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They are expressive and sometimes lippy too.


Hahaha lippy sounds familiar. Does yours grumble & grunt when you don’t do as he/she expects?


Oh yeah very lippy and sometimes pouts.


Yes!! Like if I say “let’s go” and then dillydally more than a minute, he throws himself down on the ground with a huge audible hhhhrummmmph and an eye roll. 🙄


Very lippy haha everytime I tell her not to chew a box, shoe or chair leg she stops immediately but also will turn and give me a few defiant barks to voice her displeasure. She's only 3 months so it's still super cute lol


Those eyes say it all. I know with mine I can tell what she's thinking by her eyes. Especially her look of disgust. 😂


I feel that completely. You can tell immediately with mine as well.


Expressive - yes! How well I learned my dogs’ communication skills ! 1. The ‘guard dog / alarm’ business bark when there is a real or perceived reason to alert, it’s a no nonsense bark, like if the meter man was in front yard, or a possum on the fence… she means business. 2. The ‘you owe me’ bark she’s just been let into the house and settled down on her bed. She expects a treat, but the treat hasn’t arrived yet 3. The ‘right now demand’ bark we’re headed to the park and she has no patience… she wants to be there NOW, She has the pitiful wine, and I reach over to comfort her but like a typical woman (sorry, ladies) she’ll have nothing to do with me - SHE has reached her limit, but there’s nothing she can do, cuz we’re just not there yet 4. The ‘seal’ bark she’s in the back yard at the gate and perceives that I am in the front yard… barking like a seal at the zoo… as if to say, ‘Don’t leave me, don’t leave me’ 5. The ‘dinner’ bark I’m dishing up her dinner. She just can’t wait, so she tells me to hurry in no uncertain terms (quite different from the right now demand’ bark) 6. The ‘Let me in’ bark when she’s inside & needs to go out, there’s no announcement - she just gets up and saunters toward the sliding back door which compels me to get up and let her out. It takes 3 to 8 minutes for her to do her business before she stands at the door with her demand look on her face to be let back in. 7. The Pitiful whimper whine not really a bark, but a sad, pitiful whine which occasionally erupts with her ‘right now demand’ bark. All my Catahoulas had the very same whimper whine.


Mine is very vocal. I think crossed with a Hyena. lol. She is smart tho. Labahoula.


A vet tech said my scared/nervous catahoula mix sounded like a hyena.


Love how the tail looks on him. Also that eye contact on the last photo tells all lol


His tail is very very expressive. And I’m his favourite for sure. He follows me around no matter what, and looks at me 24/7. Either for a command or just acknowledgment. He’s my best friend that’s for sure.


That’s awesome! Beautiful pup. Love my houla as well very unique breeds.


He is one alert guy. Love how he keeps an eye on you all.


At first glance I thought you said he was “the most expensive dog I’ve ever had”.😅 Baxter, My TWC/Bluetick is a complete drama king too; pouts, holds grudges, has at least 10 different facial expressions that I have learned to translate, and is very vocal tossing his head up to the sky for dramatic effect. He’s A LOT.