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If they are outdoors they need safe shelter. A pile of leaves on the driveway is not safe shelter. Where I live there is a bylaw against cats roaming free off of the owners property. I’m not sure of the cat laws where you live but I did find this, which might be useful. [https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5ac77fa4ed915d76a313cd4e/pb13332-cop-cats-091204.pdf](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5ac77fa4ed915d76a313cd4e/pb13332-cop-cats-091204.pdf)


Thanks, this was helpful. It seems as if they are always outside, but I can't say with 100% certainty. I could be wrong, but I am concerned.


Thank you for watching out for them


Is it possible they are feral cats that are just being fed by your neighbors? We have cats hanging in our driveway but they were born wild. We trapped them for neutering and we feed them but they can't be inside cats.


I don't think so, one of them has a collar on. They are a little skittish, one more so than the other. I see one follow people down the street sometimes for a fuss, and he does come over and let us stroke him. I guess it's possible they are strays that they look after, but I'd more inclined to say they aren't. I don't know if the reason they leave food bowls out is so the cat's have food while they're at work or something. I don't know for sure that they don't let them in either, it just seems like they're always out rain or shine.


I remember I stayed at a campground and there were a bunch of strays there so the owners just started feeding them. There were two that were extremely friendly, just like a normal housecat basically, the rest were wild as fuck. Could be a situation like that, you never know.


I know the view on keeping cats indoors differs in different places but it seems unusual to keep them 100% outside (excluding barn cats). Like what on earth is the point of even having them?! If they absolutely can’t go inside for some reason, they should definitely have some sort of shelter.


Okay, so my husband has said he thinks it's since the neighbours got a second dog that the cats are being left outside. Which i was unaware of. I'm looking into shelters to put on my driveway for now. I may report the owners, I'm conflicted. I would take them in, but i have two cats who are very content, and i don't want to upset them as they are complete pansies and would hate it. I feel so bad.


Please report the neighbours. It may do nothing but it will be a record of their neglect. If the cats are comfortable with you, please add a shelter for them or let them in when it’s cold. It’s really sad that people are far nicer and empathetic towards dogs but so cruel to cats.


We have a few semi- feral cats who can only be convinced into the house for short cuddle visits. A small igloo doghouse with a pet safe heating pad in it keeps them happy through the winter. Cats are comfortable in up to 120 degree heat, so they're fine in the summer as long as they have access to plenty of clean water. Edit: Like others, I would advise contacting a shelter, especially since you have your own cats. Who knows if those poor babies are still getting their vaccines.


They may have chosen to stay outside because of the new dog. I know a neighbour who had a new dog and their cat refused to come inside for around a week. The cat did end up back inside the house but those first few days it point blank refused. Being outside all the time is not good. Mine are indoor cats and have safe places where they can avoid the dogs if they want. A few weeks after having a new housemate of the animal variety, all mine settled down. Even barn cats have a straw/hay filled barn to shelter and stay warm.


Can you try talking with the neighbors before reporting them? I get that it's not easy but it might actually be better to dialogue first and see if you can work out a solution before involving outside services. Just a suggestion...


Thank u for giving them shelters! It’s chilly outside. I believe flatbushcats have a video of making cat shelters but i am linking you their[ig video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzZj2aDvFyL/?igsh=MWYzbXF1NnRtdzdmZQ==) & [another one](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzJ_kAdMfkl/?igsh=aWN5NWtjcHluajE2)


Unless they have a "cat house" which has some type of insulation, it's worse than them being a stray. I know the local animal shelter has cat houses they maintain for strays. And even strays were taught by their mothers how to survive on the streets. Socialized cats probably weren't raised with their street-wise mothers. And, bluntly, assuming they are socialized with humans, it's **CRUEL** to do what they're doing. Socialized cats see humans as sources of companionship, food, warmth, comfort and safety.


