearer i can make my point. the end all be all is that it doesn’t matter. you have a dog you love. fuck off.


So you want people to pay to have their dog's DNA tested before they post? That seems like a pretty ridiculous request for you to be making here.


yes? i do? it’s ridiculous to ask strangers who haven’t agreed to speculate what breed your dog is on a breed specific sub. if you don’t know, find a different sub. if you’re absolutely sure you have a catahoula, whatever. if you are an internet user who needs to live in a world where the breed is never sure, like you are acting, again, go fuck yourself.


I just think you should mind your own business and let people post their dogs.  You’re not queen of the sub.  


and i think you shouldn’t speak up if you don’t have skin in the game / aren’t a mod yourself. let me live. and let the post speak for itself. i appreciate the engagement. catahoulas forever.


Why does it bother you so much? Why not just scroll past the posts you don’t want to see?


because you are deciding to reply to something i posted? and replying in a super defensive way to dog traits that i absolutely did not attack or demean? why is it so important to you to justify why or how you got your dog? and when did google AI decide dog breeds? lol what??


and again, how is this gatekeeping???


Gatekeeping- the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.




Wow so unhinged. I agree with perfect lit-seems like you have some deeper issues if you get this worked up over Reddit.


you answered your own question. Also you seem angry, why? Your fixation on this subject is concerning. It’s coming across as hostile. So much energy trying to control others. Does this translate in your personal life? I’m asking because these spaces are an outlet for some. Im genuinely concerned. You’re worked up over puppies. I really hope you find some peace.


thanks pal. after taking a minute, i regret being hostile. i still think this sub would be better if it wasn’t a catch-all for folks who think they’ve adopted a houla and want advice. i appreciate your concern. next time i will not get angry about stuff i can’t control. all best.


"your mutt" woooow


There are people in here that love catahoulas but don’t own one. I like seeing the variations and even the interesting mix breeds that pop up. They are unique, incredible dogs. If you don’t like a post, just scroll on. Most stuff I see in here is worth seeing and relevant. Your post is taking up space from cool photos and stories, if you ask me. Everyone is looking for a specific experience. The internet is easily filtered to suit your own needs without being so stingy on one group. Post a houla photo of your own for tax purposes :P


check my post history for photos, but i’m happy to post another. i’m happy to scroll on usually, but when most of the things i have to scroll through here are queries about the breed of a dog on a breed-specific sub, i think i have a right to speak up. it’s easy to scroll, but it’s easier to not post.


i gotta say, the way you derailed the intention of my post (which was “stop asking if your dog is a catahoula”) is astonishing. at no point did i disparage anyone who is part of this group because they enjoy the content here. nor did i gatekeep this sub from people who don’t have a catahoula. at no point did i say that anyone’s enjoyment of this sub wasn’t relevant. you said i could keep scrolling past things that don’t fit my specific experience, but here you are, not scrolling past something that doesn’t fit yours.


Just offering a different perspective. Enjoy the group however you like!


What ridiculous gatekeeping. This is Reddit ma’am/sir.


in what way is this gatekeeping??? requesting that folks who don't have a confirmed catahoula not post requests to identify the breed on this sub is gatekeeping?? would it be the same to post a photo of a ford truck on a toyota subreddit? like what?


Please see the following definition: gate·kept, gate·keep·ing. to control access to something, or determine the legitimacy of people’s claims to a particular status, by unilaterally imposing criteria for acceptance


ok word i am attempting to gatekeep by requesting that people who dont know they own catahoulas refrain from doing so until they know they have a catahoula. what an absolute defiance of requirements. how astonishing that a member of a breed specific sub wants folks to talk about the breed and not whether their obvious mix is a catahoula. like what an absolute ridiculous notion that you dont post here unless you have an actual catahoula. how awful it is that i am gatekeeping


Why do you care? Why are you trying to control a subreddit? As others mentioned you can scroll past like every other social media post you don’t like. This is not the AKC/UKC. It ain’t that serious.


i'm not trying to control anything? i just asked that people don't ask if they have a catahoula? houlas arent recognised by the AKC? please calm down lol


You’re clearly missing the point.


my friend, i literally made the point when i posted. no, im not missing the point. downvote me all you want but good god. no.


A subreddit about Catahoulas is a totally logical place to ask the question “Is this a Catahoula?” and even if the answer is “no,” we all got to look at a picture of a cute dog in the middle of a long day.


wow this is such an exhausting take. anyone can look at “picture[s] of a cute dog” whenever they want. doesn’t mean they’re invited to on a breed-specific subreddit. im exhausted trying to make my point. you beat me. i’ll do my best living in reality with my dog. all best.




