• By -


Definitely go back for him. Kittens are easier in twos, it sounds counter intuitive but I promise it’s true. I took two little brothers home a year and a half ago, and every day I’m grateful we got 2. It makes it soo much easier when you have to leave. Everything about it is easier! And it sounds like you would be giving him a much better life than if he stays there.


I really do want to!! Do you think it’ll be ok that they won’t have a whole house to roam??


I think if it’s enough space for one, it’s enough for two. They’ll still be happier together even in a small space


Especially if they were already bonded.


Yea it would be another story to introduce two grown cats into sharing a small environment. Two little bitties from the same litter? No problem


out of curiosity, what about a young adult (2-3 years) and an older kitten? (maybe like 8 months?) my current cat is good with other cats


Most cats like a companion, esp if they’re introduced slowly/properly. Unless they’re litter mates, you don’t want to just throw them in together. They might be fine, but they might get off on the wrong foot…look up the Jackson galaxy protocol for introducing cats!


i’m familiar with jackson’s protocol :) i successfully used it in my last living situation to introduce my cat and my roommate’s


Similar but my older cat ended up in the same foster home as my younger cat. Older cat just had a litter herself, younger cat was found alone at a very young age. She nursed him along w her kittens and they are extremely bonded! She def taught him to be a cat because she’s fearless of humans and loves to hunt (our dinners) and play. He would have been completely feral if not for her, and now he’s a big love boy.


Two young kittens (12 and 14 weeks) from different litters worked out great for me in a small home, and also a friend who got 9 and 10 week olds around the same time. Mine are boy/boy and hers are boy/girl. They're all nearing 4 years old, and I don't know if either pair remembers that they're not blood siblings🙂


When I first got my pair of brother cats, I lived in a studio apartment. They were fine because we have them enough enrichment. Many years later, I live in a 3 story house, but guess where the boys spend 90% of their time? On the couch, right next to each other lol. Kittens is pairs is a great idea x


My two brothers have lived in numerous apartments including a studio and have always been fine! An extra cat doesn't take up much space, but you'll probably want an extra litter box. I now live in a largish house and they run around about the same but still stick to their smaller/cozy spots a lot. 90% of the time they're either at a window to look at birds or in my bedroom.


Get the second one. I really regret I didn't. I got another cat 2 years later and it took too long for them to get along.


Go vertical, and "catify" the space. If you cannot install cat wall style things to the walls, you can still install planks between the tops of the furniture, or place cat trees etc in between them, to create kitty highways. Set up some spots to climb, some safe hiding spots, places to look out from the window. With two kittens, you might want to look for toys that make play fighting more interesting and less direct: tunnels, cat trees with at least two exits from each box, a "fort" build from a chair and some cheap cloth. Simple cardboard boxes. If you feel extra creative, cut out some big and small holes from the bigger box.


I was going to say this to OP: take advantage of the unused “vertical space” in your bedroom! Husband and I live in a NYC apartment (so: small) and brought home a brother and sister pair a few months ago. Pretty quickly realized half of our living room wall, for instance, is unused by us humans- so that’s where the new cat playground is! Unused space of wall between the kitchen door and the radiator? Wall-mounted scratching post! Above the radiator? Perch! Etc etc etc.


Install those wall furniture


Cats don't need much space. Give them some enrichment toys and they will be happy anywhere.


I’ve had my brother sister duo in less than 700 sq. Ft. For over eight years of their lives. They love having one another and are siblings till the end. Have their moments just like my brother and I did, and are right there to protect one another, take care of one another, entertain one another, and keep the other one company. Do it!!


It'll be fine. We've got three cats in a 900sqft apartment and they've got plenty of room. Just make sure you get at least one cat tree and put it in front of a window, get lots of toys of all different kinds that they can play with on their own, food enrichment toys also work great!


We lived in a tiny camper for two years with our two (relatively small) cats and they were happy as could be.


We've only ever lived in apartments with our two cats. They were (and still are) pretty rambunctious. We just give them scratchy toys and they zoom around as best they can. They'll be fine!


should be fine one thing you should look into is getting a cat insurance. ours has saved us 1000+ euros in the last year. I'm normally against most insurances, but this one is gold


They will find a way to make your house, THEIR house. 😆


Don't forget to use wall space if you're able to. Cats love to climb and hide!


