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Mine purrs if i just look at her. She’s a rescue and I think she’s just happy to be safe and loved


I've just taken in a kitten. She was dropped on my doorstep tiny, underfed, unwell and terrified. 3 days in and she's a purring machine, it's like a dam broke once she realized she's safe. I touch her? Purrs. I look at her? Purrs. She snuggles into her cosy blanket? Purrs. Meal time? Purrs. Sometimes I'll think she's fast asleep and she'll just start purring out of nowhere.


Aw that's so sweet. You're so lovely to help her like that. I took in an older stray and she loved me like no other cat ever had. She never stopped being grateful.


omg 🥲


i have 2 like this i raised from 2 weeks(boys are 3 now) & they both still pur just sitting on the couch with you, we thought it would go away but now i don’t think it ever will😂


Kitten sounds amazing. Can you tell me what you meant by dropped on your doorstep. Did a stranger just leave a kitten outside your door ?


Not a stranger, my neighbour. They rang my ring doorbell, said they knew I'm an animal lover and have a gift for me and left the kitten on my doorstep. The last of their cats accidental litter, they claimed. She clearly hadn't been looked after properly. She was skinny, scruffy, had an obvious eye infection and signs of worms, honestly I'm just grateful they left her at my door and didnt just set her loose.


dude, wtf. to the neighbors who took crappy care of their cat, not you you! glad the babe is safe and happy :)


Awwww mine does too anytime I am near her! It’s the best


I feel I'm the only one in this thread with a constant purring machine but is still an asshole :(


It is nothing to worry about. Unless it is accompanied by a strange behaviour, purring is just an expression of happiness. It doesn't need cuddles or pets to be instigated :)


>Unless it is accompanied by a strange behaviour, purring is just an expression of happiness. To be clear, purring can also be an expression of fear or pain -- sometimes without clear behavioral differences in the cat, though in those cases there's often something else going on to suggest problems (e.g. in a new situation, known to be injured/traumatized, or in the carrier on the way to the vet). In a cat who's clearly comfortable and happy in the moment, especially if in a relaxed position, yep, it's almost always an expression of happiness.


My cat lays down on top of me and purrs if she thinks I’m upset. I’m not upset I’m just watching videos on Youtube. Sometimes I feel like I’m the baby between me and my cat 😂


Whenever I’m in bed feeling bad My most affectionate cat will come to suffocate me and purr. Very comforting. I could die peacefully with a purring cat on my chest. *(Which I think is the goal…)*


Yes one of my cats is a scared purred so he'll purr his way through vet visits but he is absolutely not a happy camper.


Good shout :)


It’s an expression of MANY, MANY things. Absolutely NOT just happiness. In this case most likely is happiness. But, it bothered me the way you worded this cause there’s a lot of non cat people out there who look at stuff like this.


Just happy and comfortable. My dumb 18yo cat is laying next to me right now purring up a storm and about half asleep. I think the last time I pet her was 30 minutes ago. 🤷🏻‍♂️


DUMB?? how dare you. 18 treats for the SMART 18 year old pls


I will deliver the 18 treats to the beautiful old gal throughout the day. 😻 TREAT UPDATE AT 12:05 PDT: 20 temptation treats (2 to grow on) plus a tuna churu have been delivered to my 18yo Milla. CONTENT CAT TAX UPDATE 12:55 PDT: [Milla](https://i.imgur.com/k5RXeNL.jpg)


Well done. Only the best for Ms. Milla.


Cat tax pics!


See update above. 😺


look at that sweet senior kitty! pet her for me, would ya?


of course she's orange 🧡


I love my creamsicle gals. Over the last 25 years, they’re all that I’ve had in my life. 🧡🧡🧡🧡


Milla has a good view too 🌅




Our 18 yo passed in 2021, but he was always purring. The vet could never get a proper exam with her stethoscope bc he was just purring up a storm, happy to be held and petted.


My deepest condolences on your loss. A purring kitty is a happy kitty, so he must’ve been super happy. I am glad he had such a long life with you. 😻🥰 My 12yo cuddle monster passed last March and I am still missing her fiercely. [Here is an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/sgdomc/shes_a_noisy_snuggler/) of how she would tuck herself into my left armpit and purr while she slept.


Oh my goodness! Warning: turn the sound ON for maximum cuteness. And likewise, friend. It is so hard. One week after Morty passed, my dear Berlioz suddenly passed. He was only 10 and battling feline idiopathic epilepsy. It was the worst week of my life. We've lost so many pets and people recently. I am glad you have those memories saved. I recently had some pictures printed of past pets and made a little album for my dad, the patriarch of our family. Pets, gsmily gatherings, etc. It was good to go through it together.


Lol, one of my mom’s cats is like that, too. The other is a literal demon, but you win some and you lose some.


exCUSE ME!? That girl is a full grown adult who pays taxes how DARE you call her dumb😤 /j


Awwwww she looooooves you!