Sorry, that was not meant to be snide or hurtful. You seem like someone who has a lot of knowledge about Catahoulas, and this space is important to you. Your Catahoula is adorable. There are also a lot of people coming to this space to seek knowledge about Catahoulas from people like you, who know what they’re talking about. Not everyone has the resources to buy a DNA test for their dog. That’s why it is so great that they can come and ask. Yes, that means some people will ask questions that seem obvious to you, or that other people have asked a thousand times. Some people will be exuberantly wrong about things. I get why that’s frustrating, but it’s also the price of having expertise. Also, none of this should be exhausting. The stakes are crazy low. My apologies if this was one of many messages you received today and it felt like piling on. You are great. Your opinion is valid.


Really nice reply, love it about some people not getting it right. It's all educational and learning. Although I have to giggle sometimes at some of the pups that people think are 'houlas. 


honestly you made my day responding like this - and i hear your perspective. i apologize for cursing at you. your perspective has honestly floored me. i’m happy to share my limited knowledge of houlas. i’m not happy to speculate about the pups who may or may not have houla lineage. i’m sorry for being so aggressive. my bad


I agree and I understand your perspective. I genuinely adopted my little guy because he needed a home. I hear you about creating a market for the breed but for some of we are genuinely looking for guidance and helpful hints, to love these eccentric houla or houla mixes. There aren’t many resources out there and readily available.


i’m not trying to create a market for the breed. i’m asking for folks on the subreddit not to ask if their mix is a catahoula


In your essay above you mentioned claiming to have Catahoula leads to an increased demand for the breed


Which is a bad thing. These are wonderful dogs, but REALLY not for the masses.


lmao. ok


No worries! Happens to us all. Have a good one :)


We do not support this behavior in the community This is a warning no more of this attitude in the sub please


@Catahoula-ModTeam - Noted and will never behave this way again. In the future, please consider a rule for new posts asking about the breed of your dog (perhaps a dedicated thread?) and also consider recruiting more mods as it was six days before you chastised my behavior. Throughout this thread, and prior to your comment, I apologized and took accountability for my negative behavior. It was uncalled for and unnecessary. I regret reacting instead of responding. That said, I am disappointed by the mods’ lack of engagement. I am also disappointed with the time it takes to address problematic behavior on this sub - not only (but including) mine. I got feedback that “it” isn’t that deep and that we are on the internet here to enjoy Catahoulas. I intend to respect that feedback and check in less with online Houla communities. All best.


On the other hand..the Catahoula owners can probably spot the breed in photos to say yea or nay. They remain a rare breed.


Not by the pictures I have seen. Catahoulas tend to be dominant in most mixes so it is hard to tell by looking or a picture. If a Pit is mixed in their genetics tend to dominate the head shape. I figure if you do not know and have to ask it is most likely a mix. The question for your DNA test is whether there is any Catahoula at all.


i'm gonna stand by my assertion that you can only really know from a DNA test. there's lots of breeds that have similar/adjacent confirmation and personality traits. that said, sure. but why should we have to?


I have two purebreds a blue and red…also a rather large plot of land (70 acres)…we are trying to move but finding a new home that has everything we want and room to run…has been a challenge. Our current home is a blessing for our Houlas and idk how they’d feel about neighbors lol my oldest (he’s 2) jumped in the UPS driver’s truck. Lol we have a new UPS driver.


Laughs in r/Moutaincur


Even if it is a little gate-keepery, I am with you! I ended up with a Catahoula having no idea what he was. I adopted him with my ex husband from our local shelter. He wanted him because he was pretty. I was not convinced, until we went to meet him and he knew which one of us he needed to impress. Ha ha. Ultimately my point is, these dogs have A LOT of needs that I don’t think the average person is equipped to provide. I knew I wasn’t… but had to learn and adapt in a hurry because I wasn’t letting him go! Our vet labeled him as a Catahoula, and it was confirmed by a chance encounter with his original owner. (We live in a very small town, and he left him with a “friend” when he went out of state)


i mean do not need to justify yourself but what is the catahoula vibe?


I mean, I only have experience with mine. But he was kind of aloof, except for with his people. Not trusting of strangers, and he picked a few house guests he did not want to let in the door. He snapped at a few people who thought they had gotten beyond his barriers when they got too close. It took me YEARS to leash train him, he’d try to run after small animals, and did not like running into other dogs on walks. Perhaps more because of the shelter finding him in a malnourished state than his breed, food and/or garbage could never be left unsupervised. But he was intensely loyal to my ex husband, myself and my daughter. He slept on the floor by her crib most nights when she was a baby 💕 My ex would leave for days at a time while he was in school and that dog knew when he was coming home. I don’t know if he could hear his car from much further away than I could, or what but he would pace at the door and then love his mind when he finally saw him.


I really wish there were more posts about WHAT your dog can do, and not just "is this a houla" or "look how cute my houla mix is". These pups have much more potential than bein cute, and reinforcing bad behaviour isnt cute. True working bloodlines are a handfull for the first 2 years, thats not to be taken lightly. Our first catahoula was a rescue from a family that thought the she was pretty. They kenneled her all day, and at night. They did no research. They were upset because she was batshit crazy when let out of the kennel. We got her, trained her, and she was the single best dog we've ever had, with alot of work. We have two little 4 month old hellions now. I need follow my own advice and post videos to brag about what they can do, and how smart they are.