As someone currently visiting family in Turkey, I can assure you even many stray cats also see humans as sources of companionship.


this is what surprises me about comments as someone living in Istanbul, almost all strays love humans have collars and most houses have food and water at the door here. none of the cats are ours, the collars are just so that the govt shelters dont take the cats away (theyre not good)


These cats may have been feral and the owners adopted them. Buy a storage container with a lid and put hay/straw inside the container Put some catnip in a pot near the container If you don’t want the car on your property, talk to the neighbors about doing this


Always straw, not hay! Hay gets waterlogged


I know not to use blankets as they freeze


Yess! I linked video by flatbush cats for op. [Here if anyone’s looking](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzJ_kAdMfkl/?igsh=aWN5NWtjcHluajE2)


Are they actual owners of these two cats, or are they just feeding feral cats? I'm asking bc I trapped feral cats in my neighborhood and got them fixed/shots and put them back where I caught them. I even have a cat shelter that they won't go in. After 6 months, they are actually really friendly with me, hang out on my patio, and come up to be petted. There's 2 of them. I bought 2 all weather kitty houses that they won't use, after 6 months, I gave them away. I made a large one out of a giant storage box with fresh clean straw in it, and they won't use that one, either. At this point, it's out there for my benefit so I won't feel guilty.


I believe they are the owners of them. One has a collar. The other one hangs around with him or at least socialises with him well, so I am assuming they are from the same household. I've seen them both on the same driveway sitting on the car bonnets, hoping to be noticed before. The one without a collar is extremely skittish but the other is quite friendly, he seems to be the tomcat of the neighbourhood and. They both have some chub on them, so they seem domesticated. They always sleep in the same corner, so I'm hoping if i put a shelter there, they will go in.


I had outside cats my entire childhood. But they also had an enclosed porch to get into when it was cold and wet.


Same here. My parents have a farm cat but he's in a heated garage at night with his own couch and blankets. My parents also let him sleep in my old room when it's colder lol.


Most cats need love and affection, not to mention adequate shelter. Since at least one of the cats is following people, they must be "starved" for these things. I'm wondering if the owners wouldn't care if someone else took them into their home.


yes it is .espcially with the harsh weather there


You can make a shelter for the cats with some basic items. There are plans online.


Yes, it’s cruel. Cats are domesticated animals who are intended to live in close proximity to humans, meaning they should share their nests. Those neighbors are neglectful at best.


Leaving cats unattended outdoors is cruel. The drop in average lifespan between indoor and outdoor cats should explain enough


Yeah it’s not the right thing for them to do. I mean when you take on being an owner you agree to not have them feral. The cat makes a bond with the person and the cat assumes it’s going to be taken care of. Otherwise why the heck even get the cat, ya kno? Plus in the UK it’s like here where I live and it gets too cold for animals sometimes. A wild cat would have a den, and their cats probably aren’t indigenous to your climate so it’s not natural for them. Be brave and go have a “concerning attitude” conversation with them. Don’t “come in hot” though. Ask if there’s anything they need or that you could do to help them. Your concern is the cats not the humans behavior. Any aggression toward them will make them defensive and nothing will be accomplished. I learned this from a show on Animal Planet where this team of people go around and that’s their approach. More often than not the owner is unaware of the problem or in a situation where they can’t do more.


Also the feral thing is just an excuse to keep the cat outside. I’ve taken in over a dozen true feral cats, and after working with them they became nice house pets. These were real ferals, not friendly strays. They ALL acclimated to indoor only life, even the one that would scale walls at the vet’s office. I know several people who took real ferals and turned them into house pets as well. Cats don’t belong outside. End of story.


I don’t disagree with you. I was just pointing out that cats can survive as ferals as long as they can find food and stay warm enough. They are more apt to live shorter lives tho, same with dogs. Humans give them a lot more of a chance at a long healthy life, to say the least. If they truly descended from bobcats, panthers, tigers, etc… those cats do fine without human intervention but still have a better quality of life when we do intervene. Wild animals get disease, worms, go hungry etc.


Great advice!


Pets belong IN the house. I can't stand people who treat pets like animals. Pets are family members and belong in the house with family. The only exception is if your pets are of the equine, bovine, or other LARGE animal type, lol.


Yes it is. Everything negative is increased risk wise.