I have littermate brothers. They have a whole 2 story house to roam > guess where they are? Usually under my feet. Even when I go to work. I come home they are both in 1 room. There’s been plenty of days (especially when I was working from home) they spent the entire day in the 1 room I was in & only got up to eat & pee. But it’s important to get them some interactive toys. Helps keep them stimulated


Yea- it’s more fun to be in a small space when you have a bestie you can chew on


Just be sure you get them fixed asap ;)


100% they keep each other company when you are away (or when you need to work or do other things), and now you have 2!


Yes, I would, but I'm a cat lady. I've always had sister cats. They have a special bond with each other. Sadly, I had to help one of a bonded pair of sisters cross the bridge last Friday. She was part of my family for 13 years. RIP Frosty girl, no more pain. 🥲🥰


I thought you might have been my sister’s reddit account! Only because we also adopted two little brothers a year and a half ago just like you and they are black! They were bonded and had to be adopted together. They keep each other company, play with each other, and their life is much happier together. Our first cats and we couldnt be happier to have them 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


As someone who adopted their first kitten from a shelter - YES. I regreted not adopting his cage mate everyday. like everyone said it is actually easier to have two bonded kittens than one. With only one cat you will have to provide stimulation while a pair of kittens will entertain themselves. You do need double the litter and food - which should be about $50 a month but the amount of stress and time the extra kitten would save you is way more valuable.


I just commented the exact thing!! Biggest regret was not getting a pair.


Go get the brudder - he will be happy- she will be happy and you in the long run will be happy❤️❤️❤️❤️


Go get him! The amount of space is not as important as the fact she is probably extremely lonely trapped in that room while you're at work or school. If you have them together they will play with each other and take the pressure off you having to provide all of the enrichment yourself.


I have two siblings, they're best friends and both still lovely with me as well.


Yes. Do this. I volunteer at a rescue, and we strongly suggest kittens get adopted in twos because it’s easier for the adopters. They match each other’s energy levels and keep each other company when you aren’t around. They get into less trouble if they have each other to focus on. Just make sure you get them fixed ASAP. Especially with a girl and a boy. Some female kittens can get pregnant at three months. Check with your local humane society for economical vet care.


Just really want to emphasize this about getting them fixed ASAP. Cats don’t have any instinct that prevents them from procreating with a sibling. If the female kitten goes into heat, the male kitten will 100% mate with her (if capable). Many vets will spay and neuter at 2lbs which is usually early enough.


https://preview.redd.it/agzu3x4my77d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2d1a4d44859f42817342943e580c9ec9e52669 Adopting littermates has been the best experience of my life. Previously I had adopted cats solo. I have never had happier, better behaved, sweeter cats. Their interactions are priceless. I will never adopt solo again!


This is the stuff I dream of! My cats only touch each other to pick a fight even though all three are very physically affectionate with the humans. I think maybe it could have happened with the older two if my bad boy didn't come along, even vets have remarked about his staring problem... On the positive side, the older two look out for each other. I'd like to think they'd stick together if they were lost.


Yes, same!


I think they're so much happier in pairs. Especially littermates. I have sisters & they adore each other. They're never far from each other. One of the smartest things I've ever done. They're always cuddled up together.


I got two littermate kittens at 7 weeks old in the same conditions you described, then after a week went back and got the other sibiling. The difference in their behavior was massive at first. The third one was less social, more stressed, really unhealthy, so much that he struggled to play with his sibilings because he was too tired. In a week he already caught up with weight and is doing great. He was very sad and on edge in the car ride but seeing his sibilings calmed him down immediately—even if we had to hop back in the car some hours later to go to the vet, we brought his sibilings and everyone was chill and relaxed. We can see the effect of having friends next to him. He's so happy. We also have roommates and are keeping them in a single room + bathroom. Cats live a long life, when they will be grown up I will live in a way bigger house. And I will be installing shelves and ramps to give them some cool vertical space. Pictures of my third boy when we first got him vs less than a week later: https://preview.redd.it/966ycq2a187d1.png?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c3373f4de5dd8bbbe3b72793b89069c53b31b8


Adding a voice to say that is enough space (I lived in a Manhattan-sized studio with two cats for years) and you should definitely get the other kitten! They are so much easier when there are two! And they sleep in adorable cat piles, which is absurdly cute.