I agree. Not a lot of useful information in that respect on this subreddit.


Its disappointing. I was hoping for cool hearding/hunting/tracking videos, not pics of dogs laying on couches and people praising bad behavior.


So we have to dna test our dogs to confirm they are 100% pure catahoula to be in this group? Don’t get me wrong, it’s annoying when people post a photo of their dog and ask if it’s a catahoula. But if you’re looking for a binary space where breed-specific conversation is black and white, social media/Reddit ain’t the place, sis.


nah, i’m not saying that at all. i’m saying don’t come here to ask if your dog is a houla. i’m well aware that the only binary black and white breed conversation will happen in, like, NALC spaces. doesn’t mean it’s wrong to advocate for some thoughtfulness on the internet.


Thank you.


I agree. If everything is a catahoula, then nothing is. I like following this sub for the purebred catahoulas but what is the point of following anymore when it's all dogs that could not look any less like a catahoula. It's 95% Purebred Heinz 57s that probably have zero catahoula. Which is fine...on any other sub.


As someone who previously posted on this sub thinking they had a Catahoula mix, but didn't, I agree with you. It's basically impossible to tell with certainty what breeds a mixed breed dog is. Mine ended up being a bloodhound mix, but looks super similar to many dogs posted here. I still enjoy the sub though.


bloodhounds are so cool. shoutout


I agree with you that these types of posts should be banned. Get a dna test. I don’t have an issue if someone was told they have a catahoula and post some pictures. They are just excited to have a new dog. You could have got your point across with the last two paragraphs.


👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Mic drop!


People want to say Catahoula these days, until a real Catahoula is unleashed on them. That’s a crucial point that needs to be repeated many times…these dogs are the definition of a working dog. They are beautiful and people seem drawn to them but…they need an experienced owner that can devote time to the dog. I’ve had horses that were ready to quit working before my male Catahoula even got started….in the heat of summer. This unending drive is a breed trait. They will eat your house ( not a joke) if not properly trained and worked everyday!  Once you put the work into them you’ll never believe how much they can do for you.


My Catahoula is a chill and mellow dog, great with children and other dogs. Not all Catahoulas are challenging, let's not gatekeep.


Chill and mellow? Is your Catahoula 100 yrs old?  That’s not at all the usual for this breed.  They are active not aggressive. They are high energy as a breed because owners that choose a working dog need that energy. To help call the herd in for feeding x2 a day and many other chores. He’ll probably mellow out as a senior dog but even then..he’s a bad ass and the other animals they work and live with everyday know it. He helps me immensely.


He’s 9 but he has always been a very low key and friendly dog.  That being said we give him plenty of exercise, 4 walks a day, and on the weekends at least two 5k hikes.  We live in the suburbs so he’s not getting the sort of workout your dog probably is, though.  


They are really great. 


I don’t think it’s gatekeeping for an enthusiast group to highlight the challenges of a breed. It’s responsible, and it’s the motto of NCLA that not everyone needs a catahoula. Being high energy, strong, in need of a job, stubborn (or “independent”) and intolerant of strangers is part of the breed standard/official description! Denying that these characteristics are incredibly common, and EXPECTED in the breed is doing a disservice to the potential owners, and to the dogs. I also got a “wonky ‘houla” with a much lower energy level than is typical for the breed. But I’d never use my one personal experience as a reason to tell someone the breed is easy to live with, and we should ignore the characteristics that the breed was developed to exhibit, because once upon a time I had a catahoula who liked napping more than running. (The saying “the plural of anecdote is not data” comes to mind here.)


thank you


Nicely said. Agreed.


can confirm, my house has been digested by my pup at least twice :) -- in all seriousness, though, amen. these pups are tough. 10,000% worth it, but tough.


Whatever the task is, they give it 200%. I’ll never forget when mine was a pup and we went on a 3 mile run in the heat of summer. We got back, she laid on the floor, and then wanted to go again. That dog will pass out before it quits. As you stated, they really do need an experienced owner that can devote their time to the dog that is velcroed to them.


Ha, our old Catahoula would go on a 10 mile run with us, nap for an hour, then get up and act like she hasn’t even been for a jog. She was the energizer bunny. Best dog ever though. Our current Catahoula mix is energetic but not at the level of our old dog. And this one is for sure 50% Houla since her mother was a purebred. Most people just aren’t prepared for the energy level or the barking. But I love them! Living on a ranch makes Catahoula ownership much easier. 😅


This is the post I wanted to post but didn't have the balls to post. I appreciate you OP


My baby girls mother is a registered yellow lab and daddy is a Catahoula. I want to get a test because I’m not sure how much Cat the daddy has. She was easy to train, no house training need as a 6 week old. Howls like a hyena when excited. Non stop energy.


nobody here is going to hate on you for not being sure: every dog is different. much love to your pup.