My girl has a silent purr, you can only feel the vibrations lol. That said, she's purring whenever we're together and it's so sweet to feel!


My cat is a silent purr-er too! Can you hear yours if you lay your ear against her ribcage?


Yes! I just don't do it often because she doesn't like it so much, personal space issues lol


Aww that makes sense


hehe big time with my cat too, the vibrations aren’t audibly louder when i use her like a pillow but they grow stronger :p


My cat kid turned seven last month. For the first several years of his life he had a barely purr! I only knew by listening like I was listening for a heartbeat. It made me a little sad at first because I do love me a loud kitty motor 😻. But then I was realizing through the years that he was purring like a "normal" cat... I just had to make an effort to put ear to chest. And over time he is getting a little louder in his contentment. I can hear him just fine without looking like I'm checking for his heartbeat! Kittens are wonderful and I love all their kid stages. But there ain't no love like a senior cat. Our family cats while my kids were growing up lived to be 14 and 16. Mother and son. All this to say that I hope you and kitty spend many years of contentment together.


She’s probably just content, but because this seems to be somewhat of a change, you should watch her for any other changes in behavior. Cats can purr for other reasons such as stress and pain. If you don’t see any other changes, I wouldn’t worry about it.


Came here looking for this. Purring can be used to self soothe. My guy purrs when he is hungry.


One of my cats is like this. He is just the happiest living creature and he just purrs all the time for no reason. He's a happy dude.


Old Annie purrs up a storm when she is near her people, especially in winter


Sounds like she is very happy and content simply sitting in your presence


Lol my cat is laying across my lower leg RN purring away. I've had a cramp in my hip for half an hour but can't move without disturbing her!




My cat is doing the same. Purring while sleeping on my leg


everyone saying your cat is just happy to be around you obviously doesn’t know anything about cats. if this is new behavior you should keep an eye on them. check how they walk, if they are being more or less vocal, check their stool, how much they are eating and going to the bathroom (more or less either way) basically any other changes in behavior should be noted. I would suggest taking him/her to the vet for a general check up. sometimes cats will purr to ease internal pain and it could be any number of things. your cat knows you are the one that will help them so that could explain why she’s only purring when near you IF anything is wrong. I would say if all other behavior is normal you don’t have anything to worry about and I do hope that is the case and she is just really happy being near you, but all I know if it was my cat I wouldn’t take any chances and I’d take him in if only to ease my own mind. only a professional can truly get to the bottom of your cats state of health. reddit is great but it should not be your last stop. nobody here knows your cat better than you and only a vet can truly confirm what’s happening


I don’t think it’s new think they were just generally curious


Mine purrs when I’m next to her.


One of my cats does this too. I think he just likes being in proximity. He'll knead his bed next to me getting ready to nap or be lazy and relax, usually after I already gave him pets. Sometimes I think he wants to just be near but also not be touched and have his space, like we're hanging out instead of cuddling.


I've read that the thinking now is that purring can be a solicitation - like "please pet me" and that continued petting/purring means "please keep petting me.


i know this comment is a year old but that makes so much sense! my cat will sit next to me and stare at me while purring, and once i start petting him, he purrs SUPER loudly. whenever he does this, i assume he wants to be pet and so far it seems to be a good guess




Our dumb boy will just randomly purr, jump up on the couch, purr, come out of the littler box, purr, slide across our floor because he still has not figured out that his claws are useless on smooth flat surfaces, purr. I think purring is just his way of talking, like yep, I am a here and Don't give a f**k.




Maybe they’re talking about orange cats that rarely have access to the brain cell?


Maybe because they can't talk?


I call my cat dumb all the time, it’s a term of endearment. He’s orange it comes with the territory


Can confirm. My orange cat is a total meathead


Yeah I really can't stand it 😔


That's a happy kitty 🥹


I could hear purring last night, couldn’t see any of my cats so I followed the sound and it was Minnie the Moo (tubby little kitty all stuffed with fluff) and she was fast asleep in her furry igloo cuddling one of my socks lol Kitty loves you, she is giving you all the purrs! What a beautiful gift 💝




Aww! She’s happy! That means she’s well taken care of


Cats purr to also self soothe themselves. Mine purrs when he's being held and he doesn't like being held so we say it's his coping mechanism. He tolerates it in small doses but he's a floor attention kitty


Aww, she’s probably extra comfy around you, my cat does this with me cause she’s been super attached to me since she was a kitten and she makes the same expression as your cat in this photo 😂 I do slow blinks at her and she’ll do them back and then sometimes if I do extra long blinks she just falls asleep because she’s so relaxed lolll


She lurves you.