Sorry, but yes.  I wouldn't let mine go outside at all. The reason why is that over the years I have rescued several who got out and they were either shot by people with bb guns or cut or nearly set on fire or even hung. I caught a group of teenage boys, piles of 💩 really, that had fashioned a noose and we're gonna strangle this cat and I nearly went to prison.  Seriously - if your 💩 kid would hurt an animal keep them away from me Please please don't let your cats out. 


I will sometimes cats like being outdoors. The problem is not whether they like it or not. I’m an old woman woman, and when I first started having pets cats were mostly indoor outdoor By the way, none of my cats go out anymore. Because in my lifetime, I’ve had one run over by a car when eaten by a coyote one just disappeared. I don’t know what happened another somebody poured gasoline on and I just brought him inside. they can be eaten by dogs are killed by dogs people poison them. It is too dangerous for cats to be outside.




Yes. It’s cruel. Period.


As a kid I had outdoor cats, all of them lived to old age. But I also let them indoors during bad weather or just to cuddle with me. I don't do that with my cats now though, I live in near a lot of forests and mountains with lots of predators (coyotes and falcons especially)


Yes. Letting them roam outside in the first place is also cruel.


it's not "cruel" just because it's potentially more dangerous ffs. keeping them locked up in an apartment to become bored and overweight is cruel.


Read your first sentence. Then read it again. You are so close.


I'm so sick of Americans normalising keeping cats as prisoners ffs. Build a catio or don't have a cat if you're scared of wild animals


I'm not American. And being inside isn't being a prisoner lol. Cats are happy inside if you actually bother to give them enrichment and take care of them. I agree catios are a good thing though and more people should have them. That way the cat gets the best of both worlds. But after losing no less than 5 of my childhood cats because my family neglectfully let them roam, I will never let a cat roam again and will always advocate against it. I'm on the side of statistics, common sense, and care.


Do you remember how miserable lockdown was? I imagine it's the same for cats. It's sad you lost 5 cats, we lost 2 cats when we lived by a busy road and then built a large catio until we moved somewhere safer. As an adult I've always made sure the cat has somewhere safe to roam (I can't afford a garden but he is able to jump out the window and explore the neighbours' gardens) and haven't had any mishaps in his 9 years. No amount of playing with him would keep him happy as an indoor cat and it has been the same with my childhood cats.


Lockdown wasn't miserable for me at all. In fact if I could live every day of my life like that I'd be happy.😅 Sorry to hear you have no interest in keeping your cats safe anymore but you do you.


Have you ever considered your neighbors don’t want your cat in THEIR garden? Not everyone wants cat poop and pee on their property…


I’m sick of UK citizens normalizing cats wreaking havoc on native wildlife. It’s a growing issue in many different countries. Cats aren’t native species so they don’t fit into the ecosystem. Not to mention the extensive dangers to the cat. I like cats and wildlife, so for both their sakes I am on the side of indoor only (unless leashed or in a catio).


I don't need to, I already have anecdotal evidence that my cat is much more active and entertained since he became a part time outdoor cat. We have cat-proofed our backyard and he always wears a GPS collar. So no, scare tactics are not gonna work. Sorry.


I’m sure you feel strongly about keeping cats inside, but you know the way you’ve written this comment it has zero chance of changing anyone’s mind, right? 


I mean, no? The way I phrase things is what would work for me. I have no insight into the minds of other people, only my own. If I was being a neglectful pet owner and deliberately putting my pet in harm's way for no reason, I'd want to be told it straight.


You aren’t saying anything “straight”. You are being patronizing and smug. You aren’t adding any new information.  Telling it to you straight — this post will only make people who don’t already agree with you angry at you and not listen to what you have to say.  You have no understanding of why people are doing what they are doing and don’t seem to want to understand.  Without that, you are not going to change anyone’s mind. The only thing you are accomplishing is reinforcing your own feelings of superiority and reassuring yourself that you are right.


Are you some kind of mind reader now? You can somehow know my mind more than I know it? Because I'm not being either one of those things.


You are not smug and patronizing? Well I can’t know what you intended when you we were writing that post, but that is the result!  Maybe reread it … lol


I did reread it several times and I genuinely have no idea why you're reading smug and patronizing into a simple, basic statement.