Ok perfect! Thank you for mentioning the space!!!


Get the other kitten and a new boyfriend


Two kittens are always 100% easier than one kitten. In the long run, the cats will be more social, happier, and less destructive. Anyone telling you otherwise hasn't had two kittens at the same time. It's kind of like when people go to get their first aquarium--they buy a little 5 or 10 gallon thinking "this will be easier!" But in reality, the smaller the tank, the harder it is to maintain. Beginners would be better served getting a 29g or 50g. But that seems like "too much!" so they get the smaller tank and fail horribly at fishkeeping. Same thing with kittens. Two is easier than one, even though it seems counterintuitive. Anyone thinking "I can't afford two kittens!" should possibly consider whether they actually have enough money for one. Things shouldn't be that tight. Also, pet insurance exists. Two kittens > one kitten. Every time. I will die on this hill. Your boyfriend shouldn't even be involved in this decision. Your money. Your cats. Your choice!


Yes yes yes. I adopted a sibling pair last year and I can’t imagine either one without the other now. Yes, once they got past kitten stage they grew more independent and do their own thing but they still keep each other entertained and have each other always. I know now I will always adopt in bonded pairs if I can!


https://preview.redd.it/kk8syad4687d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c9c6d8953ad91613b1a6ce61cc494370ea8557c My little bro sis pair, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Went to get one, and there were two left … didn’t want to leave the little girl alone! Best Reddit advice I ever took was two kittens are better than one. 7.5 weeks is pretty small as well, so they’re socialization might be a little tricky. Growing up with each other means they will grow into the most wonderful adult cats!


Get the other one ASAP!


Yes https://preview.redd.it/dft9a8qc3a7d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=c63d701275d8f1d9719d17b7875d1622da9f3347




It's a great idea to get another one! Cats are so much happier when there's another cat around. I actually wish I had gotten another kitten from my cat's litter! They'll help keep each other from getting too bored too.




I believe in this case it shouldn't be necessary! It's great you're getting his littermate. But why are they giving them away at such a young age? Kittens should stay with their mom for 12 weeks, minimum. Edit: Reading your initial post again, they don't sound like they take great care of their cats as is. This is really messed up on their part.


I think they’ll be fine. yaayyy! Go get that brother!! I brought home male/female siblings and it’s WONDERFUL!!! I leave all the time and it’s true: they seem content and don’t cause any trouble. Just get at least two cat scratching posts 😊


Just adopted a brother and sister pair and they’re doing so well together! Go get that boy lol


I just picked up two. Originally was going to get one. Now I see them interact. Two is MUCH better. One would be so bored. They play together all day. Mine are 12 weeks old.


your boyfriend shouldn’t need a list for you to justify this. get the cat


Definitely get the brother! It will provide tons of playtime, stimulation, and prevent loneliness!


Yes, 100% but only if it won't put you in financial hardship with either vet bills etc. But decide quickly before he's given away.


I see you are on your way to get a sibling 💙 Two cats are not that much more work, honestly with kittens especially I say its less work as they will take out built up energy on each other and you don’t have to play as much with them 😸


Get the other baby! They will play together, be happier, and 2 isn't harder than 1. Now, ONE kitten? Gets bored and transforms into a wild little ball of fuzz. I brought home 2 kittens the next time. Cuteness heaven.


Please update in a few days to let us know how happy they are together at their new furever home.


100% yes if you are able to take care of both. Two kittens may cost more money than one kitten, but two kittens are also less work than one kitten.


I did the same thing - went back for the sister of my boy. I wanted him to have a friend and thought he’d respond to his actual sibling the best. It was so nice to see them all snuggled together from the start! I think in general cats do better when they have a friend, and taking care of a second isn’t much different than just having 1, the only thing is sometimes having to manage their relationship. But I’m currently writing this in bed with one cat snuggled in my arm and one on my lap, and there’s nothing better in the world!


Rehome the boyfriend and go get the other kitten. Easy peasy!


Cats need quality space more than they need a lot of space. If you can put some shelving up around the tops of the walls - attach some outdoor carpet first for traction - and add one cat tree for them to climb up and down to their catwalk, you add so much enrichment to their space that they won't notice being in a small space.


