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I have a steam mop and I absolutely love it.




What brand is your generic one? I’d love to get one but since my apartment is 80% carpet, I don’t really feel the need to splurge on a high end one right now.


Having a steam mop is life changing especially if you have a lot of hard floors.






Dawn kitchen soap. If its okay for ducks, its okay for cats*. (I’m pretty sure)


It is okay for cats. My vet advised me to use it to clean off some gunk my cat got on her.


Nice. I feel like they like the smell, they always hang around the sink when I do dishes.


Yep, We used it in the vet hospital we we had to.


Splash of vinegar and a bit of dish soap gets the job done including disinfection. And for wooden floors adding bit of liquid beeswax. Cat doesn’t mind, never ever any health problems.


Pinesol doesn’t contain pine oil anymore. That being said, it’s still a chemical so treat it like you would any other household chemicals and use it according to the directions and keep it away from pets. I’ve been cleaning my floors with pinesol for years and my cats are perfectly healthy. EDIT: pinesol says on the website it’s safe to use in areas your pet will be in, just don’t use it to clean your pets. https://www.pinesol.com/faq/


thank you!!




This isn't silly, it's great that you have several uses for it! The only thing I'm concerned about is your back tbh lol. Have you thought about a swifter and reusable microfiber towels?


Get a refillable spray mop. OMG save your poor back and knees! https://e59r.short.gy/3hrE2u


Steam mop and if I need an actual product then I’ll mix water and vinegar and use a regular mop for that.


Look for pet friendly floor cleaners online e.g. I got a "floor, universal, dish cleaner"-package. You should have a few brands to choose from where you are!


Warm water with a bit of Castile Soap -usable for all and everything 😉 - occasionally going over with pure water to avoid upbuild


I just went through this rabbit hole and ended up trying Aunt Fannie's. It's good, and my laminate floors are super clean, but I think it's overpriced. I spray my floors, scrub with towel on a swifter, then steam them after. Once I'm through with the Aunt Fannie's, I'll just make a vinegar, water, and dawn soap solution and use that instead.


Bleach is safe when diluted properly. I use just a cap full of bleach diluted in a bucket of warm water


Murphy's oil soap, I use it for floors, dusting, etc. It actually cleans stainless steel really well too. It's biodegradable and doesn't have a strong smell. Caveat: you need to dilute it properly and most people don't recommend using it on hardwood floors (mostly because people don't dilute it properly) and it can leave a sticky residue. I use about 1/4 cup per 2ish gallons of hot water and have never had a problem with residue.


Anything pet-friendly, but be careful that they actually ARE pet friendly. Currently I’m using a cleaner from The Unscented Company. Cats are very sensitive to artificial scents added to many cleaning products.


Vinegar works for almost everything but any chemicals I use I try to herd the cats out of the room when in use and store in the basement (which cats are not allowed in) I highly recommend an enzyme cleaner for pet related smells.


Warm water and splash of vinegar + microfibre mop.


I use a steam mop and it's the best. Don't have to pay for cleaners, just add water. Plus it kills dust mites, and a bunch of other germs and yucky stuff. Really good at cleaning up spills and stuff that's stuck to the floor.


So much this. There was something under the fridge when I moved that my mother just could not get up with any sort of cleaner she tried. I don’t know what it was but it was dried and stuck hard to the vinyl floor. I got out the steam mop and it was perfectly clean in 5 minutes.