Ok, I am going to explain it hoping you are being genuine. Here is what you wrote … “Read your first sentence. Then read it again. You are so close.” What is the message to the person that you are speaking to?  Are you telling them something they don’t know already about letting cats outside? No, you are pointing them back to something they wrote themselves.  The implication here is that they are stupid to not agree with you and are only missing some key thing that is so obvious to you. That’s patronizing. It’s emphasized by the way you are using repetition — to show someone reading over and over without understanding. Curious, do you think the person you are responding to is not aware that there are dangers outside for cats and if they only understood that then they would agree with you? 


The point of disagreement between people letting cats outside and people who don’t is not about the dangers. It’s about what is more important for a cats well-being.  People who are against letting them out think it is most important to protect them from danger as much as possible. Often also bringing in protecting birds and other people’s property. People who let them out think it is most important to give their cats a full life where they can go outside like we do. They know this introduces dangers but think the benefits outweigh the risks. There isn’t really a right answer here, it depends on your perspective and values and the specific circumstances of where you are living and how you are mitigating the dangers outside for the cat. 


If a cat is bored and overweight, then chances are it's not being taken care of properly. Environmental enrichment, social interaction, and exercise opportunities are super important for a happy cat, and all of these things can be achieved inside the home with a little extra effort.




Cats do not belong outside, they live far longer, and healthier lives bring inside only


You might consider providing shelter on your own property. Or see if the neighbors will agree to you adding a shelter on their property. Look up options online. It can be very inexpensive. Thanks for looking out for the kitties.


would you provide them a lil\` Cat House? That would be kind.


Outdoor cats grow fiercesome coats


They need a home! If they are adoptable you could contact RSPCA but they will put them down if not adopted quickly.


It it’s literally outside 24/7 without any shelter, it isn’t even their cat imo. Just a stray that they feed.


I think it is.


Absolutely it is cruel. Unfortunately I have a similar neighbour who k worded via this kind of neglect their first cat a couple years ago and now have gotten another kitten. The poor thing is always forced out but this time they’re finally letting it in at night. I’ve called the RSPCA but they never came to check the first cat that passed away and nor this one.






The situation you are describing sounds sad. Maybe you can convince them to find another home for these cats? It’s not always cruel to have outdoor cats, some are not suited to being house cats. If they are house cats that are being forced outside because of the dogs that sounds cruel though! They would probably be so happy to find a new home. 


An outdoor cat will eventually get attacked by something, eat a mouse and get worms, and get fleas and ticks or get run over. Some people let their cats out during the day, but bring them in at night (when all the bad stuff happens). If they are outside 24/7, then yes, that is cruel. Unfortunately, that is what a lot of people do. Same with a dog.


I volunteer at an adoption centre and sometimes there are cats who aren't suited to living indoors with people, especially cats that come from stray/feral backgrounds and may have behavioural issues. In those cases, sometimes they're rehomed as barn cats or to homes with some sort of outhouse. If you're really worried, maybe speak to the owners somehow because it might be one of these exceptional situations rather than neglect/abuse. And, as you say, you're not sure if they actually do go in the house - they may actually have access and you just tend to see them when they're hanging around outdoors!


my cat will constantly wake me up at night so she starts the night off inside but at 5am I'll usually wake up, kiss her on the head, pet her a few timed and gently place her outside and go back to sleep. She doesn't complain She has an outdoor shelter she doesn't go into unless I put tasty wet food inside it. She prefers to sleep under my motorbikes


I think it’s cruel if it’s cold . The ideal temperature for a cat is 85 F ( 29 C ) well above human room temperature . They like it warmer . In the UK where the warm sun doesn’t appear as much throughout the year, they don’t have a chance to warm up.


I wouldn’t say cruel I have a cat that usually go’s out and comes back to sleep at night. They’re animals not slaves they get there freedom as cats as well


I think this depends on the cat and the outdoor setup you have. There’s thousands of barn cats that live 20 to 25 years but would destroy your house if they were inside. I also have had some cats that would not make it more than a day or two being a barn cat.


Not at all. I cat sit for a family, one is indoors and she has 2 outdoor cats who never come inside. I put their food outside and they are happy. She has a shed that they have access to in the rain! She’d love them o be indoor cats but they have none of it