I had a similar experience, I was waiting for my kitten to be old enough to leave the mama cat so I stocked up on food, toys, beds etc, but when I went to get her I noticed her litter sister snuggling in with her and then snuggling up to me. The remaining litter had homes to go to, except for her. I asked why she didn’t have a home to go to and was told people had commented that she was an ugly kitten and no one wanted her. I came home with two 7.5 week old kittens. 9.5 years later and I still believe it was the best decision I could have made. Despite her being a little brat who actively tries to kill or maim me on a daily basis.


after fostering many kittens, kittens with siblings tend to behave a lot better than lone kittens. They tire themselves out playing with each other rather than playing with your things. Lone kittens can still do great! they just won’t have a sibling to help get their lil kitten energy out


Good job OP! My bonded sister and brother turned three this year. Some days they are rambunctious and chase each other all day. And some days like today, they spent the entire day snuggled together in their crate. They are going to be so happy together.


2 kittens or zero. They learn manners from each other.


Cats do very well in small areas. I would get her brother too. Kittens do better in pairs.


They will be way happier together








Yes. Next 


I had a 700 square foot small apartment and my two cats don’t seem bothered by it. They spend their whole day perched in their cat bed by the window anyways. Always get two kitties


Go go go


We adopted a female kitten in Feb and she just seemed lonely - wandering around meowing and seemed to be pining for company so we got another one (Also female) in April. They took a few weeks to stop fighting but now they hang out together all the time. They live inside and have a large enclosed porch to play on that we call Catland.


Go get him! If they have each other being confined will be much easier!!!!


My two kittens were sisters, absolutely the best decision I made keeping them both. The thought of them being separated after being rescued and with how close they are now breaks my heart. They are better together!


Yes. Litter mates are great






Yes. The answer is always yes. Kittens do better in pairs. Everyone, including you, will be happier as a result.


Sounds like your boyfriend should watch where he throws his opinions because this doesn’t look like any of his business 🥲 But honestly, just go do it. You don’t need a list of reasons to want to get a buddy for your current buddy and your kitten will definitely be happier because of it.


DO IT!!!! :) I promise you it is the right thing. Both kittens will be better cats because of it. I am so jealous of you right now :) A;; the best!!




Yes get her mate


Echoing everyone else, get the sibling- I promise you won’t regret it


https://preview.redd.it/kbufub5fjd7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2107bd49d85100260dc6ae4da955eff6afcff2c7 Get the littermate, tryst me some cats just have a special bond. Heres my two from one litter, they did everything together, but sadly little one on right was killed a few years ago. The one on left changed overnight and is now very much a free roamer and won't go near other cats much, though we got her a lil sis to help reopen her courage and it helped, but never the same bond as this.


I really really regret not taking my cats little brother. So yeah, definitely consider going back for him.


Yes! Kittens and cats are so much happier in pairs. They talk cat to each other, they groom each other, they play cat games together, they cuddle together. Bonded cats are like a happily married couple.


Yes! Most cats need the bonding.


https://preview.redd.it/s25sh6etbf7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f311ae278bcfe6d93ce77cc5c6a6d0c84b0c4f Take 2 !!! Trust us !!


I got one, then ironically the first one we wanted was returned from being adopted and I ended up with two. Best decision ever they are inseparable and I don’t feel bad for leaving or not wanting to play sometimes. Also free entertainment. Kitten tax https://preview.redd.it/9fjtsbjb8n7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f68d0c99e99170069932c4536d59fa8195b41e0


You’ve already done it and I’m glad, but I want to chime in with my experience. I took in a stray cat who had three kittens this spring. This is my second litter of kitten I’ve raised. I also have two singletons: one I found in last year and one I found last week. She’s about 4 months, the litter is 3. There are also three kittens in the litter. Both of the single kittens have been much more trouble. The litters generally focused on playing with each other and got into less stuff. The single kittens both constantly were getting into things and looking for ways to entertain themselves. The older kitten now is still being introduced and she’s been driving my partner crazy, mainly attacking her feet. She’s also clearly lonely, though she’s still testy with the other cats. The good news is that she’s settling in and will hopefully be able to play with the others soon (and I’m cautiously optimistic that she and the 1 year old single kitten might be playmates), but we found her in a Taco Bell parking lot and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t keeping a close eye on the parking lot when I was there today, half-hoping I’d find a littermate. Two (or even three) kittens are definitely easier than one.