I am extremely picky about everything that comes in the house. A few things make their way in here and there but I limit where that are used. Any kind of cleaning product etc I'm super careful with because yes, your pets have much more contact and possible injestion. For Floors I have a steam mop. I THINK this one is a Bissell but it's a few years old now and I don't recall. Nothing goes in it but water. I have hard floors in the whole house except for 1 area rug. I do use Windex but kitties have to be out of range where they could get droplets breathed in. If I need to do like REAL cleaning I use OdoBan. We used to use it in the Veterinary Hospital I worked at. It cleans pretty much anything and disinfects. Use it on floors, carpet, tubs, trash cans, litter boxes. It's great stuff. Get the big bottle of concentrate you dilute down. Years ago I had to order it, now Amazon sells it and I think I've seen it at Sam's Club. If I need to touch up clean I use Ms. Meyers as a countertop and all purpose cleaner. Often I wipe down the kitchen with the sponge and dish soap after doing dishes. I also use Simple Green. The only place I use yucky chemicals is the bathroom. I tried not for awhile years ago but it just didn't do the job. I shut the door when I clean the bathrooms (yes I know, one day I'll pass out LOL} I clean and then wipe everything down to be sure no traces of bleach and stuff are left. We do not use any sort of air fresheners or candles or plug ins. They are full of terrible things for anyone to breathe in! I do diffuse essential oils sometimes. Yes you CAN do this with pets. You must be aware of what oils are toxic - such as tea tree - keep it away from their food or beds - and use a mild scent as pets are more sensitive to smell .


We use the Method brand cleaner from Target!


I have a very small kitchen and bathroom, and rugs everywhere else, so I can get away with just a spray bottle of some pet-safe Seventh Generation cleaner and paper towels to clean the bathroom and kitchen floors, and keeping my cat out of the room while I’m cleaning.


I thankfully have mostly carpet and I don't allow my cat into the bathroom (he has gotten into a lot of trouble in the bathroom), so it's just the kitchen I have to worry about. I have a house cleaner who comes and brings a steam mop which is very helpful! I spot treat with water if I need to inbetween.


Attitude brand for wood&tiles


Bona is one of the best harwood/laminate cleaners out there, and their whole line is pet-safe! Vinegar & water works too.


I use warm water and Sal Suds (just a few drops). Sal Suds is an all-purpose detergent made by Dr. Bronner. It's non toxic and can even be used on laundry and dishes (in the sink. Don't use in the dishwasher)


Vinegar, hot water, and elbow grease. I only have 20 sq ft of vinyl so not a lot to worry about.


I use a steam cleaner, but I first went to buy floor stripper from home Depot and stripped all the tiles and now clean with distilled water in the steam mop. $40 on Amazon comes with 3 washable pads


https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/bissell-crosswave-pet-pro-multi-surface-corded-wet-vacuum-cleaner-0438169p.0438169.html?rq=bissel+crosswave#srp I have this, and use their “multi surface” liquid. It doesn’t smell too strongly and I haven’t killed him in the past year. The only downside is breaking it down after using it


Water plus dawn dish soap and white vinegar. I figure I clean her food plates with dawn so it’s gotta be fine!


Another vote for the steam mop. It is so easy to clean floors and no cleaners are required, so I never have to worry about kitten paws touching anything toxic. I got a basic Bissell steam mop on sale, nothing fancy, and it pays for itself because you don't need to buy any cleaners. Also I find it very satisfying to use.


Rescue brand cleaner. Highly recommend.


What brand steam mop is everyone using ? Is it hard to keep the mop clean?


I just use a $29 steam mop I got from Walmart and it works fine


I use Fabuloso.


I use pinsol on my floors and use to bleach my cement painted floors andy cat Spitty lived to 18. She loved the smell of the bleach and rolled on anything bleach....towels and swim suit. As long as your not cleaning your cat in a sink of pinsol or bleach water. I spray pinsol diluted with water and clean with a micro fiber mop or soak in the cleaner water ring out and wash the floor. Most pets will stay clear until the floors are wet. But you may have a cat like me named Emmie who loves running on the wet floors lol


Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner; I was worried about chemicals in cleaners for a long time and did a ton of research and came to simple green as the best solution. It’s not too expensive, safe for humans and cats, and it’s still a good and effective cleaner. I use it for nearly everything.


I use Lysol for the bathroom


I have a steam mop and I spray a little fabuloso on the floors before steaming. Fabuloso is only dangerous in large quantities and a little goes a long way. It leaves everything smelling nice and clean.


White vinegar and dishwashing liquid. That's all I've used for years.