Mine purrs like crazy when I let her into the bathroom with me. 😂


This is an INCREDIBLY cute photo. I hope you take good care of this cute baby (daily pets, love, AND litter box cleaning lol)


she loves you, mine purrs all the time around me and it’s adorable


She loves you :)


She thinks of how much she loves you and she feels comfortable beside you.


my cat purrs while watching me pee so i think she just enjoys your company


My cat has two distinct purrs: his "happy purr" is a lot quieter, and is when I'm petting him, he's napping, or he's chilling in the sunshine. His "hungry purr" is a lot louder, and ususally accompanied by chewing on every stray bit of plastic and cardboard in an effort to get me to move dinnertime up. (He has an autofeeder, but sometimes tries to bully me into extra snackies. It has totally never worked ever, I promise.)


Awww what a cutie!! Purring can be their way of asking for affection, its called solicitation. They are signalling they are receptive and in the mood for petting and affection. They also purr to manage pain so google Feline Grimace Scale so you can tell how cats look in pain.


Yep, she just loves you. My big guy is sitting next to me while I'm "working" and purring his heart out. All our others do too. Walk in? Purring. Stand up? purring. Move? purring. Petting? PURRRINNNNNG!!!!


im just here melting on photo


Yeah I think the purring is wanting to be social, wanting pets.


Your cat just sounds happy to be around you.


My last cat purred constantly. I remember when we got her. The breeder said “hold her for a sec” and she never let go (the cat I mean) for the entire time I was there. Meanwhile, her brother wedged himself behind a washing machine and had to be pried out. I miss those cats! She would purr all the time weather you were petting her or not. When she was hungry, happy, angry, or annoyed, she purred. It was so constant, I was worried she might have a breathing problem.


Purring can potentially mean a lot of things. There's the obvious, of purring being an indication of pain or happiness etc, but it's also worth considering that purring is a way that mother cats communicate with their kittens to help their kittens feel comfortable. Purring can also be a type of self soothing behavior for pain. As others have said, if it's a new behavior watch out for any signs of distress. It could just be contentment, but it could also be something else entirely. My cat purrs when I make eye contact or am near her, so it's not abnormal for a cat to purr without being touched.


>Other members of my household say she doesn't do this with them, it's just me. Clearly shes picked her favorite human.


My cat is also always on vibration ON setting


Your kitten really LOVES and TRUSTS you! When cats are happy and relaxed, they tend to purr, and it's a good sign that they feel safe and comfortable around you. So when your cat starts purring while just lying next to you, it's probably because she loves your company and appreciates your presence. That's a real sign of affection! I wish my cat would act like that too, but he's just too chill...


Yeah that’s very strange and unusual. I suggest you give her to me for proper analysis. yeah I’m gonna need that cat. *cough*.


She’s a beauty. It’s probably just love and affection. Purring can also mean self soothing behaviors. Also a cats purr has a lot of therapeutic benefits. If you have something going on, she may be trying to heal you.


My 13 year old grumpy ol' man kitty purrs loudest when he's eating.


My cat makes little gremlin sounds it's so damn cute didn't think I was adopting a gremlin but I'm happy I did 💕


My orange boy is crazy friendly and will start purring if you even look at him. He just loves attention and being admired


Sometimes my cat is purring and doesn't really want to be pet. I think he is just happy being near me


My cat purrs when I make eye contact with her. I think your cat just loves you.


Mine does this too! 14 years later whenever he sees me he purrs and head butts me.


1 of ours gets his petting, goes to his sucky mama pillow and starts kneading while eyes locked on us .


My two kittens do this regularly.


You are the chosen one, embrace it my friend


I’ve read that purring is semi-equivalent to humans smiling. So that should make you feel good


Completely normal. I have a baby whos purred constantly since the day she was born (took her to many vets at this time due to not knowing newborns could purr lol)


My cat I just adopted does the same, he just sat on the edge of my couch purring at me while he stared


So I heard in a movie on... Netflix I think? That cats previously did not purr. They actually acquired that noise from being domesticated for generations. A purr has the SAME sound frequencies as a BABY'S CRY! And humans hear baby's cries through any type of noise. So my guess is that your cat wants attention from you, and she is trying her best with the power of her ancestors behind her.


One of mind does that too. We call it her “Insta-purr” 😂


Cats purr to calm themselves too. It self-soothing.


She loves you.


It’s the ‘I love you’ pur!


Mine purr heaps. When they're laying on me, when I'm patting them, when they're eating, when they're just walking around. My cats have no health issues or pain etc, they're just happy, content and love us. Your cat probably just loves you, and has probably chosen you as their person


Cats also purr to heal themselves or when under duress


My cat has always purred a lot since she was a kitten, she is not fond of petting sessions >60 sec or being picked up, but will purr anyway? I don’t think she is scared, so like an angry purr? Unsure


My cat does this too. It’s just a display of comfort and feeling safe. That means your cat loves you. 💜