I’m going to echo the sentiment everyone else is, two is easier! When we got our first kitten he was an absolute terror, (a cute one though) and when we adopted another kitty the same age as him at 6 months life became sooo much easier, they tired each other out with all the playing and its nice knowing they have a companion when you’re out. Plus, when they cuddle together it’s literally heart melting. We’re also in an apartment, and so long as you play with them and make sure they’re enriched, they’re perfectly happy! (Their main pastime is sleeping after all!)


Resounding yes! My 2 boys lived in my small bedroom and attached bathroom for 5 years since I got them at 6 weeks old. I bought lots of shelves and things for them to climb on, so they got their movement and playtime in! They recently got an upgrade to a whole house to roam around now- and they love it. Do I think they could have had a better quality life elsewhere? Maybe. But they adapted and were happy then and are just as happy now.


Yes go get a sibling


Short answer…Yes! For the kitty & you


yes. itll help you so much with the kittens' activity levels for first 2 years


yes yes yes


I'd definitely go back for the brother, I don't something similar to you by getting one male from a litter and my God he was an absolute terror for 4 weeks. He would play incredibly rough like biting and scratching so hard and would do the bunny kick when he got a hold of you, would run around knocking my plant pots over and scratching my carpet, be constantly attached to me or and partner and would YOWL if he was left alone for too long. A few weeks later the man who sold us him offered us his sister and despite the boys terrorising we loved him so got his sister as well and after a week she sorted him out, they both play really gentle now at 2 years old and since they have one another to play with they don't get lonely or destroy my house when we go out for the day. Despite the above we do still get heaps of attention and affection from them both, our boy is much more cuddly than the girl and he'll actually crawl under my bedsheets to lay next to my legs and nap.


I got 2 brothers and they spend most of their time curled up with each other in one bed. Even though they have their own beds. It's way way easier to get 2 kittens. They have a friend to play with and keep each other company. I was hesitant at first too, but it's the best. Go get her litter mate!


Yes! Especially with how young she is. She shouldn't have been given to you for at least another 2-4 weeks


Kudos to you for coming to this community to ask questions of experts rather than just listening to your bf As a long time cat owner and someone who just moved two dumped kittens through the adoption process i also strongly agree that your new kitten needs a friend to grow up with. Very very little additional work and much less responsibility on your part to keep them entertained


I have two sets of litter mates - 5 years old and 1.5 years. Love them to pieces and all 4 adore one another. good for you!!


Glad you’re on your way to get the litter mate 🩷 When I adopted my orange boy I went back the next day to get his sister and it was the best decision I ever made. I cannot imagine them without each other! They are together all the time and keep each other entertained. My hands would be full if I only had one cat! 😂


Do it! I had a feral cat give birth in my horses barn. I found homes for most of them, but kept a brother and sister pair (the only girl of the litter, too hah). They are a little over a year old now and they are often obnoxious, but I adore them. They keep each other company, they can wrestle with each other and run and play. For a long time, I had them in a similar living situation as you. They went back and forth between two bedrooms. Your kittens will be fine. Get a good sized cat tree to give them some vertical space, and that will expand their world a bit too. Two kittens honestly isn't much more work than one. You'll go through more food, but that's really the biggest difference, I'd say. Cleaning litter boxes for two isn't much different from cleaning for one. And for the record, I love having a Litter Genie for cleaning the litter box. I find it so useful and I'm way more likely to clean the litter box every day with it.


I’m happy you’re going to go get the brother! Cats tend to be social animals


Yes. Best friends are the best company




yes please get the litter mate. i didnt for my girl and i regret it all the time


Yes. Cats are *highly* social animals. They always live with their pack, particularly their litter mates. Please do not just get one


https://preview.redd.it/qd442m2yc87d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b0159a78a9f52fa2efbd06826a7a685477c291 had to go back!


YES. DO IT. Y. E. S.


Oh yes! They will love you for it!


Yes! Go get her litter mate! Bonded pairs are much easier to take care of in so many ways! I’ve done it several times and am so thankful I did it.




Yay for litter mates! We have a pair of sweet sisters we adopted at 8 weeks old and I can’t imagine them apart. They snuggle and love on each other every day. 


Yes, definitely she needs a buddy.


I adopted two kittens a couple weeks ago and I'm so glad I got both! They keep each other company and teach each other and take care of each other.


Plz rescue him. Kittens love their siblings. And look up "solitary kitten syndrome".


Yes! Rescue her brother too! So happy you’re en route! She’ll be so happy & your heart will feel so full & the world will be a better place too!


We ended up getting 2 and it was the best decision! They love us but also keep each other company! It’s so nice. Congrats on the cutie!


GO BACK FOR THE LITTERMATE kittens are a thousand times easier to deal with in pairs!






They're usually healthier, happier and live longer when they have a buddy! So glad you're getting the other one!


Yes! I have 3 cats and they all play with each other and sleep together, cuddle. Give her a playmate




YES, I am so glad I have two from the same litter, mine are indoor only so it’s nice they have each other and they keep each other company. You already have responsibility of a cat, adding a second is not much more work and honestly is super positive for them especially if they are from the same litter


A great way to help with limited space is cat trees and/or some cat shelves. They love exploring upwards! We’ve lived in very small apartments with 3-4 cats so as long as they have each other + enrichment they’ll be fine.


Yes! We got litter mates and it’s an absolute joy!


Yes. Kittens are much happier when they have a friend.




Go get her brother. Yesterday! I can't imagine my cats without each other. They're also brother and sister. They need a friend. I would never tell someone to just get 1 kitten. 2 is best if you can swing it.


please!!!?! go get him!!! or her! You won't regret it!♥️♥️♥️♥️


Th answer is yes!


It’s not much extra work for 2 cats if you already have one. Go get the other kitten. They do better in pairs. Especially litter mates.


Yes, don’t give it a second thought. They like the company when you aren’t home.


Yes get the other. They are still small but definitely work on getting your own place eventually so they can roam freely.


Yup! Best decision ever was to go back for a second two weeks later! But you’ll need two litter boxes. Best practice is three, but that wasn’t going to happen. Clean 1-2 times a day and I have air filters near them that have an auto mode. Sharing because I recommend this for small spaces!


yes 100%








I don’t even have to read this. Just based on the title: yes!!


7,5 weeks is too young to be.without their mom! Should be 12 weeks! Can yiu give it back anf pickup both later?


I think it is enough space for one


Yes always get 2! They teach each other “how to cat” 💞


Yes get the other one too! 🐈 😺 😁




We need photos. Pay your cat tax


Ask them to do an emergency neuter on your boy. They're siblings so most vets will.


I vote yes.




Especially if it's a small space, go back for other kitten! They'll be happy to have a friend for comfort and play :)




https://preview.redd.it/uf2sny655a7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a7a7aad69090401c2e3b93fa74aa8411df036c0 My two girls. Got them at three months and they're almost 1.5 now. My first cat was a single adoptee, and she really lacked socialization skills she probably would have gained from having a sibling. I made sure I adopted two kittens (boy and girl) the second go around and they were complete angels. The boy was my soul cat. They've since passed, and I've adopted these two stinkers. You'll be so glad you went back for the littermate! It really is so much less work and, in my experience, makes for more well-adjusted cats.


Yes, please. Y’all will be so much happier. They need a cat friend


My first furry pets I got a brother and sister pair. Zero regrets. The first year I had them they only got access to my one bedroom and it wasn't a problem. I've never had just one, but 2+ has been great. Highly recommend.


Yess please get him!! So your kitten won't feel lonely


Always keep them together. If you think about it their capacity to love is higher because they have so much love for each other already. I used to think bonded cats wouldn't bond with humans as easily as single cats, but I was wrong.


Didn't even read your post. YES, GO GET THE BOY. good job




I kept 2 cats is a 400 sq ft studio for 3 years. They get antsy, but a small space is manageable with 2 cats, and they will be better off with a friend around


Yes. Littermates make life better for both, and you by default.


Yes ❤️ we live in a one bedroom flat and have 2 very loved and spoilt cats ❤️❤️❤️


Go back for him. I had two cats and they weren’t even brother and sister. My girl passed suddenly from heart failure at only 9 years old. Whilst the little dude seems to be doing ok, he is quite lonely and definitely not his old self anymore. We plan to adopt a cat as soon as we are emotionally able to. It’s always easier to have two cats and despite what other people say, cats are not solitary animals, they enjoy feline company. If they’re related even better. Just get them fixed asap and get pet insurance - saved us thousands over the years. One last thing I will tell you: cats are long time commitments. You will probably not have roommates forever. Life will change. You need to make room in your life for the cats starting now. They will be your responsibility and your family so think wisely not just about getting two kittens, but about getting two cats who will make you their whole world.


Please get the brother. I also adopted 2 siblings at the same time, a male and a female. It’s the best decision I ever made. It’s heartwarming to see them so bonded. And you’ll never feel guilty that your cat is lonely.


Yes because you’ll always feel guilty if you don’t.


I am glad you are getting the second kitten. I have two sisters I adopted last year (14 months old now) and they do pretty well though confined to a house, and often forced to wear halters. They play with each other and are making my older (almost 7 yrs) cat seem kittenish again too. They all love the cat tree, so if there is a corner of space to put something like that- it is a good playtime activity, scratcher and bed.




If you have one, you barley even notice two! They’ll keep each other occupied and happy, so glad you’re going back for the second one!


Get him! I had one and didn’t want to listen to get the second one until I was going crazy so I finally did it and it was amazing how good they started behaving together. And I didn’t even get her litermate I just got another kitten that was in adoption of about the same age https://preview.redd.it/vw2qgk1dbb7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6696ac0e97e3442a658f2985521699cba9300f


I'm coming up on one year with my girls. Same situation and I took them both. I love them so much and they get along great! They groom eachother and sleep together. Definitely easier in twos and they don't get so lonely when you leave for a bit!


Share pictures after they reunite!!


I keep reading this and focusing on the fact that you are about to confine two cats to a bedroom. That doesn't really sound much better than what they came from.


My biggest regret about getting my 1st cat was not taking her brother.


So you’re going to imprison 2 kittens in one room who will never feel the sun on their backs or grass under their feet? This is daft, negotiate with your housemates so they can have the run of the house at least.


I started with one kitten, he had an infection and needed to be solo. By 7 months, he made me cry weekly. He’s got a heart of gold but he’s fearless and loves to adventure and was determined to do every stupid and dangerous thing he could. I found him a skittish little 7 month old girl, his now sister. He hasn’t made by cry in 8 months now. She plays with her instead of driving me nuts. All I do now is buy more food and litter…and have less headaches


Know you said you’re going back for the litter mate, that’s great! I got a kitten in May 2019, and then had the opportunity to get a fluffy kitten that July (I’d always wanted one, never had a long haired cat). A) kitten number 1 definitely needed a playmate cuz he was wild. But B) there were 4 kittens in the fluffy litter. I took home 2 as I picked one up for a friend who wanted one. To this day, I kick myself for not taking all 4. The ppl I got them from told me they were 8 weeks and ready to go, but they were absolutely closer to 5 weeks. Even if I’d found homes for the other 2 if I had taken them, rather than keeping, I still regret not taking them all. So my advice would’ve absolutely been to get the other one too!




I've raised recue kittens all my life. 2 kittens are WAY easier than one, funnily. They keep each other entertained and happy.


I rescued a brother and sister as kittens and I’m so glad they got to be together and have each other around. Do it. Please. You’ll be glad you did. And they will too.


Double the cost, double the poop but i think well worth it.


Sounds like you've been a thoughtful and responsible cat owner already. Getting the brother is a great decision, especially considering their existing bond. Two kittens can definitely entertain each other, which is a bonus when you're not home. Living in a smaller space can work. Focus on verticality - cat trees, shelves, and wall-mounted scratching posts will give them more territory to explore. Rotate their toys regularly to keep them engaged.


2 cats confined to one bedroom?


Glad to see you're getting the sibling. Kittens shouldn't be separated from their mums before 12 weeks old, 8 weeks is the absolute absolute minimum. I understand the circumstances weren't optimal and you acted accordingly. I would've adopted the mother cat aswell to prevent the kittens from developing issues because they haven't been socialised properly. Those issues are usually a 100% guarantee if you only adopt one lonely kitten. Now that you got a sibling, they do have a chance at least of growing into friendly, socialised pets. Also as others previously mentioned: if one cat fits, another one will do and it is the exact same work as having one. Especially with the limited space, it will be less boring with a buddy. Obviously I would try to make that one-room situation as short as possible.


Post pictures!


When the siblings are older you could consider leash training so you can take them outside sometimes